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​ ​ ​Scientific

coaching centre ​8 

​Ch - 2 
​ ​Sexual reproduction in flowering plants  
Importance of pollen grain : 
● These are nutrient-rich and thus are taken as food supplements. 
इनम Nutrien चरु मा ा म होता है । अतः इ ह foo supplement के प म लया जाता है । 
● ​pollen grains can be stored for years in liquid nitrogen at - 1960 C to 
be used later in crop breeding programs. 
p​ olle grain का योग Cro breedin program म करने के लए , इ ह - 1960 C पर 
Liqui nitroge म Stor कया जा सकता है ।  
Female reproductive unit : 
● The Pistil or gynoecium represents the female reproductive unit of a flower.  
Pisti या gynoeciu flowe के femal reproductiv uni को represen करती है । 
● The gynoecium may have single pistil ​( called monocarpellary)​, more than 
two pistil ​(called multicarpellary)​, fused pistils​ (called Syncarpous)​ or free  
pistils ​(called apocarpous)  
​ Gynoecium ​monocarpellary​ ( single pistil ) ​multicarpellar (दो से अ धक pistil ), 
Syncarpous ( ​fused pistils ​) or apocarpous ( f​ re pistil ) हो सकती है । 
Major part of carpel  
Parts  functions  

i) Stigma  It receives pollen grains.  

यह polle grain को receiv करता है । 
ii)Style  It is an elongated Slender part beneath the stigma that connects the 
stigma with the ovary. ​यह.elongate  
Slende भाग है जो stigm के नीचे होता है और stigm  
को ovar से जोड़ता है । 
iii)Overy  It is the Basal swollen part Of pistil that contains ovules and eggs 
यह pisti का Basa swolle pa िजसम ovule तथा eg होते ह। 
​Sexual reproduction in flowering plants​ ​ 9 

Fig: pistil   
● ​ ​Inside the ovary there is a compartment Called ovarian  
cavity or locule separated by septum​ .  
Ovar म एक compa tmen होता है िजसे Ovaria cavit या locul कहते ह जो 
Septu वारा separate रहते ह।  
● ​ Placenta is the Is the tissue in ovarian cavity from where  
ovule or megasporangium arise. 
​ lacent ovaria cavit म एक tissu है जहां से ovul या megasporangiu उ प न होता है ।   
Structure of megasporangium (ovule)​ :   
The ovule is stalked and is attached to the placenta by means of a stolk called funicle. 
Ovul placent से stol (Funicl ) वारा जड़ ु ा होता है । 

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