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Jose Quintanilla

HDF 190



HDF 190 Final Statement

This Intro. To Leadership Studies class has helped me to better understand leadership. Up to this

point, I knew about the basics of leadership, and this class gave me a better understanding of the

different types of leadership. I had no clue that there was more to leadership than meets the eye. The

two theories that fit my personality the most are Relational Leadership and Servant Leadership, as I

enjoy working with others, and I can also put other people first, while taking people’s ideas and taking

them into consideration, and I believe they will help me greatly during college, as well as my pursuit of

my career of a Crime Scene Investigator. Some markable skills I possess are creativity, influence, and

dedication, because depending on the subject, my imagination can run wild, and may just cook up a new

idea, and can be used to persuade others to hop on the same wagon. I am also someone that refuses to

give up, and focuses on getting things done, even if I have to stay up an entire night to complete it, with

breaks in between, of course.

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