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Power Profile: Magic Powers

Comic book magicians frequently invoke the names and Scrying uses various “windows” to view distant places,
titles of mystic entities, calling upon them for power from a magic mirror or crystal to a pool of still water.
and assistance with their spells. These magical-sounding
names and incantations can add flavor to a Magic power Scrying: Remote Sensing (Visual, Auditory, Mental) • 4 points
array (Hero’s Handbook, page 116). per rank.

Standard Spells The following invocations and entreaties are fairly ad-
vanced magic. Feel free to use the spells presented here
There are some standard spells every novice in the mystic as-is or adapt them to your own M&M setting as desired,
arts learns, simple enchantments and manifestations of perhaps using them as inspiration for your own.
the magical power permeating the cosmos. The following
should be in most magicians’ repertoires:
Mystic Bolt is a raw blast of arcane power, manifested as a
glowing light and striking with considerable force. (Ah-brey-don) The Lantern of Heaven,
Light of Righteousness
Mystic Bolt: Ranged Damage (magic) • 2 points per rank. Abbridon is an angelic higher being
associated with order and truth, called
Mystic Passage allows the caster to step from one point
upon for magic associated with reveal-
in space to another as easily as crossing a room. It’s sister-
ing the truth or banishing darkness
spell, Mystic Portal, allows others to do so as well (adding
and deception. He is often depicted
the Portal modifier).
as a beautiful androgynous figure in
Mystic Passage: Teleport • 2 points per rank.
flowing robes, with peacock feathered
wings (the “eyes” being his symbol) and
Mystic Shield protects the caster with an aura or a flat carrying a torch or lantern. Sometimes
geometric shield of glowing magical force. addressed as “The Abbridon,” some
mystics have suggested Abbridon may
Mystic Shield: Protection, Sustained • 1 point per rank. be a multifaceted entity or collective class of higher angelic
beings, perhaps even an office held by one of them. Ab-
Levitation allows a magician to float through the air, or at bridon is also one of the three entities making up the mystic
least hover while composed in meditation. trinity of the Modrossus, along with Heshem and Lamal.

Levitation: Flight • 2 points per rank. Abjurations of Abbridon counteract darkness, bindings,
and malevolent summoned creatures.

Power Profile: Magic Powers 1

Abjurations of Abbridon: Nullify Binding, Darkness, and Evil Ahgrazul’s Compass: Remote Sensing (Visual), Simultaneous,
Summon effects, Simultaneous • 2 points per rank. Limited to Extended Searches (see Search, Hero’s
Handbook, page 70) • 2 points per rank.
Aegis of Abbridon calls forth a magical shield to protect
the caster. The Aegis is one of the most commonly Airts of Ahgrazul guide travelers on the winding coils
wielded defensive spells; even a novice mystic knows how between worlds.
to conjure one.
Airts of Ahgrazul: Movement 2 (Dimension Travel 2, Mystic
Dimensions) • 4 points +1 point per rank of Increased Mass.
Aegis of Abbridon: Impervious Protection, Sustained • 2 points
per rank.
Auspicious Augury of Ahgrazul is a potent ritual involv-
ing omens of the future. It offers an effect similar to an
All-Revealing Light of Abbridon banishes all conceal- enhanced Second Chance: after the spell is cast (taking
ing, obscuring, or illusory effects. a full-round action), the magician can thereafter spend a
hero point to “undo” a single event, treating that event as
All-Revealing Light of Abbridon: Burst Area Nullify
a precognitive warning or vision rather than something
Concealing or Illusory Effects, Simultaneous, Close Range
• 2 points per rank.
that “actually” happened.

Auspicious Augury of Ahgrazul: Enhanced Advantage 1

All-Seeing Eyes of Abbridon creates mystic “sensors” for (Second Chance), Senses 4 (Precognition, Limited to Second
the caster to scry. Chance) • 3 points.

All-Seening Eyes of Abbridon: Remote Sensing (Visual,

Auditory, Mental) • 4 points per rank.
Illumination of Abbridon is a simple spell for creating (bal-HAY-moth) The Binder, Lord of Chains
light as bright as normal daylight, although such light can
also affect creatures specifically vulnerable to it. The sinister Bal’Hemoth
was worshipped in ancient
Illumination of Abbridon: Environment (Bright Light), Feature 1 Lemuria as the iron-fisted
(equal to daylight) • 1 point + 2 points per rank. master of order and enslave-
ment. He taught dominance
and the power of the strong
Ahgrazul over the weak, although
(ah-GRAH-zool) Archmage of Atlantis, The Explorer Bal’Hemoth’s ways were over-
thrown through generations
Ahgrazul was a mighty arch- of slave rebellions against
mage in ancient Atlantis, best the Serpent People of Lemuria and their inheritors.
known as a seer and diviner.
He first explored the Cosmic Baleful Bindings of Bal’Hemoth are dark metallic chains
Coil and blazed paths for the that appear around the target of the spell. The Bindings
mystics who would follow him. are able to trap astral forms and spirits as well.
Legend says Ahgrazul foretold
Baleful Bindings of Bal’Hemoth: Ranged Affliction
Atlantis’s fall, but he departed
(Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Will; Hindered and
for worlds beyond before the Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized), Affects
island-continent sank beneath Insubstantial 2, Extra Condition, Limited Degree • 2 points
the waves. + 2 points per rank.
Ahgrazul’s Compass is a pathfinding spell, able to guide Beast of Bal’Hemoth summons a demon warrior (M&M
the caster to a desired destination. Gamemaster’s Guide, page 137) or a monstrous spider (giant

Power Stunts and Improvised Spells

An additional use for the various spells described in this profile is as a catalog of magical power stunts. Although each
character has a set of “rote” or “mastered” spells—established Alternate Effects of a Magic array—any magician can
attempt to improvise an entreaty to any of the various arcane powers. Indeed, many of the spells used by comic book ma-
gicians are one-time things: if they require preparation and ceremony, they’re rituals (Magical Rituals, Hero’s Handbook,
page 160), but if they’re done on the spur of the moment, then they’re best considered Magic power stunts.
In keeping with the theme of magic carrying a price, the GM may, from time to time, choose to waive the fatigue caused
by the extra effort of an improvised spell, instead imposing a future complication from calling upon that particular entity
(for which the magician will not gain a hero point, since it was effectively “cashed in” for the spell itself ). Likewise, the GM
can use entreaties and characters’ relationships with the various Powers of Magic as a source of future complications in
the game, as magicians encounter omens, unusual “luck,” and the like.

2 Power Profile: Magic Powers

insect, M&M Gamemaster’s Guide, 140) to do the magician’s Storm of Ghorummaz: Ranged Damage (lightning), Indirect 2 •
bidding. 2 points +2 points per rank.

Beast of Bal’Hemoth: Summon Minion 5 • 10 points. Thunderous Tread of Ghorummaz creates a localized
earthquake around where the magician stomps the
Bidding of Bal’Hemoth ensnares the victim’s will as ground.
surely as the Baleful Bindings ensnare the body.
Thunderous Tread: Burst Area Affliction (Resisted and
Bidding of Bal’Hemoth: Perception Ranged Cumulative Overcome by Fortitude; Vulnerable, Defenseless), Instant
Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by Will; Entranced, Recover, Limited Degree, Limited: caster and target much
Compelled, Controlled) • 4 points per rank. touch the ground • 1 point per rank.

Bitter Lash of Bal’Hemoth creates a crackling whip

of dark energy in the caster’s grasp. Its touch inflicts no Heshem
physical harm, but rather it fills the target with a terrible
feeling of hopelessness and indecision. (heh-SHEM) She Who Is Three, The Hooded One, Triformus

Heshem is the dark goddess of the

Bitter Lash: Cumulative Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by
Will; Dazed, Stunned, Paralyzed), Reach 2 • 2 points +2 points between places, usually an ancient crone,
per rank. robed and hooded, bearing a staff or cane
and a glowing lantern (often suspended at
the end of her crooked staff ). Cats are as-
Ghorummaz sociated with her for their night vision and
glowing eyes. Although stern and fierce,
(go-ROO-maz) The Dragon Within the Earth, she can be a power for good, bringing light
Lord of Storms, The Earth-Binder into the darkness. Heshem is one of the
Ghorummaz is a primal, elemental Three Powers of the Modrossus.
force, often depicted as a serpen- Hand of Heshem (sometimes known
tine dragon of stone and fire, spitting as Heshem’s Shadowy Hand) creates a
molten magma. It is strongly connect- shadowy ectoplasmic extension to the magician’s grasp.
ed with “dragon lines” of force within
the Earth and with the elements. Gho- Hand of Heshem: Move Object • 2 points per rank.
rummaz is Lord of Earthquakes and
Storms, and a binder of what is un- Heshem’s Holy Hearth summons a golden light or an
natural. actual mystic flame whose light wards off creatures of evil
Ghorummaz’s Dictum is a powerful and darkness.
abjuration of the unnatural that hedges out unnatural
Holy Hearth: Burst Area Progressive Affliction (Resisted and
creatures (including those from other planes) in a 30-foot
Overcome by Will; Entranced, Compelled, Controlled), Limited
radius around the caster. to Evil Creatures, Limited to Holding at Bay • 2 points per rank.

Ghorummaz’s Dictum: Burst Area Progressive Affliction

(Entranced, Compelled), Limited Degree, Limited to Unnatural
Heshem’s Way conjures a dark mist that acts as a gateway
Creatures, Limited to Holding at Bay • 1 point per rank. into the astral plane or dream dimension. It’s traditionally
cast as a crossroads, but it can actually be used anywhere.
Grasp of Ghorummaz creates a clawed hand of stone,
Heshem’s Way: Movement 2 (Dimensional 2), Portal • 8 points.
bursting up from the earth to seize and hold a target.

Grasp of Ghorummaz: Ranged Affliction (Resisted by Dodge, Holy Hosts of Heshem invokes powerful forces of ban-
Overcome by Damage; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless ishment in the form of a shadowy storm of wings.
and Immobilized), Extra Condition, Limited Degree, Affects
Incorporeal 2, Indirect 1 • 3 points +2 points per rank. Holy Hosts: Nullify Magic, Broad • 2 points per rank.

Great Gale of Ghorummaz summons a powerful storm Hood of Heshem cloaks an area in impenetrable dark-
over an area, the equivalent of a 4-point Environmental ness.
Control effect (Distraction and Hamper Movement). The
caster of the spell can direct the gale’s effect, moving the Hood of Heshem: Cloud Area Concealment Attack 4 (All Visual) •
center of it within range. 12 points + 4 points per additional area rank.

Gale of Ghorummaz: Environment (Impeded Movement 2, Hook of Heshem is similar to Hand of Heshem, except
Visibility –5) • 4 points per rank. the shadowy extension around the caster’s hand is tipped
with wicked claws.
Storm of Ghorummaz unleashes a powerful elemental fury,
allowing the sorcerer to strike foes with bolts of lightning. Hook of Heshem: Penetrating Damage • 2 points per rank.

Power Profile: Magic Powers 3

Cloak of Idolon renders the “wearer” difficult to locate
The Howling Dream and detect using magical means. It’s a known weapon in
The Crying Chaos, The Primal Storm the arsenal of mage-killers, and sometimes used by magi-
cians on the run to evade detection and capture.
The Howling Dream is
as much a place or state Cloak of Idolon: Concealment 2 (Magical), Sustained • 4 points.
of mind as it is an entity.
It is mad, primal chaos Illusions of Idolon creates convincing hallucinations in
dwelling within the the minds of the subjects, causing them to perceive what-
darkest depths of con- ever the caster wishes.
sciousness, the stormy
sea of emotions and Illusions of Idolon: Illusion (All Senses), Resistible by Will,
awareness from which all thought and imagination first Selective • 5 points per rank.
arose. It is that portion of the Great Mind that will not be
tamed or subject to order. It is insanity incarnate. Magi- Veil of Idolon is a ward against scrying, rendering an area
cians calling on the power of the Howling Dream skirt the “dark” to magical means of detection. Some magicians Veil
edges of madness themselves. their sanctums and working areas as a matter of course, to
safeguard against spies.
The Crying Road is a path into the realm of dreams and
nightmares. Veil of Idolon: Burst Area Concealment 3 (Mental Senses and
Remote Sensing), Affects Others • 12 points + 3 points per +1
Crying Road: Movement 1 (Dimensional 1, Dream Dimension), area rank.
Portal • 4 points.

Curse of Howling Madness drags the victim’s psyche Ios

down into the depths of the Howling Dream, causing
(eye-os) The Wayfinder, the Seer, Ios of the Eight Eyes
erratic, often insane, behavior.
Ios was an ancient arch-
Curse of Howling Madness: Perception Ranged Affliction mage who ascended to
(Resisted and Overcome by Will; Entranced, Compelled, a higher spiritual plane,
Controlled), Progressive, Limited to causing erratic or insane
becoming a guide and
behavior • 4 points per rank.
guardian of mystics
to follow. She is most
Dream Dementia calls forth powerful dream images
strongly associated with divinatory magic, connected
into the waking mind, causing the subject to feel power-
with the symbol of the eye and with spells dealing with
ful emotions accompanied by hallucinations: so, a victim
gates, both opening and closing them. Ios was known
might see her greatest fear, perceive the magician as her
for her devotion to seeking truth and her opposition
one true love, and so forth.
to the ancient Cult of Idolon, infamous deceivers and
spies that they were.
Dream Dementia: Perception Ranged Affliction (Resisted
and Overcome by Will; Entranced, Compelled, Controlled), The Eight Eyes of Ios are a glowing ring of unblinking
Cumulative, Insidious, Variable Descriptor (Emotions) • 3 points golden orbs that float around the mage’s head when
+ 4 points per rank.
summoned. They grant the ability to see in all directions
through any concealment or illusion.
Dream Denizens conjures up creatures out of nightmare,
no two exactly alike. Eight Eyes of Ios: Senses 13 (Radius Vision, Vision Counters
Illusion, Vision Counters and Penentrates All Concealment)
Dream Denizens: Summon Dream Denizen, Active, Broad, • 13 points.
Mental Link • 1 point + 5 points per rank.
The Enchantment of Ios allows the magician to capture
Idolon and hold a subject’s gaze, and attention, for as long as the
caster continues to engage the subject using an interac-
(eye-do-lon) The Illusionist, Veil of Illusion, The Deceiver tion skill of choice.

The mysterious Enchantment of Ios: Enhanced Advantage 1 (Fascinate) • 1 point.

Idolon has no true
or fixed appearance The Everwatchful Eye of Ios literally grants the magician
apart from a pair of “eyes in the back of the head” (one unseen magical eye,
glowing eyes seen in technically).
the darkness or in the
shadowy depths of a hood. It is capable of assuming any Everwatchful Eye of Ios: Enhanced Advantage 1 (Uncanny
appearance, for Idolon is a power of illusion and trickery. Dodge), Senses 3 (Danger Sense, Radius Vision) • 4 points.
Mages call upon it for aid in concealment and crafting
cunning images.

4 Power Profile: Magic Powers

Kar’Kradas Lamal
(car-CRAH-das) The Whisperer in the (la-MAL) The Law-Giver, The Legate,
Shadows Between Worlds The Wise, The Great Balance

Kar’Kradas is an ancient and Lamal the Law-Giver is an

powerful demon, known as entity of perfect order but,
the Whisperer in the Shadows unlike his brother Weyan,
Between Worlds. It is said he is concerned with order
he was bound in “the places amongst individuals and soci-
between” long ago, perhaps eties, rather than the perfect
even before time as we know functioning of a well-main-
it, and now he can only access tained mechanism. Mortals
the world through shadows, corners, and mirrors, per- know Lamal as “the Wise” and the “Great Balance,” a giver
ceived by some sensitives out of the corner of the eye of laws, guidance, and wise judgment. For this reason, he
in just a glimpse. Magicians call on the Whisperer for is often a guide and patron of magicians seeking to use
powers of darkness, deception, and transcending time their powers wisely for the greater good. Lamal is one of
and space. Cults have worshipped Kar’Kradas through- the Three Powers of the Modrossus.
out time, and some have sought to free him from his im-
prisonment, even though doing so would mean the un- Lamal’s Labyrinth mystically traps a subject in psychic
raveling of the Cosmic Coil and the end of all existence “maze” leaving them stupified and vulnerable.
as we know it.
Lamal’s Labyrinth: Perception Ranged Affliction (Resisted and
Call of Kar’Kradas is a powerful demon-summoning spell. Overcome by Will; Entranced and Vulnerable, Defenseless and
Immobile, Incapacitated), Extra Condition • 4 points per rank.
Call of Kar’Kradas: Summon Demon, Active, Broad, Controlled •
5 points per rank. Lamal’s Mighty Hands are ghostly, invisible forces able
to lift and move objects as the caster wills.
Chains of Kar’Kradas wrap the target in chain-like bonds
forged of pure darkness. Lamal’s Mighty Hands: Move Object, Precise, Subtle • 2 points +2
points per rank.
Chains of Kar’Kradas: Ranged Affliction (Resisted by Dodge,
Overcome by Damage; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless Lamal’s Rebuke is a powerful spell usable against extra-
and Immobile), Affects Insubstantial 2, Cumulative, Extra planar creatures of chaos.
Condition, Limited Degree • 2 points + 3 points per rank.
Lamal’s Rebuke: Burst Area Affliction (Resisted and Overcome
Crooked Path of Kar’Kradas allows the magician to step by Will; Dazed and Hindered, Disabled and Stunned,
into a shadow and vanish, reappearing out of another Incapacitated), Extra Condition, Limited to Extraplanar
shadow some distance away. Creatures of Chaos • 2 points per rank.

Crooked Path of Kar’Kradas: Teleport, Accurate, Medium Light of Lamal, also known as the “Light of Law,” calls
(Shadows) • 2 points per rank. forth a pure, streaming ray of white light. Those illumi-
nated by it are compelled to speak the truth.
Hounds of Kar’Kradas is a summoning spell, calling forth
one or more “dark hounds,” relentless hunters and track- Light of Lamal: Ranged Affliction (Resisted and Overcome
ers. They have the game stats of lions (M&M Gamemaster’s by Will; Controlled), Progressive, Limited Degree, Limited to
Guide, page 135), with the addition of Concealment 4 Speaking the Truth • 1 point per rank.
(Visual, Limited to shadows), Insubstantial 4, and Senses
3 (Acute Magical Awareness, Magical Tracking), raising Malador
total points to 75.
(mal-a-dor) The Mystic, The Malificent
Hounds of Kar’Kradas: Summon Dark Hound 5 (75-point
minion), Active, Controlled, Heroic, Mental Link • 31 points + 10 Malador was a powerful and re-
points per doubling of the number of hounds. spected mage in ancient Atlantis
who turned to dark and forbidden
Umbral Kraken of Kar’Kradas is another summoning arts in his mad quest for immortality
spell, calling up a massive tentacled creature of dark- and power. He ironically gained his
ness from the depths. It’s the equivalent of giant squid “eternal life” when his fellow mages
(M&M Gamemaster’s Guide, page 135) with Insubstan- bound him for all time in a tomb
tial 4, and Burrowing rather than Swimming, if sum- within the Temple of Sirrion. Mala-
moned on land. dor’s name is still invoked by magi-
cians seeking power over life and
Umbral Kraken of Kar’Kradas: Summon Umbral Kraken (75- death.
point minion), Active, Controlled, Heroic • 30 points.

Power Profile: Magic Powers 5

Malevolent Minion of Malador reanimates corpses as Mists of the Modrossus: Burst Area Affliction (Resisted and
undead minions, either zombies or skeletons, under the Overcome by Will; Entranced, Compelled, Transformed),
caster’s control. See the Gamemaster’s Guide, page 144, for Progressive, Selective, Limited to Blanking Recent Memories •
undead traits. 4 points per rank.

Minion of Malador: Summon Undead, Controlled, Horde,

Multiple Minions (32 undead) • 14 points per rank.
Sign of the Modrossus is a powerful ward against mystic
creatures, visible as the glowing sign of the Triluminary
drawn in fiery blue-white light.
Miasma of Malador summons a cloud of noxious, acidic
vapor to burn and blind targets.
Sign of the Modrossus: Burst Area Affliction (Resisted and
Overcome by Will; Dazed and Hindered, Stunned and
Miasma of Malador: Ranged Cloud Area Damage (acid) Linked
Immobile, Incapacitated), Extra Condition, Limited to
to Ranged Cloud Area Cumulative Affliction (Resisted and
Magical Creatures • 2 points per rank +1 point per rank per +1
Overcome by Fortitude; Impaired, Disabled, Unaware), Limited
area rank.
to Vision • 6 points per rank.

Might of Malador hurls black necromantic lightning Judgment of the Modrossus is a fearsome invocation,
from the caster’s hands to strike at enemies. calling upon the highest mystic order to appear and
judge the petitioner’s worthiness. The judgment rendered
Might of Malador: Ranged Damage (necomantic) • 2 points by the triple-power is fair but dispassionate. Rather than
per rank. a power in game-terms, this spell is more of a plot device,
although a player might choose to invoke it by spending a
Mists of Malador are dark grey, swirling clouds, quite hero point, the equivalent of asking the GM for inspiration
similar to the Miasma of Malador and often mistaken for (Hero’s Handbook, page 21).
it, but merely obscuring the area they cover.
Mists of Malador: Ranged Burst Area Concealment 4 Attack
(Visual) • 16 points + 4 points per +1 area rank. (ob-roar-os) The Screaming Spire,
Obsidian Ward, Ever-Watchful
The Modrossus Obroros is the name given to an ancient
intelligent artifact, a double-terminated
(MOH-dro-soos) The Lumenvirate, The Hand of Order, obelisk of gleaming black stone that serves
The Three-In-One, Triluminary as a guardian and gatekeeper to the neth-
The Modrossus is an amalgam erworlds of the Cosmic Coil. Glowing eyes
of three potent mystic entities: and mouths form on the surface of the spire
Abbridon, Heshem, and Lamal, when it deals with visitors or challengers.
often depicted as a glowing No one knows who placed Obroros on its
being with three heads: male, eternal vigil, and the Spire remains silent on
female, and androgyne, or a such matters. Its cries are terribly painful to dimensional
lion, a serpent, and an eagle, intruders, driving them back whence they came.
each with a glowing rune on Obscuring Orb of Obroros mystically “blinds” the sight
its forehead. The Modrossus is and psychic senses of those the mage chooses within its
the single greatest force for positive and protective magic radius.
known to earthly magicians, and they often invoke its name
and power in their duties. The legendary Manual and Medal- Obsscuring Orb of Obroros: Ranged Burst Area Concealment
lion of the Modrossus are entrusted to Earth’s Master Mage. Attack 6 (Visual and Mental), Selective • 30 points + 6 points per
+1 area rank.
Magic of the Modrossus is a collection of spells invok-
ing the power of the Triluminary, known to include the
following effects. Occult Exorcism of Obroros is a powerful ban against
outside mystic influences on the mind.
Magic of the Modrossus:
Ranged Cumulative Affliction (blinding light; Resisted and Occult Exorcism: Nullify Mind-Influencing Effects, Simultaneous
Overcome by Fortitude; Impaired, Disabled, Unaware), Limited • 2 points per rank.
to Vision • 2 points per rank.
Create Light Constructs • 2 points per rank. Omens of Obroros summons an extension of Obroros
Ranged Damage (magic, searing blue-white light) • 2 points itself, a tall obelisk of polished obsidian appearing out of
per rank. a cloud of grey smoke. It can answer questions posed to it
Nullify Magic, Broad • 2 points per rank. by showing visions in its depths.

Mists of the Modrossus are sweet-smelling vapors able Omens of Obroros: Remote Sensing (Vision), Dimensional 3,
to blank out the memories of the uninitiated who witness No Conduit, Subtle • 4 points + 3 points per rank.
those things they are not meant to know.

6 Power Profile: Magic Powers

Phoros Scourge of Shatachna: Cumulative Affliction (Resisted and
Overcome by Will; Dazed and Impaired, Defenseless and
(FOR-os) The Burning Phantoms, Stunned , Incapacitated), Extra Condition, Reach 4 • 4 points
+ 3 points per rank.
Floating Flames, Mighty Lights

The Phoros are immortal, immate- Scythe of Shatachna is a wicked, curved blade at the end
rial magical beings from a realm of a long black handle, wielded as a two-handed weapon,
of raw and chaotic energy. They preternaturally sharp and deadly.
appear as floating, glowing spheres
Scythe of Shatachna: Penetrating Damage, Reach 1 • 1 point + 2
of light or fire, and their full power
points per rank.
can be damaging to unprotected
material creatures. Some have Servants of Shatachna is a demon-summoning spell.
likened them to “living stars” and It’s also a commonly enacted ritual for cults worshipping
they may be responsible for the Shatachna, calling on one of her many demonic slaves
legend of the will-o’-wisp. Magicians for aid. Different versions may have additional Summon
call upon them and their realm for energy and power. modifiers applied to them.
Flames of the Phoros are actually several different appli-
Servants of Shatachna: Summon Demon, Broad Type • 4 points
cations of the raw magical power that is the essence of the
per rank.
Phoros’ realm, capable of a number of discrete effects. In
addition to the following, magical versions of the various Shadows of Shatachna are more than mere darkness;
other Fire Powers may be part of these spells. they are hungry shadows from the depths of a dark neth-
erworld, a darkness that feeds fear like oxygen feeds a fire.
Flames of the Phoros: Victims often run into obstacles in the darkness in their
Ranged Damage (magical fire) • 2 points per rank. blind efforts to escape from the dreadful terrors they feel
Burst Area Ranged Damage (magical fire) • 3 points per rank. lurking there.
Nullify Magic, Broad, Simultaneous (flames “burning” all the
magic out of the target) • 3 points per rank. Shadows of Shatachna: Ranged Burst Area Progressive
Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by Will; Dazed and
Protection, Sustained (an aura of blue, green, or violet flames)
Impaired, Defenseless and Disabled, Paralyzed and Unaware),
• 1 point per rank.
Extra Condition • 4 points per rank.
Reaction Damage (to being touched, magical fire) • 4 points
per rank. Shatachna’s Seal of Silence places an enchantment on
Perception Range Shapeable Area Fire Damage, Limited to the subject, preventing them from speaking of or com-
Existing Fire • 3 points per rank. municating about certain information in any way. The
subject retains awareness of the information and of the
Phantasms of Phoros, also known as the “Fata of the spell, but they simply cannot communicate.
Phoros,” shapes flickering light to create visual Illusions,
the simplest being the appearance of floating orbs Seal of Silence: Perception Ranged Affliction (Resisted and
of light similar to the Phoros themselves. Unlike many Overcome by Will; Controlled), Progressive, Limited Degree,
magically made illusions, the images are formed of light, Limited to Communication, Limited to Specific Information
so they’re visible to all, not hallucinations in the targets’ • 2 points per rank.

Phantasms of the Phoros: Illusion (Visual) • 2 points per rank. Sirrion

(seer-ee-uhn) The Red Wizard, Scarlet Sorcerer,
Shatachna Scarlet Summoner, Starry Visitor

(sha-TAK-na) The Iron Queen, The Lady of Pain, Sirrion, the Sorcerer in Scarlet,
Mistress of Curses is a mysterious figure robed en-
tirely in red, including a turban
The Iron Queen and Mistress of and veil, showing only a pair of
the Seven Hells, Shatachna is glowing eyes in the shadows of
an ancient demon associated his (her, its) face. Some associ-
with pain and suffering. Those ate Sirrion with Idolon, although
seeking power and dominion there is no evidence of a con-
call her upon to inflict pain on nection between them. Sirrion is associated with the
others, and she has claimed the starry heavens and with the star system known as Sirius
souls of more than a few would- in modern history. He is known as “the Starry Visitor,”
be “magisters” as her personal slaves and attendants. perhaps indicating he was a wizard or entity from another
planet or universe. The ancient Atlanteans built Temples
Scourge of Shatachna conjures a many-tailed whip that
in his name. Modern wizards call on Sirrion for spells of
inflicts burning pain with each strike.
summoning, protection, and binding, amongst others.

Power Profile: Magic Powers 7

Scarlet Shades of Sirrion summons “vermillion darkness,” mordial chaos, and its followers want nothing more than
a deep, red-tinted mist, blanketing a given area and block- to summon it into the world to bring the “gift” of divine
ing all sight. Some versions of the spell add other senses to madness to all. A few with a slightly stronger grip on their
the effect, particularly mental or mystical senses, making sanity seek to use the Unspeakable One’s power for their
the Scarlet Shades even more difficult to penetrate. own purposes, but they constantly risk falling deeper into
a psychic abyss from which there is no return.
Scarlet Shades: Ranged Cloud Area Concealment Attack
(Visual) 4 • 12 points + 4 points per +1 area rank. Chant of Chaos is a rising and falling chant in an alien
tongue, the very sound of which is maddening. Continu-
The Shining Shackles of Sirrion, also known as the ing the chant gives the spell its cumulative effect.
Scarlet Shackles or Bonds of Sirrion, are glowing red metal
chains or crimson bands of energy that trap their target. Chant of Chaos: Cumulative Hearing Area Affliction (Resisted
and Overcome by Will; Entranced, Compelled, Transformed)
Shining Shackles: Ranged Affliction (Resisted by Dodge, • 3 points per rank.
Overcome by Will; Hindered and Impaired, Disabled and
Immobile), Extra Condition, Limited Degree • 2 points per rank. Unspeakable Summoning calls up a preternatural crea-
ture from the Unspeakable One’s realm to serve the sor-
Shining Shield of Sirrion summons up a glowing red cerer. Use the Brute Demon (Gamemaster’s Guide, page
aura or a disk-shaped shield of crimson force able to 137) as a starting archetype.
deflect attacks. Some verions of the Shining Shield are Im-
pervious as well. Unspeakable Summoning: Summon Unspeakable Servitor 7,
Active, Heroic • 35 points.
Shining Shield: Sustained Protection • 1 point per rank.
The Yellow Sign is the most infamous rite of the Unspeak-
Shining Suns of Sirrion calls forth a blazing reddish-gold able One, a sigil able to induce madness in those who see it.
light, used for several effects.
The Yellow Sign: Perception Area Progressive Affliction (Resisted
Shining Suns of Sirrion: and Overcome by Will; Entranced, Compelled, Transformed)
• 4 points per rank.
Ranged Cumulative Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by
Fortitude; Impaired, Disabled, Unaware), Limited to Vision
• 2 points per rank.
Ranged Damage (blazing light) • 2 points per rank.
Nullify Magic, Broad • 2 points per rank. (VOH-kuh) The Destroyer, The Devourer, The Oathbreaker
Somnambulant Spell of Sirrion creates thin, pinkish Vhoka the Destroyer is the leg-
mist, rising up from the ground or pouring forth from the endary Eater of Gods, a primal
caster’s hands or feet, putting targets into a deep sleep. force destroying all in his path,
consuming it so it may be
Somnambulant Spell: Cloud Area Cumulative Affliction reborn anew. He’s most often
(Resisted and Overcome by Will; Dazed, Stunned, Asleep) depicted as a many-armed man
• 3 points per rank.
wielding several swords with a
Star Demons of Sirrion conjures up one or more bat- wide, toothy maw like a shark.
winged beings formed of deep reddish shadow with Although many fear Vhoka’s power, in many respects, he
burning red eyes that obey their summoner’s commands. is an entity beyond good and evil. Still, he is opposed to
Use the Imp archetype from page 137 of the Gamemas- the forces of creation, so magicians allied with order tend
ter’s Guide, without Shrinking but with Insubstantial 4. to call upon him with great caution, if at all, while those
devoted solely to their own power have fewer qualms
Star Demons of Sirrion: Summon Star Demon 6 (90-point about calling Vhoka’s wrath down upon their foes.
minion), Controlled • 18 points + 12 points per doubling the
Dance of Vhoka imparts movement to a weapon, allow-
number summoned.
ing it to fight on its own. The weapon is a minion with its
normal damage capabilities, the base traits of a construct
The Unspeakable One (including Immunity to Fortitude and Will effects), Flight
1, and skill in wielding itself equal to the power level
Lord of the Yellow Sign, Rune of Madness minus the weapon’s effect rank. Take the weapon’s cost
in power points or equipment points, add the cost of its
The entity known as the Unspeak- attack ranks (power level – effect rank) + 2 points for Flight
able One has been worshipped by to get its minion cost.
mad cults since the days of Lemuria
and the Serpent Empire. Its true Dance of Vhoka: Summon Animated Weapon, Active,
name is known only to a few, for it Controlled, General Type, Ranged • 6 points per rank.
is said to speak it invites its atten-
tion and, therefore, madness. The Maw of Vhoka is a ghostly toothed maw, appearing out
Unspeakable One is a force of pri- of nowhere to savagely bite at a target chosen by the

8 Power Profile: Magic Powers

Conjuring Your Own Entities
The entities and spells presented in this profile are really only a sample of the full range of possibilities for mystic M&M
characters. Virtually every power can be re-cast as a magical spell, to say nothing of the countless variations from adding
power modifiers.
You can use the examples in this profile as a jumping-off point for creating your own arcane entities for magicians to call
upon in your series. All it really takes is an atmospheric name, a cool-sounding title or two, and some alliterative spells to
go along with them, and you’re all set. Although they’re called “entities,” the beings comic book sorcerers invoke for their
spells are far more plot device characters than anything else. You do not need to be concerned about their game traits,
for example, or how many power points they cost; rest assured, it would be a lot!
Players of other roleplaying games have a slight edge when it comes to making up new arcane entities for their series:
you can simply borrow them from elsewhere! Plenty of RPGs have pantheons of imaginary deities, angelic and demonic
forces, occult mysteries, and so forth. Feel free to borrow from these wholesale or use them as inspiration for new occult
lore in your M&M game.

caster, then vanishing. If the Maw fails to strike, it tries Hand, commonly known by number. Their use creates
again, up to three times before vanishing. Some versions phantom images of rune-engraved circles or spoked
of the spell are Penetrating, as well. wheels slowly spinning around the magician.

Maw of Vhoka: Ranged Damage (bite), Homing 3 • 3 points +2 The First Wheel of Weyan, or the Wheel of Workings, can
points per rank. animate objects and also repair damage inflicted upon
the world by various unnatural forces. Righteous magi-
Vile Venom of Vhoka is a deadly toxin that saps a victim’s cians use it to clean up the collateral damage in the after-
strength and can eventually kill them. At below Strength math of their victories.
–5, the victim is paralyzed and begins losing Stamina
instead. Below Stamina –5, the victim dies. First Wheel of Weyan:
Perception Ranged Summon Animated Object, Limited to
Vile Venom: Weaken Strength, Progressive, Variable Descriptor Available Objects • 3 points per rank.
(Weakens Stamina after Strength reaches 0) • 1 point + 3 points
Ranged Transform (broken objects into repaired objects) • 3
per rank.
points per rank

The Second Wheel of Weyan, or the Wheel of Watching,

Weyan opens a circular “window” through which the magician
can scry. The Wheel of Watching only provides visions of
(way-an) The Wheelwright, The Watcher, The White Hand distant places; it does not transmit sound or other sensory
Weyan the Wheelright is brother impressions. Some verions of the spell add the Dimen-
of Lamal the Law-Giver, and even sional modifier as well.
more orderly than his divine twin.
Weyan is an artisan, master of a Second Wheel of Weyan: Remote Sensing (Visual) • 2 points
per rank.
vast and intricate clockwork uni-
verse of interlocking wheels and The Third Wheel of Weyan, or the Wheel of Warding, can
gears, always working to expand deflect and reflect attacks.
and maintain it. It is said the
purpose of the vast mechanism is Third Wheel of Weyan: Deflect, Reflect • 2 points per rank.
to perfect creation in some way. Perfection is Weyan’s ulti-
mate purpose, and he’s called upon in matters of improving The Fourth Wheel of Weyan, or the Wheel of the Winds, can
or perfecting things, or for the tremendous power contained create powerful wind gusts at the caster’s command.
in the wheels he makes and puts into motion. Unlike, Lamal,
however, Weyan is less concerned with matters of justice, Fourth Wheel of Weyan: Perception Ranged Move Object,
and magicians wield his power for their own purposes. Limited to Pushing • 2 points per rank.

Ward of Weyan (not to be confused with the Wheel of The Fifth Wheel of Weyan, or the Wheel of Waiting, can ac-
Warding, the Third Wheel of Weyan) is a dictum of law, tually stop time in a limited area. An advanced version of
warding off all creatures of chaos and disorder. the spell adds Selective to the effect.

Ward of Weyan: Burst Area Progressive Affliction (Resisted and Fifth Wheel of Weyan: Burst Area Affliction (Incapacitated),
Overcome by Will; Entranced, Compelled, Controlled), Limited Affects Objects, Progressive, Sustained, Instant Recovery,
to Creatures of Chaos, Limited to Forcing Targets Away from Limited Degree • 3 points per rank.
Area • 2 points per rank.
The Sixth Wheel of Weyan, or the Wheel of Whispers, carries
The Wheels of Weyan are a collection of the most the magician’s words over great distances.
common invocations to the Wheelwright of the White

Power Profile: Magic Powers 9

Sixth Wheel of Weyan: Communication (air and auditory)
• 4 points per rank. Magic Complications
Masters of the mystic arts often say that magic comes at
The Seventh Wheel of Weyan, or the Wheel of Worlds, opens
a price. Certainly, a sorcerer’s life tends to be complicated
wheel-shaped gateways between dimensions.
by concerns ordinary mortals can scarcely imagine. The
following are just some of the complications magic may
Seventh Wheel of Weyan: Movement 2 (Dimensional 2 – Mystic
Dimensions), Portal • 8 points.
bring into a character’s existence.

Wondrous Working of Weyan is a particularly intri- Addiction

cate—and dangerous—enchantment. It creates around
the magician a wondrous phantasmal device of complex The practice of magic can lead to some unusual addic-
interlocking gears, powered by the ambient magic in the tions and compulsions, particularly for a character sliding
surrounding area. They spin, faster and faster as the Won- towards the corrupt side of the mystic arts. These may
drous Working uses up all the nearby magic, temporarily include particular rituals, sacrificial offerings, the use of
stripping the area of mystic power and denying all magi- strange drugs or alien substances, and so forth.
cians and magical beings use of their abilities for a time. If
the spell fails to work, the caster suffers psychic backlash, Perhaps the greatest addiction for magic-workers,
making a Will resistance check against a Damage effect however, is to magic itself: spells and enchantments
equal to the rank of the highest affected magic trait. become the solution to every problem and a careless
mystic can abuse their power, if great restraint and caution
Wondrous Working of Weyan: Burst Area Weaken Magic, are not exercised.
Affects Objects, Broad, Concentration, Simultaneous, Side
Effect (psychic backlash, see description) • 5 points per rank.
Yig Magicians often have enemies. The mystic cosmos is vast,
with many powerful entities, each with their own agenda.
The Father of Serpents It is difficult for anyone with magical power to remain
neutral in their conflicts for long. Generally speaking, a
Yig is the god of the Serpent People, mystic must declare for the side of good and protect the
the archetypal great ancestor, master innocent and unaware from occult dangers, or else swear
of snakes and reptiles. He is a cold- allegiance to those same dangers or seek to become their
blooded creature, befitting his nature, master. The only other practical choice is a life of isolation
but willing to grant power to those as a hermit or recluse.
who serve him and his chosen ones.
Followers of Yig often assume reptil- Given their many foes, mystics often find it quite useful
ian and serpentine characteristics and to have allies, such as other costumed heroes who might
call on him for magic dealing with ser- not understand the first thing about magic, but are very
pents, venom, and similar such things. useful in a fight!

Curse of Yig brings the wrath of the reptile kingdom

down upon the victim. It summons forth children of the
Power Loss
Father of Serpents, typically poisonous vipers (Gamemas- The most common Power Loss complication for magic is
ter’s Guide, page 135). the dependence upon certain magical rituals: speaking
arcane words or poems of power, making mystical ges-
Curse of Yig: Summon Snakes 3 (37-point minions), Multiple
tures and signs, perhaps even using symbolic ingredients
Minions 4 (16 snakes) • 18 points + 6 points per additional
doubling of minions.
or talismans. Without these things, the magician is unable
to call upon the powers of magic, essentially powerless.
Fangs of Yig give the magician a poisonous touch. A Some sorcerers suffer power loss for most of their powers
single use may be enough to render an ordinary human when unable to cast spells, but can still rely upon certain
completely paralyzed. inherent psychic capabilities, such as astral projection or
mesmerism. See the Mental Powers profile for some pos-
Fangs of Yig: Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; sibilities.
Dazed, Disabled, Paralyzed), Progressive • 3 points per rank.
Certain styles or traditions of magic may have other
Yig’s Inexorable Transformation turns a humanoid Power Loss complications associated with them. For
victim into a savage Serpent Person. The victim receives example, faerie magic may be ineffective in the pres-
one resistance check each day. After three failed checks, ence of cold iron, or if the metal is touching the sorcerer.
the victim is transformed into a Serpent Person. Similarly, infernal magic may suffer power loss on holy
ground, or in the presence of certain religious artifacts
Yig’s Inexorable Transformation: Affliction (Resisted and or symbols.
Overcome by Will; Transformed), Progressive, Limited Degree,
Limited to One Stage per Day • 1 point per rank.

10 Power Profile: Magic Powers

Reputation best way of protecting the world is by taking control of it
from behind the scenes!
Magic is a strange business, and mystics tend to earn
reputations as cold, distant, creepy, or just a little “off”.
Their powers are certainly suspect from the point of
view of many religions, which see them as tantamount They are called the occult arts for a reason: many of the
to (if not literally) devil-worship or trafficking with evil. secrets of magic are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know,
People with a firmly rational, scientific world-view may at least not most people, and a magician is bound to keep
find mystics and their “mumbo-jumbo” (which, none- them secret. The heroes do so in order to protect the in-
theless, works) unsettling to say the least. Small wonder nocent and prevent power from falling into the wrong
magicians tend to keep a fairly low profile (see Secret, hands while the villains jealously guard their secrets and
following). their power so no one can arise to rival them.

Comic book magicians are often dedicated to keeping magic

Responsibility mysterious and protecting innocent people from learning
too much. They use spells of forgetfulness (like the Mists of
Heroic magicians tend to have a lot of responsibility. Their the Modrossus) to remove potential harmful or problematic
knowledge and power come with the duty to use those memories and tend to keep a low profile, at least in compari-
abilities in the service of the greater good. A sense of re- son to their glory-hounding superhero counterparts.
sponsibility is the most common motivation for mystic
heroes. Indeed, some feel it so keenly they wish they
could lay down their burden, at least for a while, and live a
normal life, which is forever denied them.
Magic can result in some weaknesses. First and foremost,
So while other heroes are enjoying a day or two off, the magical types tend not to be all that physically imposing (al-
mystics are more often found in solitary study and med- though there are always exceptions) and many are still mortal.
itation, or are off in the nether-reaches of the planes of
Certain styles and traditions of magic may lead to weak-
existence. They can be workaholics who find it difficult to
nesses and vulnerablities beyond just Power Loss (previ-
relax and unwind.
ously). For example, a faerie mystic might be vulnerable
This level of responsibility can be an interesting motiva- to weapons of cold iron while a necromancer or infernal
tion for a magical villain as well: imagine a master of the warlock suffers from the touch of holy relics. A pure nature
mystic arts with no interest in seeing Earth become the or elemental magician might be vulnerable to technology
vassal of some dimensional conqueror, but who thinks the or “unnatural” afflictions, and so forth.

Power Profile: Magic Powers 11

Credits & License
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Magic Powers M&M, Green Ronin, and their associated logos are trade-
marks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
Writing and Design: Steve Kenson
Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser The following is designated as Product Identity, in ac-
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold cordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License,
Interior Art: Scott James Version 1.0a: hero points, power points. All characters and
Playtesters: Darren Bulmer, Leon Chang, James Dawsey, their associated images, descriptions, backgrounds, and
Jack Norris, Aaron Sullivan related information are declared Product Identity.
Publisher: Chris Pramas
Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will The following text is Open Gaming Content: all game system
Hindmarch, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole rules and material not previously declared Product Identity.
Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc
Schmalz Green Ronin Publishing

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12 Power Profile: Magic Powers

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