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Centre for Diploma Studies (CeDS)

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

PLO1, LOD1-Knowledge 

Perfromance criteria  Assesment levels     

Exc  Good  Fair  Poor  V.Poor 

(5)  (4)  (3)  (2)  (1) 

Problem/situation            1   
Facts, definitions, terms            1   
Concise writing            1   
Logical flow            1   

                                                                                                                                           Grand Total


(a) Execute dilutions of solution from a more concentrated solution  

(b) Learn the proper techniques to perform serial dilutions 

(c) Determine the concentrations of the diluted solution 


Solutions are an important part of chemistry. The amount of solute that is dissolved in a given quantity
of solvent is expressed as the concentration of the solution. A dilute solution contains only a small
amount of solute in a given amount of solution. A serial dilution is a method used in the preparation of a
substance in solution which incorporates stepwise dilution method. 

Serial dilutions are used to accurately create highly diluted solutions (from concentrated stock solution)
which are widely used in experimental sciences, including biochemistry, pharmacology and
microbiology. For example, serial dilution were used to reduce the concentration of microscopic
organism such as bacterial or animal cells. 

The amount of concentrated solution required to be diluted can be calculated by using the following

M1V1 = M2V2 

M = concentration of solution V = volume of solution 

There are several types of serial dilutions method available such as two- fold dilution, three-fold dilution,
ten-fold dilution and etc. 


3.1 Preparation of red stock solution (0.1 %w/v) in tap water 

1.The appropriate amount of red food colouring is weighed  (0.05g)

2.The red food colouring is dissolved into 50mL water and mixed thoroughly 

3.The solution is then transferred into a measuring container 

4.Water is added into the measuring container until it reaches the 100mL mark  

5.The container is capped and inverted to mix the solution 

3.2 Two-fold serial dilution 

1.Five (5) plastic jelly cups are placed on the table and labelled F,G,H,I,J 

2.50mL of red stock solution is measured into the measuring container. 

3.Tap water is added until it reaches the 100mL mark. 

4.The solution is mixed thoroughly and transferred into cup F. 

5.50mL of solution is withdrawed from cup F into the measuring container. 

6. Tap water is added until it reaches the 100mL mark. 

7.The solution is mixed thoroughly and transferred into cup G. 

8.Step 5 to 7 is repeated for the remaining cups (H to J respectively. 50mL of solution is discarded from
cup J. 



1.Calculate the concentration of each solution in g/mL and part per million (ppm) 

Serial dilutions  Tube g/mL ppm

Stock solution  VF 0.001 1000

  A 0.0001 100

  B 0.00001 10
Ten-fold  C 0.000001 1

D 0.0000001 0.1

E 0.00000001 0.01

  F 0.0005 500

  G 0.00025 250
H 0.000125 125

I 0.0000625 62.5
Two-fold (10mL) 
J 0.00003125 31.25

  K 0.0005 500

  L 0.00025 250
Two-fold (2mL)  M 0.000125 125

N 0.0000625 62.5

O 0.00003125 31.25

P 0.0005 500

Q 0.00025 250

R 0.000125 125
Two-fold (5000µL)
S 0.0000625 62.5

T 0.00003125 31.25

U 0.0005 500

V 0.00025 250

W 0.000125 125
Two-fold (1500µL)
X 0.0000625 62.5

Y 0.00003125 31.25

2.Given the molecular weight of the yellow solution is 103.6 g/ mol. Calculate the molarity 
of the solutions in all tubes (A-Y).  

Serial dilutions Tube Molarity (M)

Stock solution VF 0.001

A 0.0001

B 0.00001

C 0.000001
D 0.0000001
E 0.00000001

F 0.005

G 0.002
Two-fold (10mL) H 0.001

I 0.0006

J 0.0003

K 0.005

L 0.002
Two-fold (2mL) M 0.001

N 0.0006

0 0.0003

P 0.005

Q 0.002
Two-fold (5000µL) R 0.001

S 0.0006

T 0.0003

U 0.005

V 0.002
Two-fold (1500µL) W 0.001

X 0.0006

Y 0.0003

3. Given the concentration of the yellow stock solution is 2.4M, calculate the amount of 
water required to obtain 0.1 M of the yellow solution.

(2.4M)(5mL) = (0.1M)V2

V2 = 120mL

4. Identify three (3) applications of serial dilutions  

(I) to accurately create highly diluted solutions as well as solutions for experiments resulting in
concentration curves with a logarithmic scale. 

(ii) Serial dilutions can be used with a solution of known concentration to calibrate lab equipment and
ensure its accuracy. 

(iii) Microbiology - used to decrease a bacterial concentration which is easier to count when plated on
agar plate

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