Operational Is at Ion of Variable

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Operationalisation of Variable

Operationalise means to define a concept or variable so that it can be measured

and expressed quantitatively or qualitatively. While the operationalisation is the
process of putting something in to operation also the process of expressing
something in operational terms. Corporate combinations the merger of separate
entities in to one firms or the acquisition of one firm by another entity have
become an increasingly common reality of organizational life, but estimates of
mergers and acquisition failure range from a pessimistic 80% to a more
optimistic, but still disappointing, 50% (cartwright $ cooper 1994). Despite these
disappointing rates (M&As) continue to go on unabatedly.

Historically, merger failure was only discussed with financial and strategic
explanations. Recently these has been growing acceptance among researchers that
the human dynamic or the human-resource issues during and following the actual
merger or acquisition of two or more organization are significant determinants of
merger success or failure (Bumono & Bowditch, 1989; Cartwright & Cooper
1993a; Marks & Mirvis, 1992;).

While most organizations may provide lip service to the idea that people are an
organizations greatest assets, research indicates that the human resource
considerations plays a relatively small rate in M&A decisions ( Marks &
Mirvis,1992). As the inadequacies of the more traditional explanations of merger
failure are increasingly being recognized, there has been a significant revival of
interest in the human aspect of the phenomenon and its role in determining
merger outcomes.

èatisfaction with Merger

Employee attitudes towards a merger cannot be explained without understanding

attitudes in general. Eagly and chaiken (1993) defines attitudes as a psychological
tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of
favor or disfavor.

Organizational commitment

Organizational commitment is important to a firm that is rebuilding itself offer a

merger become committed and loyal employees provides many benefits for the


Reducing turnover in a newly created organization is essential for productivity
and to maintain a stable corporate image and reputation. Employee turnover has
been a popular topic among behavioural and management researches for decades.
(Shaw, Delevy, Jen kis, 1998)

Turnover Intention

urnover intention refers to an individual¶s estimated probability that they will

leave an organization at some point in the near future. (ett & Mayer, 1993)


he state of the spirits of person or group as exhibited by confidence,

cheerfulness, disciplines,and willingness to perform assigned tasks.

Variables Of Research

‰c Effect on employees morale and turnover intention(dependent variable)

‰c Mergers and acquisitions(independent variable)

dorking Definition

Effect of mergers and acquisitions on employees morale and turnover intentions

means how merger effects on the employees attitudes,behaviour and their
intention to stay or leave the organization.

he study will utilize a quantitative survey design research methodology to

explore and investigate the impact of mergers had on employee morale and
turnover intention. Employee morale and turnover intention survey will be based
on five categories of questions related to morale and turnover.

1.c Career support (7 questions)

2.c Recognition for competency (10 questions)

3.c Intra-departmental relations (9 questions)

4.c Work conditions (6 questions)

5.c Job-related statements (20 questions)

Each question is rated on a 6-point Likert scale for all positively worded

questions from 0 = è 

  è1 =   
  2 =

  è3 = è    è4 =     5 =

è   èhere are also two final questions that ask participants to

directly rate their level of morale on a 0±10 point scale from   to  

  and intent to leave on the same 0±10 point scale from    to 

   Given the scoring scale associated with question responses, any

average value over 2.5 indicates agreement, whereas values under 2.5 indicate


Please indicate your level of disagreement or agreement with the following

statements on a 6-point Likert scale Strongly Disagree (SD), Moderately Disagree

(MD), Slightly Disagree (SD), Slightly Agree (SA), Moderately Agree (MA),

Strongly Agree (SA).

’areer èupport

Career support dimensions will be tested by asking questions related to employee

professional activities, career development, hiring practices, performance cariteria

and work load.

1.c I am given support for professional activities.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

2.c I have opportunities for career development.
SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

3.c he hiring practices in my unit are fair.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

4.c here are clear performance criteria outlined for my job.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

5.c he workload distribution in my unit is fair.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

6.c I have the opportunity to be promoted in my unit.

7.c he process for hiring external candidates is fair.

Recognition for ’ompetence

Recognition of Competency allows you to gain credit for skills and knowledge
you already have. If you have already worked in the field and know some (or all)
of the content of the unit, RC is a way of gaining credit for this learning or
experience and may reduce the amount of time spent studying.

1.c I am given the recognition for my contributions.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

2.c I am given recognition for my expertise.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

3.c here is sufficient guidance from my supervisor.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

4.c I feel a high degree of trust from my supervisor.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

5.c I receive feedback on my performance.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

6.c I have the authority to make decisions.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

7.c Mentoring is available in my unit.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

8.c I have a positive relationship with senior administrators.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

9.c here is strong leadership in my unit.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

10.cI feel the pressure to perform.


Intra-Department Relations






1.c I have good relationships with colleagues in my unit.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

2.c here is a strong sense of teamwork in my unit.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

3.c My supervisor keeps me informed about department issues.

SD___ MD___ SD___ SA___ MA___ SA__

4.c I have good cross-department relations.


5.c here is good communication between units.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

6.c Staff turnover is a problem in my unit.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

7.c he staff in my unit is ethnically diverse.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

8.c he staff in my unit is gender balanced.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

9.c My co-workers¶ performance is effective.
` SD___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

dorking ’onditions

All existing circumstances affecting labor in the workplace, including job hours,
physical aspects, legal rights and responsibilities

1.c My unit receives adequate resources.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

2.c he reputation of the company is an asset to me.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

3.c I am satisfied with my salary.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

4.c My physical work environment is adequate.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

5.c My access to parking is adequate.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

6.c Company benefits and retirement plans meet my expectations.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

-ob Related ètatements (Turnover & Morale)

he statements you write in your resume objectives, cover letters related to the job
description are called job related statements.

1.c here is too little variety in my job.

2.c I enjoy working in my position.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

3.c I have too little input in deciding matters that affect my work.
SD___ MD____ SD___ SA___ MA___ SA___

4.c I have a great deal of freedom on the job.


5.c My job means more to me than a salary.
SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___
6.c I have the trust and confidence of my colleagues.


7.c I am satisfied with work and responsibilities I have.


8.c Compared to my peers of similar experience and skills, I receive similar salary


SD___ MD___ SD___ SA___ MA___ SA___

9.c I have a positive working relationship with colleagues in my unit.
SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

10.cPlease indicate your level of satisfaction with respect to your job.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

11.cI am loyal to the organization.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

12.chere must be better organizations at which to work.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___
13.cMy opinions are valued.
SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

14.che organization values its employees.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___
15.chere is a sense of common purpose at my organization.

SD___MD___ SD___ SA___ MA___ SA___

16.chis organization is a caring organization.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

17.chis is a fair organization.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

18.cI am proud to work for this organization.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

19.cI am committed to my career/profession.

SD ___MD___SD___SA___MA___SA___

20.cI feel stuck in my current position.

SD___ MD___ SD___ SA___ MA___ SA ___

On a scale of 1±10, please circle the number which represents your experience:

1.c Please rate your level of morale with respect to your post-merger/acquisition
experiences. (0 = No Morale, 10 = Highest Morale)

(No Morale) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Highest Morale)

2.c How likely are you to leave your current position after the most recent
merger/acquisition? (0 = Not at ALL, 10 = Most Definitely)

(Not at ALL) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Most Definitely


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