Blog-Dream Brand

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It was Wednesday morning, and there I was, holding my new shirt to get ready for an important meeting.

I had
tried it in the day before night, and found it not fitting me properly. Suffice it to say, I was frustrated. I was
supposed to be the organizer in conducting the event, and I needed a perfect fitting shirt. So, I made an
appointment on “Dream Brand” website with my loyalty card, then drove to the nearest store a couple of
hours later.

When I arrived, I was taken aback at how busy the store was. “I’m going to be here forever,” I grumbled. But,
to my surprise, there was hardly any wait. Moments later, I was approached by a staff member who checked
my appointment using his iPad, and we immediately got down to talking about what I needed.

He listened as I told him what happened, and when I was done, I braced myself for the fate of a good
professional white shirt. How long would I have to wait to get the return done? How much was it going to cost
to for the new one?

I waited for the bad news of delay, but instead, the Genius smiled reassuringly, and said that there was a faster
and no question asked return option. I could just “return” my small size shirt and get a new one with in no time
and no extra cost.

“That’s it?” I asked, my panic simmering down.

“That’s it.” “How long is that going to take?”

“I’ll do it for you right now,” he said. He disappeared into the back and not two minutes later came back with a
new shirt of my size. I was good to go in no time.

On my way out, I passed a shelf of belts, and decided to buy one. There happened to be another associate a
few feet away, and he not only rang me up on the spot with his hand held POS , but he also suggested me few
more accessories right then and there which I also added to my cart and got a discount.

Also I liked on formal jacket and when I looked at I found it small size when I inquired – Associate told me
(looking at his handhold device) he will get it delivered at my home by evening on the same day as same style
is available in the other store and I can pay them during the delivery.

I walked out of the “Dream Brand” Store feeling relieved and blown away with in 10 -15 min. “This,” I thought
to myself, “is what every in-store experience should be like.”

Why did I bring up this story? Two reasons. The first is to remind you to never wait till last minutes to check
your cloth you made up your mind for meeting Secondly, I wanted to know from you – Have you came across
such “Dream Brand” if Yes Do post me on comment section

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