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What is debating?
Debating is arguing or discussing about a certain topic in formal manner. ​A debate,
therefore, is a formal, disciplined, and rule-governed contest/competition that is
conducted within a set framework. A debate may comprise single participants or teams
that include several students. In a typical debate, two teams are presented with a
proposition that they will debate, with each team given a set period of time to prepare
their arguments. Debates are performed in a structured setting that gives all participants
a chance to present and defend their arguments.A debate, therefore, is a formal,
disciplined, and rule-governed contest/competition that is conducted within a set

The governing rules of debate

There are 2 sides as we said, the affirmative side of the proposition (also called the
Proposition) and the negative side of the proposition (also called the Opposition). Stated
differently, the Proposition is the team that attempts to secure the acceptance of a
proposition. The Opposition is the team that attempts to secure the rejection of a
proposition. It is vital that the proposition should take a definite stance on an issue.
Teams consist of 3 speakers each. The first one introducing the general idea of their
side. The second speaker will bring out the main points and arguments. Last speaker
will summarize and conclude. Each speaker will get 3 minutes to speak.
You are able to cut off anyone’s speech with POI (point of information) and ask
questions regarding their speech. But only one POI is allowed per speech.

Students should not be graded on their handwriting
Many students have bad handwriting. But many of them has good handwriting too. The
chances of a student getting criticised by teacher is high, and could grade your work on
depending on your handwriting. Some students get bad grades just because their
handwriting is bad and not because of their studies. But those handwriting could be so
bad that sometimes it is unreadable. So what do you think? Should students get graded
on their handwriting? Or should they only get graded on their studies and preparation.
On February 27th (Wednesday) teams of three will be debating against one another on
the topic mentioned above. You will not know which side your team will be on until
wednesday. So do enough research as you will not know your side.
Advices to Debating
● Do enough research, don’t prepare due time
ting​ use this link as your main source but do please use other sites too
● Have flashcards. Flashcards can include your speeches, arguments and possible
● Speak confident, prepare your speeches before the actual debate
● Managing time. Fitting your whole speech in the given time is crucial as time runs
very fast when speeches
● Be aware of the format
● Research about your side’s weaknesses and be prepared to answer questions.

We are expecting multiple teams to show up at the next CONSPEC meeting. And the
teams should send in their names and members by 26/2/2018 (Tuesday night). If you
are not able to participate, your position in the club will most likely be replaced by other
enthusiastic kids.
You and your team is open to ask any question from the staff members. So no not
hesitate to ask anything concerning the debate. Prepare well, do research, manage
your time and goodluck.
(P.S the best team will be rewarded)

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