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Power Profile: Strength Powers

Some heroes fly through the air, throw energy blasts ter’s Toughness defense by descriptor, meaning effects
from their hands, or play with thoughts like a puppet’s which alter, lower, or bypass Toughness may do the
strings—then there are those who are strong. Strength same for those powers.Note that while great Tough-
Powers looks at the things you can do with sheer muscle ness often accompanies great Strength, there is no
power and physical strength far beyond that of any mere requirement that it do so. An M&M character can have
mortal. Who needs other powers when you can be the superhuman Strength while being no tougher than an
strongest there is? ordinary person or have incredible Toughness without
any great degree of Strength. In more realistic settings,

Strength Descriptors Gamemasters may require some parity between the

two traits to reflect the greater toughness needed to
The following are important descriptors for strength exert tremendous strength without harm to the char-
powers. The descriptors from the Kinetic Powers profile acter (punching through stone without damaging the
(particularly force) may also be useful in dealing with character’s hands or arms, for example).
strength powers.
• Countering: The degree to which Strength (and
• Strength: M&M quantifies “strength” with the ability strength powers) can counter other effects depends
of the same name, which includes certain “built in” greatly on the style of the series. In some settings, it
effects. In particular, the Strength ability allows char- is not unusual to see super-strong types fending off
acters to exert force to lift objects (with mass rank things like energy blasts or similar ranged attacks by
equal to Strength rank), make Str-based skill checks, literally punching them! More realistic applications of
and inflict Damage in close combat equal to Strength strength allow it to counter effects easily pushed or
rank. Other powers—like those in this profile—may blown away by force, such as a super-strong clap dis-
be thematically linked to Strength by descriptor, persing a cloud of gas or mist. There is also the direct
meaning anything affecting the character’s Strength use of Strength Damage to disrupt or destroy the
may affect them as well. If a character has other of- manifestations of some powers, like Create or Afflic-
fensive powers based on Strength (particularly as tions resisted or overcome by Damage.
part of an array), then a Weaken Strength effect can
weaken them as well, and other effects that keep
the character from exerting Strength can likewise
prevent those attacks.
Strength Features
Some potential Feature effects associated with Strength
• Toughness: Similar to Strength, M&M quantifies a Powers include the following. If the GM approves, any char-
character’s “toughness” with a numerical defense acter with sufficient ranks in Strength and/or Toughness
rating. Other power effects may be tied to the charac- may have some of these Features automatically at no cost.

Power Profile: Strength Powers 1

multiple targets, add the Multiattack modifier, increasing
Knockback Options cost by +1 per rank.
Great strength is often associated with sending oppo-
nents flying with a punch. The M&M Gamemaster’s Guide Bullet Toss: Ranged Damage (ballistic), Quirk (requires
discusses a by-the-numbers approach to handling the objects to throw, –1 point) • 1 point for rank 1, +2 points per
knockback caused by damaging attacks on pages 192– additional rank.
193. Gamemasters can also handle knockback with a
more narrative approach, simply describing it for some
attacks (with no game system implications) or applying
Cracking the Whip
a temporary complication when the knockback causes
You can tear up flooring, pavement, or even sod and snap
problems for the hero, awarding the player a hero point
in the process. it like a carpet, creating a wave that bowls over anyone in
its path. The default version is a standard line area: 5 feet
For attacks that just fling targets away, you can use the wide and 30 feet long.
Move Object effect, modified by the target’s weight
rank, with effect rank minus weight rank equalling
Cracking the Whip: Line Area Affliction (Resisted by Dodge,
the distance rank the target is thrown. The target gets
Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed and Vulnerable, Prone and
a Strength check against the Move Object rank +10
Stunned), Extra Condition, Limited Degree, Limited to targets
to avoid being thrown. Optionally, you can base the
on an appropriate surface • 1 point per rank, +1 point per rank
distance on the difference between a failed Strength
per +1 increase in area distance rank.
check and the Difficulty Class (effect rank + 10), with a
maximum distance of (effect rank – weight rank), for a
system similar to the knockback caused by damage de-
scribed in the Gamemaster’s Guide.
Cutting Loose
When you cut loose, there’s almost nothing your strength
can’t tear or smash through.
• Hands Like Tools: You have sufficient strength and
toughness to use your bare hands to do things like Cutting Loose: Penetrating on Strength Damage • 1 point
pound nails, loosen or tighten lug-nuts and heavy bolts, per rank.
and even carve metal and stone with nothing more than
your fingertips. You can do a great deal of work without
the circumstance penalty for lacking proper tools. Finger Flick
• Strongest There Is: In any contest or comparison of So great is your strength that the merest flick of your
Strength, you win against anyone else with the same finger is enough to do damage. Even a foe engaged in
Strength rank, rather than tie. This Feature is often fighting you is hard-pressed to notice this casual gesture
coupled with advantages like Ultimate Strength. as a threat. The casualness of it can make an effective sur-
prise attack, as well as a potential circumstance bonus to
• Mental Strength: Your strength is more a manifes- Intimidation checks against those who see it in action!
tation of mind-over-matter than physical muscle
power, even if it appears to be the latter. You can Finger Flick: Subtle 1 on Strength Damage • 1 point.
exert your full Strength even when you do not have
any sort of leverage or freedom of movement.
Massive Knockback
Strength Arrays You not only hit hard, but deliver considerable momen-
tum with your punches, enough to send targets flying. If
Strength is a trait virtually all M&M characters have to one you successfully hit, and the target fails a Strength check
degree or another, so many of the powers in this profile against your effect rank, they are flung back a distance
can be Alternate Effects of the Strength ability’s built-in equal to your effect rank minus their mass rank.
Damage effect.
Massive Knockback: Move Object, Close Range, Limited to

Offensive Powers Flinging Targets Away, Linked to Strength Damage • 1 point per
2 ranks.
Strength’s default offensive power is its built-in Damage
effect—namely hitting things, and hitting them hard. Shockwave
Great strength opens up a number of other offensive
powers, many of which may be Alternate Effects (see With a stomp or strike to the ground, you create powerful
Strength Arrays, previously). shock waves that ripple out, knocking everyone within a
30 foot radius of you off their feet.
Bullet Toss
Shockwave: Burst Area Affliction (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome
You can fling small, hard objects like pebbles or coins with by Fortitude; Dazed and Vulnerable, Stunned and Prone), Extra
enough velocity that they hit like bullets. The listed power Condition, Limited Degree, Limited to targets on the ground
is for flinging one or two projectiles at a single target, if • 1 point per rank, +1 point per rank per +1 increase in area
you can use a handful of them, and spread them out over distance rank.

2 Power Profile: Strength Powers

Sleeper Hold Throwing Things
You can apply your strength to pressure points, quickly Another “built-in” offensive capability of Strength is the
rendering a grabbed opponent unconscious. This is a ability to throw things as makeshift ranged weapons (or
more effective form of the Chokehold advantage, since to throw properly designed ranged weapons, for that
it has its own resistance rank rather than starting at DC
10 and escalating like normal suffocation. If the target As described on page 12 of the Hero’s Handbook, a charac-
escapes from your grab, the effect ends. ter can throw an object a distance rank of (Strength rank
– object’s mass rank). Of course, throwing something and
Sleeper Hold: Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; throwing something accurately are two different things.
Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Progressive, Grab-Based • 2 A Strength 12 hero can hurl a fist-sized rock over 100 (!)
points per rank. miles but is not going to have any control over what that
rock hits when it lands.
When throwing things as weapons, determine the
Thunderclap character’s range using Strength rank like a ranged
effect (Hero’s Handbook, page 95): short range of (Str
Just clapping your hands together can create a loud shock x 25 feet), medium range of (Str x 50 feet) and long
wave capable of stunning everyone in a 30 foot radius range of (Str x 100 feet) with a –2 circumstance penalty
around you. at medium range and a –5 penalty at long range.
Beyond (Str x 250 feet) range, the character can only
If the Thunderclap is loud enough to potentially deafen hit a target it the player rolls a natural 20 on the attack
targets in the area, apply an additional Extra Condition for check.
Impaired and Disabled hearing.
If you want additional detail for throwing distances,
apply a –1 to the distance rank for objects that are un-
Thunderclap: Burst Area Affliction (Resisted by Fortitude, balanced (a top-heavy lamppost, for example) and an
Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed and Vulnerable, additional –1 for objects that are especially non-aerody-
Defenseless and Stunned), Extra Condition, Limited namic (such as a large tree). These modifiers only apply
Degree • 2 points per rank. to throwing distance, not to the attack check to use
those items as weapons.

Defensive Powers Area Attacks

Most defensive strength powers stem from the sheer Throwing an especially large object (anything bigger
toughness that tends to accompany super-human than five feet on a side) may count as an area attack
strength, although some defensive powers rely on more (Hero’s Handbook, page 138), in which case targets
active uses of strength. in the area make the usual Dodge check (DC 10 +
thrower’s Strength rank) to halve the Damage rank of
the impact by dodging out of the way. Note that area
Bracing attacks should be limited to a damage rank no greater
than the attacker’s power level.
When you plant your feet and focus, you are strong
enough that nothing can move you against your will.
Throwing Other Characters
Bracing: Immunity 10 (being moved), Sustained • 10 points.
Lastly, a strong enough character can throw another
character as a makeshift weapon! If the other char-
Stonewall acter is a willing partner, this is a standard action for
the thrower, who makes a ranged attack check to put
Foes striking you bare-handed are in for a surprise, since the thrown character on-target. The thrown character
punching you is literally like “hitting a stone wall”—attack- gets to make either a charge or a slam attack using the
throwing distance rank as speed rank (Hero’s Handbook,
ers are more likely to hurt themselves than they are you!
page 194 and 198, respectively), and the thrown charac-
ter’s initiative moves to directly after the thrower’s.
Stonewall: Reaction Damage (to being hit), Limited to effect
rank or attack’s Damage rank, whichever is less • 3 points If the thrown character is not willing (another oppo-
per rank. nent, for example), then the thrower must first grab
the character. If the grab is successful, the attacker
can pick up and throw the victim. This occurs as a free
Super-Endurance action following the grab if indiscriminately hurling
the grabbed character away, on the following round as
You may not be completely immune to harsh environ- a standard action (using a free action to maintain the
mental conditions, but you can ignore them far longer hold until then) if throwing the character at another
than ordinary people, even enduring hazards like the target. Treat a thrown character as an unbalanced,
vacuum of space or the depths of the ocean for a time. non-aerodynamic throwing weapon, with the throw
doing Strength rank damage to the target and the
thrown “weapon”!
Super-Endurance: Immunity 10 (Life Support), Quirk (limited to
approximately 30 minutes at a time, –1 point) • 9 points.

Power Profile: Strength Powers 3

continue moving at a steady pace, leaving a trail of de-
Super-Toughness struction in your wake.
You are incredibly tough. Whether it is muscle and bone
Unstoppable: Penetrating Burrowing • 2 points per rank.
like rock, armor plating, a leathery hide, or some myste-
rious force permeating your entire being, you shrug off
damage that would seriously hurt most people. Super-
Toughness is often Impervious, allowing you to complete-
ly ignore lesser attacks. If its effects are obvious (having
Utility Powers
These powers enhance strength in different ways.
a rocky hide or armored scaled, for example), apply the
Noticeable modifier. Otherwise, you look just like anyone
else—until somebody hits you. Power-Lifting
You have sheer lifting ability out of proportion with your
Super-Toughness: Protection • 1 point per rank.
size and apparent strength.

Tug of War Power-Lifting: Enhanced Strength, Limited to Lifting • 1 point

per rank.
You are strong enough to simply flex an opponent grab-
bing you right into a punch, head-butt, or other strike,
making wrestling you a much more difficult proposition.
Strength Boost
This includes yanking ranged grabbers using an effect You can temporarily increase your Strength rank, going
with a descriptor that allows you to exert force on them,
from normal to superhuman strength or from superhu-
such as a tether or similar connection.
man to truly godlike.
Tug of War: Reaction on Strength Damage (when grabbed) • 3 The default Strength Boost simply requires a moment’s
points per rank. concentration to activate, and then fades away at a rate
of 1 rank per round. Your boosted Strength must remain

Movement Powers within the limits of the series power level, so some char-
acters have normal Strength below the limit or apply the
Strength-based movement powers tend to rely on the Inaccurate modifier to compensate.
character’s muscles: a few ranks of Speed or Swimming
Strength Boost: Enhanced Strength, Fades • 1 point per rank.
may represent enhanced running or athletic abilities, for
example. Note that high-Strength characters can easily
achieve the Athletics check results needed for speed Other types of Strength Boost are circumstantial, such as
boosts to climbing, running, and swimming described on the following examples:
pages 64–65 of the Hero’s Handbook. Absorption Boost
Makeshift Handholds You boost your strength by absorbing external energy and
converting it into sheer muscle power. The energy may
You can dig your hands and feet into hard surfaces in order be electricity, heat, kinetic, or any other suitable source.
to climb them more easily. When climbing any surface with Note that the power does not grant any resistance to the
a material Toughness (Hero’s Handbook, page 192) less than energy source; apply the appropriate Immunity effect for
your Strength modifier, you do not need to make Athletics that. See energy-based profiles like Electrical Powers and
skill checks to climb. One rank lets you climb at your ground Kinetic Powers for examples.
speed minus 1 rank; two ranks lets you climb at your full
ground speed, plus you are not vulnerable while climbing. Absorption Boost: Enhanced Strength, Fades, Limited to the
lesser of effect rank or absorbed energy rank • 1 point per 2
Makeshift Handholds: Movement 1 (Wall-crawling), Limited to ranks.
surfaces with material Toughness less than Strength modifier •
1 point per rank.
Raging Strength
Super-Leaping The madder you get, the stronger you get. Your higher
Strength rank is Limited to when you are angry (see the
Super-strong leg muscles can send you hurtling through the
Temper complication, following); at your emotional
air with powerful leaps, perhaps even carrying you for miles!
“baseline” you cannot access your Enhanced Strength.
Super-Leaping: Leaping • 1 point per rank. Raging Strength may also be accompanied by Side Effects
like becoming vulnerable (heedless of your own defense)
Unstoppable while raging.

Once you get moving, nothing stands in your way for long. Raging Strength: Enhanced Strength, Limited to while angry •
1 point per rank.
You simply smash through anything in front of you and

4 Power Profile: Strength Powers

Crazy Strength Stunts
Some comics go much further with the kinds of crazy stunts characters can do with their superhuman strength. In a
light-hearted or Silver Age series, the GM might permit Strength-based power stunts like squeezing lumps of coal into
diamonds (Transform), lifting truly massive amounts (putting all Strength Damage ranks into Power-Lifting, effectively
doubling the character’s Strength rank), reshaping materials with a combination of friction heat and pressure (Trans-
form), or really out there effects like “punching” through time or the barriers into other dimensions (Time- or Dimensional
Travel), or altering reality through sheer muscle power!

other super-strong characters. For example, if most super-

Other Strength Powers human strength gets to largely ignore the laws of physics
(lifting massive objects like buildings completely intact),
Kinetic Powers are strongly linked to strength and but the character is subject to some or all of them (having
strength-based effects. Growth-based powers from the massive objects collapse under their own weight), that is a
Size Powers profile also involve increases in Strength, and complication worth a hero point when it crops up.
giant characters may make use of some strength powers
as well.
Power Loss
Strength Complications If strength powers come from a source other than sheer
enhanced musculature, then it is possible for characters
The potential complications of tremendous strength to lose the use of those powers under the right circum-
depend on the ability and willingness to control it, and stances.
the side-effects of having it.
Strength-enhancing drugs, chemicals, or devices might
Accident be taken away or removed from the character’s system.
Mystical or miraculous blessings could be dispelled,
suspended, or removed by whoever grants them or by
Accidents happen, especially when your slightest move
outside forces. Strength based on the character’s own
can smash through a wall or accidentally throw something
self-confidence could be lost if doubt fills the character’s
into orbit! A super-strong character can become a bull in a
china shop with regard to the fragile objects (and people)
of the world, and may need to observe great restraint to
avoid doing unwanted damage. Certainly, super-fights in- Prejudice
volving especially strong combatants are likely to result in
a lot of collateral damage! Strength powers sometimes come with radical changes in
a character’s appearance, from simply being more muscu-
Addiction lar than any ordinary human to looking like a real monster.
Combine that with the tendency to assume anything that
Muscle-bound types might not get that way naturally, re- looks huge and strong is probably also dumb, and these
sulting in addictions to exotic steroids or other strength- characters can face considerable prejudice.
enhancing drugs. In addition to the potential for Power
Loss (see the following), the character may be physically Rivalry
or psychologically addicted to the drugs’ effects. Use or
abuse of such chemicals may also lead to complications Who is “the strongest one there is”? Characters with this
like an out of control Temper. complication intend to find out, no matter what it takes.
Strong types often have a rivalry ranging from what could
Disability be called “friendly” (if fierce) competition to almost mind-
less anger directed at other powerhouses.
While not common, a super-strong type limited by a phys-
ical disability can be an interesting combination. Imagine Temper
a blind powerhouse with the strength to level a bunker,
but needing to rely upon sensory enhancements to avoid A classic complication of tremendous strength is a temper
doing unintentional damage, for example. Super-strong to match, with the character flying into a rage or a “ber-
aliens or other non-humans may have disabilities as well, serker fury” when pushed too far. The exact circumstances
at least in relation to normal humans. vary, from the blood lust of battle to the taunts and cruel
jibes of “normal” people to absorbing too much energy at
A particular Disability complication for strength powers once, but the character is a time-bomb just waiting to go
is lacking some degree of the assumed advantages for off, and capable of doing considerable damage.

Power Profile: Strength Powers 5

Credits & License
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Strength Powers M&M, Green Ronin, and their associated logos are trade-
marks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
Writing and Design: Steve Kenson
Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser The following is designated as Product Identity, in ac-
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold cordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License,
Interior Art: Chris Stevens for Udon Version 1.0a: hero points, power points. All characters and
Playtesters: Leon Chang, James Dawsey, Nathan Kahler, their associated images, descriptions, backgrounds, and
Jack Norris, Aaron Sullivan related information are declared Product Identity.
Publisher: Chris Pramas
Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will The following text is Open Gaming Content: all game system
Hindmarch, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole rules and material not previously declared Product Identity.
Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc
Schmalz Green Ronin Publishing

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6 Power Profile: Strength Powers

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