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Questions from Dream on a Monkey Mountain (part 1, scene 3) and (part 2, scene 1)

1. Discuss Corporal Lestrade’s attitude in market place when the crowd beat Moustique. Is
he really protector of people? Why does he carry a pistol?
2. Why does the vendor agree with Corporal Lestrade that melon is pawpaw?
3. Interpret the following excerpts.

And if you know how much I would like to do for these people, my people, you
will understand even better. I would like to see them challenge the law, to show
me they alive. But they paralyse with darkness. They paralyse with faith. They
cannot do nothing, because they born slaves and they born tired. I could spit.


The crippled, crippled. It’s the crippled who believe in miracles. It’s the slaves
who believe in freedom.

And with music too! It’s so beautiful I could cry, but I’m in uniform. My wife has
rheumatism. I wonder. (129)

4. What happens to Moustique, impersonating Makak, when he pretends that he has the
healing power? Why does he deceive and exploit his own brothers? What can be inferred
from his exploitation of simple people?
5. In which part of the story the theme of “white man’s burden” is referred to?
6. Interpret the following excerpts.

Take note, Corporal.

This is ignorance!

Ignorance? It seem to me I hear a voice, a voice, the colour of milk, cry
ignorance. [Cups his ear. More laughter] But that voice is not the whispering of
God who does pour counsel in the cup of great men ears, but just the usual voice
of small-time authority. What is your name? (131)


Why you didn’t stop them?

All those people. Do you want me to get killed? Come on. I’ll buy you a drink.
You look afraid. Funny, I can’t stand cockroaches myself.

I am an instrument of the law, Souris. I got the white man work to do. Besides, if
he crazy he dangerous. If he is not, a night in jail will be good for his soul. [Goes
over to the old man’s cell] Is chow time, King-Kong. Hey. Food, food, old man.


Here, hold this. [Turns to TIGRE] Don’t tell me about the law. Once I loved the
law. I thought the law was just, universal, a substitute for God, but the law is a
whore, she will adjust her price. In some places the law does not allow you to be
black, not even black, but tinged with black.

And that is what eating out your soul, Lestrade. That is why you punishing this
man. You punishing your own grandfather. Let him go home. (137)


Bribery! [Pulling the old man through the bars] Listen, you corrupt, obscene,
insufferable ape, I am incorruptible, you understand? Incorruptible. The law is
your salvation and mine, you imbecile, you understand that. This ain’t the bush.
This ain’t Africa. This is not another easy-going nigger you talking to, but an
officer! A servant and an officer of the law! Not the law of the jungle, but
something the white man teach you to be thankful for. (138)


How else can you prove your name is lion, unless you do one bloody, golden,
dazzling thing, eh? And who stand in your way but your dear friend, Corporal
Lestrade the straddler, neither one thing nor the next, neither milk, coal,
neither day nor night, neither lion nor monkey, but a mulatto, a foot-licking
servant of marble law? He cause Moustique to die. He turn his back on that.
Believe me, like your friend saw the spider, I see it clearly. You bastard son of a
black gorilla, you listening? (139)

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