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Power Profile: Size & Mass Powers

Contrary to what they say, size does matter, but not neces- tions, such as using Growth to counter an Affliction
sarily in the ways you might think! From powerful giants by “out-growing” its effects, for example. Size powers
to mighty mites, Size & Mass Powers looks at the very that affect other targets may be more useful for
big and the very small, along with changes in mass and countering. A power like Shrink-Ray (see Offensive
density and all the things you can do when you see the Powers) could potentially “reduce” another power to
world from the perspective of a different size. ineffectiveness, while Mass Dispersal could “spread
out” another effect along with the character in a

Size Descriptors sudden rush of expansion.

“Size” is the key descriptor for the powers in this profile,

as they are based on a character’s size relative to normal Size Features
human size. Feature effects associated with size powers include the
following. The GM may declare some of these default fea-
• Size: The effects of different size ranks are summa-
tures of size powers in the setting, requiring no Feature
rized in the Size Rank Modifiers table (page 224
of the Hero’s Handbook) and discussed under Size
Effects, following. Like many effects in Mutants & • You retain the ability to speak and hear normally
Masterminds, size ignores a number of scientific reali- regardless of your size rank, in spite of the fact that
ties, from the square-cube law (which would make it subjects three or more size ranks smaller than you
physically impossible for giant-sized humanoids) to should be difficult (+10 or more DC) to hear.
the conservation of mass and the question of where
• Up to 50 lbs. of carried items change size along with
a size-changer’s additional mass comes from or goes
you. Each additional rank increases mass rank by
to when they change size. Like all values on the
+1. The default feature may be limited to a special
Measurements Table, size rank actually represents
costume and devices; this Feature extends it to any-
a range of sizes; so size rank 1 ranges between 31
thing on your person.
feet (just greater than rank 0) and 60 feet. Similarly,
a size rank –5 creature is somewhere between 6 and
12 inches tall. Size rank –2 (“normal” size) ranges from
just over 3 feet to around 8 feet tall.
Size Effects
The primary size powers are the Growth and Shrinking
• Countering: Since they primarily affect the user, effects from the Hero’s Handbook (pages 110 and 128, re-
most size powers are not especially useful in coun- spectively), which describe the effects of different sizes on
tering effects other than involuntary changes in size. characters. Each effect is a “package” of pre-determined
Clever players may come up with relevant applica-

Power Profile: Size & Mass Powers 1

Jonathan Lotzer (order #3664316) 7
trait modifications based on a change in size. For both • Every 8 ranks reduces your ground speed rank by 1.
effects, modifications requiring a certain number of ranks
only apply for every full increment of that number, drop- Shrinking and Stealth: Greatly reduced size provides
ping any fractions. Actual changes in size are incremental much more cover and concealment for hiding. Shrinking
between size ranks: going from Growth 0 (normal size) to characters can also benefit for the Hide in Plain Sight ad-
Growth 4 (+1 size rank) involves proportional increases in vantage, and Gamemasters may permit it as a Shrinking
size at the ranks between, starting with 6 ft. (normal size), Feature extra as well as an advantage.
then 8 ft. (Growth 1), 10 ft. (Growth 2), 12 ft. (Growth 3), Microscopic Size: The Atomic modifier on page 128 of
and finally 15 ft. (Growth 4). Size rank modifiers are sum- the Hero’s Handbook is essentially an Alternate Effect of
marized on page 224 of the Hero’s Handbook. Shrinking, taking the character out of the arena of the
With the exception of the circumstance modifiers to In- ordinary world altogether. A microscopic character has
timidation and Stealth checks, the modifiers granted by total concealment and is basically incorporeal (Insub-
size effects are limited by power level; the GM may restrict stantial rank 4, Hero’s Handbook, page 114) where the
certain ranks of Growth or Shrinking or rule that their material world is concerned. On the other hand, the
benefits are limited to the maximums for the user’s power character’s ability to interact with the normal-sized world
level. is quite limited, with the exception of specific power
effects like Internal Attack (see Offensive Powers). Such
powers may require the Affects Corporeal and Subtle
Growth modifiers to reflect the microscopic character’s relative
Growth applies the following modifiers:

• Every rank adds +1 Strength and Stamina rank (+1

Toughness for subjects lacking Stamina) and +1 mass
rank but applies a –1 circumstance penalty to Stealth The following effect modifiers are particularly relevant to
checks. size powers:
• Every 2 ranks adds a +1 circumstance bonus to In- • Activation: This is the appropriate modifier for a
timidation checks but subtracts 1 rank from Dodge Growth or Shrinking effect requiring additional time
and Parry defenses. to use. A further application of Activation limits the
number of ranks the character can activate at once,
• Every 4 ranks adds 1 to your size rank (starting from
in which case, each additional increment applies a
rank –2 for normal human size) and adds 1 rank of
–1 point flat flaw. For example, if a hero has Growth,
but can only grow at a rate of 4 ranks per round,
• Every 8 ranks adds 1 to your ground speed rank. every 4 ranks after the first 4 applies a –1 point flat
Confined Spaces: One of the limitations on Growth is
the difficulty of using it to full effect indoors! If a growing • Fades: This modifier can reflect a character who
character reaches the limit of the available space and slowly returns to normal size after a size change, then
keeps growing, make an automatic Damage Resistance must recover the size changing power.
Check for the material of the surrounding space against
• Innate: Permanent duration Growth or Shrinking re-
the character’s modified Strength rank. If the mate-
flecting a character’s normal size due to race, species,
rial breaks, the character bursts out of it and continues
etc., should generally also be Innate, meaning it
growing. If the material successfully resists, the growing
cannot be countered (although Affects Others and
character is compressed and must resist the material’s
Attack effects can still change the character’s size).
Toughness rank in damage. Check again each round
the character grows until the material breaks or the • Quirk: A common 1-point Quirk for size-changing
growing stops (which typically happens if the character powers is “maximum rank only” where the charac-
is stunned or incapacitated). ter can only assume the size created by the effect’s
maximum rank and return to normal size, but not
Shrinking achieve any of the intermediate sizes. So a char-
acter with Shrinking 8 can be normal sized or size
Shrinking applies the following modifiers: rank –4 (1 foot tall) but cannot stop at a size in
between. A character’s Growth power might have
• Every rank adds a +1 circumstance bonus to your the Quirk: –1 Intellect rank per increase in size
Stealth checks and applies a –1 mass rank. rank, good for –2 points per size rank the charac-
ter can enlarge, but resulting in a fairly dim-witted
• Every 2 ranks increases your Dodge and Parry de-
(but powerful) giant.
fenses by 1 and impose a –1 circumstance penalty to
your Intimidation checks. • Tiring: Higher ranks of Growth or Shrinking with
this modifier may represent the strain of achieving
• Every 4 ranks reduces your size rank by 1 (start-
extreme sizes or a kind of “extended extra effort” as
ing from –2 for a normal human) and reduces your
discussed in the flaw description.
Strength rank by 1.

2 Power Profile: Size & Mass Powers

Jonathan Lotzer (order #3664316) 7
Defense and Relative Size Internal Attack
A more accurate, but also more complex, way of deter- By shrinking down to microscopic size, you can attack
mining the active defense modifier is to compare the at- your target from within, bypassing external defenses. You
tacker and defender’s size ranks and apply a –2 modifier may vary the conditions imposed by the Affliction to suit
for each rank the defender is larger than the attacker, and the type of attack, perhaps having an array of different Af-
a +2 modifier for each rank smaller. So opponents of the flictions or applying the Variable Condition modifier from
same relative size have no modifiers against each other. the Illusion Powers profile.

Example: Junkpile (Growth 4, size rank –1) is fight- Internal Attack: Cumulative Affliction (Resisted and
ing Redwood (Growth 17, size rank 2). Redwood is Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated),
3 size ranks larger than Junkpile, so his usual –8 Affects Corporeal, Subtle, Quirk (Must use the Atomic
modifier to active defenses is only –6 and Junkpile modifier on Shrinking, –1 point) • 3 points per rank.
has no modifier against Redwood.
A similar power is a Phase Attack: passing through the
A simpler approach drops the normal active defense target in a near zero-density state and then partially so-
modifiers and applies circumstance modifiers: +2 defense lidifying for an instant, causing a painful disruption. This
against an attacker one size rank larger, +5 for three or type of attack may be Tiring or have an unpleasant Side-
more size ranks larger, –2 defense against an attacker one Effect. It could also be a Damage effect rather than Af-
size rank smaller, –5 for three or more ranks smaller. fliction.

Size and Area Effects Phase Attack: Cumulative Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by
Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Affects Corporeal •
Although changes in size apply modifiers to Dodge and 3 points per rank.
Parry—making smaller targets harder to hit and larger
ones easier—they do not take into account changes in Massive Missile
scale; an energy beam as wide as a normal-sized person’s
palm is as wide as a size rank –5 character’s entire body! You can take a small object able to fit into the palm of
Similarly, a giant’s foot can be as big (or bigger) than a your hand and throw it, causing it to grow as it flies, until it
minivan when it comes crashing down. lands on your target as a massive area attack!
M&M Gamemasters wanting to take these changes into Massive Missile: Burst Area Ranged Damage, Quirk
account can apply the following guideline: An attacker (Requires objects to throw, –1 point) • 2 points for rank 1 +
three or more size categories larger than a target may 3 points per rank.
treat attacks against that target as if they had the Area
modifier (Hero’s Handbook, page 138), including limiting
the attack’s rank by power level. Shrink-Ray
The base size of the area is the attacker’s size rank –3. So You project a beam that causes your target to shrink to a
a size rank 1 attacker creates a size rank –2 area against tiny—and largely helpless—size. Drop the Ranged modi-
normal sized (size rank –2) targets. A normal sized human fier if you must touch a target to shrink it. Apply a suitable
attacking a size rank –5 opponent creates a size rank –5 Area modifier like Cone for a “wide angle” beam or Cloud
area (a 6 inch radius). for a “shrinking gas bomb”.

Shrink-Ray: Ranged Progressive Affliction (Resisted by Dodge,

Offensive Powers Overcome by Fortitude; Transformed – reduced to tiny size),
Limited (Third Degree Only) • 3 points per rank.
Offensive size powers take advantage of relative differenc-
es in size, or alter the size of attacks or unwilling targets!

Growth Momentum
Defensive Powers
Size powers make characters more difficult to target or
You use the momentum of your increase in size to inflict provide defensive changes in mass, making it harder for
additional damage with a close attack, literally growing up attacks to affect their target.
underneath your target. Take as many ranks as you expect
to change size ranks; if you have Shrinking 16, you can have Density Decrease
up to 4 ranks of Growth Momentum damage (at which
point you reach your normal size rank and cannot grow any You reduce your body’s density to the point of becoming
further). The additional damage is still limited by power level. ghost-like, unaffected by most forms of physical attack.

Growth Momentum: Strength-based Damage, Limited to Density Decrease: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal) • 20 points.
size rank difference between you and your target • 1 point
per 2 ranks.

Power Profile: Size & Mass Powers 3

Jonathan Lotzer (order #3664316) 7
Massive Armor Density Increase
At increased size, your skin and muscle become more Rather than increasing your size, you increase only your
dense and resistant to injury. mass, becoming more dense, and therefore stronger and
tougher, without changing size. This removes the follow-
Massive Armor: Impervious modifier on Toughness • 1 point ing modifiers from Growth: active defenses (Dodge and
per rank. Parry), Intimidation checks, and size rank. Only Strength,
Stamina, and mass ranks increase. Speed rank actually de-
Shrinking Dodge creases: –1 to speed per 8 ranks.

Gamemasters should enforce the significant limitations of

Reflexively reducing your size, you become a smaller target
the character’s increased mass; a character with 10 ranks
to avoid attacks. Compare the attack check against your
of Density Increase weighs 100 tons! Few, if any, conven-
modified Dodge and Parry defenses to determine if it hits.
tional structures will support the character’s weight.
Shrinking Dodge: Reaction modifier on Shrinking (when
Density Increase: Growth, Does Not Change Size (+0 modifier) •
attacked) • 1 point per Shrinking rank.
2 points per rank.

Movement Powers Mass Compaction

In addition to the modifiers to normal speed provided by The smaller you become, the more dense you become,
different sizes, shrinking characters may be able to use compacting your body mass, making your smaller size
other forms of movement related to their size. effectively stronger and tougher. You must have Shrink-
ing with the Normal Strength modifier to take this power.
Microflight Typically, due to power level limits, the character should
hit the limits at minimum size, being well below them
At reduced size, you can fly through the air. This may while normal-sized.
involve channeling the kinetic energy of your size-change
or you may have the Gliding modifier to ride air currents Mass Compaction: Enhanced Strength and Toughness, Limited
at your reduced weight. Increase the value of the Quirk 1 to active Shrinking rank • 2 points per rank.
point if the character must be particularly small to fly.

Microflight: Flight, Quirk (Must be using Shrinking, –1 point) •

Mass Dispersal
1 point for rank 1 + 2 points per additional rank. The larger you get, the less dense you become, spread-
ing your body mass out until you become a giant cloud.
Microport In your dispersed form you may have additional powers
based on the forms found in the Air Powers and Water
Shrinking to atomic size, you can “ride” a carrier wave like Powers profiles.
an electrical or radio transmission, disappearing into the
transmission from one end and emerging from the other. Mass Dispersal: Insubstantial Linked to Growth, Limited to
Increasing Size Only (–2) • 5 points per Insubstantial rank + 1
Microport: Teleport, Accurate, Extended, Medium point per 2 ranks of Growth.
(transmission networks) • 3 points per rank.
Microverse You can perceive extremely small things close up, perhaps
You can shrink down past the atomic level to the point down into the microscopic, molecular, or atomic levels. If
where you shift out of the physical universe altogether you can peer into micro-universes as well (see the Micro-
and into an alternate “micro-universe”. You reverse the verse power) apply a rank of the Dimensional modifier.
process in order to return to the physical universe in the
same spot you left. In addition to this power, you may also Microvision: Senses (Microscopic Vision) • 1 point per rank (to a
maximum of 4 ranks).
have an Alternate Effect, making your Shrinking into equal
power points of Growth while you are in the microverse.
Shrinking Storage
Microverse: Movement 1 (Dimensional Travel 1, microverse) • 2
points. You can shrink various items in order to more easily keep
them on your person (in pockets or pouches, for example).
Your Feature rank is the total mass rank in material you
Utility Powers can carry with no effort whatsoever. You can withdraw
and restore an item to its normal (fully-functional) size as
Size powers are useful for a number of different things in a free action. With sufficient ranks (7 or more), you could
addition to the basic effects of being a different size. even store an entire vehicle in your pocket!

4 Power Profile: Size & Mass Powers

Jonathan Lotzer (order #3664316) 7
You pay normally for any equipment or devices that you normal is accounted for in the Permanent modifier and
carry, although this power is an excellent explanation for not considered a complication, although the psychologi-
an “I just happen to have...” power stunt for a new item of cal or social complications are another matter. So a per-
equipment (see On-Hand Equipment, Hero’s Handbook, manently six-inch tall character does not earn hero points
page 161). for being unable to drive a car or reach a doorknob, for
example, but may have Quirks or a Prejudice complication
Shrinking Storage: Feature (reduce mass of carried items by related to the issue.
rank) • 1 point per rank.

Power Loss
Other Size & Mass Powers Size-changers often depend on some outside source for
Given the direct relationship between Growth and in- their powers; take that source away, and they lose the
creased Strength (and Toughness) many of the powers from ability to change size along with it. Sometimes this “Power
the Strength Powers profile can apply to size-changing Loss” complication does not remove the power so much
characters as well. It is not unusual for some characters to as it removes the character’s ability to turn the power off,
have Enhanced Strength and Stamina (and/or Protection) rendering it effectively Permanent for a time. This is an in-
as an Alternate Effect of Growth for a character who has stance where the being stuck at a different size is a com-
greater-than-normal physical abilities at normal size but plication worth a hero point award.
can increase them to even greater proportions at giant size.

Associations with mass and density also connect size and Prejudice
mass powers to Gravity Powers. The Gravity Field power
can also serve as a Mass Field power, increasing the targets’ Size-changers certainly look odd, and there is a natural
mass rather than just their weight to pin them in place. human tendency to assume giant creatures are threaten-
ing and tiny ones are harmless, or even helpless. This is

Size Complications reflected in the Intimidation check modifiers for size, and
may influence other aspects of people’s behavior towards
the character.
Size powers give characters a whole different perspective
on the world. Sometimes this is a good thing, but it can
also lead to various complications. Quirk
Larger and smaller sizes are fairly literal metaphors for
Accident superiority and inferiority complexes, and size-changing
characters may manifest them. Giants tend to be arrogant,
To a giant, the entire world is small and fragile. It is not dif- overconfident, and callous towards “the little people”
ficult for giant-sized characters to cause accidents without while shrunken characters feel vulnerable, small, and in-
meaning to: just brushing past a building may knock it significant. Of course, it can also be interesting to play
down and just walking on a street can leave foot-shaped against type, such as a diminutive hero with boundless
craters for cars to plow into. Causing—and more impor- confidence, or even a tiny megalomaniacal villain!
tantly, dealing with—these accidents can earn characters
hero points for the complications they create.
Addiction Like other incredible strong characters (see Strength
Powers), giants may have fierce tempers, particularly
Catalysts for size-changing powers, from drugs and chemi- concerning their grace or intelligence (or lack thereof ).
cals to strange radiation, may have addictive side effects, Similarly, smaller-sized characters (villains especially) may
causing the character to over-use the catalyst, furthering the be sensitive when it comes to remarks about their height,
cycle of addiction and making it difficult to overcome. Size losing their temper when such things come up.
changers may also be addicted to drugs or other medical
treatments used to deal with the complications of their size,
such as a shrunken hero addicted to pain-killers to deal with Weakness
the constant physical strain caused by his reduced size.
Some of the weaknesses of size-changing are built-in
to the effects, particularly presenting a bigger target at
Disability larger size and losing a proportion of strength and speed
while smaller. Size-changers may suffer from other weak-
It’s worth noting that the various physical complica- nesses, such as metabolic vulnerabilities due to the strain
tions associated with being a permanent size other than of their different sizes.

Power Profile: Size & Mass Powers 5

Jonathan Lotzer (order #3664316) 7
Credits & License
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Size & Mass Powers M&M, Green Ronin, and their associated logos are trade-
marks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
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Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold cordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License,
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Playtesters: Leon Chang, James Dawsey, Nathan Kahler, their associated images, descriptions, backgrounds, and
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Publisher: Chris Pramas
Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will The following text is Open Gaming Content: all game system
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6 Power Profile: Size & Mass Powers

Jonathan Lotzer (order #3664316) 7

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