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Activity 13 Coherence and cohesion

Wendy Tatiana Beltrán ID: 411994

Yamile Muñoz Pulido

Ingles III
NRC 2034

UNIVERSITY corporation god´s minute

Occupational health administration
Bogotá D.C
Write a text where you support the following idea: “Public transport should be free”

4 paragraphs. Do not forget coherence and cohesion.


“Public transport should be free”

Main core cities in each metropolitan area usually have traffic jams that affect quality of life
because people must get out of their houses early to arrive on time to their jobs or schools, this
reduces the time with the family and increases the tirenes. Having good public transport services
that are connected and arrange covering to all the area could encourage people out of their cars,
in this way pollution could be reduced and also it could have a positive impact in quality life for
all the society.

As I mentioned, governments should take in account that traffic is one of the main contributors to
pollution, taking cars out of the streets could decrease the co2 emission, in this point it is
important to mention that public transport should be more eco friendly.

Based on this theory governments should establish some politics that promote free public
transport thinking that this is an investment in the local people and that this should impact the
economy of the population having some revenues in other areas.

Also, taking cars out of the streets could lead to having bike paths that finally promotes other
ways of transportation and exercise that impacts directly quality of life, making people happier.

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