SEMANA 14 Turnitin Ingles

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Accounting scope

The field of action of the Professional Accounting Career is very broad, since the main
objective is to report the assets, liabilities, capital and the relevant analyzes of the commercial
operations to which the company is directed.

The business world inherited Accounting twice. Accounting is a generic name given to all
the annotations and calculations carried out in the company in order to provide the
person in charge with a numerical image of what actually happens in the life of every
business and which will serve as the basis for their subsequent evaluation. (Erly
Zeballos Zeballos, 2013, p. 20).

Therefore, the accounting is classified in Private Accounting and Public Accounting, in the
private sector we can see the Commercial Accounting which registers and controls the
activities that revolve around the purchase - sale of merchandise in commercial companies.

Alumna: Cyntia Gallegos Porras

Código de Alumna: 3203131030
E.A.P. de Contabilidad

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