Topic: Arts of East Asia Learning Competencies & Code

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Name:______________________________Grade &Section:_____________________Date:_______

Topic: Arts of East Asia

Learning Competencies & Code:
1. Identify characteristics of arts and crafts
in specific countries in East Asia: China (Chinese painting and
calligraphy); Japan (origami, woodblock printing, theater masks,
face painting, and anime and manga); and Korea
(theater masks, drums, and K-pop) - A8EL-IIb-2
2. Appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of their
utilization and their distinct use of art elements and principles- A8EL-IIb-2
Concept: In East Asia, the objects or items that are usually put
into paintings are called subjects, themes or motifs.
These may be about animals, people, landscapes, and anything about
the environment.
Arts of China
Paintings showing scenes of man chasing animals such as horses, rhinoceros, lions, buffaloes,
mammoths, and other which were drawn on the walls of caves and blocks of stones were a
prehistoric culture of China.
These culture continued to influence production of arts
over the centuries.
Landscape painting was regarded as the highest form of
Chinese painting. They also consider the three concepts
of their arts: Nature, Heaven
and Humankind (YinYang).
Calligraphy is an another art
of China as their art of beautiful hand writing. Traditional painting has
poets written in calligraphy using black and colored ink, but oils were not

Activity 1:Think Pair Share (Painting Analysis)

Interpret the painting on the right side with your partner
and then choose three Chinese calligraphy words that
best describe the painting and write it on a short bond
paper with a brief interpretation expressing appreciation
of the artwork. (See Chinese calligraphy)
Arts of Japan
Woodblock printing is a technique for printing text, images or
patterns used widely throughout East Asia. It originated in
China as a method of printing on textiles but eventually
became a method for printing on paper.
This method was adapted in Japan during the Edo period
(1603-1867) and became one of their oldest and most highly
developed visual arts.
The term Origami came from “ori” meaning "folding", and
“kami” meaning "paper". It is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding, which
started in the 17th century AD and was popularized internationally in the mid-
1900s. It eventually evolved into a modern art form.
Origami butterflies were used during the celebration of Shinto weddings to
represent the bride and groom, so paper folding had already become a significant aspect of Japanese
ceremonies by the Heian period (794–1185) in Japanese history.
Flowers, animals, birds, fish, geometric shapes and dolls are the common models used in Japanese
Origami. Performance Work 1: Origami Flower – Lily
Rubrics: Watch the Origami Flower-Lily on youtube to create
your flower origami. Enhance your output by doing
style of folding from the video also with your own
design of folding. Place your origami on a vase, plastic
bottle and others with creativity.

Arts of Korea
The history of Korean painting dates to 108 C.E., when it first appears
as an independent form. It is said that until the Joseon dynasty the
primary influence of Korean paintings were Chinese paintings.
However, Korean paintings have subjects such as landscapes, facial
features, Buddhist topics, and an emphasis on celestial observation in
keeping with the rapid development of Korean astronomy.
Mountain and Water are important features in Korean landscape painting
because it is a site for building temples and buildings.
Korean masks, called tal or t'al, originated with religious meaning just like
the masks of other countries which also have religious or artistic origins.
Korea has a rich history of masks. They use it in funeral services to help
banish evil spirits and theatre plays dating
back to the prehistoric age.
Masks were also used for shamanistic rites and were kept within
temples where they were honored with offerings. By the 12th century,
the masks became part of elaborate dances and dramas.
Activity 2: Fill Me In!
Write what country (China, Japan, Korea) that shows the following painting subjects or theme
description and complete the statements below.


1. Scenes from everyday life
2. Narrative scenes crowded with figures and details
1. Flowers and birds 4. Human Figures
2. Landscapes 5. Animals
3. Palaces and Temples 6. Bamboos and Stones
Subjects are divided into five categories:
1. landscape paintings 4. bamboo
2. Minhwa (the traditional folk painting) 5. portraits
3. Four Gracious Plants (plum blossoms, orchids or wild orchids,

I have appreciate the arts of China because ______________________________________________

What makes Japan different from China and Korea in terms of artworks is that _________________
Prepared by:
Cherry Ann P. Orbita
MAPEH-8 Teacher

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