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Marcial O.

Rañola Memorial School


Manual Spinner Energy Generator


Joshua Nomer Nobleza Aronce

Marc Martin Accordo Mislang

Kahlil Cesar M. Cruel

Jayby O. Pincaro


Elena Sta. Romana Operio

Research Adviser

Fidget spinner is a toy that consist of a ball bearing in the center of a multi-

lobed flat structure designed to spin along its axis, these became trending in 2017

even though similar devices has been invented as early as 1993. This has been

promoted as helping people who have trouble focusing or those who may need fidget

spinner to relieve anxiety or psychological stress. Whenever there is a blackout, many

people have a problem against where they can get a power source. The electric companies

rely on their wire men to fix the problem as soon as possible, but if the damage is really

severe then it will take them a long time to fix that problem. Blackouts also suddenly occur

sometimes without any warning so it’s important that a machine is able to charge devices

while having fun. The researchers will use a manual energy generator by means of generating

electricity by making use of a fidget spinner that can generate electricity.


Different related literature were gathered and used in formulating the problem

as well as the plan.

Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural

sources or processes that are constantly replenished. For example, sunlight or wind

keep shining and blowing, even if their availability depends on time and weather.


A wind turbine, or alternatively referred to as a wind energy converter, is a

device that converts the wind’s kinetic energy into electrical energy. Wind turbines are

manufactured in a wide range of range of vertical and horizontal axis. The smallest

wind turbines are used for applications such as battery charging for auxiliary power

for boats or caravan or to power traffic warning signs. (freesearch)


This study aims to build a machine powered by wind turbine (dynamo) that will

generate enough power to charge and supply a battery.

Specifically, it attempts to change a battery that will generate electricity to power

cellphone, flashlight, lamp and other small devices.

The variety of fuels used to generate electricity all have some impact on the

environment. Fossil fuel power plants release too much air pollution. Therefore it’s very

important to have a machine that can generate electricity without making pollution and for

free by means of playing. .


If the wind turbine (dynamo) generates enough power to charge and supply a battery,

then our machine will be functional.

The machine will be functional, efficient and useful to change a battery.

The machine will not be functional, efficient and useful to change a battery.


The machine will generate a small amount of energy that can recharge a battery at a

small scale. It will still be unable to power devices that requires large amount of electricity.

The researchers have conducted our study and will conduct future studies at the house of one

of the researchers located at Morga St. Inamnan Grande Guinobatan, Albay.


The researchers believed that this study is significant to the following:

Development of The Technology

The result of this study might be a new lead to a machine that can generate electricity.

Future Researchers

This can be a basis that can be used in pursuing future studies similar to this.


The researchers will use these following, mini wind turbine set-up, mini rechargeable

battery fidget spinner, plywood (15X30 cm 2 pcs), multitester, metal rod (5 cm), soldering

iron, solder lead, tweezer, gloves and adhesive.

Prepare the frame of the machine by using the plywood. By cutting the plywood the

researchers will need the help of the adults in doing so. Attach the wind generator (dynamo)

to the frame. Use the metal rod to connect the wind generator and the fidget spinner to the

platform. Use the soldering iron to melt the metal on the wire so that it the wind generator

wires can be connected to the batteries.

Table 1. Budgetary Requirements

Particulars Qty (unit) Source Unit Cost (Php) Total Cost (Php)
Fidget Spinner 1pc Toy stores Php.150 Php.150
Wood Plank 2 pcs Home NA NA
Double A
2 pcs Market Php.30 Php.60
Wind Turbine 2 pcs Junkshop Php.20 Php.40
Multitester 1pc Shop Php.675 Php.675
Soldering Iron 1 pc Hardware Php.200 Php.200
Total Cost: Php.1,125

The single group design was used in this study. The population is the stroke made to

make the fidget spinner spin to generate electricity. The sampling is the strokes made to make

the fidget spinner spin to generate electricity. The independent variable is the amount of time
when using the device in generating electricity while playing. The treatment is the attempt to

make the fidget spinner spin.


Outcome of using the machine in generating electricity:

Attempt to spin Amount of electricity

produced (v)
1st 1.5 v
2nd 2v
3rd 4.5 v
4th 3v


The researchers have concluded that for every 2 strokes, in for minutes 3 amps

might be generated. This could recharge a rechargeable battery.


Innovate this machine with a better frame using a durable alloy for more durability

and stable standing. The future researchers can use a better wind turbine for more efficiency

in generating energy.


First of all we give thanks to the almighty, for giving us the strength in going

through the process of creating this study.

We would like to give our thanks to our research teacher, Mrs. Operio who always

have been considerate to us and our study for giving us guidance while formulating this

study. It has been a honor for being under her and learning from her.



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