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b h"U¿ dt uryo o*'du 4* dtzzo ¡lomot

I want to (+ verb) This form talks about an action I wish to take.
I n3é3t8 t+ verUl . This form is used for an action that is necessary or important.
fañá.d aLlr-
I hávé fo . (+ verb) This form is to talk about an action I am obligated to do - very important.
Affirmative form:
I need to sleep. 3he needs to sleep.
I have to rest. She has to rest.
I want to watch TV He wants to watchTV

Neeative form: I don't need to go there. She doesn't need to go there.

I don't have to travel She doesn t have to travel
I don't want to drink soda She doesn t want to drink soda

lnterregative form:
Do vou need to talk with me? Does she need to talk with me?
Do you have to work? Does she have to work?
Do thev want to stay here? Does he want to stay here?

l. Match the sentences with the pictures:

, :.4-


1. She hos to exercise

3. They wont to trovel to Cusco.
5. She needs to learn

!1. Order:

/ 2. They need to buy o new car.
4. My parents wont to eqt f¡sh.'
6. I don't have to get up early.


L. has - buy - she - to - fruit Sh" has ,L á,/ {rut/

2. rt,rdy - need - the - they - tS) - at - uníversity ZAry nnd /o 'sJrC{ a/ /4e unire,s,J,¡
3- go-you- concert-to -the - do - want-to - rock - ?

uiailf 4, qo conrcrf /o #r, rock I

lnglés ll Mg. Nancy León P.

4. to -you - -do -to- happy- need -what- be - ?
(ilha{ d4 vou /* haue do ,b óe hafP/ ?

Itl. Match sentences:

afto pass the exam.

1. I have to clean mY house-9 r gira oPobat el evarx,&
2. I go to the suPermartet b d. L"crute I want to buY vegetables'
/ porqrr¿ quero CDñPrar Úe(4tr4t
-3. She doesn't have to go to school 3 I'z )liY:W'\P'*' a, úua o7

4. Do you need to t
I ytrF U",fl1'':,5:ni€[i]..,
5. She has to studY more @ / d"cause ¡t's dirty.
q¿-P ¡>+a tu*-o
/ , p. '

6. What do you need d rr*;»W:*:I?,'t|rH?o^?

7. I don't want h . because it'i holidaY.
Pt¡.q*L n ku^o&¿
8. I need a lot of moneY 4 h. lunch ¡n a restaurant -/-
alrrrttc¡¿o en x¡¡¡ r€ifúur€'l'lx
9. Does she want -J-
have i j. to stay here.
[*t z
10. I don't want to
guút,u a-|r
lV. Read and answer:

A: Hi Mary. I have a Pafi tonight'

Do you want to go with me?
B. Yeah, but I have to study for my exam
A. Ok, So Do you need to read many books?
B. Yes, I need to read, I need to investigate
and I need to finish mY Pro¡ect.
A. You are a very resPonsible girl'
B: Thanks SusY.

shq tas -a Perlf :hnUh

tonien* Y1s
1. Does Susy have a partv
is' nol
2. ls Mary a lazy girl? No , she ? 14zy gtrl
g0e5 MarY have to
lvldf y rrdvE LU wvt 6sr Sá t'-'-an ekdm - - 'l '
3. What
J. WnaI does -"- '- i
4. Does Mary need to tin¡str O, tch a pa¡e;f

V. Complete the dialogue and check:

geya - p§aa- sryetrrraúet - t^5Ñ- deJieieus - yo" - 9*§

Tom : Hey Max, Are You busY?

Tim: Not reallY, whY?
Tom : I have to buy some things here in the
Can You come with me?
Mg. Nancy León P.
lnglés ll
Tim: Ok, but we have to hurry because I have little time to help you

Tom First,I need to buy some bread and some *g3S

Tim Do you wan/ to buY some Potatoes?

Tom : No,I dontt .Butlwanttobuy somecheese'

Tim Oh, come on. Here cheese is de/i u'octs

Tom Ok, but onlY a little

Tim Do foo wantvegetables?

Tom Yes, I love vegetables- P/ea¡c 'get me some lettuce'

\Atrhat else do you need?
Tim I'm afraid they don't have any lettuce'
Tom I need some aPPles and bananas'

Vl. Answer the questions:

1. DoesTom have to buy in the superm
he haS l'o lul il'te SuPet rwt¿cf
arkee YeS ,

2. Does he want to buy some potato esl Na ,

he d"dn'f w n{ th bu/ fohá es '
-h bul sontc breod aud so'Etc 19s
3.Whatdoeshewantto Auyt ile ¡aort/s
4. Does Tim have a lot of time? Yes ' tB
ha¡ /tl*le l''ne
5. Are theyfriends? Y"s QY? -ln'endS

6.Wherearethey? the| art c¿alc 1o+he s¿'evmortc*

Vll. Complete with the correct verb according to the


1. Tom ,re"! in the supermarket'

2. Tim doesn't hAüa a lot of time.

3. unnt rc buY some cheese'

4.They don\ ho'e alotoftime'
5. Tom necd vegetables.

6. He doesn,t hore any carrots.

l. He u,aTl aPPles and bananas'

8.They don.t have anYvegetables'

Mg. NancY León P'

lnglés ll

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