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My Baby Brother Read the short story below. | love my baby brother, His name Is Sam, He sleeps a lot, Sometimes he smiles when he Is asleep. When my brother erles | try to cheer hirn up. like to read stores to my brother, He laughs when | do silly voices. My older brother likes to play peekaboo with Sam. He thinks It Is very funny, Murn and Dad are taking Us to the park tomarraw for a picnic. Now circle the correct word to complete each sentence. 1, Mybaby brother's called ___. a) Ben b) Sam ¢) Tam 2. When he cries! : a) sing to him b) trytocheerhimup ——¢) clap my hands 3. My older brother likes to play with Sarn, a) hide and seek b) catch €) peekaboo 4, Tomorrow we are going to the a) park b) seaside ) 200 Marcus the Monkey My name is Marcus, Lam a monkey. | have five fingers and five toes, just like you, [have long arms and along tall. Ilive In the trees in the rainforest. It is very hot in the rainforest. have great fun swinging from the branches, | like to munch on frult ancl leaves. Bananas are my favourite food, Bananas are aood for you. | live with [ots of other monkeys. A giaup of monkeys Is called a toap,| ama very clever animal. My brain Is very big, Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct answer, 1, What Is Marcus? 8 Akoala b Amonkey © Atiger d Abear 4. Does Mateus havea tall? a Yes b No 5. What |s a group of monkeys called? @ Anatmy b Agang € Atroop dA pod 2. Whote dows Marcus live? @ Inthe desert b Inthe woods € Inthe rainforest d Inacave 4, What is his favourite food? @ Bananas b Cartots € Grapes d Pears 6, Doyou think monkeys are clever? a yes b No My name is Pacho, lama panda. | arna type of bear. | live Ina place called China. | live in a forest with lots of bamboo. Bamboo Is a type of grass. itis my favourite food, | eat lots of bamboo every day. | spend most of my day resting In the trees. Sometimes | go to sleep in the trees, | also sleep in caves. Jam a good climber. | can swim too. | have a black and white wooly coat to keep me warm, | have sharp claws and large teeth. | have a round head and small black ears. | am very shy. Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct letter, 1. What Is Pacho? 2. Pacho isa type of a Akoola a Monkey ‘b Apanda b cat ¢ Asheep © Bear d Adog di Bird 3. Where dloes Pacho sleeps? 4, What does Pacho eat a lot of every day? a inahole a Meat b inanest b Fruit ¢ Intress and caves € Fish On the floor d Bamboo 5. Is Pacho a goad climber? 6, Where does Pache live? a No a China b Yes ib England © France d Spain My name Is Farley, | arm a fox, My ears are shaped like triangles and my tall Is long and bushy, | have a reddish coat and a pointed snout, At night | Ike to catch mice and rabbits, | eat Fruit and vegetables too.| was born ina den, | have two brathers. We live in a forest, | like to play hide and seek with my brothers, Hike ta hide behind trees, My mum says that I'm not allowed to go near farms. Farmers don't Ike foxes, Some foxes chase the chickens, | don't chase the chickens, | arm a qood fox. ‘Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct answer. 1, What Is Farley? a Afox b Achicken, © Acat d Ahamster 3, What does Farley do at night? a He eatches mice andl rabbits He plays with his fiends © Hesleeps He plays hide and seek 5, Where does Farley live? a Ina desert b Ina forest € Ina house @ Inthe yea 2, What shape are Farley's ears? a Square b Circle € Tangle Rectangle 4, What colour Is Farley's coat? a white b Black € Yellow d Red 6, Where was Farley born? a inaden b Ina stable € Ina hospital d Inapond C SY re My name Is Poldo. | am a polar bear, | am the biggest of all bears! |llve In a Icy cold place called the Arctic, It gets very cold here, The Ice Is very slippery. | have rough pads on my feet to help me walk on the ice, My thick fur keeps me warm. | like to swim In the water, | use my feet to paddle, | eat meat. Seals are yurnmy! When It Is time for bed | dig a pit in the snow ta sleep In, It keeps re warm. Hike playing In the snow, Do you Ilke playing In the snow? Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct letter. 1, What Is Pale? a Akoala b A panda © Apolar bear d_Adog 3. What helps Poldo walk on the lea? a His srnallears His rough pas ¢ His thick fur He wears shoes 5, Can Poldo swirn? a No b Yes 2, Where does Poldo live? @ Inthe Arctle b In the woods ¢ Inthe desert d Inaforest 4, What Keeps Polda warn? a His small nose b Hisbig head ¢ His sharpclaws d His thick fur 6, {5 Itwery cold or very hot where Poldo lives? a Very cold b Very hot My name is Henry. | am a hedgehog. | have sharp spines all over my back, Ican curl up into a ball. .can climb trees and | can swim in the water, | ike eating beetles and digging for earthworms, | use my sense of smell to find food, | sleep under rocks and In the tall grass, | have short legs and a short tall, Ido not like the winter. It |s too cold for me so | have to hibernate, This means that | curl up intoa ball and goto sleep, After. a few months | wake up and! am very hungryt Answer the questions below, |. What Is Hey? a Aworm b Abertle € Ahedgehog d Asnail 4. Can Henny sven? a Yes b No 5. Does Henry have a short or long tall? @ A short call b Along tail 2, Whar lows Henry like tor eat? @ fishand chips b Sanchyiches and crisps ¢ Beetles and earthworms dd Peasand carrots 4, What sense does Henny use to find food? a Sight b Heating ¢ Smell Taste 6, How long does Henry sleep in the winter? a Atewdays b Afew hours € Afew months d Alowyears My name Is Harriet, ama hippo. | have a very big mouth. | can run very fast. | Hike to bath in the water. This helps me stay cool in the sun, My teeth are very big, My eyes and ears are on top of my head, Ican close my ears and. hostills when | swim under water, | ama good swimmer, | like to swin. | have webbed toes, | can walk along the bottom of the fiver, |can hold my breath for along time. At night! like to eat lots of grass, Grass Is my favourite food, Hive in Africa. itis very hot here, Is it hor where you live? Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct letter, 1, What }s Harrier? a Awalrus b. Ahippo © Afish d Anelephant 3, Is Harriet a good swimmer? a Yes b No 5. What does Harriet do at night? @ Swinns in the water Bb Sleeps in the trees ¢ Eats lors of grass: di Plays with other hippos 2. How does Harrlet stay cool In the sun? @ She les under a tree b Sheuses a fan ¢ She bathes in the water d Sheeats a lot of grass. 4, Can Hara run Fast? a Yes b No 6, What bs Harrlat’s favourite food? a Cake b Grass € Bkcults d Peanut butter My name: Is Shaun, | ama sheep, | have a thick wooly coat and a short tall. have two toes on each hoof, During the daytime ike to graze on grass and berries. live ina field with lots of other sheep, A group of sheep Is called a flock, Ihave a baby brother called Sam. Did you know that a baby sheep Is called a lamb? Sheep wool Is used to make clothes like jumpers ancl socks, Can you think of anything else that Is made from wool? ‘Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct answer. |. What Is Shaun? a ApK b Agoat © Asheep d Acow 3. Where does Shaun live? a Ina stable b inasty € Ina house d Inafeld 5. What Isa baby sheep called? a Alamb b Acub © Apuppy @ Acall 2. Mow may toes does Shaun have on each hoot? a Four b Five cc Two d Sie 4, What isa group of sheep called? a Anamy b Aflock € Anest d Apod 6, Which item could be made using wool? a Abolt b Apalt of jeans © Ajurnper d Glasses My name is Chester, | am a cheetah. | can run very fast. lar the fastest animal on land, | live in a place called Africa, It ls very hot here. | have a yellow coat with black spots all over my body, When | am happy | purr, | cannot roar. | have long legs. Ihave a long tail. | like to eat meat. [like to hunt for food during the day, What do you Ilke to eat? Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct letter. |. What Is Chester? 2, Where does Chester live? a Alion a india b Atiger b China © Abind © Africa d Acheetah id England 3. Whar colour Is Chester's coat? 4, Can Chester toar? 8 Orange with black stripes a Yes b Yellow with black stripes b No € Yellow with black spots di Red with orange spots 5, Does Chester eat meat? 6 When does Chester like to hunt? a yes a Atnight b No b During the day My name Is George. | ama grasshopper. | have six leqs and five eyes. | do not have ears or a nose, | have holes along my body which is how | breathe. Ilike to eat leaves and grass. The farmers do not like me because | eat thelr crops. | can hep, walk and fly around. | can sing by rubbing my legs and wings together. live in fields and meadows. | can Jump very high, | hide from lizards and birds, They ike to eat grasshoppers. It ls very hard to catch me, | can see forwards, backwarcls and sideways. Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct letter, |. What |s George? @ Alizard b Agrasshopper ¢ Aspider d@ Abid 3, How does George breathe? 4 ‘Througha mask b Through his mouth ¢€ Through holes in his body By rubbing his wings together 5, Where does George live? @ Invhelds and meadows b inapond ¢ Onthe beach 4 Inativer 2, How many legs does George have? a Iwo b Five € Six d Four 4, What does. George like to eat? a Meat b Leaves and grass © Cheese Insects 6, How many eves aes George haver a Two b Thee ¢ Four d five My name Is Botls, | arya fruit bat. | have fur on my bocly. Hike to flap my wings. 1. can fly very fast. have a thumb and four fingers, just like you, | have five toes, Just like you, | have long claws, Ilike to sleep In the day time. | hang upside down in the trees, | come out at night to look for food. | eat jots of fruit.t live in a big group called a camp. It can get very nolsy In the camp, | have a very good sense of smell. My sense of smell helps me find food. Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct letter, 1. What Is Boris? @ Abutterily b Abird Afruitbat d Adragontly 3. Boris has @ Two fingersand one thumb b One thumb and four fingers © One thurnb and three fingers One thumb and two fingers 5. When does Boris loal: for food? @ When itis hot & Never © In the day tine d@ atnight 2, Does Bors have fur on his body? @ Yes. b No 4, What does Boris like to eat? a Chocolate b Crisps © Fruit d Gke 6, What is. a group of bats called? a Acamp bb Aberd © Aswarm d Agroup My name Is Oscar. am an otter. | like to swim In the river. | never get cold, My thick fur keeps me warm in the cold water. | have short legs and webbed feet. | have along tall and lots of whiskers, | love to play, | slide down slippery slopes and muddy hills. | like to chase fish underwater. Fish are my favourite food, | eat frogs, snails and turtles, | ama very fast swimmer. | can lle on my: back and float in the water, | sunbathe on the rocks during the day, When | am tired | go to sleep In my burrow, ‘Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct letter. 1, What Is Oscar? @ Abear b Anotter © Arat d Aseal 3. What does Oscar do during the day? a He climbstrees b He sunbathes on the rocks ¢ He builds a burrow ds He chases insects 5, Does Oscar have a short or long tall? @ A short tall b Along tall 2. What Is Oscar's favourite food? a Fish b Worms ¢ Lizards di Peanuts 4, Where does Oscar sleep? a Inabed b inabush € Inatiee di Inaburow 6, How does Oscar stay warm in the cald water? a Hehas webbed feet b He has lots of whiskers ¢ He has thick fur dd He has shortlegs My name ts Marcus.| am a mankey,| have five fingers and five toes, just Ike you, | have long arrns ane a long tall. | live In the trees In the rainforest, It Is very hot in the rainforest, | have great fun swinging from the branches. | like to munch on frult and leaves, Bananas are my favourite food. Bananas are good for you. | live with lots of other monkeys, A group of monkeys Is called a troop, | ama very clever animal, My brain Is very big, Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct answer, 1. What Is Marcus? a Akoala b Amonkey © Atiger d Abear 2 How many fingers does Marcus have? a Three 'b Four © Five Six 5. What |s a. groupof monkeys called? a Anarmy b Agang € Attoop d Apod 2. Where does Mareus live? @ Inthe dovert b Inthe woods © lithe rainforest d Inacave 4, What ts his favourite food? a Bananas b Carers: © Grapes d Pears 6, Doyou think monkeys are clever? a Yes b No My name Is Oliver. tam an Ostrich. lam the biggest bird in the world, | have short wings and lots of soft feathers. cannot fly. | have a lona neck. | have long legs, | have no teeth, | can run very fast, | like to run, | have two toes and aclawon each foot. My eyes are very bia, | ama vegetarian, | don’t eat meat. leat roots and leaves, | also eat (lowers and seeds, | hatched from an ega. Ostrich eggs are blg and white. | IIke water, | lke having a bath. can snort and whistle, Can you whistle? Answer the questions below by putting acircle around the correct letter, 1. What |s Oliver? 2, Can Oliver fly? @ Aneagle a yes b: A sparrow b No ¢ Anostich d Abst 3. What does Oliver have-on each foot?) — 4, Does Oliver have teeth? & Five toes a Yes b Three toes b No © Three toes and two claws ds Two toes and a claw 5. What did Oliver hatch from? 6, Are osttich eggs big or sal? @ Aflower a fig b Anegg b Sal € ahve d Aveo My name Is Percy. | ama pig, | live on a farm, | like to eat corn and potatees, Mike to roll around in the mud when | get too hot. | have a baby sister. Baby pigs are called piglets, My feet are called hooves, | have four toes on each hoof but | only walk on twa. have a very goad sense of smell and | am very Clever. | have a large head and a lang snout. use my nose to dig In the soll. have a curly tall but my sister has a straight tall. | arn a good swirnmer. Ansiver the questlons below by putting a circle around the correct letter. 1, What Is Percy? a Asheep b Acow © Achicken d Apig 3. What is a baby pig called? a calf b Cub € Piglet 4 Kitten, 5, What are Percy's feet callecl? a Hooves b Shoes © Socks d_ Boots 2, What colour Is Percy? a White b Pink € Black d Orange 4, What dloes Perey do when he gets too hot? a@ Hehasa shower b He rolls around In the mud € He eatsanicecrearn He hasa cole drink 6 CanPercy swim? a Yes b No My name Is Snappy. lam a crocodile.| have scaly skin and a long, pointed snout. | have along tall ane short legs, | have strong sharp teeth, When | swim under water | can close my ears. lam a good swimmer, | like to spend the day sunbathing by the river. If! get too hot slip into the water.! come out at night to hunt for food, My favourite food Is fish, When | was barn, 1 hatched out af an egg, | have lots of brothers and sisters. They hatched out of eggs 100, Do you have any brothers ar sisters? Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct answer, 1. What is Shappy? a Afish b Actocodile € Adinosaur d Asnake A. What does Shappy do at night? @ Hohasa bath b He plays with his frends. € Me sleeps He hunts for food 5. Is Snappy agood swimmer? a tox b No 2, How does Snappy stay cool? a Ho slips into the water b He lies undera tree ¢ He has an urnbrella d He uses a fan 4, What is Snappy’s favourite food? a Fish b Salad ¢ Chips dSandwvichos 6. How was Snappy born? @ He climbed aut of a tree b He hatched ourof an egg € He dug a hole in the sand HI therel My name Is Ollie, | am an octopus, | have a very large head, Do you know how many arms | have? | have elght arms. | live In the ocean, It Is very pretty down here. There are lots of colourful plants that | like to hide in. | hide frarn sharks and eels so they dan't try to gobble me up. | can change have two eyes and a hard beak, | have three to hide fram other anirnals, lour hearts. [like to eat worms and clams, My favaurite food Is crabs, Answer the questions below, 1, What Is Ollie? a Anoctopus b A shark © Adolphin 2, How many arms does Ollie have? ay ba 8 dio 3, What |s Ollle's favourite food? @ Crabs b Worms ¢ Clams 4, Where does Ollle live? a Inthe desert b In theocean ¢ Inthe rainforest 5, How many eyes does Ollie have? 6, Write down ene animal that eats octopuses. 7. How many hearts does Ollie have? ad b3 e€.5.

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