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Efforts by :
Himanshu Chavan

Prajakta Udawat
Mobile Based Application for Tracking Spread of COVID-19 Infections.
By : Himanshu Chavan and Prajakta Udawat

Contact: Mob: 7990912483 Mail-id-


The mobile based application would help in tracking the users 1) Travel history 2) Cease the further
spread of the Infection 3) Identify the most required places for disinfection.


This would help Local and Government bodies to traces approximate 1) likely persons getting infected
and this would also notify the individuals who have chances of infection. 2) Further identifying the
exact places of movement of infected individuals would help in early identification of probable case
probing further spread and the exact disinfection at the suspected places would help to utilize the
resources more efficiently. 3) Quarantine for such probable infected individuals would help restrict
the exponential growth from further infections


1) Most citizen need to Install the Application 2) Smart phone user can be traced having operational
GPS and Internet connection 3) Strong and accurate GPS with sensitivity of 1-3m would give more
accurate results. 4) There might be panic in some users if they are notified to be infected

Core Idea of mobile application:

The user can be divided into as types 1) Already infected 2) Infected Post introduction of Application
3) Normal users
Each registered user will have unique ID and their movement will be continuously tracked on Maps
using their individual smart phones.
Only government would have the rights to change the normal individual’s status to probable infected
person/ infected person.
Users shall have an option to plot their movement on maps using details such as vehicle through which
they have travelled, the data that would be collected would-be real-time data and “Time” the true
essence of tracking.

How the Application is supposed to work:

CASE :1) Tracing probable infections from already infected person.
1) The already infected individuals shall provide complete details regarding their travel history to
places of travel, modes of communication used, vehicle number, time at what they had travelled
(Other details can be added that can be vital)
2) The points shall be marked on maps and informed in general regarding the travel history as the
other users can get to know if they had been to the same place at the same time, or the vehicle or
mode of transport used by infected individual was the same. (This can give fair idea for probing of
probable infection – The manual method had been earlier used by State government of Kerala for
intimating general public).
3) The places the individual visited can be immediately sanitized or disinfected to prevent further
CASE: 2) Notifying new users of probable infections if they had a contact with the infected
1) Each registered individual will be continuously traced using the Mobile application
2) The moment the individual is suspected / confirmed of infection the users in direct or indirect
contact shall be notified by the application on Govt authorization.
3) Citizen can be advised for putting inputs of their travel history in detail to get more accurate
Figure below illustrates how the Application shall work with small example.

The notification once received the individual shall be supposed to self-quarantine and the authority
shall also be aware of the movement of individual and further spread from the infected individual.
If 2 users are in very close proximity a promt via vibration can be also given to maintain a safe
Government will need to urge individuals to download the app for their and others safety
The population with non-smart phone devices will not be covered in this
This can be one of the way to combat the CORONA- Virus
The general awareness can also be provided using this application.
Suggestion By : Himanshu Chavan and Prajakta Udawat

Mob:- 7990912483


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