Activity 1A Familiarization With Ac Instruments: The Oscilloscope

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Electrical Circuits 2 Manual


1A.1 Program Outcomes (POs) Addressed by the Activity

b. ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
d. ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
e. ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
g. ability to communicate effectively

1A.2 Activity’s Intended Learning Outcomes (AILOs)

At the end of this activity, the student shall be able to:
a. identify the different parts of an oscilloscope
b. identify the function of the different parts of an oscilloscope
c. able to calibrate the oscilloscope correctly

1A.3 Objectives of the Activity

The objectives of this activity are to:
1. study the mechanism and use of the parts of the oscilloscope.
2. know the functions of the oscilloscope.

1A.4 Principle of the Activity

A typical dual-channel oscilloscope has the following functions. From the oscilloscope,
identify the different parts or component’s mechanism with the corresponding functions.
1. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) – it is used to display the image of input waveforms. The
control knobs and switches are used to adjust and stabilize the image in the screen. The
screen is divided by a grid consisting of horizontal and vertical scale lines called the
graticule, which is used to measure the displayed waveforms. The side of each square,
or division, is one centimeter.
2. Power Switch – used to turn the oscilloscope power on and off.
3. Light – indicate whether the power is on or off.
4. Intensity Control – usually labeled INTEN or INTENSITY, controls the brightness of
the trace.
5. Focus Control – usually labeled FOCUS, adjusts the sharpness of display.
6. Trace Rotation Control – usually labeled ROTATION, aligns the trace with the
horizontal graticule lines.


7. Scale Illumination Control – Usually labeled ILLUM or ILLUMINATION, controls
the brightness of the graticule. All of these controls are commonly set in midpoints.
8, 9. Channel 1 and Channel 2 Input Jacks through x1 or x10 probes. A x10 probe
minimizes loading under test and is used whenever possible. When this probe is
used, the displayed waveform measures ten times less than it really is, then take this
difference into consideration when making measurements. Use the x1 probe only when a
signal is too small to be measured with a x10 probe.
10, 11. Channel 1 and Channel 2 Attenuators – usually labeled VOLTS/DIV or
VOLTS/CM, controls the calibrated vertical size of the display. The various attenuation
settings are usually arranged in a 1-2-5 sequence; i.e. 0.1V/div., 0.2V/div., 0.5V/div. …
These settings determine the value of each major vertical division. For instance, if an
attenuator is set to 0.1V/div., each vertical division represents 0.1V when the x1 probe is
used and 1.0V when the x10 probe is used.
12, 13. Channel 1 and Channel 2 Variable Attenuator Controls – usually labeled VAR
or VARIABLE, control the uncalibrated vertical size of the display. The variable attenuator
controls should initially be set to the calibrated position or turned fully clockwise.
14, 15. Channel 1 and Channel 2 Position Controls – usually labeled POSITION, adjust
the vertical positioning of the display.
16, 17. Vertical Coupling Controls – usually labeled AC-GND-DC, set the coupling
mode, for examples;
a. When the controls are in the DC position, both ac and dc signals are displayed.
b. When the controls are in the AC position, only ac signals re displayed.
c. When the controls are in the GND position, the channel input is open-circuited and
the display is internally grounded. The GND position is used to set and determine
the ground reference to the center horizontal graticule lime to evenly divide the
screen into positive and negative values.
18. Vertical Mode Control – usually labeled CH1-CH2-CHOP-ALT-ADD, sets the
vertical mode of operation, for examples;
a. When it is in the CHI position, only the channel 1 waveform input is displayed in
the screen.
b. When it is in the CH2 position, only the channel 2 input is displayed.
c. When the control is in CHOP or ALT positions, both input waveforms are
displayed. Use CHOP when displaying waveforms of lower frequencies and ALT
when displaying waveforms of higher frequencies.
d. When the control is set properly, either mode gives the appearance of both signals
being viewed simultaneously.
e. When the vertical mode control is in the ADD position, the two waveform inputs
are added together and the resulting waveform is displayed.


19. Invert Switch – usually labeled INV or INVERT, when the channel 2 invert switch is
turned on, and the vertical mode switch is in the ADD position, the two waveform inputs
are subtracted and the resulting waveform is displayed.
20. Time Base or Sweep Control – usually labeled TIME/DIV or TIME/CM, sets time
represented by each horizontal division. Like the channel attenuators, the time base settings
usually follow a 1-2-5 sequence. If the time base control is set to 0.5ms/div., each
horizontal division represents 0.5 ms of time.
21. Variable Time Base Control - usually labeled TIME VARIABLE, VAR or
VARIABLE, adjusts the uncalibrated horizontal size of the waveform display. Initially, the
variable time base control should be set to the calibrated position or turned fully clockwise.
22. Horizontal Position Control – usually labeled POSITION, adjusts the horizontal
position of the display.
23. Source Control – usually labeled ALT-CH1-CH2-LINE-EXT, determines to which
signal the oscilloscope is synchronized, for examples;
a. When the control is in the CH1 position, the oscilloscope synchronizes on the
channel input.
b. When the control is in the CH2 position, the oscilloscope uses the channel 2 input.
c. When the control is in the ALT position, thee oscilloscope uses both channel inputs
by alternating from one to the other.
d. The signal from the ac power supply line is used when the control is the
e. When the control is in the EXT position, an external signal that is applied to the.
24. Source Control – usually labeled ALT-CH1-CH2-LINE-EXT, determines to which
signal the oscilloscope is synchronized, for examples;
25. External Input Trigger is used.
26.Trigger Coupling Control – usually labeled AC HF-REF TV-V TV-H, sets the trigger
coupling. For most of the procedures in this manual, set the control in the AC position.
27. Slope Control – usually labeled SLOPE, determines which portion of the selected
signal triggers the oscilloscope, for examples;
a. When the control is in the + position (called positive slope), the oscilloscope
triggers on the positive- going portion of the trigger signal.
b. When the control is in the – position (called negative slope), the oscilloscope
triggers on the negative-going portion of the trigger signal.
28. Trigger Mode and Level Controls – are two different controls that are incorporated
into one control knob on the oscilloscope.
There are generally two trigger modes-: normal and auto, respectively labeled NORM and
AUTO, for examples;
a. When the trigger mode control is in the NORM position, and in the absence or
inadequacy of a trigger signal, the oscilloscope display is blank.
b. When the control is in the AUTO position, and in the absence or inadequacy of a
trigger signal, the oscilloscope displays an unsynchronized signal. When a


displayed signal is unsynchronized, the waveform seems to move horizontally from
one side of the screen to the other. Initially, the trigger mode should be set to

The level control, usually labeled LEVEL, sets the amplitude point on the trigger signal at
which the oscilloscope is triggered. There are three level settings: -, +, and the PRESET.
The – and + settings are variables, for examples;

a. When the level control is set in the – range, the oscilloscope is triggered at a point
on the negative portion of the trigger signal.
b. When the control is set in the + range, the oscilloscope is triggered at some point
of the positive portion of the trigger signal.
c. When the control is in the PRESET position, the Oscilloscope is triggered at the
point where the trigger signal amplitude is close to zero volt. Initially, the level
control should be set to PRESET.
29. Hold off Control -- usually labeled HOLDOFF, is used to synchronize the oscilloscope
to input waveforms that do not repeat an identical pattern. Leave this control in the NORM
30. Calibrator – usually labeled CAL or CALIBRATOR, is a square wave output signal
produced by the oscilloscope. It is used to properly calibrate the x10 input probes. You
should calibrate the x10 probes before each major use.
The four procedures that follows allow you to determine and demonstrate the proper setup
and use of the oscilloscope.

1A.5 Materials/Equipment

1- F. A. C. E. T. Base Unit
1- AC 1 FUNDAMENTALS Circuit Board
1- Analog Oscilloscope, dual trace

1A.6 Procedure/s

A. INITIAL SETUP. The following procedure demonstrates how the oscilloscope controls
should be set before each use.
NOTE: If you have trouble locating the following controls on your oscilloscope, refer to
the user’s manual.



1. With the power off, connect x10 probes to the channel 1 and channel 2 input jacks, and
adjust controls to the following settings. Check each box corresponding to each control as
you adjust it.

Illumination (ILLUM or ILLUMINATION): midpoint

Focus (FOCUS): midpoint

Intensity (INTEN or INTENSITY): midpoint

Channel 1 attenuator (VOLTS/DIV or VOLTS/CM): 0.1V/div.

Channel 1 Variable attenuator (VARIABLE or VAR): fully clockwise

Channel 1 Vertical coupling (AC-GND-DC): GND

Channel 1 position (POSITION): midpoint

Channel 2 attenuator (VOLTS/DIV or VOLTS/CM): 0.1V/div.

Channel 2 Variable attenuator (VARIABLE or VAR): fully clockwise

Channel 2 Vertical coupling (AC-GND-DC): GND

Channel 2 position (POSITION): midpoint

Channel 2 invert (INV or INVERT): off

Vertical mode (CH1-CH2-CHOP-ALT-ADD): CH1

Time base (TIME/DIV or TIME/CM): 0.5ms/div

Variable time base (TIME VARIABLE, VAR or VARIABLE): fully clockwise

Horizontal position (POSITION): midpoint

Slope (SLOPE): positive (+)

Trigger Coupling (AC-HF-REJ-TV-V-TV-H): AC


Trigger source (ALT-CH1-CH2-LINE-EXT): CH1

Hold off (HOLDOFF): NORM

Trigger mode (NORM, AUTO): AUTO


Which channel is set to be displayed at this time (Channel 1, Channel 2 or both)?


2. Turn on the oscilloscope power. After the CRT has a few seconds to warm up, a straight
line should appear near the center of the screen.

3. Adjust the channel 1 position control to until the display line rests on the center
horizontal graticule line. What voltage does this line represent?

4. Set the vertical mode control to CH2, and adjust the channel 2 position control so that
the line rests on the center horizontal graticulate. Does adjusting the Channel 2 position
control affect the Channel 1 adjustment?

5. Use a screwdriver to turn the trace rotation control in a clockwise and then in a counter
clockwise direction. How does the display react when the rotation control is turned

6. Adjust the trace rotation control so that the trace is properly aligned with the center
horizontal graticule line.

7. Return the vertical mode control to the CH1 position, and turn down the intensity until
no display is present.


Remember that the x10 probe makes the input’s amplitude look ten times smaller than it
really is. For example, suppose the attenuator control is set to 0.2V/div, a x10 probe is in
use, and the display rises 2 divisions above the ground reference when a dc voltage is
applied to the input. The voltage value is 6 Vdc, determined as follows: V= (0.2V/div) (3


div) (10) = 6 Vdc; or if the trace dropped 3 divisions below the ground reference under the
same conditions, the voltage value would be -6Vdc.


1. Turn off the power sources. Insert the AC1 FUNDAMENTALS circuit board into the
base unit. Turn on the power source.

2. Use a two-post connector to apply power from the positive variable supply to resistor R1
on the DC/AC WAVEFORMS circuit block.

3. Use a multitester to adjust the positive supply for 2Vdc across R1.

4. Use terminal posts to connect the Channel 2 x10 probe across R1. Turn up the intensity
control to about midpoint.

5. Switch the Channel 1 vertical coupling control to DC. How many divisions did the line
shift above the reference? ____________ divisions.

6. Measure and record the dc voltage across R1 indicated on the oscilloscope.

VR1 = ______V

8. Switch the vertical coupling to AC. Did the display return to the center graticule line?

9. Return the vertical coupling to GND, and turn down the intensity until no display is
present. Turn off the power sources to the F. A. C. E. T. base unit, and remove any
connections from the AC 1 FUNDAMENTALS circuit board.

C. OBSERVING AC WAVEFORMS. When observing ac waveforms on the oscilloscope,

adjust the vertical and horizontal controls to display the largest possible trace of one cycle.
You should make the adjustment without exceeding the graticule range.



1. Switch the vertical coupling to AC and connect the Channel 1 x10 probe to the calibrator.
Turn up the intensity until a clearly defined trace appears.

2. Adjust the Channel 1 attenuator and time base controls. As you turned the time base
control counter clockwise, did the number of cycles displayed increase or decrease?

3. Check the box that corresponds to the way your x10 probe is adjusted.

Overcompensated Properly Adjusted


4. Locate the adjusting screw on the x10 probe; it is located on the probe connector or on
the probe itself. If your probes do not have a method of adjustment, perform step 6 and go

5. Use small screwdriver to turn the adjusting screw if necessary.

NOTE: You should check your x10 probes for proper adjustment before each major use.

6. Return the Channel 1 vertical coupling to GND and the Channel 1 attenuator to 0.1

7. Connect the channel 2 x10 probe to the calibrator, switch the vertical mode to CH 2, and
set the Channel 2 vertical coupling to AC.

8. Adjust the Channel 2 x10 probe as you did to Channel 1 x10 probe in Step 5. Check the
box below that corresponds to the condition of your channel 2 x10 probe prior to

Overcompensated Properly Adjusted


9. Return the Channel 2 vertical coupling to GND and the channel 2 attenuator to 0.1 V/div.
Return the vertical mode to CH 1. Turn down the intensity until no display is present.


D. DUAL TRACE OPERATION. Dual trace operation of an oscilloscope is displaying or
utilization of both channel inputs at the same time.


1. Turn up the intensity to about midpoint. Use the Channel 1 position control to move the
channel 1 ground reference up to the second graticule line form the top of the oscilloscope

2. Switch the vertical mode to CH 2. Use the Channel 2 position control to move the
channel 2 ground reference down to the second graticule line from the bottom of the
oscilloscope screen.

3. Set the vertical mode to ALT. Which channel does the upper half of the oscilloscope
screen represent? __________

4. Connect the x10 probes to the calibrator, and switch both vertical coupling controls to
Ac. Adjust the channel attenuator and the time base control. Do not allow either channel
display to cross the center horizontal graticule line, both attenuators should have identical
settings. Are the channel displays identical? _____________.

5. Switch the vertical mode to ADD; a single waveform should appear. Since both channel
inputs were of equal size and added together, is the resulting waveform twice the size of
either channel input? _______________________

6. Return the vertical mode switch to ALT. Activate the channel 2 invert switch. Did the
channel 2 waveform invert? _______________________________

7. Switch the vertical mode to ADD. Were the channel inputs added or subtracted?

8. Turn off power to all equipment, and remove all connections from the AC1
FUNDAMENTALS circuit board.


1A.7 Activity Report

Section: Date Performed:

Course Code: Date Submitted:
Course Title:
Group No.: Activity No.:

Group Members: Signature:


1A.7.1 Calculations


1A.7.2 Conclusion/s: Write at least three (3) conclusions.


1A.7.3 Rating (See Attached Rubric)


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