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with David Wolfe

A b o u t D a v i d Wolfe ;|S Supei^c

Best-selling author and health lecturer David Wolfe is considered What are superfoods and why are they Important?
to be one of the world's top authorities on natural health, beauty,
nutrition, herbalism, chocolate, and organic superfoods. Superfoods are natural foods that have multiple benefits
Leading the field with his vision, mission, education and business, or unique properties, not just one or two. For example,
David has over 15 years of dedicated experience and understanding the goji berry is a complete source of protein, immune-
of the inner workings, the delicate chemistry and hardcore stimulating polysaccharides, liver-cleansing betaine,
mechanics of the human body.
anti-aging sesquiterpenes, antioxidants, over 20 trace
With a life-long passion for inspiring people to "Have the Best minerals and much, much more.
Day Ever/' David has touched the hearts and minds of hundreds
of thousands of people across the world. David is a true living We live in a time of unprecedented abundance. Having
master of what it means to "walk the talk" on the road to higher
and higher levels of natural beauty, vibrant health and peak- access to and knowledge of the world's greatest superfoods,
performance. superherbs and living raw plant foods at this level of quality
is a first in human history. We are still making progress in
Through his down-to-earth and simple approach, David shows us
becoming healthier and more self-aware beings. And, we
that no problem is created without a solution and that we have the
opportunity to make new choices about our lifestyle and take our are finally discovering the power of adding into our diet
health back into the power of our own hands. an entirely new class of foods that benefits everyone with
maximum nutrition, protein, flavor, health, energy, and with
A highly sought after health and personal success speaker, David
has given over 2000 live lecture events in the past 15 years. minimal calories and no trans-fatty acids.

Today David Wolfe continues to share the stage in the company of It is becoming clearer that to achieve the best health ever,
Anthony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfiela!, Dr. Joseph
the best relationship with food ever, and t o have the most fun
Mercola, John Robbins, T. Harv Eker, John Gray, Les Brown, Barbara
DeAngelis, Brian Tracy, best-selling author Kathy Freston, and many ever with our food, we must consume superfoods.
Superfoods are both food and medicine. They have elements
Statements made in this booklet have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. These recipes are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any
of both. Incredibly delicious and satisfying, superfoods have
disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, the ability to tremendously increase the vital force and
consult your physician before using advice included in these recipes.
energy of one's body and are an optimal choice for improving
The content of this work is not to be reproduced or distributed without express written
overall health.
consent from David Wolfe and New Horizon Health, Inc. or their legally delegated

Superfoods make having the best day ever easy! .

Copyright © 2011 David Wolfe and New Horizon Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Superfood "Recipes F l y "High C\o)\ B e w y Si*pei*food 'Bonanza

Too many people in today's society This drink combines two of my favorite superfoods: goji
live in a state of poor health, lethargy berries and cacao, with some other very powerful superfood
and obesity. Issues such as these ingredients to make a special concoction that will leave you
decrease our quality of life. flying high!
I am certain that no one wants this to
happen to them and I am also certain
that unless we take steps to do 4 cups of your favorite liquid
something about it, this will happen (water, hot or cold tea, coconut water, any nut milk)
to many people. 3 tablespoons goji berries
3 tablespoons cacao powder
Superfoods are not only great 1 tablespoon cacao nibs
for you, they also help the planet 1 tablespoon maca
because their consumption encourages organic agriculture 1 tablespoon goji berry extract powder
and appropriate use of farmland. 1-2 tablespoons sweetener (yacon, agave, honey)
1 tablespoon hempseed
With superfoods, for the first time ever, we get to experiment 1 small pinch Celtic salt
for ourselves with dietary ideals. We get to eat noble foods % fillet fresh aloe vera gel (optional)
and activate our imaginations with the ideals that those
superfoods generate within us. I offer you the recipes in this Blend all ingredients in a high-performance blender until
program as a way to incorporate superfoods into your diet smooth.
that is easy and fun, and something you will want to do on a
daily basis. Enjoy! Goji Berry is an adaptogen which is known to harmonize
and increase the jing energy of the adrenals and kidneys.
Note: For all these recipes you can increase or decrease the It is often used t o enhance stamina, longevity, strength
ingredient amounts specified, depending on your preference.
and sexual energy. Goji berries are perhaps the most
Use organic, locally grown produce and herbs when possible.
nutritionally rich berry-fruit on the planet. They taste
delicious and are well-balanced for nearly all body types,
blood types and metabolisms.
2 3
Hempseeds are often regarded as among the most nutritious A creamy dreamy beverage for any time of the day or night.
foods on the planet because they are the only plant which
contains all essential amino acids and essential fatty acids
necessary to maintain life. Hempseeds are one of the richest 4 cups of your favorite liquid
sources of complete protein. Hempseed is a good source of (water, hot or cold tea, coconut water, any nut milk)
brain-building and liver-supporting lecithin, and is one of the 3 tablespoons cacao powder
few seeds that contains chlorophyll. 1 tablespoon maca
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Maca is a powerful strength and stamina enhancer as well 1 tablespoon cacao nibs
as a libido-enhancing superfood. It is a powerful adaptogen 2 tablespoons coconut butter
which can balance and stabilize the body's endocrine system, 1 tablespoon cashews or wild jungle peanuts
nervous system, cardiovascular system and musculature. 1-2 tablespoons sweetener (yacon or honey)
According to research, maca can increase energy, endurance, 1 tablespoon hempseed
oxygen in the blood, physical strength, and neurotransmitter 1 small pinch Celtic sea salt
production. It can improve one's mood and help support 34 teaspoon ginger
healthy hormone production. J4-1 teaspoon cayenne (optional)
Vk-Vi leaf aloe vera gel
Aloe Vera contains vitamins A, C, and E, the minerals sulfur, Yz fresh vanilla bean
calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and chromium, as 1 tablespoon medicinal mushroom powder
well as antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, enzymes, sterols, 1 squirt "Crystal Energy" (optional)
lignans, and most importantly, polysaccharides. Aloe's
Blend all ingredients in a high-performance blender until
polysaccharides have a particular lubricating effect on
the joints, brain, nervous system, and the skin. These
polysaccharides are long-burning carbohydrates and provide
steady energy over time.

_ 5 _ _
Cacao is the seed ASoe Vera is a superfood gift from the ancient Egyptians.
(nut) of a fruit of an The rumored secret of Cleopatra's famed beauty and youth
indigenous American is attributed to the application of aloe vera to her skin. Aloe
jungle tree. Cacao contains many vitamins and some minerals; however, aloe's
supports a healthy polysaccharides may be the most outstanding feature of this
cardiovascular system, plant, benefiting the joints, brain, nervous system and skin.
opens the heart, returns
us to our natural state Crystal Energy® is Dr. Patrick Flanagan's patented product.
of feeling (instead Daily use of Crystal Energy acts as a natural "chelator",
of thinking), and helping the body to pull out heavy metals and other toxins.
reconnects us via our intuition to the mystery of Mother The process works by tiny little spheres made of silica that
Nature's herbal apothecary. Cacao is one of the highest literally encapsulate the toxic metals. Once enclosed, these
sources of antioxidants and is high in many major minerals, toxins are rendered harmless and then your body can
particularly magnesium. naturally dispose of them.

Contrary to popular opinion, cacao is a poor source Absorption studies clearly demonstrate that the
of caffeine. Cacao usually contains about 1 percent Microcluster® silica in Crystal Energy dramatically increases
theobromine. Theobromine is an effective antibacterial absorption rates of water up to six times within minutes.
substance which is a chemical relative of caffeine, but it is not Studies indicate that people will experience significant
a nervous system stimulant. increases in hydration at the cellular level, as confirmed by
laboratory testing.
Recommended daily intake of cacao is 1 cacao bean per
11-22 pounds of body weight, depending on whether you Medicinal Mushroom Powders are some of the most
want to take a small or moderate amount per day. powerful herbs in the world. Medicinal mushrooms include
reishi, chaga, maitake, shiitake, lion's mane and many others.
To read more about the extraordinary benefits of cacao, its
Taken regularly, medicinal mushrooms have a potent effect
rich history, and more delicious recipes featuring cacao, read
on building and supporting a healthy immune system.
my book Naked Chocolate.


This drink has the power to rejuvenate difficult-to-reach lankton contains a unique and extraordinary
nerve tissue. It can help improve eyesight, memory and combination of life-sustaining nutrients including omega-3
helps alleviate neurological problems. The coconut oil, fatty acids (DHA), nucleotides, DNA, RNA, protein,
marine phytoplankton and MegaHydrate help improve the chlorophyll, vitamins, major minerals, trace elements, and
absorption of omega-3 fatty acids. polysaccharides.

me is a medicinal mushroom, especially well known

Water and meat from 2 coconuts or 34 liter of spring water for its ability to rebuild the nervous system. This mushroom
1 heaping tablespoon coconut oil was highly prized in Chinese tradition, where it was eaten
1-2 teaspoons marine phytoplankton powder exclusively by the emperors. Lion's Mane's benefits were wel
1200 mg (3-4 gel caps) krill oil, fish oil and/or algae known to the Chinese doctors as a remedy for problems of
2-4 capsules Dr. Patrick Flanagan's MegaHydrate the digestive tract.
1000 mg (2 capsules) lion's mane mushroom
2 tablespoons raw honey Its beta glucan polysaccharides, along with polypeptides
1 cup organic blueberries (fresh or frozen) and fatty acids have a lot to do with these effects. Lion's
1 cup organic raspberries (fresh or frozen) Mane has also been shown to help balance blood sugar and
cholesterol levels. It is completely safe, showing no signs of
Open the coconuts and pour the water into a blender. toxicity or side effects in any scientific research.
Then, scoop out the coconut meat and add to the blender.
The MegaHydrate and Lion's Mane may be encapsulated; Honey is best consumed wild and raw because cooked honey
open the desired amount and pour the powder into the contains no enzymes. Honey taken with other mineral-rich
blender. superfoods will help increase absorption. The medicinal
benefits of honey have to do with its antibacterial properties
If the oils are in gelatin capsules, poke a hole in the oil gel and its moisture-retaining properties. Side effects: none.
capsule and squeeze the desired dosage into the blender. However, if you have a blood sugar problem or are suffering a
Add the remaining ingredients. Blend and enjoy! critical health condition, it is a good idea to avoid sweeteners
in any form.

This elixir taken daily will seriously ramp up one's immune Mega Hydrate is a dietary supplement that is considered
system. Do not add honey or goji berries if you are fighting a food grade supplement rich in antioxidants. Using
Candida or cancer. Mega Hydrate significantly increases hydration at the cellular
level as confirmed by laboratory testing.
Vz liter spring water Reishi mushroom is a super immune booster and recognized
V* cup lemon juice to give extraordinary health-giving properties. Bioactive
Vk cup organic blueberries compounds in reishi mushrooms include polysaccharides and
1-2 teaspoons camu camu berry powder the immunomodulatory protein, protein Ling Zhi-8 (LZ-8),
1-2 teaspoons noni powder both of which are believed to have important functions in the
1-3 tablespoons E3 Live fresh liquid algae immune system.
1-2 teaspoons E3 AFA crystal flakes
Maitake mushroom extract has been used historically as an
500-1000 mg reishi mushroom mycelium powder adaptogen and has the potential to support healthy glucose
500-1000 mg maitake mushroom mycelium powder and lipid metabolism and immune function by activating
2-4 grams sacha jergon superherb powder immune modulators such as macrophages and cytokines,
2-4 capsules Mega Hydrate promoting important immune system activity.
% cup organic goji berries
2 tablespoons honey (optional) Camu Camu is the world's best whole food source of natural
vitamin C, as well as many other minerals, amino acids and
Add all ingredients to the blender and blend into some vitamins.
a tonic elixir. Add more spring water if necessary.
••:..:: is a fruit full of important nutritional compounds that
support health including skin elasticity, cell structure and
regeneration, defense against free radicals, detoxification and


y W i - S f r e s s ;Adaptogenic Tonic

Life can be very stressful. Environmental changes can cause Ginseng is an adaptogenic herb that traditionally tonifies
biological stress. Anything that causes the body or mind to Qi, modulates the immune system, prolongs life, overcomes
have to make a rapid adjustment to maintain its integrity can fatigue, increases blood volume, aids in recovery from illness
be considered a stress factor. or trauma, sharpens and calms the mind, stabilizes the
emotions, counteracts stress and enhances wisdom.
A healthy person can adapt easily to a wide range of "normal'
stress factors, but sometimes we can get overwhelmed, and Holy Basil is an herb native to India, where it is known as
then it's beneficial to utilize adaptogenic herbs to help our Tulsi. It is sacred in the Hindu religious tradition
bodies flow with the many changes they have to respond to. and is regarded as one of the most important plants
in Ayurvedic medicine, most commonly used for stress relief.
12 oz. hot gynostemma tea He Shou Wu is widely used in Asia to maintain the youthful
2 holy basil soft gel capsules condition and color of the hair. It will calm the nervous
1 rhodiola capsule system and improve adrenal functioning. Because it has
3 squirts of Siberian Ginseng extract (or 1/2 tsp powder) components that are potent antioxidants with gentle anti-
3 squirts American Ginseng extract (or 1/2 tsp powder) inflammatory action in the liver, it can clear the eyes. Its
3 capsules reishi (1/2 tsp powder) strength comes from its remarkable ability to cleanse the
1 teaspoon astragalus powder body by cleaning the kidney and liver, which in turn clean the
2 teaspoons he shou wu powder blood.
1 squirt ocean trace minerals (Superlonic)
Add sweetener of choice (stevia, raw honey, clear agave) liola is a highly respected herbal stress adaptogen.
Rhodiola's phytonutrients include numerous and unique
Blend and serve. anti-stress compounds like rosavins, salidrosides and other
biologically active elements.

12 ^12_
Cpeen Monstei* "Radiation Defeiase Drink

This drink contains most of the protocols that I recommend Chlorella is a single-celled water-grown algae that consists
for natural radiation defense. primarily of a large amount of directly available chlorophyll.
Chlorella is a whole food and is extremely rich in vitamins,
minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, polysaccharides
16-20 oz. cold spring water and many other beneficial compounds.
y2 cup cashews
2 tablespoons organic goji berries Spirulina contains chlorophyll, protein, vitamins, major
1 tablespoon tocotrienols minerals, trace minerals, essential fatty acids, nucleic acids
2 teaspoons chlorella (RNA and DNA), polysaccharides and a vast spectrum of
1 teaspoon spirulina antioxidants.
1 teaspoon marine phytoplankton powder
1 teaspoon astragalus Iodine is required by humans for the production of thyroid
% teaspoon ashwagandha hormones. As the thyroid stimulates energy production of the
Vi teaspoon reishi cellular mitochondria, it influences all body functions. The
Vz teaspoon camu camu powder body can't tell the difference between stable and radioactive
% teaspoon ginseng powder iodine. Taking iodine can protect the thyroid from injury by
(or 1-2 squirts ginseng extract) filling it up with healthy iodine, thus preventing the gland
2 squirts Superlonic (Omica Organics) from taking up radioactive iodine.
Yz dropper iodine
Tocotrienols from the Vitamin E complex present in rice bran
3 dates
solubles have been identified as responsible for lowering
1 tablespoon sweetener of choice
cholesterol in the body, and having anti-aging and anti-
(honey, yacon, stevia, clear agave)
inflammatory qualities. Rice bran solubles consist of perfect
chains of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), major and trace
Blend all ingredients together in a high-speed blender until
minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants in perfect ratio in
a plant source. Since every membrane in the body requires
these EFAs to function, tocotrienols can be an effective way to
get these nutrients in a highly absorbable form.


Supet^Hei^ Bliss Balls

The perfect travel food! You can eat your herbs as well as Coconut Oil's benefits are numerous, including improving
drink them, and these delicious nuggets of goodness are digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and amino
perfect to take with you when you're on the go. acids. Coconut oil helps to maintain a healthy immune
system, balances blood sugar and also provides an excellent
source of high quality raw saturated fat which humans require
Vi cup almonds as a building block for every cell in the body.
Vz cup walnuts
2 tablespoons cacao powder la is considered as one of the most important
2 tablespoons coconut oil adaptogens in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is the
2 tablespoons banana flakes 'ginseng of Ayurveda', and has been used to improve physical
1 teaspoon ashwagandha energy and athletic ability, increase immunity to colds and
1 teaspoon astragalus infections and increase sexual capacity and fertility.
1 teaspoon mucuna pruriens
34 teaspoon licorice powder Astragalus is another one of the most popular herbs used in
% teaspoon cinnamon the Orient; the Chinese name for astragalus is Huang Ch'i.
ldate Astragalus is regarded as a potent tonic for increasing energy
1-2 tablespoons cacao nibs (mix separately) levels and stimulating the immune system. This is a tonic
producing warm energy and specifically tonifying for the
Mix all the ingredients together in a high-performance lungs, spleen, and triple warmer meridians.
blender EXCEPT cacao nibs.
Banana Flakes from the Longevity Warehouse are sourced
Process until smooth but not oily. Mix in cacao nibs by hand. from the sweet fruit of sun-ripened Ecuadorian red bananas.
Roll into balls or spread into a small pan, like fudge. Red Bananas are low-fat and sodium-free. They are also a
Chill to set. Eat and enjoy! good source of fiber and potassium, and a great source of
vitamin C and B-6. They are cholesterol-free.

*-J^ 17
Downtime T e a (Bonus Recipe)

This takes chamomile tea to the next level! A great drink to lift Dew Drops is an excellent formula made from premium tonic
your spirits and wind down from a busy or stressful day. herbs that do much more than only moisturize the tissues of
the body. It is a premium 8:1 concentrated hydro-ethanolic
tincture that is easy to consume and highly absorbable for
12 oz. warm chamomile tea quick action and long-term effect. It is beneficial for those
3 squirts Three Sisters (Jing Herbs) who work in very hot, dry environments.
2 squirts Dew Drops (Dragon Herbs)
2-3 capsules Pearl Shen (Dragon Herbs) Pearl Shen is Dragon Herbs' ultimate Shen tonic formulation.
2-3 capsules Peaceful Spirit (Jing Herbs) It is calming, soothing and uplifting to the Spirit. The formula
1 tablespoon coconut oil utilizes the finest and most important Shen herbs known
Vi teaspoon mucuna pruriens to the people of Asia, including Pearl powder and Reishi
Vz teaspoon vanilla mushroom.
yk teaspoon holy basil powder or 2 gel caps
Peaceful Spirit is a formula from Jing Herbs which promotes a
Blend and serve. state of calm and peaceful relaxation. This formula is suitable
for anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, or insomnia.

riens contains a very powerful neurotransmitter

precursor, L-Dopa. Mucuna is a reputed Ayurvedic remedy For more of the best health information ever,
for nervous conditions. Traditionally, it is commonly used as a please visit:
carminative, hypertensive and hypoglycemic agent.
Three Sisters is a heavenly trinity of tonic herbs for cultivating
beauty, health, and longevity. This is the ultimate Yin, Blood,
and Essence tonic.

18 19

The purpose of this program is to help people to learn new
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In this way transformation happens easily and gracefully and
life becomes an adventure to discover and enjoy. mm
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Any superfoods can be added into anyone's diet. Simply find
the ones you like, get out a blender and start mixing! Design Tv\e Longevity Now Conference
your own treats, teas and other recipes.
Experience three days of education, empowerment,
When you bring superfoods into your body, your energy and inspiration at The Longevity Now Conference.
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