Symbaroum Reference Sheets v2

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Quick Combat er Death Saves Initiative ‘The Initiative decides the turn order in combat, mea ring the ocerinwhich the characters and enemies act, v ‘A. Long weapons: ‘The Long weapon is alowed to make a Free Attack at fist contact ith one enemy that is not armed with a Long Weapon, B. Surprised: I there isany possibility of surprise, make a [igantiscreet) test to seeifthe target iscaughtoff guar ‘The one that performs a successful surprise ‘attack can make a Free Attack t the start of the turn against one surprised ener. © Quick: The combatant vith the highest Quick starts aturn when nether Long weapons nor surprise attacks are inplay. D. Vigilant: two or ‘more combatants hove the same Quick, then Viglantis used asatie breaker to determine the tum order (highest 00s frst) E, 1920:1ttwoormore ‘combatants also have the same Vglant, ol 1020 untilone of them rolls higher than the ‘other, ane therefore wins the ntiative, F. Delay Action: itis possibie to delay one's Initiative andlet others ‘2et fist, but then the ‘combatant must keep this delayed initiative forthe resto the battle 1 “The character's damage looked much worse than itactualy was: the character wakes up with D4 Toughness let The character can act ‘Move & Combat Actions Each combatant has wo actions: cone Movement Action and one Combat ‘Action. These canbe used a follows! |. Move into melee: To move towards an enemy inorder to attack. Ths ‘ivesan enemy witha Long weapon Free Attack, but not the attacker wields a Long weapon aswell Ul. To flank an enemy already engaged inmelee witha combatant alied to the flanking person. This gues a2 ‘maaificaion to any Success test 0 attack, and deals 104 extra damage. Ii Move around an enemy: A circular ‘mavement in order to reach another enemy combatant standing further away. Ths gives the bypassed enemy aFree Attack. IV. Disengage from melee combat Towithdraw from melee allows every engaged enemy combatant toperforma Free attack. V. Greate free line of sight: To Move in coxderto get an obscured enemy into {your line of sight. Vi. Draw weapon, VIL. Switch weapon: Sheath one weapon, and draw anether one Vill Stand up (requires asuecesstul (Quick test): Get back up onyourtest ater being knocked prone or other= wise fling down, Drink /apply elixir To apply an oliir. Y _toeither yourself or your equipment. ers Pi 1. Attack: An ordinary attack using a ‘weapon, ccurater Defense] Ul, ethve Ability: An attack with, or the use of an active abil, IIL First aid:To assist someone with Mecicus oF «herbal cure, [Cunning V. Additional Movement Action: Replace your Combat Action with another Movement Action, V. Pass on elixir: Touse an exon an ally orits equipment, 240 The character remains at deaths threshold D. Pain Threshol 1419 Thecharacterie a step closer to death. “The third time the rol has his outcome, the character dies Defense A. Defense: All attacks made during the turn can be met with Defense, where the efective defense value isbased on [Defense Accurate] Ifthe Defense tests successful then the attack misses completely. Should the attack hit proceed to Damage. Damage ‘A. Weapon damage: The damage dealt bythe character irolled by the player. Theirenemieshave fred damage values, anounced by the (Game Master when a character suffers ait Protection rom Armor: The Armor is subtracted trom the ‘weapon damage. The character's ‘Armor i colle by the player the fixed value ofthe enemies’ Armor Ishancled by the Game Master, (©. Actual damage: The target suffers ‘as much damage as Weapons damage-Armer) he attacker determines whether the etfectf the actual damages equalto or higher than te target's Pan Teshold itso. the target is either knocked tothe groundor the attacker's alowed to perform a Free Attack Death test: Should the actual damage suffered be greater than the character's remaining, Toughness the characters either incapacitated or dying. The player rust make a Death test each turn to seeifthe character survives ordies. ‘Advantage ina combat situation offers 2 +2moaiication to the relevant Attbute nen making a Success test and attacks eal +1D4 extra damage (see page 162) 20 ‘The character dies, but may say some lastharsh words ifthe player wants to Monsers et Melee Heavy Weapon 2010 10thaler Lona Weapon ia ae uate 106 unt stig Proectle Weapon 1D srows orbots har “ingle Handed weapon 108 ‘Staler Crowes 10s+1 _Deepingact__25thaer Fever Sra Prcie —_28thaer = Jontes—_25thaer_ Shi oa ‘3 taler vehier Fleibie Stier Steet sii faaread__Snoler ‘Short Weapon 106 Short ‘hater Paring oaeer Barced Stale Stet ee ee eee ‘Thvoming Weapon 106 2 thater Seen Sine 306-1 Drepimeset__10thaer ‘Unarmed Attack 104 Short S [atte ciow ‘D4 _Dreplrpact Iter git 108 impeding -2) __2thater TMegum ——eing 3) Shae Heavy 108 mpeg (~4) 10 thaler “erty | Ace. Ga [Resales ere tors = acre vay Ace Sok Realise ethers stn « ao vay 1 Ace As bw es post owes loc at al kr Togs a 1 Paste Hs daze se tack ul ay nrg rr Undend | Paave No pain. dz, 1 Passe Quek she (Stog Comoe Nome 1 Ace Webs ae re cbs Cut wiht an owas 1 Passe. Canto out chao de recat a con Balanced Weapon proves el ndsnes Bint Lacing nage espana on 1) ec ower an ter Comberame Linton ine pant phe tana eo aly meg Deepinpct duty naes wagner lect dag Leta danage Fl (mene) Aer ees pds LV (/1/2) Fla) Ung Flite sd ast rr te ethan oly Imording ——_Porlang Df ain povers LH (2/3/-8) tone ree) ‘ele Atack | Rscton Woskasde ats eng 25/3 tune (Co) 1 Risen Naser se atc lg pa ea Carel 1 Reston Storg cde tack eng S/S ter Carng ‘elite Blood | schon Vek de ray 3/3 tu [Dtee/Cum 1 Recto Here ade say 494 as Ose! ing] 1 Reactor org cd ra s/s Oeese/ Ca ‘Arata Dg | Passive Das ps Toughness atte gms ror 1 Pave Ose Se on Tas ste gts oer 1 Passe. So tontrpergenstitable t Cometng AK | Pasi Aki 14 we Corin wd 1 Peseta 108 rp Comin on wand Eni) | Ac. Ga [Relies rs ten ss 1 Aen Song ste esate tae Aen“ ons, tis [feel pe Hoes ne re rary Cold Fre Recs tst cach amo et. de pared 1 Fre saves 2 oe tse tected 1 Free Asbo, wet Aso sie] st | Fre Manet fr on. Cant ab a yeah | Pass Da ps tend of pe canbe ed Sacks 1 Pas. fo toe ut das pales 1 Fase Oe 5s fag nd ats Lot | Pas Wek ison on cass ie 2/2 tu [ae 1 Past. Most pis cn rns ie 3/3 ua 1 Pave Svon pon on arog dee t/t [Cai Prtsnas Polson Spt | Pazove We oro stink lng 2/2 tra Cael 1 Paste Mente posse ate dein 3/3 tare [Cag 1 Pea. Stange tick dag 4/4 ne [Cui] Fegemraton | Pasve Pert? Tags rn 1 Pas, Reorrt 3 Tous wn 1 ass nrs ts a/b 2 dire Dos Ck 2) 1 Pane res sda gre tan Osu 1 Pane pres os ng arg anc, Derek) aust ‘Sonn Form | Spec Ha mage onl ack Pe ats outs 1 Spa Aste ut tne toad Pa Tete 1 Special. Carr daage formal ats Fly aad onchace Situations, Conditions ¢e Conuption Sean] cate Dlr] Fghing Bed Pollack i pik wren ran aivesay dom trang Uecante- Sere Feb te Band Fol taki et st Figs out an acvern/s pasts (Grrng Cra ‘Diangne Mole On its ot Moron enemy gn Fr Ak Tegel ay on arene tery (curing owe ‘a/Aety Ear Upon oka Mover ton pn at, Crest con ie suc cf pon Fata Unaner Cont ton a crepes arson Taga onan necting ‘Sandip Tex Gucetorueln Move ton ee Ete Tan ci oad tio Une ot Sit eating pl wud ge Fie ticker nt LOS een [Dect shaid st eles arr ase angen mo eh wh Lng wean Surpessmeane emt toet Fee tsk) (Deep Fmting fers Fra Atck gas ew ne gpa W/o Lo wen Makanisioming rst [Dsceet Wt Fling Damage rng Ava ite = Str, Quek mers de aMek of Cxrpn [Osceet vgn ‘esdbamags n/t ponte Arr a Carb ston, ang Peunseanatsary (Pein este Poon Damage Org /u uracil by Rr eras sls Caring Prenat te enaonct Post vce Pease) rac peeore etet metas epee ert re ee ae Seroyal mt (Rete Dacre] : ~ Stance wiha seen ee teste 8 aia iat alg ae a ee perme Ors / Aton el at aa ast top Epes pat Samia eres erat teeta elation Ors / Aina att a cro ean Cota ar Pen Peecton ‘alg tac 06 caren ee re tack Career rea Formbes lng 20 ats my Fe ck ec ney 3g Neier eager tee Sere) Cone rahe ete Neen Oe Peete ee (iret) ee pro Grote nen sos (ore on) PocnetCake <5 FdatoweinTate td Nook nso ote gad (svoestone fostne 3 Wns eect er pissed meee hhoeaweaaton anipcnu si swaset ——(Sene-Veta) Fotieg ——*1—_Falowbnagen aca nro Or ary nee ipona crater IWaa-Dert Nora! 0 sreggeting eas pe Tate pees exe eteengapaltan cen) Iwai 04e8) ring 1 See toe ames epmnenmyemaccithswiparne Nee Serg) Chatngme 3 Dacor acolo esa Getcseto a ten ap IWgiet-XLx-bapsamey See 8 sts atop sty an ephemera uae feeb. aw eases capi eh Sihtavicten—Tobllermae Deke ih Wc athe Onc Icon nk uh bleon ck peckte Sra mga fer tere Pama cect a my cates Bight Treats Cher es Sar ect sce smc inh anidbenght pt anit (ist/2) Sigrid ler Perr Stra a Surend nthe asses eect cert bot ann gemini amines sees Witting gs. eh ain arp es of shergh—Atemimaton Ashtead Chaat becoes arn chat ett Seo ined tr oars ise ar te Cote) Nodnom al na tate are alec: eres bt monty 14 erry orton raul oie er Taio Capon Dmctars tata ase 1 106 tp Corin get or ring ees pt fare rar re 1D4 Crt re Vee Dchenwitergariion GSR Gea eescanon EEN in mU nose crest «Sanat og buses 2 Dok seas tant rire bo Tings trcadmers shears 12: Growsfngs rs tesla 17. trite da cd ay 2 colle acomes orton Sin tacom nanatiy lr 12:unoy dst brmancgpers 18 Omran Dmg ts

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