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Valid Regions must either:

Select Regions
Select up to 3 non-Saxon Controlled Regions (1 if Limited Command) Saxon Raid
Deep Raid
One of the other Factions in space have option to force
Feats Surprise Battle with Saxons (Saxons as Attackers; N.B.: May roll for
a) Border Oceanus Britannicus o If Raid Command does not use a N.B. All Assaults in this Coup-de-Main for All Assaults in this space). Dux have first
Feat, go to IV.1 selected space roll for choice and then Faction with Control, if any.
b) Border Oceanus Germanicus o If using Surprise Feat, then go to V Coup-de-Main  If Saxons successfully Evade, then go to END
for one selected space only, and If Deep Raid, then go to  If forced Battle in City, then go to IX
c) Have a Saxon Warband & a Saxon (non-Foederati) Settlement  If forced Battle otherwise, then go to IV.2
go to IV.1 for other spaces VI
d) Be adjacent to a space from “c” o If using Ravage Feat in selected Else go to IV.1  If no Faction chose to Battle Saxons, then go to IV.1
space, go to VII, otherwise go to
e) Border a Sea that a space from “c” also borders IV.1 VII
f) (If Deep Raid, ONLY in 1 space) Be adjacent to any other Valid space IV  Remove Prosperity from Map equal to # of newly placed Raiders and place as
Plunder Plunder on newly placed Raiders
If Surprise Feat and no space previously selected for Deep Raid, then select 1. If selected space is City, then go to  Then if Population>0, Roll 1d6, on 4-6, reduce Population by 1 and Civitates receive 1
1 space only for Surprise from previously selected spaces. VIII Refugee marker
2. Remove Prosperity from Map equal  Then Saxons may select 1 Faction present in Region to Battle with newly placed
If Ravage Feat, then may select for Ravage any of previously selected
to the lesser of Region’s Population Raiders (N.B. Saxons may NOT Assault or Evade in this Battle)
or # of newly placed Raiders (not  If Saxons did not Battle, then each of other Factions in space may in turn Battle with
Go to II counting ones that may have been Saxons (Saxons as Defenders; N.B. Saxons may not Evade or Withdraw during these
lost earlier in a forced Battle) and Battles) [Order of Choice: Dux then Civitates (but not both, unless Fragmentation)
place as Plunder on newly placed then Scotti]
II Raiders  Then go to IX
3. If there was a forced Battle during
Place Raiders
Deep Raid, then go to IX IX
For each region, either spend
4. Otherwise, go to VIII Scotti Reckoning
• 1 Renown to Roll 1d4
• 2 Renown to Roll 3d4 • If Region had Scotti Control at beginning of this
• If Raid is Free by Event, Roll 3d4 Raid, then reduce Scotti Renown by total
VIII amount of Prosperity taken as Plunder in this
Then Battle space (whether retained or lost in Battle)
1. If Region selected was Validity type “a,” “b,” “e,” or “f” (if deriving May Select 1 Faction present in Region • If a Scotti (non-Foederati) Settlement was
therefrom) and Sea in question is Patrolled, then place number of to Battle with newly placed Raiders destroyed during this Raid, then reduce Scotti
Saxon Raiders=Dice Roll-(# of Dux Forts in Regions bordering that Sea) N.B.: May roll for Coup-de-Main in Renown by amount of Plunder taken as a result
2. Otherwise, place number of Saxon Raiders=Dice Roll single selected Surprise space of destroying said Settlements
(May remove Raiders from map in order to place at this time, but any Plunder N.B.: May not Assault while using Go to END
carried by Raiders so removed is lost) Ravage
N.B. Only newly placed Raiders take part in any of sequence following Then go to IX
For each space with newly placed Raiders, Go to III
Return to III if selected spaces remain to Raid

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