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Jeremy Brown 7-20-20

Welcome Parents!
Mr. Brown’s 6th grade Math
Dear Parents,
I would like to take a moment to welcome you to Fairfield Junior High School for a
meaningful and exciting school year. My name is Jeremy Brown and I will be your child’s math
teacher. Some of you may remember me as a substitute here last year. I hold a Bachelor of Arts
in Church Leadership, Associate of Science in Business Administration, and a teaching
certification in EC Core 4-8. I have been working with students for the last six years in various
capacities including ministry and comedy. Working with your children as a substitute was so
enjoyable, I knew I had to pursue it full time. There will be many challenges this year as a result
of the Covid 19 pandemic, but I assure you the staff and faculty at Fairfield ISD will not let your
children go without a quality education.

Procedures (just a few)

1. One of the most important procedures for class this year will be with the students to bring
their supplies to class every day. Some of their supplies will remain in class, so it’s a little
less for them to keep up with and carry around. If a student does not bring their supplies
multiple times for this class, I will be contacting parents/legal guardians to keep you
informed and proceedings.
2. All students must comply with the districts policies and regulations. One of the biggest
issues students have today are their cell phones. Fairfield ISD has a no cell phone policy,
effectively meeting if the student has a phone out it will be taken up. If there is a situation
in which you must contact the students it has to be to the office and they will notify the
student accordingly.
3. When students arrive in class, they are expected to find their seats and start on the
brainteaser of the day which should only take a few minutes to complete. This is to
establish routine and structure in the class.
4. This year I will be implementing a little bit of a different strategy to help students notify
me of how their comprehending the lesson at that moment. I will have red, yellow, and
green cups on each desk. If the student has a crystal-clear understanding of the topic the
top cup will be green, yellow if they don’t quite get it but have a basic understanding, and
red if they need immediate help. This keeps students from having to constantly raise their

Grades will be based on points earned from individual computer modules, class assignments,
homework assignments, small group projects, and tests. Students are responsible for submitting
assignments on time and asking for/turning in make-up assignments when absent.  Re-takes and
Jeremy Brown 7-20-20

re-dos are permissible as necessary.  Make-up work must be turned in within one week of
absence. The grading scale for this class is as follows:   90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-
69%=D, Below 60%=F  

Conferences can be held in a few different ways. I’m well aware that most of you have full-time
jobs and scheduling and in class conference may require you to take off work. I will do my best
to avoid from you having to do so, however there may be situations that require it. I am very
attentive to my school emails, if you have any questions, concerns, need to get student tutoring,
or need to set the meeting please do free to contact me at
Conferences are preferred to be held at the school during office hours if at all possible, for safety
and effectiveness.
I’m looking forward to working with you and your child this upcoming school year!


Jeremy Brown
Junior High Math
Fairfield ISD

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