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LWT 38 (2005) 617–624

Postharvest shelf-life extension of avocados using methyl

cellulose-based coating
N. Maftoonazad, H.S. Ramaswamy
Department of Food Science, McGill University, Macdonald Campus, 21,111 Lakeshore Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, PQ Canada H9X 3V9
Received 23 March 2004; received in revised form 23 August 2004; accepted 23 August 2004


Edible coatings regulate water vapor, oxygen and carbon dioxide transfer in or out of the produce thereby influencing the ongoing
respiratory activity and produce quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a methyl cellulose-based coating on
the respiration rate, color and texture of avocados stored at room temperature. Avocados were initially surface disinfected, washed
and air-dried. They were then immersed in the coating solution for 1 min at 20 1C, air-dried for 10 min and stored at 20 1C in an open
box. At 2-day intervals, fruits were removed and evaluated for respiration rate, color and texture. Respiration rate was evaluated by
measuring the rate of CO2 produced from a given quantity of fruits per unit time. Color and texture of avocados were measured
using instrumental techniques. Coated avocados demonstrated lower respiration rates, greener color and higher firmness as
compared with the uncoated control during the entire storage. The appearance of brown spots and mesocarp discoloration normally
associated with fruit ripening were delayed in the coated fruits.
r 2004 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Avocado; Storage; Methyl cellulose; Coating; Quality; Texture; Color

1. Introduction teric. Climacteric fruits continue to ripen after harvest

and demonstrate more dramatic changes in
Several techniques have been in place to extend the their physiological activity. Many important tropical
useful marketing distances and holding periods for fresh fruits are of climacteric type that ripen rapidly during
horticultural commodities after harvest. In spite of the transit and storage, and their respiration rates reach a
progress made, well over a quarter of all harvested fresh peak level at the onset of the respiratory climacteric
fruits and vegetables are still lost due to spoilage. This phase.
represents a large economic waste even in developed Avocado is a highly perishable fruit with a high
countries with more devastating consequences in many metabolic rate resulting in a shelf-life of only 3–4 weeks
tropical regions of the world. Tropical fruits and when stored at the optimum temperature and relative
vegetables present a more serious problem due to the humidity (Yahia & Gonzalez-Aguilar, 1998). Cold
fact that most of them are also chilling sensitive. storage delays ripening and prolongs storage life, but
Therefore, temperatures below 10 1C cannot be used decay and chilling injury can result in serious problems
effectively to extend their storage life. Fruits and during prolonged storage (Scott & Chaplin, 1978). The
vegetables can be classified as climacteric or nonclimac- potential incidence of storage-related disorders such as
vascular browning and mesocarp discoloration increase
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-514-398-7919; fax: +1-514-398- with fruit maturity (Cutting, Bower, & Woistenholme,
1988). Several techniques have been used for storage of
E-mail address: climacteric fruits to retard the rate of ripening after
(H.S. Ramaswamy). harvest and thus extend the shelf-life. These include

0023-6438/$30.00 r 2004 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
618 N. Maftoonazad, H.S. Ramaswamy / LWT 38 (2005) 617–624

controlled/modified atmosphere (CA/MA) storage, Methyl cellulose is a polysaccharide used to form

modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and/or applica- coatings. Cellulose is the principal structural component
tion of special skin coatings. In all these cases, the of plants and the most abundant source of complex
resulting atmosphere modification, i.e., lowering the O2 carbohydrate in the world. Cellulose can be ‘tailored’
and/or increasing the CO2 concentrations in the storage with appropriate chemical modification to produce
environment, has been shown to be helpful in extending cellulose ether-ester films (Psomiadou, Arvanitoyannis,
the storage life of several perishable produce (Kader, & Yamamoto, 1996). The latter, being flexible and
1986). The prevailing low O2 and high CO2 concentra- transparent, have moderate strength, resistance to oil
tion levels also depress the biosynthesis of ethylene and fat migration and can act as moderate barriers to
which can trigger the activity of ripening genes that moisture and oxygen (Hagenmaier & Shaw, 1990).
affect color changes, aroma and degradation of cell Several studies have suggested the use of methyl
walls that results in softening. cellulose as a suitable coating material for several
Edible coatings can create a modified atmosphere, produce (Greener & Fennema, 1989; Hagenmaier &
similar to that of MAP, their effectiveness being a Shaw, 1990; Nisperos-Carriedo, 1994; Kamper &
function of coating permeability and fruit respiration. Fennema, 1984a,b; Debeaufort & Voilley, 1995; Ayranci
Temperature control is an important step since it can & Tunc, 2001). No research has been reported on the use
affect the permeability as well as the rate of fruit of methyl cellulose coating on avocado fruit. The
respiration. Higher temperatures increase fruit respira- specific objective of this study was to evaluate the
tion rates. Coating can be formulated from different effectiveness of methyl cellulose coating on the moisture
materials including lipids, resins, polysaccharides, pro- loss, respiration rate, skin and flesh color, and firmness
teins and synthetic polymers. Some studies have been of avocado during storage at room temperature.
carried out on coating of avocado. Bender, Brecht,
Sargent, Navarro, and Campbell (1993) showed that the
use of NatureSealR delayed ripening of avocado at 20 1C 2. Materials and methods
by about 2 days even when coated fruits were treated
with 100 ppm ethylene for up to 3 days; however, 4 days Avocado fruits (cv. Hass) were obtained from the
of ethylene treatment overcame the ripening delay. local market. The fruits were carefully selected to be
Johnston and Banks (1998) used six types of surface uniform in appearance (size and color) and feel firmness.
coatings on Hass avocado fruits to study the gas Fruits were surface disinfected by immersion in 10%
exchange characteristics at 20 1C. They reported that commercial bleach for 3 min, washed and air-dried. The
of six different surface coatings used, ‘‘Avocado wax’’ fruits were then divided into two replicate lots. The first
provided the greatest level of benefit (reduction in lot constituted the control which were stored without
moisture loss and enhanced sheen). At the other coating. The second lot was coated with methyl
extreme, carboxy methyl cellulose coating (2 g/100 g) cellulose.
provided no benefit but substantially increased risk of
fermentation. Of the Avocado wax concentrations 2.1. Coating and storage of avocados
assessed, a level of 11 g/100 g was reported to be the
optimum. Higher concentrations imposed the risk of Methyl cellulose (Methocel, Dow Chemical Com-
anaerobiosis in the fruit. Salvador, Miranda, Aragon, pany, Midland, MI, USA) coating was prepared by
and Lara (1999) used chitosan coating on avocado fruits solubilizing methyl cellulose powder (3.0 g per 100 ml) in
and improved the avocado storage life to 24 days at a water–ethyl alcohol mixture (3 l:1 l) at 75 1C under
3–10 1C and to 6 days at 27–29 1C. The effect of magnetic stirring for 15 min. Ethyl alcohol was used to
modified atmosphere packaging coupled with wax reduce drying time and obtain transparent and shiny
emulsion treatment on the extension of storage life of methyl cellulose coating. Then glycerol (BDH, Toronto,
avocado fruits were studied under different storage Ont., Canada) was added as a plasticizer (1.9 g/100 g)
temperatures by Bhaskaran and Habibunnisa (2002). and the solution was stirred for another 10 min under
They reported that fruits which were given a wax the same condition and cooled.
emulsion (6 g/100 g) dip treatment and packed in LDPE Avocados were immersed in the coating solution for
bags remained green, firm and in good condition for 1 min at 20 1C and then drained. The treated fruits were
about 4–5 weeks at 872 1C. The fruits also did not dried in a cold-air draft for 10 min to set a coat of the
develop chilling injury while fruits without treatment film on their surface. They were then stored along with
and packaging became soft, developed internal pulp control samples at 20 1C in an open box. The moisture
browning and became inedible within 3 days at loss, firmness, respiration rate and changes in color of
2772 1C. At 272 1C, fruits developed chilling injury, coated and control samples were evaluated until the
pitting of the skin and were rejected after 9 days of overall acceptability was considered poor for each lot of
storage. samples.
N. Maftoonazad, H.S. Ramaswamy / LWT 38 (2005) 617–624 619

2.2. Analytical methods grammed to collect on-line data of CO2 concentra-

tion at 1 min intervals over a 2 h period. Respiration
The following analyses were carried out to evaluate rate was obtained from the regression slope of CO2
the quality changes in test samples every two days: concentration versus time data and evaluated as ml
CO2/(kg h).
(1) Moisture loss: The moisture loss occurred due to
transfer of water vapor from the samples to air. This
was determined by weighing the samples on a digital 2.3. Statistical analysis
balance (OHAUS, Model TS4KD, Florham Park,
NJ, USA) and was reported as percentage loss in Experiments were designed according to a factorial
moisture based on the original mass. design. Data were analysed by analysis of variance
(2) Firmness: Texture measurements were made using a (ANOVA) using SAS software (SAS Institute, Cary,
computer-controlled LRX Material Testing Ma- NC, USA). The significance levels used were Pp0.05 (*)
chine (Lloyd Instrument Limited, Fareham, UK) and Pp0.01 (**). Duncan’s multiple range test was used
equipped with a 50 N load cell. Samples were to compare the mean values in different storage days.
subjected to a puncture test at a constant speed of
50 mm/min, using a 5 mm diameter round tipped
puncture probe. Force-deformation curves were
3. Results and discussion
recorded and firmness (as represented by the slope
(N/mm) of the linear section of the force-deforma-
3.1. Moisture loss
tion curve) was used as the indicator of textural
property. At least six measurements were made on
Fig. 1 shows the changes in produced moisture as a
each fruit at different locations and four fruits were
function of storage time. For the entire duration of the
tested for each storage time and the results were
experiment the percentage of moisture loss in the control
sample was higher than in coated samples (Po0.01).
(3) Color: The color characteristics were assessed using
Control fruits lost moisture at about 8 g/100 g of their
a tristimulus Minolta Chroma Meter (Minolta Corp,
original mass during 6 days of storage, but coated fruits
Ramsey, NJ, USA) to determine L value (lightness
lost only 4 g/100 g during the same period. Rapid ripening
or brightness), a* value (redness or greenness) and
of the fruit, moisture loss and the incidence of spoilage
b* value (yellowness or blueness) of avocado
did not permit the storage trial with control to go beyond
samples. The colorimeter was warmed up for
6 days. The moisture loss increased to about 6.5 g/100 g in
20 min and calibrated with a white standard.
10 days for the methyl cellulose-coated fruit which was
Measurements were taken for four samples and the
comparable to the 5.6 g/100 g loss reported by Meir,
average of L, a* and b* values were obtained. In
Naiman, Akerman, Hyman, Zauberman, and Fuchs
addition to the L, a* and b* values, the total color
(1997) for fruits kept at 20 1C that became soft 9 days
difference was computed as the root mean square of
after harvest in plastic bags under MAP. Jeong, Huber,
hthe differences
in individual L, a i and b values
1=2 and Sargent (2003), in a different study, reported that
i:e:; DE ¼ DL þ Dan2 þ Dbn2 : DL, Da* and after 7 days of storage at 20 1C, moisture loss for the
Db* were obtained as differences in L, a* and b* control fruit was 7.3 g/100 g whereas fruits treated with
values of test samples on any given day from those either 1-methyl cyclopropene, wax, or both showed
existed on the first day, thus representing the time-
related changes. Color of flesh and skin were 12
determined on six different locations on the surface 10

of the fruit/flesh. The instrument was calibrated with

a white standard tile: L=95.87, a=0.86 and 8
(4) Respiration rate: A known quantity of avocados
(about 1 kg) was placed in an airtight Plexi-glass 4
chamber (18 cm  12 cm  27 cm). A CO2 sensor
(ACR Systems Inc., St-Laurent, PQ, Canada)
connected to a data-logger (Smart Reader plus 7; 0
Data Logger Analysis Software, Version 1.0 for 0 5 10 15
Windows, ACR Systems Inc, St-Laurent, PQ, TIME (DAYS)
Canada) was installed in the chamber, to monitor Fig. 1. Change in moisture loss of avocado with time for control (m)
CO2 concentration. The data-logger was pro- and coated fruits (’).
620 N. Maftoonazad, H.S. Ramaswamy / LWT 38 (2005) 617–624

moisture loss values of 5.4, 2.0, and 1.9 g/100 g, While rate of CO2 evolution at maximum value was
respectively. Eqs. (1) and (2) describe the moisture loss 160 ml/(kg h) in control samples after 6 days, it reached
in avocados as affected by storage time (x) for both the peak value of 127 ml/(kg h) for coated fruits after 8
control and coated avocados: days. Thus methyl cellulose coating significantly delayed
the respiratory climacteric pattern in avocado by 2 days.
Control : y ¼ 0:043x2 þ 1:603x þ 0:092 ðR2 ¼ 0:99Þ;
Even the peak value for the coated fruit was about 25%
(1) lower than in control. The respiration rate stabilized at
about 110 ml/(kg h) (which is about the start-up value
Coated : y ¼ 0:002x2 þ 0:667x þ 0:141 ðR2 ¼ 0:96Þ:
for the untreated control) after 10 days of storage. These
(2) are consistent with several reports published for
The primary mechanism of moisture loss from fresh avocados with other coatings or other fruits with methyl
fruits and vegetables is by vapor-phase diffusion driven cellulose coatings. CO2 evolution rate of avocados kept
by a gradient of water vapor pressure between inside at 20 1C and modified atmosphere packaging right after
and outside the fruit. The coating helps to reduce it harvest was reported at 173 ml/(kg h) after 5 days (Meir
because it forms a film on the top of the skin. The et al., 1997). Also it was shown that respiration in
thickness of the barrier, and moisture permeability of control fruit and waxed avocados increased after 1 day
coatings are important factors from the viewpoint of storage at 20 1C, and CO2 production reached maximum
mass transfer rate. Temperature and relative humidity of values of 145 and 157 ml CO2/(kg h) after 6 and 5 days
the environment are also important due to the effects on storage at 20 1C, respectively. Jeong et al. (2003)
vapor pressure difference between fruit and atmosphere. reported that CO2 production of avocados treated with
Produce respiration can also cause a moisture reduction 1-methyl-cyclo-propene with or without wax reached the
because of the degradation of sugars (Pan & Bhowmik, maxima of 146 and 151 ml/(kg h) after 8 and 9 days
1992). Slower rates of moisture loss in coated fruits can storage, respectively. Reduction of the respiration rate
be attributed to the barrier properties for gas diffusion as a result of coating with edible films has also been
of stomata, the organelles that regulate the transpiration reported for banana (Banks, 1984), pear (Meheriuk &
process and gas exchange between the fruit and the Lau, 1988) and tomato (Nisperos & Baldwin, 1988).
environment (Salunke, Boun & Reddy, 1991). The
differences between percentage of moisture loss between
control and test samples were highly significant after 3.3. Firmness
during storage (Po0.01).
Firmness of avocados decreased during storage, both
3.2. Respiration rate for coated and control fruits (Fig. 3); however, methyl
cellulose coating showed a beneficial effect on firmness
Both coated and control avocados showed the retention. Control fruits softened faster and were fully
characteristic respiratory climacteric increases during ripe approximately after 6 days at room temperature.
storage at 20 1C (Fig. 2). In both control and coated Thus methyl cellulose coating had a strong effect on the
fruits, respiration showed an increase after 2 days retention of firmness; however, statistical analysis did
storage. Statistical analysis showed a highly significant not show significant effect for coating up to 4 days.
difference (Po0.01) between control and coated sam- The control fruits lost half of their original firmness in 5
ples with the control samples showing significantly days as compared to coated fruits which took 10 days.
higher respiration rate at 2, 4, and 6 days. Eqs. (3) and (4) describe and confirm the slower rate of



150 0.6
(ml CO2/kg.h)

100 0.4
50 0.2
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Fig. 2. Changes in CO2 production of avocados during storage for Fig. 3. Effect of methyl cellulose coating on firmness of avocado for
control (m) and coated fruits (’). control (m) and coated fruits (’).
N. Maftoonazad, H.S. Ramaswamy / LWT 38 (2005) 617–624 621

softening in coated fruits as compared to the control: 84

Control : y ¼ 0:050x þ 0:534 ðR2 ¼ 0:97Þ; (3) 82


Coated : y ¼ 0:029x þ 0:522 ðR2 ¼ 0:99Þ: (4) 78
Jeong et al. (2003) also found that uncoated fruits 76
softened rapidly and completed ripening within 7 days
of storage at 20 1C. In contrast, fruits coated with either
wax and 1-methyl-cyclo-propene exhibited roughly half 72
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
to one-third retention of firmness after 7 days at 20 1C.
Retention of firmness can be explained by retarded (a) TIME (DAYS)
degradation of insoluble proto-pectins to the more
soluble pectic acid and pectin. During fruit ripening,
depolymerization or shortening of chain length of pectin 0
substances occurs with an increase in pectin-esterase and -1

polygalactronase activities. Low oxygen and high -2
carbon dioxide concentrations reduce the activities of
these enzymes and allows retention of the firmness of
fruits and vegetables during storage (Salunkhe et al., -4
1991). -5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
3.4. Flesh color (b) TIME (DAYS)

Color evaluation of avocado flesh as affected by 50

coating and storage time are shown in Figs. 4a–d. They 40

were evaluated based on the lightness (L value), green/

red components (a* value), blue/yellow components (b* 30
value) as well as the total color difference, DE. Lightness 20
values of coated fruits were higher than those of control
samples and changed at a much slower rate. The coated 10
fruits were much more glossy and had a slightly brighter 0
shade than the control. The L value decreased with 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
storage time, and since it is a measure of the color in the (c) TIME (DAYS)
light–dark axis, this falling value indicates that the fruit
flesh was turning less bright (Fig. 4a). However, 20
statistical results did not show a significant difference

(P40.05) in L value between control and coated
avocados up to 4 days. The differences between the
control and coated samples were also somewhat small
and less obvious to the naked eye. The changes in L
value in control and coated avocados as affected by time
(x) are described by the following equations:
2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Control : y ¼ 1:103x þ 81:72 ðR ¼ 0:99Þ; (5)

Fig. 4. Changes in (a) L value (b) a value, (c) b value, and (d) total
Coated : y ¼ 0:571x þ 81:005 ðR2 ¼ 0:91Þ: (6) color difference in avocado flesh during storage for control (m) and
coated fruits (’).
As shown in Fig. 4b, a* value was more negative in
coated samples showing a more predominant greenness
of avocado flesh. Clearly, the changes in the greenness samples, respectively, as affected by time (x):
occurred at a much slower rate in coated samples and
Control : y ¼ 0:096x2 þ 0:033x þ 3:985 ðR2 ¼ 0:91Þ;
did not reach the day-6 a* value of uncoated samples
even after 10 days of storage. Statistical analysis showed (7)
highly significant differences between a* value of the
coated and control samples (Po0.01). Eqs. (7) and (8) Coated : y ¼ 0:013x2 þ 0:080x þ 4:236 ðR2 ¼ 0:99Þ:
show the trends in a* value for control and coated (8)
622 N. Maftoonazad, H.S. Ramaswamy / LWT 38 (2005) 617–624

Fig. 4c shows the decrease in b* value measured in 40

avocado flesh. After 6 days of storage, the time-related 35
changes in b* values for the coated samples started to 30
show significant differences (Po0.05) from the control.

The lowering of b* value indicates a reduction in 20
yellowness of samples. The following equations ((9) and 15
(10)) show the trends in b* value of control and coated 10
samples, respectively, as affected by time (x): 5
y ¼ 0:209x2 þ 0:267x þ 39:640 ðR2 ¼ 0:86Þ; (9) 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
2 2
y ¼ 0:091x  0:270x þ 39:992 ðR ¼ 0:99Þ: (10) (a) TIME (DAYS)

Again by looking at the trend lines for both a* and b* 10

values, the time-related differences could be better
visualized. At the end of storage time when avocados 5

were cut in half longitudinally, browning was initially
noticeable under the skin, within the seed cavity and 0
around the conductive vessels.
The total color difference DE, which is a combination -5
of parameters L, a* and b* values, is a colorimetric
parameter extensively used to characterize the variation -10
in color perception. An increase in DE was observed 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(Fig. 4d) with storage time, and statistical results (b) TIME (DAYS)
showed significant differences (Po0.05) between DE
values of coated and control fruits. Again the run-away 20
deviation in the total color difference value of the
control sample from coated sample becomes obvious 15
beyond a 4-day storage at room temperature which is

confirmed by the statistical analysis (Po0.05). The 10

following equations show DE for control and coated
samples, respectively, as affected by time (x): 5
2 2
Control : y ¼ 0:117x þ 0:920x þ 0:338 ðR ¼ 0:96Þ;
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
2 2 (c) TIME (DAYS)
Coated : y ¼ 0:050x þ 0:794x þ 0:497 ðR ¼ 0:99Þ:
(12) 25

Other researchers have reported similar color change 20


in avocado flesh in relation to preserving green color

and delaying mesocarp discoloration by different treat-
ments (Gomez-Lopez, 2002; Pesis et al., 2002; Soliva, 10
Elez, Sebastian, & Martin, 2001; Meir et al., 1997;
Guzman, Dorantes, Hernandez, Hernandez, Ortiz, & 5
Mora, 2002). Soliva et al. (2001) reported that the 0
lightness of avocado puree decreased exponentially from 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
72.4 to 55.2 during 4 months of storage, while changes in -5
a* value increased from 7.1 to 0.3.
Fig. 5. Changes in (a) L value, (b) a value, (c) b value, and (d) total
color difference in avocado skin during storage for control (m) and
3.5. Skin color coated fruits (’).

Figs. 5a–d indicate the results of different color

changes in avocado skin. These changes were manifested control samples was higher than in coated samples.
by a decrease in L and b* values and an increase in a* Statistical analysis showed highly significant effect for
value and total color difference values. Fig. 5a indicates coating on L values (Po0.01). This color shift towards
that, as with flesh color, the rate of L value reduction in lower L value is indicative of lower brightness of
N. Maftoonazad, H.S. Ramaswamy / LWT 38 (2005) 617–624 623

samples with the progression of storage. The following lower L* value than control which is in contrast with the
equations represent the time-related change in L values results obtained for the L value in present study. The
for control and coated samples: lower color changes in coated fruit may be related to the
effect of coating in creating modified atmospheres
Control : y ¼ 1:315x þ 35:341 ðR2 ¼ 0:91Þ; (13)
within the fruit. The presence of CO2 in the storage
atmosphere is an important factor in preventing
Coated : y ¼ 0:735x þ 35:753 ðR2 ¼ 0:99Þ: (14)
chlorophyll degradation. Chlorophyll retention is in-
Changes in a* and b* values of skin color of avocado creased in broccoli by a progressive increase in CO2
are shown in Figs. 5b and c. As in Fig. 4b, the a* value and decrease in O2. Higher concentrations of CO2
was more negative in coated samples indicating the (2.5–10 ml/kg) slow down the degreening processes in
avocado skin to be greener, and statistical analysis apricots and peaches. The degradation of chlorophyll in
showed highly significant differences in a* value between asparagus can be delayed by CA storage (Salunkhe et
the test samples during storage (Po0.01). The time- al., 1991).
related color shift towards positive a* value indicates
more redness in color that is the result of ripening. Fig.
5c shows a decrease in b* value of avocado skin, with
4. Conclusions
highly significant difference between coated and un-
coated samples (Po0.01). Again after 4 days, b* value
Application of methyl cellulose coating to avocado
decreased significantly (Po0.05). This decrease in b*
fruits were shown to be beneficial in retarding the
value indicates reduction in yellowness of samples and
ripening behavior. The coat acted as a physical barrier
an increase toward darker chroma. Eqs. (15) and (16)
for the gas exchange between the fruit and the
show the changes in a* value for control and coated
environment. It lowered both the rate of substrate
samples, respectively, as affected by time (x):
catabolism and the ability to generate the energy
Control : y ¼ 2:109x  7:232 ðR2 ¼ 0:89Þ; (15) required to drive the biochemical reactions associated
to fruit ripening. It favorably influenced several physio-
Coated : y ¼ 0:561x  7:466 ðR2 ¼ 0:91Þ: (16) logical properties of the fruit during storage. Coating
slowed down the rate of respiration, reduced the color
Similar trends in b* values are shown in Eqs. (17)
changes in both skin and flesh, reduced the softening of
and (18):
the tissue and increased the shelf-life. While the
Control : y ¼ 0:401x2 þ 0:551x þ 13:678 ðR2 ¼ 0:99Þ; maximum acceptable storage period for control samples
(17) was 6 days at room temperature, the samples coated
with methyl cellulose maintained their acceptability for
Coated : y ¼ 0:053x2  0:380x þ 14:13 ðR2 ¼ 0:97Þ: 10 days (1.5 times the control).
Fig. 5d shows an increase in DE for both samples during
storage time. Again statistical results showed highly
significant differences (Po0.01) between coated and
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial
control fruits. The total color difference in coated
support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
samples changed at a much lower rate than in uncoated
Research Council of Canada. Financial support from
samples, and thus it can be recognized that coating has a
‘‘Agricultural Research, Education and Extension
beneficial effect on the reduction of color changes in
Organization’’ in Iran to the first author is highly
avocado. The time-related changes in DE were signifi-
appreciated. The authors thank Mr. H. Hamzeh
cant with both coated and control samples (Po0.05).
Zarghani for statistical assistance.
Eqs. (19) and (20) show how total color differences
increase in control and coated samples, respectively, as a
function of storage time (x):
Control : y ¼ 3:116x  0:614 ðR2 ¼ 0:96Þ; (19)
Ayranci, E., & Tunc, S. (2001). The effect of fatty acid content on
water vapor and carbon dioxide transmission of cellulose-based
Coated : y ¼ 1:285  0:769 ðR2 ¼ 0:98Þ: (20)
edible films. Food Chemistry, 72, 231–236.
Jeong et al. (2003) showed that at the full-ripe stage, Banks, N. H. (1984). Some effects of TAL Pro-Long coating on
fruit treated with wax and/or 1-methyl-cyclo-propene ripening bananas. Journal of Experimental Botany, 33, 127–137.
Bhaskaran, R., & Habibunnisa, P. S. (2002). Effect of modified
had more green color than control that confirms the atmosphere packaging and waxing on the storage behavior of
effect of coating on green color in the present work. But avocado fruits (Persea american Mill). Journal of Food Science and
they also reported that treated fruits had a significantly Technology Mysore, 39(3), 284–287.
624 N. Maftoonazad, H.S. Ramaswamy / LWT 38 (2005) 617–624

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Campbell, C. A. (1993). Ripening initiation and storage perfor- Fuchs, Y. (1997). Prolonged storage of ‘Hass’ avocado fruit using
mance of avocados treated with an edible film coating. Acta modified atmosphere packaging. Postharvest Biology and Technol-
Horticulturae, 343, 184–186. ogy, 12, 51–60.
Cutting, J. G. M., Bower, J. P., & Woistenholme, B. N. (1988). Effect Nisperos, M. O., & Baldwin, E. A. (1988). Effect of two types of edible
of harvest date and applied ABA on browning potential of avocado films on tomato fruit ripening. Proceedings of the Florida State
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