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A. Some Definition of Moral Values

In this chapter, the writer will try to give some theories that related with
moral, Value and moral Value.
1. Moral

Based on “Webster New World Dictionary of American Language”,

Moral is thing that related with skill to decide right and wrong of behavior that
accepted by citizen. In “Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia” it is said moral is
deciding good or bad considered behavior. Morality according to Bentham is art
to maximize happiness; it can be seen by achieving the existence of happy and
joyful life of all people. (Hazlitt, 2003: 109). A morality is sacrifice from little
goodness to big goodness. (Hazlitt, 2003: 111). According to Stemberg (1994:
938), morality refers to concern with what is good or right in people’s
relationships each other. A key to understanding morality is to be specific about
definition of good (or bad) and right (or wrong).

A morality contains (1) beliefs about the nature of the man, (2) belief
about ideals, about what is good or desirable or worthy or pursuit for its own sake,
(3) rules laying down what ought to be done and (4) motives that incline us to
choose the right or the wrong course. We learn as children that we should be
unselfish, that we should not tell lies. (Paul Edwards: 1967: 150).

Moral rules are not rules for achieving ideal ends, dependent for their
validity for their success or failure in bringing about these ends, but are worthy of
obedience in their own right, and a moral system is a system of rules in which
some rules are regarded as depend on other. For example the rule that someone
ought to keep promises and the rule that one should not to kill is a special case of
the most general rule that one must not to do injury toward others.

In contemporary English, the words “Moral” and “Ethical” are often used
almost as synonyms. Ethic and ethical derive from the Greek “Ethos”, means
usage, character, and personal disposition. Morality and moral derive from the
Latin, and it means customs, manners, character. (Earle, 1992: 178).

Moral issues concern both behavior and character, they arise when life
presents people with such questions as “what should I do (or not do)?”, “how
should I act?”, “what kind of person that should I be?” moral issues are
inescapable and they come in all shapes and size. (Barcalow, 1994: 3)

According to Carol K. Sigelman (1995: 330), the term moral implies an

ability they are (1) to distinguish right from wrong, (2) to act on this distinction,
and (3) to experience pride when one does the right thing and guilt or shame when
one does not. Carol K. Sigelman, also stated that there are three basic components
of morality. They are:

a. An affective or emotional component

An affective or emotional component contains the feelings of guilt
concern for other feelings that surround right or wrong actions and that
motivate thoughts and actions.
b. A cognitive component
A cognitive component focuses on the way we conceptualize right and
wrong and make decisions about how to behave.
c. A behavioral component
A behavioral component reflects how we actually behave when for
example we do or have something that we know is bad or wrong, or help a
needy person.

2. Value

The term “values” may suggest that judgments of right and wrong, lofty
and base, just and unjust, and more personal preferences, that thing are useful as
individuals happen to value them. (Benninga: 1991: 131). Value is something that
interest for us, something that we look for, something that pleases, something
that loved, and in short value is something good. Value have good connotation.
(Bertens: 2000: 139).

The terms “Value” and “Valuation” are used in our contemporary culture,
not only in economics and philosophy but also (and especially) in other social
sciences and humanities. Their meaning was once relatively clear and limited.
Value meant the worth of a thing, and valuation meant an estimate of its worth.
(Paul Edwards: 1967: 229).

The uses of value and valuation are various and conflicting even among
philosophers, but they may perhaps be sorted out as follows (Paul Edwards: 1967:

a. Value (in the singular) is sometimes used as an abstract noun in a

narrower sense to cover only that to which such terms as good, desirable,
or worthwhile are properly applied and in a wider sense to cover, in
addition, all kinds of rightness, obligation, virtue, beauty, truth, and
holiness. Value is also used like temperature to cover the whole range of a
scale—plus, minus, or indifferent; what is on the plus side is then called
positive value and what is on the minus side, negative value.

b. “Value” refers to what is valued, judged to have value, thought to be good,

or desired. Such phrases are also used to refer to what people think is right
or obligatory and even to whatever they believe to be true. Behind this
widespread usage lies the covert assumption that nothing really has
objective value, that value means being valued and good means being
though good. But the term value is also used to mean.

c. Dewey always distinguishes two senses of value, it means either to prize,

like, esteem, cherish, or hold dear. Or to apprize, estimates, evaluates, or

3. Moral Value
Moral value is value that must be separated with other values. Every value
will get quality if it has relation with other values. For example, Honesty is
example of moral values, this value has no meaning if it does not be applied with
other values. Economic Value is relation of human and thing. Thing is needed
because its usefulness. Economic Value relate with purpose value. (Rosyadi:
2004: 123). Loyalty is moral value, but it must be applied with other, humanity
value for general, for example, love of husband and wife. (Bertens: 2000: 142)

Then, there are four characteristic of moral value. There are as following:

a. Moral value is related with responsibility

Moral value is related with human personality, but beside moral value we
also automatically can say other values. Moral value makes people wrong
or not, because he/she has responsibility. Especially moral value is related
with human personality of responsibility. Moral value just can be real in
action wholly if it became responsibility of the involved person.
b. Moral value is related with pure heart
All values need to make it real. Because it has persuasive power, it should
be practice. For example, aesthetic value, it should be practiced, play
music composition or others. After that the result of it, painting want to be
showed, and music want to be listened. To make moral value to be real, it
can be appealed from pure heart. One of special characteristics of moral
values is this value will effect voice of pure heart to accuse us if oppose
moral value and praise us if make moral value.
c. Obligation
Moral value obligates us absolutely and it can’t be compromised. Other
values need to be real and admitted, for example, aesthetic value.
Educative and cultural person will admit and enjoying aesthetic value. But
indifferent people can’t we blame. Moral value obligates us as such,
without requirement. For example, honesty orders us to return thing that
borrowed, like or not, because moral value contains an imperative
category. In other value for example, if badminton player want to be
champion, he/she must try hard. It’s a must to be champion, but there is a
d. Formality
Moral value is not stand-alone without other value. Although moral value
is top value that we must appreciate, but it is not in top without other value.
Moral values did not separate with other values. For example, a seller
applies moral values all at once with apply economic values. Moral values
are nothing without other values. It is form of formality. (Bertens, 2000:
Many spiritual values or we can mention with moral values that can be
learned by all people. And this is universal values. There are love and affection,
honesty, responsibility, perseverance, integrity, harmony, patience, bravery,
justice, simplicity, peaceful etc. (Buzan, 2003: 28)
4. Movie as a Media of Education
Education is the organized development and equipment of all the powers
of a human being, moral intellectual, and physical, by and for their individual and
social uses, directed toward the union of these activities with their creator as their
final end.
Education is the process in which these powers (abilities, capabilities) of
men which are susceptible to habituation are perfected by good habits, by means
artistically contrived, and employed by a man to help another or himself achieve
the end in view. (Brubacher, 1981: 371)
Media of Education is an integral part of education process in the school.
This part happen because the progression of science and technology and change
of citizen nature. (Oemar: 1977: 11)
According to Encyclopedia of Educational Research as stated by Oemar
(1977: 27), Value or Benefit Media of Education as following:
a. To lay the concrete foundation to think and less verbalism.
b. To amplify attentions of students
c. To lay important foundation to develop studying
d. To give real exercise to students for their stand alone
e. To grow regular thought and continue
f. To help development of language
g. To give experience that is not able with other way and to help developing
efficiency and variety of studying.
One of Media of Education is Movie. Movie that is used in class is education
movie. In the movie, or motion picture all students watch and listen experience
that is recorded, drama, and recreational story and episode about past time.
Motion picture is combination between movement, words, music and colors.
(Oemar: 1977: 102)
The purpose of Value of motion picture for educator is following (Oemar: 1977:
1. Motion picture is good media to complete basis experiences for class to
reading, discussion, construction, and other learning activities. Motion picture
is as replacement part, but students will had a share in, because it will
identified in character of the movie.
2. Motion picture gives provide better that is unrestricted on intellectual abilities.
Every child is no matter how much ability they will get benefit of it.
3. Containing many profit of education side, there are to getting attention of
4. Overcoming limitations in distance and time. With using movie, things that
too small, too slow, can watched with eyes
5. Movie will show a subject with attitude. Movie can demonstrate many things
that will not happen directly, for example falling a-bomb in Hiroshima.
In education science, there are five kind of educational factor. (Sutari:
1976: 37-40).
1. The Objective Factor
Teaching Action cannot happen without capability and awareness.
And the purpose of those actions is to increase morality of learner. This
purpose is truth education.
Education is not education if don’t have purpose to increase goodness of
learner in the right meaning. (Sutari, 1976: 37). In the decision of MPRS No.
XXVII/M.P.R.S/1966 contents of education are as the following:
a. To improve mental, moral, character and strengthened belief to be
b. To improve skill and intelligence
c. To build strong and health physic development
According to Crow and Crow, good education aspiration is to
encourage the learner to think effectively, clear and objectively in all
situations. Learner will create aspiration in real action freely and without force.
And have a responsibility in the action or behavior. (Sutari, 1976: 52).
2. The Factor of Educator
Educator is every people with on purpose effecting people to achieve
high humanity level. Or with simple definition, educator is adult that have
responsibility to certain children in education. (Sutari, 1976: 38).
3. The Factor of Learner
Learner in general education defines as every people or a group that
receive influence from people or a group that carry out education activity. And
in the simple definition, learner is a child that given to responsibility of
educator. The learner is a child that always experience development when
she/he born to die and the change will happen in fittingness. (Sutari, 1976: 38).
The duty of an educator is to misguide the development in every level of
children. (Sutari, 1976: 79).
4. The Factor of Media
Media have purpose to achieve education purpose in education
activities is need to uses education media.
According to Crow & crow, Media of Education are Lesson Plan, chair of
learner, room of class etc.
The education media can be like command and prohibition, encouragement
and obstacle, advice and suggestion, reward and punishment, giving
opportunity. So, the definition of Media is conditional action or situation to
achieve the purpose education consciously, either unconsciously. (Sutari,
1976: 39).
5. The Factor of Milieu (Environment)
There are three kinds of milieu, Family milieu, School milieu, Citizen
Milieu (Sutari, 1976: 40).
Milieu is all things that were in around children. Milieu cannot be united by
educator factor, although both of them have similarity, these are having
influence to learner. But the influence of educator is containing responsibility.
While Milieu is just have influence, either good influence or bad influence.
(Sutari, 1976: 117).

B. Types of Moral Values

1. Bravery
Bravery is face (something involving possible unfortunate or disastrous
consequences) or endure (as hardship) use with self-control and mastery of tear
and often with a particular objective in vie. Bravery is able to meet danger or
endure pain or hardship without giving in to fear. Bravery is arising from or
suggestive or mastery of fear and intelligent use of faculties especially under
duress. (Webster: 1981 p.269).
2. Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is strong excitement of feeling on behalf of a cause of subject,
something that inspires or is pursued or regarded with ardent zeal or fervor.
Enthusiast is a person who is or believes to himself to be inspired or possessed by
divine power or spirit, or a person who is visionary, extravagant, or excessively
zealous in his religious views or emotion. While enthusiastic is relating to
enthusiasm or inspired preaching. Enthusiasm is having an ardent, reception,
responsive, temperament or tending to give oneself wholly to whatever engages
one’s interest or liking. (Webster: 1981 p.757).
3. Kindhearted
Kind is the equivalent of what has been offered or received. Kind is applying
more often to the disposition to sympathy and helpfulness. Kindly is stressing
more the expression of the sympathetic, helpful nature, mood or impulse (a kind
person with a kindly interest in the problem of other). Kindhearted is having
sympathetic nature: Humane, compassionate. Kindheartedness is the quality or
state of being kindhearted. (Webster: 1981 p.1243).
4. Honesty
Honesty is estimable character; fairness and straight forwardness of conduct or
adherence to the fact. Honesty is freedom from subterfuge or duplicity,
truthfulness, and sincerity. (Webster: 1981 p.1086).
5. Love and Affection
Love is fell affection for. Love is a communications code word for the letter. Love
is fell referent adoration for (God). (Webster: 1981 p.1340). Affection is action of
affection or state of being affected. Affection is kind feeling tender attachment:
love, good, will. Affection is a strong emotion or passion (as anger, fear or
hatred); feeling aspect of consciousness (as in pleasue or displeasure); to bend of
mind: feeling or natural impulse swaying the mind: propensity, disposition.
(Webster: 1981 p.35).
6. Loyalty
Loyalty is loyal manner. Loyalness is the quality, state, or an instance of being
loyal; fidelity or tenacious adherence. Loyal is faithful and the devoted to a
private person; faithful or tenacious in adherence to s cause, ideal, practice or
custom. (Webster: 1981 p.1342)
7. Peace-Loving
Peace is harmony in human or personal relation. A mental or spiritual condition
marked by freedom from disturbance or oppressive thoughts or emotion.
(Webster: 1981 p.1660) Loving word is from love, a lover section or attitude.
(Webster: 1981 p.1340)
8. Perseverance
Perseverance is the action or the fact or an instance of persevering, continued or
steadfast pursuit or prosecution of an undertaking or aim. Perseverance is the
condition or power of persevering, persistence in the pursuit of objectives or
prosecution of any project. Perseverant is able or willing to persevere. (Webster:
1981 p 1685)
9. Sacrificing for Other
Sacrifice is something consecrated and offered to God or to a divinity or an
immolated victim or an offering of any kind laid on an altar or otherwise
presented in the way of religious, thanksgiving, atonement, or conciliation.
(Webster: 1981 p.1996)
10. Self-Confidence
Self-Confidence is Confident in one self. Self-confident is confident of one’s own
strength or ability. (Webster: 1981 p.2059)
11. Sincerity
Sincerity is the quality or state of being sincere; an expression of a sincere
feeling. (Webster: 1981 p.2122)
12. Strong Belief
Strong is able to bear or endure; able to with-stand stress or violence; having or
exibiting moral or intelectual force, endurence or vigor. (Webster: 1981 p.2265).
Belief is a state or habit of mind in which trust, confidence, reliance, is place in
some person or thing. Belief is something believed, statement or body of
statement held by the advocates of any class of views; conviction of the truth of
some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon, especially when
based on an examination of the ground for accepting it as true or real. (Webster:
1981 p.200)

Benninga s. Jacques, 1991, Moral, Character, And Civic Education In The Elementary
School, New York, Teachers College Press
Staugtan, Roger, Wilson, John, 1987, Philosophers On Education: Hongkong, Macmillan
Press ltd
The encyclopedia of philosophy volume seven

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