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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Take a break

Select a celebration around the world and describe it according to the format. Include
images to illustrate your ideas. You can find and example in Introductory material
section 1. Describing celebrations and special occasions around the world. You have to
make your description in minimum 250 words.

Aspects Description Image

What it is In this celebration it is
celebrated. important to make
tributes to relatives and
friends who died in the
last year.

Where and This celebration is

when it is August 15 throughout
celebrated. Japan every year.

What people As a tradition in Japan

wear. women usually wear
Kimonos and men in
black for the occasion.

What people They celebrate parties,

do. dances, carnivals,
parades and religious
ceremonies while they
remember the
Why it is a It is a celebration to
special commemorate the soul
celebration. of the dead and receive
their visit. It is a
tradition in Japan and it
is a very important date
for the people,
thousands of tourists go
to this event

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