Essay Outline

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Write your essay using the following format: 

Fill in this outline: 

As needed, you may add or subtract claims from this structure and still maintain the 
overall pattern. 

DO NOT START y ​ our essay with some absurdly huge statement like “People have 
always” or “In every civilization” since these say nothing and are usually debatable. 

A.​ I​ ntroduction and Thesis (1 paragraph) 

The introduction is the most important part of your paper since it contains the main 
point and 

introduces the key ideas that will help guide your reader through the remainder of 
your essay. In 

the introduction to your essay, you should make a clearly stated argument, or thesis, 
and outline 

the main points you intend to prove and to defend in the essay. Without a sufficient 

your whole essay will not hold together because here you establish your main 
argument, or 

thesis, and show how you intend to prove it. It is in essence, the signpost for the rest of 



1. Briefly introduce the period and geographical location of your study. Discuss the 
main issues that your study will address. The idea is to take your readers, who you 
must presume know very little about your thesis subject, and teach them the basics of 
what they need to know in order to understand and follow your research question: 

2. Introduce your thesis question: 

3. Answer your research question (THIS IS YOUR ​THESIS​): 

Although many historians have argued that ______, closer examination shows that 
"Phenomenon X" is a result of the combination of ______, ______, and ______. 


B. Body 

The body of your essay provides the substantive support of your thesis. It is a 

process in which you comprehensively prove your thesis using supporting material 
from your 

primary and secondary sources. 

1. C
​ reate thematic paragraphs with single arguments.​ Each paragraph should be 

to ​one and only one​ theme or idea.   


2. U
​ se Topical Sentences​. Each new paragraph should be a kind of mini essay with 
a thesis or topical sentence that supports the main thesis of your essay. 

3. S
​ upport your assertions with evidence (three pieces of evidence for each 
paragraph min.) 

4. A​ nalyze your examples​. Never use a quote without showing the significance of 
what you have pointed out. You must discuss every quote, why it is significant, and how 
it supports your broader arguments.​ But DO NOT​ restate the quote. 

I. Introduction 


- Establish the setting of your paper. (7-10 Sentences) 


- Raise the historical question your paper will answer. (1-3 Sentences) 


- ​Thesis Statement​ (1 Sentence, 3-4 claims) 




II. Claim 1 (Multiple Paragraphs) 


1st Paragraph: Introduce and Explain Claim 


2nd Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 

3rd Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 


4th Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 




III. Claim 2 (Multiple Paragraphs) 


1st Paragraph: Introduce and Explain Claim 


2nd Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 


3rd Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 


4th Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 




IV. Claim 3 (Multiple Paragraphs) 


1st Paragraph: Introduce and Explain Claim 


2nd Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 


3rd Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 


4th Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 




V. Claim 4 (Multiple Paragraphs) 


1st Paragraph: Introduce and Explain Claim 


2nd Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 


3rd Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 


4th Paragraph: Present and Explain Evidence for Claim 


​VI. 1 Paragraph counter arguments 

This is where you present counter claims. You probably want to present 
at least 3 counter claims. Each claim should get it's own paragraph.  


VII. Conclusion 


- Finish the story you have told and REFUTE the counter arguments. (1Paragraph) 


- Summarize the evidence for the claims and restate your thesis. (1Paragraph) 


- Raise other questions your research suggests. (1Paragraph)

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