Modal Verbs Can, May, Must

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CAN / COULD 5. Maybe we’ll pay him a visit today. 10. Maybe the Browns are at home.

II. Work on the model:

I can’t swim very well, but I …swim when I was a child.
I can’t swim very well, but I could swim when I was a child. II. Use may / might + Continuous Infinitive to express present
1. Jerry can’t ride a bicycle, but he …............................…ride it years ago.
2. You can’t speak German now, but you ….................speak it when you were five years old.
possibility. Work on the model:
3. We can’t play football very well now, but we .........….play quite well when we were pupils. The boy (to play) a) The boy may be playing football now.
4. I can’t type very fast now, but I ......................................…type when I was a student. football now b) The boy might be playing football now.
5. We can’t recognize him now, but we.............….recognize him when he had a moustache. 1. The kids (to sleep) now. 6. John (to read) a new novel now.
6. My brothers can’t remember her name now, but they .............….remember it three days ago.
7. I can’t ring her up at this time of night, but I …..........ring her up at 7 o’clock in the evening.
8. Grandfather can’t dance now, but he ..................…dance very well when he was younger. 2. Your brother (to drink) some milk now. 7. Father (to repair) the gate
9. Our friends can’t join us on the trip today, but they .........................….join us last week.
10. You can’t understand him now as he is speaking very fast, but you ..................... 3. The dog (to bark) now. 8. The children (to watch) a cartoon.
….understand him when he spoke more slowly.

III. Rewrite these sentences using can / could or can’t / couldn’t with verbs of perception, 4. Grannie (to knit) by the fireplace. 9. That woman (to sell) white roses.
according to the model:
Does she hear me well now? Can she hear me well now?
1. I smell something strange in the room. 5. We didn’t see the eagle at that moment. 5. The teacher (to correct) our papers. 10. The dog (to run) after the cat.

2. We saw a lot of people there. 6. You smell a fine scent in the air.
I. Fill in the blanks with must or have to. Sometimes it is possible to use either :
1. The pupils in our primary school .......................... wear uniforms. 2. If you want to get a
3. We don’t see her now. 7. She sees the bear now. good mark, you ................................. work bard.
3. He couldn't come here yesterday because he ............................ repair his bicycle. 4. In
Romania traffic .......................... keep to the right while in England it .......................... keep to
4. Do you hear Alice singing? 8. The dog smelt the drugs in the car. the left. 5. I am sure Tim will be punctual because he ........................ to catch the early train.
6. This girl ........................... earn her living since she was fifteen. 7. If you didn't want to
write your homework yesterday, you ............................... write it today. 8. I don't think we can
play tennis tomorrow. We ................................. go shopping. 9. I know that he doesn't like
MAY / MIGHT going to school, but he .......................... 10. As the manager was ill, we ................... postpone
I. Rephrase the following sentences using may + Present Infinitive to express possibility: our meeting.
1. Perhaps he will catch the train. 6. Maybe she doesn’t drink coffee in the morning.

III. Fill in the blanks with mustn't or don 't / doesn 't have to :
2. Maybe you remember her address. 7. Perhaps the dogs will not hear us. 1. I tell you this secret but you ............................................ ten anybody about it. 2. We still
have plenty of time so we ............................................... hurry.
3. You ........................................ cross the street till the traffic light is green. 4. I think your
3. Perhaps theydon’t know the way to the inn. 8. Maybe we’ll find tickets for this play. leg is broken. You .............................................. move it.
5. We have enough bread, so you................................................. go to buy any.
6. I may get up later on because I ................................................. go to school today.
4. Perhaps you will buy another house. 9. Perhaps your sister will travel by plane. 7. Granny is sleeping, so we .............................................. make any noise.
8. It isn't raining any longer, so you ....................................... take your umbrella.
9. Tom, you ........................................................ be late for school again!

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