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City CleanessFor Environment Preservation

Assalamuailaikumwr.wb good
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen.
First of all let me introduce myself my name is Galan Bagus Rimangkuim from
junior high school number 4. Today, I want to deliver my speech with the title is

Before I start, what is the first thing we see in here? Yes, the first thing we see in
here is scattered trash everywhere. Isn’t this kind of thing disturb our view? Even
though we all know that garbage is the source of disaster. Garbage can cause
disease through the air we breathe. Imagine every day we breathe the polluted air
produced by those garbage, of course, this is very dangerous for all of us.
Lets ponder for a moment what has happened near us, in our neighborhood. How
concerned about the circumstances around us. Many people still not moved their
heart to dispose of the garbage in its place, even there is still not hesitate to throw
garbage from inside their personal vehicle. The phenomenon, of course, makes our
environment is not clean and unsightly. Moreover, the flood disaster could threaten
our environment.
Indonesia is the second largest producer of waste in the world after China.
Waste in Indonesia continues to increase every year. In 2019, Indonesia will
produce around 67 million tons of waste or an increase of three million tons from
the previous years which reached 64 million tons.
As the industry continues to grow, the volume of plastic waste will increase. In
2050, it is estimated that there will be 12 billion tons of plastic waste in the
Have you ever been go to pantai berkas? Or any park in the city? Did you
pay attention to the garbage can that are so imbalance to the amount of the garbage
itself. How concerned this is, the fact that so many garbage spread around the
beach. Because of that beach doesn’t look beatiful again
Not only is waste a problem, but there is also air pollution which is also a serious
problem especially in urban areas. Why is this a serious problem? Because with its
pollution can cause several diseases that attack the respiratory tract.
The impact of garbage and pollution is very bad for now and in the future.
Examples of impacts that we can feel now are drains that are clogged up with
rubbish and cause flooding, the environment becomes dirty, and becomes a den for
disease, and for pollution can cause the throat to become sick and etc.
In the future this problem may be even greater, not only the city affected by this
garbage and pollution, but the earth is also affected. The impact of this problem for
the future is very bad for example damage to the natural and artificial environment,
many animals in the sea many dead, damaged coral reefs and many more impacts
for the future.
In my opinion, this problem cannot be ignored. the government must be more
stringent in instilling an attitude of awareness to dispose of garbage in its place.If
we wanna keep our environment clean and healty we just doing a simple things
such as, stop doing illegal logging, planting trees in the vacand land, doing
reforestastion in the place where illegally logged, or we just practicing the “Go
What is “Go Green” ? “Go Green” is the act of saving the earth which is
currently experiencing damage and global warming due to our own actions . go
green can also be called "Greening".
How do we gonna practicing the “Go Green”? We just gonna do things such as,
throwing rubbish to garbage can, Use clean water as needed, Plant at least one tree
for each person, Save electricity consumption as efficiently as possible, do no
straw movement, use recycle bag and many more.
What is the purpose of "Go Green"? To make us aware to protect and preserve
this nature rather than damage it.The benefits of "Go Green" are reducing
pollution, the earth is cleaner, more beautiful, healthier, and greener.
The conclusion is that we must protect and protect our nature well and we must
not try to destroy it. Our only way to protect it is to change lives into healthy lives
and care more about nature by practicing "go green" so that our earth can become
more green, beautiful and healthy. So, if we have a good nature we will have a
better future.
I hope what I am delivering today can make us care about our environment.
Because the good environment has the good effect to our health. I think that’s all
my speech. I hope it is useful for you all. Thank you very much for the occasion
and your kind attention. WasalamualaikumWr.Wb.

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