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Energy & Fuels
Interdisciplinary research for the development of sustainable energy technologies
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M. Zhu, K. Kang and R. Sun, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B.

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A review of gasification of bio-oil for gas production DOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

Ji-Lu Zheng a, Ya-Hong Zhu a, Ming-Qiang Zhu a, b*, Kang Kang b, Run-Cang Sun c

a College of Forestry, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

b College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A&F University,

Yangling 712100, China.

c Beijing Key Laboratory of Lignocellulosic Chemistry, Beijing Forestry University,

Beijing, China.

*Corresponding authors. Address: Northwest A&F University, 712100, Yangling,

China. Tel.: +86-029-87092269; Fax: +86-029-87092269.

E-mail address: (M. Q. Zhu).

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DOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B

The commercial production of advanced fuels based on bio-oil gasification could

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be promising because the cost-effective transport of bio-oil could promote large-scale

implementation of this biomass technology. So far there has no specialized review of

bio-oil gasification processes, including non-catalytic partial oxidation of bio-oil for syngas
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

production and steam gasification of bio-oil for hydrogen production. A detailed and

comprehensive review of gasification of bio-oil for gas production is presented in this

paper. The background and significance of bio-oil research, the characteristics of

bio-oil suitable for gasification, bio-oil gasification theory, types and configurations

of bio-oil gasifiers, the quality of the product gas, parameter effects, and economic

evaluation of bio-oil gasification are discussed, and finally a summary and future

outlook is also delivered. Particular emphasis is placed to on the discussion regarding

the atomization of bio-oil, entrained flow gasifiers and their advantages, gas

composition and the economic feasibility of production of advanced fuels via bio-oil

gasification. Challenges for the future are identified as (1) make full use of the

experience accumulated in the area of petroleum refining; (2) practical demonstration

of bio-oil gasification on a scale of 500 to 1000 kg bio-oil per hour; (3) the

development of mathematical models for bio-oil gasification systems; and (4)

development of suitable catalysts and profoundly understand the catalysts deactivation

mechanism at different stages for steam gasification of bio-oil.

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1. Introduction

In the research field of biofuel and biorefinery, when people start talking about

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gasification, they often mean gasification of lignocellulosic biomass, which is

considered as one of the promising technologies for production of a producer gas used

as gaseous fuels or chemical feedstock because of its high conversion efficiency and
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

simplicity.1-6 A noteworthy feature of this thermochemical technology is that it must

be coupled with its utilization, such as combined heat and power generation,

Fischer-Tropsch synthesis for diesel or synthetic natural gas production.7-11 This leads

to the fact that biomass gasification plants are operated at rates equivalent to dozens

of megawatts of power at most because the quantity of biomass is not concentrated at

a site as fossil fuels are, and large-scale implementation of biomass gasification

technologies will seriously aggravate biomass delivery expenses.12, 13 Fuels, including

gaseous and liquid biofuels, are so-called commodity chemicals, where a bigger

production scale is usually better due to economies. Because large fuel plants can

produce a product more economically than small fuel plants due to economies of scale.

Since biomass gasification must be done on a small-scale and a local level to

eliminate the transportation cost, the economic feasibility of this technology

quantified by IRR (Internal rate of return) or NPV (Net present value), could be

constrained. Moreover, oil prices have shown a continued bleakness in recent years

and it is argued that a 25% IRR is necessary for advanced biofuels technology to be

attractive in capital markets, which is an serious challenge to all the conversion routes

from biomass to biofuels, including biomass gasification technologies.14

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Large-scale implementation of biomass conversion technologies could be

achieved by distributed fast pyrolysis of biomass to bio-oil for subsequent production

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of motor fuels or chemicals via bio-oil gasification.15-21 Namely, bio-oil can be

produced economically at small scales matching the size of cost-effective biomass

collection, stored until transport to the nearest harbor, and finally shipped together
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

with the production of many other pyrolysis plants to a central site for syngas

generation and use, such as the production of synthetic natural gas, diesel fuel,

dimethyl ether, ethanol and higher alcohols. In the above-mentioned overall

conversion chain, which is shown in Fig. 1, fast pyrolysis of biomass to bio-oil is at

early stage of commercialization with companies such as Biomass Technology Group

(BTG) and Ensyn although this technology also is confronted with some fundamental

research challenges.22-28 A 2 tones/hr fast pyrolysis plant has been designed,

constructed and delivered to Malaysia on the basis of BTG's fast pyrolysis technology.

In the factory - located closely to an existing palm oil mill - Empty Fruit Bunches

(EFB) are converted into bio-oil, which was used to replace expensive diesel for

start-up of a fluid bed combustor near Kuala Lumpur International Airport.17 In 2015

Ensyn signed a five year contract (with extension rights) with Youngstown Thermal

LLC for the supply of Ensyn's bio-oil for their district heating operations.

Youngstown Thermal is the owner and operator of the district energy system in

Youngstown, Ohio. Deliveries began in May of 2016. Catalytic conversion of the

syngas to motor fuels, such as Fisher-Tropsch synthesis, is a well-known and highly

practical process. Being petroleum-poor but coal-rich, Germany used the

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Fischer-Tropsch process during World War II to produce alternativeDOI:fuels.


Fischer-Tropsch production accounted for an estimated 9% of German war production

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of fuels and 25% of the automobile fuel. The largest scale implementation of

Fischer-Tropsch technology are in a series of plants operated by Sasol in South Africa,

a country with large coal reserves, but little oil. The first commercial plant opened in
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

1952, 40 miles south of Johannesburg. Sasol uses coal and now natural gas as

feedstocks and produces a variety of synthetic petroleum products, including most of

the country's diesel fuel. If the syngas has been produced from bio-oil, the known

technology of the CTL (coal to liquid) and GTL (gas to liquid) plants can be applied

to the syngas to motor-fuels. However, bio-oil gasification is still at the experimental

stage and it hasn't been fully developed. Therefore, the most critical part is bio-oil

gasification for syngas generation in the overall conversion chain.

In comparison with solid biomass gasification, bio-oil gasification is a relatively

new and promising concept of thermochemical conversion technology. Moreover,

compared to catalytic hydrodeoxygenation or catalytic cracking of bio-oil for the

production hydrocarbons, gasification of bio-oil for further conversion to biosynfuels

is also a relatively new route.29-34 Generally speaking, bio-oil gasification processes

can be divided into two categories on the basis of gasifying agents used in these

processes. One can be called as non-catalytic partial oxidation processes, in which

oxygen is used as one of gasifying agents for production of syngas (CO+H2), another

can be named steam reforming or steam gasification processes, in which only steam is

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DOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B
used as the gasifying agent to produce hydrogen (H2). The latter is also known as

bio-oil steam reforming, which has been extensively studied under different operating

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conditions including temperatures, catalysts and steam carbon ratios and is mainly

intended to convert bio-oil into H2 with a maximum rate. Water contained in bio-oil

can be completely utilized via this route. It is interesting that a delocalized strategy
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

can also be applied to this route.17, 35 Moreover, there has been recent research in

using two-stage biomass pyrolysis/reforming (catalytic or non-catalytic) processes for

hydrogen production or syngas production.35 This process has several advantages. For

example, this process can produce gas with minimum content of tar; Reaction

temperature optimization can be performed independently in the pyrolysis and

reforming steps, respectively; Catalyst deactivation by fouling or sintering can be

avoided; Volatiles from fast pyrolysis of biomass can be directly and high efficiently

utilized inline, and so on. Overall, although it is related to biomass fast pyrolysis, this

route is essentially a solid biomass gasification process and can be fit for a localized

strategy. Since bio-oil gasification is a relatively novelty and important technology for

biofuel production, a detailed overview, analysis and evaluation of bio-oil gasification

is necessary. In this paper, Bio-oil gasification theory, bio-oil gasifiers, the effects of

several process parameters on the quality and composition of the producer gas, the

advantages of bio-oil gasification, and the economic feasibility of biosynfuel

production via bio-oil gasification are presented and discussed.

2. What kinds of bio-oil is suitable for gasification

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As a liquid product, bio-oil is totally different from solid biomass.29, 36-40 The

properties of bio-oil depends on their biomass precursors, such as wood or agricultural

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residues, and the operating conditions, such as temperature or biomass particle size

and pyrolysis rate, including fast pyrolysis or slow pyrolysis. The properties of some

bio-oils obtained from different feedstocks under fast pyrolysis or slow pyrolysis
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

conditions are listed in Table 1.17, 36, 41-50

Fast pyrolysis bio-oils are suitable for the non-catalytic partial oxidation

processes because they are not readily prone to phase separation and have lower

viscosities. It is much more beneficial if these bio-oils can be produced with higher

heating values. In fact, Fast pyrolysis bio-oils are normally single-phase chemical

solution, in which water is an integral part, and has satisfactory heating value and

relatively low viscosity.17, 36 However, slow pyrolysis bio-oils could be readily prone

to phase separation, and often contains a viscous organic phase (like wood tar) and a

aqueous phase (like wood vinegar). Therefore, slow pyrolysis bio-oils are not suitable

for the non-catalytic partial oxidation processes, but can be applied to bio-oil steam

reforming processes.51-54 Of course, fast pyrolysis bio-oils can also be utilized in these

reforming processes, but phase separation of them are not easy in comparison with the

slow pyrolysis bio-oils. This separation can be performed by addition of water or by

molecular distillation.55, 56 However, an important criterion in this strategy of bio-oil

reforming is the efficiency in bio-oil production. In this sense, biomass fast pyrolysis

allows for higher bio-oil yields and has better perspectives for full scale development

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than slow pyrolysis. Therefore, fast pyrolysis is more appropriate for bio-oil steam

reforming. The organic phase of slow pyrolysis bio-oils is normally too viscous to be

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

atomized to use in these non-catalytic partial oxidation processes, and it could also

lead to ../Downloads/A review of gasification of bio-oil for gas production.doc -

_ENREF_17#_ENREF_17catalyst deactivation due to pore blocking during catalytic

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

steam gasification processes. But it is fairly fit for production of commodity

chemicals and fine chemicals, such as acetic acid, adhesives, and pharmaceuticals.33

Finally, all the bio-oils used for gasification should be filtered to remove char


3. Bio-oil gasification theory

3.1 Bio-oil atomization

As solid biomass needs to be chopped and ground from hundreds of millimeters

to dozens of millimeters or several millimeters diameter prior to feeding into a

biomass gasifier such as an entrained flow gasifier or a fluidized bed gasifier, an

atomization process, by which bio-oil is split up into a large number of fine droplets,

is usually necessary before gasification. Atomizers are a very key factor in the

atomization process. The most common atomizers used for atomization of liquid fuels

include steam or air-blast atomizers, pressure swirl atomizers and rotating cup

atomizers. Air-blast atomizers, some of which are shown in Fig. 2, are usually suitable

for light fuel oils. By coincidence, it was found that bio-oil's combustion

characteristics are fairly similar to light fuel oil even if significant differences in

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viscosity, pH, stability, ignition, heating value and emission levels have been

observed.17, 57-64 A typical bio-oil droplet diameter distribution which is produced by

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an internal mixed air-blast atomizer nozzle is shown in Fig. 3(a), it is clear that the

bio-oil droplet size basically varies between 10 and 80 μm.65 Bio-oil droplet formation

is also related to its physical properties, such as viscosity and surface tension, and
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

temperature.65 The viscosity is peculiarly important for bio-oil atomization. The

viscosity for bio-oil atomization should normally be in the range of 5-30 cP (mPa.s).17,

57 Fig. 3(b) shows temperature effects on the viscosity of bio-oil and two fuel oils

(light fuel oil for heating and heavy fuel oil 180 cSt). It could be inferred from Fig.

3(b) that bio-oil should be preheated before it is fed into atomizers so as to reduce its

viscosity and surface tension and bio-oil could be more easily atomized than heavy

fuel oils. However, the atomizers used in bio-oil gasification processes should be

water-cooled or air-cooled to prevent any coking of the bio-oil in the atomizer nozzles.

Water is an integral part of bio-oil, which is a single-phase chemical solution, and has

important impacts in bio-oil atomization and gasification. The typical water content of

bio-oil ranges from 15-30wt.%.17, 57 Water can cause a decrease in viscosity of the

bio-oil and facilitate bio-oil atomization, as shown in Fig. 3(c). However, if the water

content of bio-oil exceeds 30wt.%, phase separation (oil phase and aqueous phase)

can occur. Phased separated bio-oil inevitably led to poor atomization. Moreover,

every kilogram of water in the bio-oil consumes at least 2.26MJ extra energy from

bio-oil gasifiers for vaporization of the water, and the energy is usually not

recoverable. In consideration of the substantial reduction in energy use in the bio-oil

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gasifiers and improvement of bio-oil atomization, bio-oil with a water content of

20-25wt.% could be desirable. Finally, bio-oil droplets are easy to aggregate under

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cold conditions because of surface tension but they tend to break into smaller droplets

in hot conditions.57, 66 In order to improve the atomization, a high temperature gasifier

favors formation of the finer bio-oil droplet.

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

3.2 Non-catalytic partial oxidation of bio-oil

3.2.1 Gasification stage

During gasification step, bio-oil droplets undergo four key stages, including

drying (i.e., the evaporation of water and light volatiles), pyrolysis (i.e., the thermal

cracking of unstable components), oxidation (i.e. CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O, H2 +

0.5O2 → H2O) and reduction (i.e. CnHmOk + (n - k) H2O → nCO + (n + m/2 - k) H2,

CO + H2O ↔ CO2 + H2). During these processes, the phenomenon of distortion

welling and micro-explosion will occur simultaneously. These peculiar behaviors help

to eliminate mass transfer restrictions and intensify gasification reactions during this

phase.67 To sum up, because bio-oil droplets have much smaller size than solid

biomass particles, bio-oil can be more easily gasified.

With very high heating rate and small size of the bio-oil droplets, all of the four

steps could occur simultaneously. Therefore, it is worthwhile noting that there is no

sharp boundary between the four key steps, which often overlap. In drying phase, the

loosely bound water in bio-oil starts bubbling and is irreversibly removed so the

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bio-oil become more viscous above 100℃. Light volatiles starts volatilizingDOI:as10.1039/C8SE00553B

temperature rises. When the temperature exceeds 200℃, the bio-oil droplets undergo

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swelling, shrinking, distortion and microexplosions, which results in the ejection of

mass from the bio-oil droplets. This phase continues till the temperature reaches

350-450℃. In the pyrolysis phase, thermal cracking of unstable components in the

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

bio-oil droplets occurs. Since the size of the bio-oil droplets is fairly fine, the

pyrolysis of the unstable components is a fast pyrolysis process with no major

chemical reactions with any gasifying agents. Two undesirable products during the

pyrolysis phase are soot and tar, respectively. The formation of soot will lead to a

decrease of cold gas efficiency and CCE in bio-oil gasification processes. Chhiti et al.

proposed a model to describe soot formation during bio-oil gasification (C2H2 → 2C

(soot) + H2, Soot formation).68 The soot is a mass of impure carbon particles and

sometimes referred to as cokes or char. The char or soot could be the results of some

form of pyrolysis because of lack of oxygen. In fact, bio-oil droplets undergo a

pyrolysis stage during gasification steps. Soot or char will be inevitably produced

during this route because of lack of oxygen. In comparison with combustion, soot or

char can also be more or less formed during combustion of all kind of fuels even

when oxygen is adequately supplied. Their study shows that soot yield has a strong

increase in the temperature range of 1000-1200℃, but the soot yield strongly

decreases above 1200℃ because of carbon dioxide and steam gasification of soot;

soot formation can occur under fuel-rich conditions and an increase of oxygen amount

can remarkably reduce the soot yield. Luckily, the soot normally makes 1-2wt.% on

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the basis of bio-oil feed flow. Tar is a sticky liquid and creates a substantial amount of

difficulty in the industrial use of the product gas. Fortunately, tar amount in the

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product gas derived from bio-oil gasification processes is fairly low. The phase which

follows the pyrolysis phase involves chemical reactions, including oxidation and

reduction reactions among the organic compounds in bio-oil, oxygen, char (viz. soot),
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

steam and evolved gases.

3.2.2 Gasification reactions

Table 2 lists important oxidation and reduction reactions take place in the

non-catalytic partial oxidation processes. Of these, the char reactions are very

important. The rate of the char reactions depends mainly on the reaction reactivity of

gasifying agents, such as oxygen, steam, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The rates of

the char-oxygen reactions (R4 and R5) are the highest; the rate of the char-steam

reaction (R2) is 3 to 5 times lower in order than that of the char-oxygen reactions. The

Boudouard reaction (R1) is the 6 to 7 times lower in order. The rate of the water gas

reaction (R2) is 2 to 5 times higher than that of the Boudouard reaction. The

char-hydrogen reaction (R3) is the slowest of all. The relative rates of the four

reactions were estimated at 10000 for oxygen, 1000 for steam, 10 for carbon dioxide

and 0.003 for hydrogen at 10 Kpa pressure and 800 ℃ temperature by Walker et al.69

When char touches oxygen, the char-oxygen reactions (R4 and R5) can take

place. However, their reaction extents depend on temperature. If both R4 and R5 are

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combined and written as "βC+O2 → 2(β-1)CO + (2-β)CO2", β, a partition coefficient,

can be defined to determine how O2 is partitioned between the two reactions. A

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commonly used expression for β is "β=2400*exp(-6234/T)", where T is the kelvin

temperature of the char surface.70 Blasi proposed a reaction mechanism describing the

Boudouard reaction (R1) and found that below 1000K the rate of the reaction is
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insignificant.71, 72 Blasi and Barrioand also revealed that the accumulation of H2 could

lead to a strong inhibiting effect on the water gas reaction (R2).71, 73 So continuous

removal of H2 from gasifiers could be an effective way to accelerating the reaction

(R2). The char-hydrogen reaction (R3) results in the production of CH4. Generally

speaking, CH4 is an undesirable constituent of the syngas for advanced liquid fuel

production, and it is important only for the production of synthetic natural gas (SNG).

Fortunately, the rate of this reaction (R3) is much lower than that of the other

reactions, and in entrained flow gasification processes, the gasification temperature is

usually sufficiently high to produce a low-methane syngas. R12 denotes those non

catalytic reforming reactions between the organic molecules which are present in

bio-oil and steam. Oxygenated organic molecules present in bio-oil are more reactive

than hydrocarbons present in bio-oil because the oxygenated organic molecules have

some carbon-oxygen bonds. R12 plays a very important role in hydrogen production

during bio-oil gasification processes. The reaction pathways which occurred in the

non catalytic reforming process were very complex and have still not been studied.

3.3 Steam reforming of bio-oil

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3.3.1 Reforming stage

Steam gasification of bio-oil for production of hydrogen is a complex process, in

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which catalysts are normally used. This process mainly includes reforming reactions,

cracking reactions and water-gas shift reactions. Firstly, bio-oil, whose formula is

designated as CnHmOk·xH2O, reacts with water and CO and H2 are produced via the
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following reforming reactions.74-76

CnHmOk·xH2O + (n - k-x) H2O ↔ nCO + (n + m/2 - k) H2 (R13)

Secondly, CO is converted into CO2 and H2 via the water-gas reaction.

nCO + nH2O(g) ↔ nCO2 + nH2 (R14)

The above-mentioned two reactions can be amalgamated into an overall reaction.

CnHmOk·xH2O + (2n-k-x)H2O ↔ nCO2 + (2n + m/2 - k)H2 (R15)

Since this process is operated under high temperature, thermal cracking reactions

and catalytic cracking reaction also occur, which leads to the production of fragment

molecules, gas, and coke, which is expressed as the following reaction.

CnHmOk → CxHyOz + (H2, CO, CO2, CH4, …) +coke (R16)

Moreover, the disproportionation reaction of CO may also occur in this process.

2CO→CO2+C (R17)

Except for hydrogen, CO2 and CO, a small amount of CH4 and C2H4 are also

produced in this processes. There is two main pathways to production of CH4. One is

thermal cracking of oxygenated organics in bio-oil; another is the methanation

reactions of CO2 and CO. C2H4 could be derived from the decomposition of alcohols

in bio-oil. For example C2H4 and water can be produced via the decomposition of

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3.3.2 The mechanism for steam reforming of representative compounds in bio-oil

Different compounds, such as acids, alcohols, phenols and their derivatives, have

been recognized in bio-oil. It is critical to understand the mechanism of steam

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reforming of some representative compounds in bio-oil, which are also called as

bio-oil model compounds. Small molecules in bio-oil normally contain carbon,

hydrogen and oxygen, and these atoms are bonded by C-C, C-H, C-O, C=O or O-H

bond. These small molecules could have similar behavior as those typical compounds

during the steam reforming process. Therefore, the investigation in the mechanism of

steam reforming of the typical compounds could have much significance to the

exploration of the mechanism of steam reforming of bio-oil.

The reaction pathways that occurred in the catalytic steam reforming of acetic

acid, which is one of the major components in aqueous fractions of bio-oil, were fairly

complicated and many intermediate or potential products may form, depending on the

catalysts used and the reforming conditions. The first column of Table 3 presents

some major reactions in this reforming process.77-79 On the basis of these reactions, in

order for the increase of selectivity toward hydrogen production, the CH4 level must

be lowered. This reason is that CH4 is rich in the element hydrogen, which is

unfavorable for hydrogen production. Therefore, for the catalytic steam reforming of

acetic acid, it is important to select a high activity catalyst for CH4 reforming.

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The mechanism for steam reforming of ethanol includes two main pathways.80-82

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The first pathway is the dehydrogenation of ethanol, namely the dehydrogenation of

ethanol results in the production of acetaldehyde and hydrogen. And then the

acetaldehyde is cracked and CH4 and CO are produced. Finally, CO and hydrogen are
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produced via the reforming of CH4. The second pathway is the dehydration of ethanol.

The dehydration of ethanol leads to the production of ethylene; the ethylene is

decomposed to produce hydrogen and coke, or hydrogen and CO are produced via

reforming of the ethylene; CO is converted into CO2 and hydrogen via the water-gas

reaction. The two pathways are shown in the second column of Table 3. On the basis

of thermodynamic analysis of the two pathways, it can be concluded that higher

temperatures, lower pressures and higher water to carbon feed ratios could increase

the hydrogen production.83

The mechanism of hydrogen production during steam reforming of phenol over

Rh and Fe catalysts supported on metal oxides have been examined.84-86 Firstly, steam

dissociatively adsorbs on the metal oxide surfaces. Secondly, OH and H species spill

over to the Rh surface. Thirdly, phenol decomposition on the Rh metal surface occurs

and the adsorbed intermediate OH and CHx species are produced. Finally, the

desorption of H, O and (CO) from the Rh surface occur and hydrogen and CO2 are

produced. The detailed mechanism is listed in the third column of Table 3. The

mechanism study shows that supported-metal catalysts with support which possesses

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a large number of oxygen vacancies are expected to be significantly in favor of the

phenol steam reforming reaction.

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4. Bio-oil gasifiers

4.1 Entrained flow gasifiers and the advantages

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For the non-catalytic partial oxidation of bio-oil, pressurized entrained flow

gasifiers are the most suitable gasifiers.67, 87-89 Fig. 4(a) and (b) show two typical

entrained flow gasifiers equipped with direct quench cooling chambers and indirect

syngas coolers, respectively. The two gasifiers themselves are both vertically placed

cylindrical and refractory lined vessel. Bio-oil and gasifying agents, such as air,

oxygen, or steam, are fed together into a downward burner on the top of the vessels.

In the direct quench mode, the hot product gases leave the bottom of the vessel

(quench chamber) via a dip-tube. The quenched product gases are saturated with

water, which makes the product gases suitable for the water-gas shift reaction for

hydrogen-riched gas production. The bulk of soot and ash in the product gases can

also be removed by the quench, which helps to ease subsequent treatment in

downstream separation units. In the indirect cooler mode, the hot product gases are

cooled by the indirect cooler and meanwhile high pressure steam is generated. The

mode is suitable for the applications where a high carbon monoxide level is required.

Obviously, this mode also increase the burden of subsequent treatment in downstream

separation units compared to the direct quench mode. Geometrically the two gasifiers

are called so-called top-fed gasifiers and used top-fired reactor design. There are also

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side-fed entrained flow gasifiers, of which feed and gasifying agents are injected into

the side-mounted horizontal burner and product gases leave from the top. Side-fed

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entrained flow gasifiers are commonly used for coal gasification.12, 90, 91

Entrained flow gasifiers are easy to scale-up and have high conversion
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efficiencies. Moreover they produce good-quality syngas, with low concentrations of

tar methane, due to the high temperatures applied (1200 to 1500°C, depending on

whether air or oxygen is used). Entrained flow gasifiers are quite common in large

scale oil gasification plants. Although entrained flow gasifiers have also been applied

for pulverized coal gasification and black liquor gasification, they have rarely been

considered for solid biomass gasification.92 For the following reasons, entrained flow

gasifiers are not preferred for solid biomass gasification. Firstly, because of short

residence time (a few seconds) in entrained flow gasifiers, carbonaceous materials fed

into them needs to be very fine. But pre-treatment of solid biomass to a dry pulverized

feed stock (<20 μm) is quite expensive and it cannot be crushed like coal; secondly,

feeding fine, fluffy, and low density biomass into a pressurized gasifiers is difficult

and expensive; Finally, the melting point of biomass ash is usually under high

temperature in entrained flow gasifiers, which leads to melting the ash to form a slag,

and molten biomass ash is highly aggressive, which greatly shortens the life of the

gasifier's refractory lining. One example of entrained-flow gasification of biomass is

the Chroren process.93, 94 However, it is char not solid biomass that is injected

downward into an entrained flow gasifier in this process. The other examples include

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gasification of sawdust, grapevine pruning wastes, coconut coir dust, and riceDOI:

an entrained flow gasifier for reduction of tar generated during biomass gasification,

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but the entrained flow gasifiers were operated at atmospheric pressure.95-97 To sum up,

due to simplification of the feeding technology, improved gasification efficiency,

cheaper gasification equipment, less expensive gas cleaning, etc., utilization of

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

entrained flow gasifiers for bio-oil gasification is attractive.

4.2 Commercial-scale entrained flow processes

At present, three major entrained flow processes are commercially available,

developed by Texaco (The GEE gasification process), Shell (The SGP gasification

process) and Lurgi (The MPG gasification process).The key features of all the three

processes are similar. A top-fired gasifier design with a downward burner and a

refractory lined vessel is used. Operation temperatures are similar (in the range

1250-1450℃). When processing liquid feed , all three processes produce a small

amount of residual carbon and which need to be removed from the syngas.

Differences between them are in inlet nozzles of the gasifiers, in syngas cooling

configurations and in syngas scrubber system. The Texaco nozzle followed a

water-cooled design, where oil and steam are fed together through an annular slit

surrounding a central oxygen pipe. The steam is used to atomize the oil, and mixing is

ensured by imparting counter-rotating vortex motion to the two streams. Two

different syngas cooling options, which are separately characterized by direct

quenching with water and using a syngas cooler to generate steam, are offered by the

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GEE process. In the direct quench mode, the gas leaving the quench vessel is

scrubbed in a venturi scrubber and then in a packed column. The Shell nozzle is

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specially designed so that the mixture of steam and oxidant can be intimately mixed

with fuel oil. It is a co-annular design using blast atomizing and can handle fuel oil of

up to 300cSt. A syngas cooler and a boiler are used to cool raw gas and for primary
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and secondary heat recovery in the SGP process, respectively. The soot and ash are

removed from the gas in a two stage water wash. The Lurgi nozzle is a

multiple-nozzle design and can accept separate feed streams of otherwise

incompatible materials. The MPG process offers two alternative syngas cooling

configurations, which are a combination of a quench vessel and a cooler. In the first

configuration, gas is quenched by a quench vessel firstly, then, is washed by a venturi

scrubber, and is finally cooled by two syngas coolers. In the second configuration, gas

is cooled by a syngas cooler at first, then is quenched by a wash quench vessel, is

filtered by a soot separator and is scrubbed by a packed column finally.

Although there is no commercialization of bio-oil gasification via entrained flow

processes, commercial units or demonstration plants of bio-oil gasification via

entrained flow processes could be technically feasible. Besides bench-scale

experimental results from bio-oil gasification in an entrained flow gasifier,

commercialization of black liquor gasification via entrained flow processes can also

offer some support for this view. After all, the density, viscosity, heating value, and

elemental composition of bio-oil are fairly similar to those of the black liquor.

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4.3 The gasifiers for bio-oil steam reforming

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Fluidized bed reactors and fixed bed reactors have also been used as bio-oil

gasifiers for bio-oil steam reforming. Czernik and Wang investigated hydrogen

production by catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil in a bench-scale bubbling

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fluidized-bed reactor.98-100 In this process, superheated steam was used as a fluidizing

gas and nitrogen as atomization gas. A horizontal water-cooled nozzle was used to

spray bio-oil into the reactor. A commercial nickel based naphtha reforming catalyst

was used as the bed material. Latifi et al. performed extensive researches of thermal

and catalytic gasification of bio-oils in fluidized bed reactors for syngas production,

and Wu et al. developed a CFD model for bio-oil steam gasification in a fluidized bed

reactor.101-105 Either steam or nitrogen was preheated and then used as fluidization and

atomization medium, but atomization nitrogen was not preheated. Bio-oil and

gasifying agents (steam or nitrogen) were injected into a side-mounted and horizontal

spray nozzle which was 0.18m above the wind-distribution plate. Fluidizing steam or

nitrogen passed through the plate to fluidize and heat bed material, which was silica

sand or catalyst particle. The fluidized bed can provide fairly good contact of bio-oil

droplets with hot solid particles to achieve high heat and mass transfer rates. When the

silica sand was used as the bed material, the gasification process was driven mainly by

thermal cracking of the bio-oil and non catalytic steam reforming of the bio-oil. When

the catalyst particle was used as the bed material, the gasification process was driven

mainly by catalytic cracking of the bio-oil and catalytic steam reforming of the bio-oil.

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However, these researches were totally done on a commercial scale, and upDOI:
to 10.1039/C8SE00553B

the commercial application of fluidized bed reactors for oil gasification for gas

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production has not yet been found except for so-called fluidized bed hydrogenation

processes. This may be caused by the fact that fluidized bed reactors are noted for

their excellent gas-solid mixing so as to peculiarly advantageous for gas-solid

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

reactions. Moreover, for a down-flow fluidized bed reactor, in the middle of which

quartz chips were placed to get enough good flow and temperature distribution, had

ever been used for thermal cracking of bio-oil for syngas or high-BTU fuel gas.

Nitrogen was used to carry bio-oil into the reactor, and an electric heater was

maintained around the reactor.106 Fixed bed reactors were also used for hydrogen

production via catalytic steam gasification or reforming of bio-oil. The reactors were

normally made of quartz or stainless steel, and housed in a resistive heater or a tubular

furnace, and were packed with catalyst. There are three modes of the introduction of

bio-oil and steam into the fixed bed reactors: bio-oil was atomized using N2 and

mixed with superheated steam in a top-fed nozzle;107 bio-oil and liquid water were

introduced into a fixed bed reactor drop by drop via a peristaltic pump;108 bio-oil was

fed into a fixed bed reactor using a syringe pump and steam was also simultaneously

fed into the reactor.78 It seems that the first mode is the best because fined bio-oil

droplets can provide the largest specific surface area to minimize the heat and mass

transport effects during the reforming processes. Similarly, the fixed bed reactors are

all a bench-scale fixed-bed unit, and up until now there has been not yet the

commercial application of fixed bed reactors for catalytic steam reforming of oil. This

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is because carbon deposit and catalyst deactivation are particularly prone to occur in

these processes.

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5. The quality of product gas and parameter effects

5.1 Gas composition

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Table 4 lists several investigations performed on bio-oil gasification.18, 67, 87, 88, 99,

101, 108-114 Obviously, gasifying agents have a remarkably effect on the gas

composition. As mentioned before, based on gasifying agents used in bio-oil

gasification processes, bio-oil gasification processes can be divided into two major

types. One can be named as non-catalytic partial oxidation, in which oxygen is used

as one of the gasifying agents for the production of syngas (CO + H2), and another

can be named after steam reforming or gasification processes, in which only steam is

used as the gasifying agent for the production of hydrogen. There are also some

bio-oil gasification processes without using any gasifying agent. For example Latifi et

al. investigated thermal cracking of the bio-oils for syngas production and Chakinala

et al. studied hydrothermal gasification of the aqueous phase of bio-oil in supercritical

water.101, 114 However in consideration of that bio-oil contains a certain quantity of

water (15-30%), the two processes can be classified into steam reforming or

gasification processes. Based on the same reason, steam always participates in any

processes of non-catalytic partial oxidation of bio-oil.

When air is used as gasifying agents, the product gas obtained contains certain

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quantity of nitrogen. Therefore, the product gas is not suitable for Fischer-Tropsch

Synthesis but can be used for heat or power generation. On the basis of decentralized

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bio-oil production and transportation of the produced bio-oil to a central plant for

gasification, large scale production of fuel gas via bio-oil gasification can be

performed, which could perfectly meet the cooking requirement in areas with dense
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population or the demand of fuel gas in large gas-fired power plants. However, the

German company, Choren Corporation, commercialized BTL technology on the basis

of their Carbo-V® biomass gasification process and built a second (Beta) plant with an

air blown gasifier in Freiberg in 2005 with a design capacity of 15 MW.98 Other than

the gasifying agents, the composition of the product gas derived from bio-oil

gasification processes is closely related to the source of the bio-oil, gasifiers, catalysts,

and operating conditions such as gasification temperature and equivalence ratio (ER).

For instance, catalysts are not required in the non-catalytic partial oxidation processes,

but they are very important in the bio-oil steam reforming processes and are normally

used to produce hydrogen-rich syngas with low amounts of tar and methane.

A box plot, Fig. 5, is plotted based on Table 4 to show the H2, CO, CH4, and CO2

concentration distributions, the H2/CO and CO/CO2 value distributions, and the lower

heating value and Wobbe Index distributions. It is apparent from Fig. 5a that the H2

and CO concentration distributions have larger variability or degree of dispersion.

This reflects that H2 and CO concentrations are more easily affected by all kinds of

gasification conditions, especially gasifying agents. CH4 concentration distribution

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has an outlier. The outlier corresponds to the hydrothermal gasification of DOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B

phase of bio-oil. In fact, hydrothermal gasification processes (temperature > 374℃,

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pressure > 22.1 MPa ) mimic the formation of natural gas.115 In order to produce

methane-riched gas, hydrothermal gasification of bio-oil can be considered. Except

for several outliers, the H2/CO and CO/CO2 value distributions display small variation
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on the basis of Fig. 5b. Not surprisingly, the outliers in the H2/CO distribution

corresponds to the steam reforming processes. The H2/CO ratio is fairly important for

CO hydrogenation reactions, which include Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and can

produce fuels and accompanying organic chemicals from the product gas. Because the

1st Qu, median and 3rd Qu of the H2/CO value distribution are 0.85, 1.28, and 2.84

respectively, about half of these product gases could either be suitable for

Fe-catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and higher alcohols (C>2) synthesis (1<the

required H2/CO ratio<1.4) or CO-catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, methanol,

ethanol and dimethyl ether synthesis (the required H2/CO ratio≥2).116-118 The CO/CO2

ratio reflects how much proportion of carbon is converted to the effective gas

component (CO). There two outliers for the CO/CO2 value distribution in Fig. 5b.

This is because that steam to carbon ratio is relatively low so as to suppress the

water-gas-shift reaction. In fact, CO/CO2 value normally decreases with steam to

carbon ratio.87, 119-121 From syngas production standpoint, slightly higher H2/CO and

lower CO/CO2 ratio would be preferred. It can also be seen from Fig. 5(a) that a

substantial amount of CO2 will be produced during non-catalytic partial oxidation

bio-oil. Although the CO2 will not lead to net zero carbon emissions, Capture or

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utilization of the CO2 would be preferable.122-124 For example, electrochemical

reduction of CO2 to fuels and chemicals is currently a focus of significant research

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It is very interesting to compare the composition of gas derived bio-oil

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gasification with that of gases via solid biomass, coal, black liquor and heavy oil

gasification. To ensure the comparability of the collected data, only oxygen is used as

the gasifying agent, exogenous steam is not used as much as possible, gasification

reactions are performed under high pressures and mostly using entrained flow

gasifiers are selected as much as possible in all the gasification processes selected.

Table 5 presents some typical syngas compositions on the basis of gasification of

different feedstocks.88, 91, 93, 109, 130-132 Since H2 and CO content are very important for

application of the gases, a scatter plot (Fig. 6), which is based on Table 5 and whose

horizontal ordinate is CO content and vertical ordinate is H2 content, is plotted in

order for cluster analysis of the gases. Overall, the plot is divided into two parts by a

purple line on the basis of feedstock difference. The points over the purple line stand

for those gases via hydrocarbon or coal gasification. Obviously, the three points

which are light blue stand for the gases from gasification of bio-oil , and lie at the

lower left corner of the plot. The points which are red and stand for the gases from

gasification of wood and the point which is deep blue and stands for the gas from

gasification of black liquor are basically located in the same location. This shows that

similar gas composition could be obtained via gasification of bio-oil, wood or black

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liquor. This is mainly because that the element composition of the bio-oil is similar to

that of wood or black liquor. However the points which are deep green stand for the

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gases from gasification of hydrocarbons,and are located at the top left corner of the

plot, which shows the composition of gas from gasification of bio-oil is completely

different from the composition of gas from gasification of hydrocarbons. There are
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

two deep green points, which are located at the top left corner of the plot. They stand

for the gases from gasification of natural gas. It is worth noting that five points which

are light green and stand for the gases from gasification of coal distribute in two areas

of the plot. Three of them are located in the lower right corner of the plot but two of

them at the lower left corner of the plot. In fact, the two points get mixed up with

those points which stand for the gases from gasification of bio-oil or wood. The main

reason is that the two points stand for the gases from gasification of coals whose

oxygen content is more than 20wt%. It seems that the element composition of

feedstocks has a fairly significant effect on the gas composition.

Except for gasification of pure bio-oil, some researchers performed non-catalytic

partial oxidation of bio-slurry, a mixture of bio-oil and bio-char.15, 21, 59 Firstly the

bio-char powder was mixed with the bio-oil to generate a dense bio-slurry with a

specific gravity of about 1.2 and a higher heat value from 18 to 25 GJ/m3. Then, the

bio-slurry was preheated to reduce the viscosity and transferred with plunger or screw

pumps into an entrained flow gasifier. The gasification conditions were a pressure of

2.6 MPa and a temperature of 1200 °C to 1600 °C. The volume composition of the

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syngas exiting in the gasifier include 60 vol.% CO, around 30 vol.% H2, andDOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B

10 vol.% CO2. In comparison with gasification of pure bio-oil, more CO can be

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

produced by gasification of bio-slurry because the carbon content of bio-slurry is

remarkably higher than that of pure bio-oil. Overall, syngas composition for bio-slurry

gasification is similar to coal gasification.90 Solid biomass is converted into bio-oil,

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bio-char and uncondensable gases via fast pyrolysis. The bio-oil and bio-char contains

about 90% of the initial energy contained in solid biomass. Therefore, this gasification

route can ensure fairly high CCE (from initial biomass to syngas). In fact, CCE at

higher temperatures has always been above 99% for this route.21 However, bio-slurry

gasification is a complex technology and a special nozzle system is required for

atomization of bio-slurry.

Up to now, bio-oil gasification or biomass gasification has been utilized to

produce low-to-medium energy fuel gases, synthesis gas (CO and hydrogen), and

hydrogen.133-138 In these gasification processes, it is also regrettable that only H2 and

CO for CO hydrogenation to fuels and accompanying organic chemicals were paid

very close attention to and nitrogen remains an underused resource or is considered to

be harmful. Dry air contains 78 vol% nitrogen. It might be a promising technology

pathway to utilize air as gasifying medium and make full use of nitrogen in the air for

the production of raw gas for ammonia synthesis via bio-oil gasification. This

pathway has the advantages of: ① ammonia has higher added value than the fuel

gases highly diluted by nitrogen with LHV of 4-6 MJ/m3. ②ammonia is an essential

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and necessary chemical for the production of all kinds of nitrogenous compounds,

such as nitrogen fertilizer, nitric acid and potassium nitrate. However, it can also be

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used as a practical alternative to fossil fuel for internal combustion engines. Its high

octane rating of 120 and low flame temperature allows the use of high compression

ratios without a penalty of high NOx production. Since ammonia contains no carbon,
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its combustion cannot produce carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons or soot.139-143 ③air is

free of charge while the investment in air separation for production of pure oxygen is

quite high. ④ getting syngas with an appropriate H2/CO ratio and a high enough

purity for motor fuel synthesis is where the challenges lie. ⑤ ammonia can be

regarded as a promising hydrogen carrier for hydrogen storage. Namely, hydrogen

storage is widely known to be a limiting step for achieving a hydrogen-based

economy. Ammonia could be a reasonably promising hydrogen carrier because it

would be a much lower cost to produce, store, and deliver hydrogen as ammonia than

as compressed and/or cryogenic hydrogen.144-148 Therefore, bio-oil gasification for

production of the raw gas for ammonia synthesis could also be an attractive and

exciting field of study.

5.2 The lower heating value and Wobbe Index of the product gas

The heating value of product gas is closely related to its composition. In fact, the

heating value of product gas can be calculated by formula.120, 149 As seen from Fig. 5c,

the lower heating values of the product gases range from 8 to 18 MJ/Nm3. There is an

upper outlier in this distribution. This mainly is because the outlier stands for the gas

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whose CH4 content is fairly high (15.6 vol%) and CO2 content is relatively low (5.6

vol%). These values are basically in agreement with those values reported in several

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biomass gasification processes.10, 150-152 The gases can be suitable for power

generation in a power plant which uses gas turbines since a minimum heat value of

4.18 MJ/Nm3 of gases is required for application of them to gas engines. Furthermore,
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some of the gases can be utilized as town gas. However, when fuel gas is used as a

substitute for another fuel gas, not only their heating value should be considered, but

also their Wobbe Index should be focused on. The Wobbe Index is an indicator of the

interchange ability of fuel gases such as natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and

town gas, and is frequently defined in the specifications of gas supply and transport

utilities.153 The Wobbe Index is used to compare the combustion energy output of

different composition fuel gases in an appliance (fire, cooker, etc.). If two fuels have

identical Wobbe Indices, then for given pressure and valve settings the energy output

will also be identical. On the basis of Fig. 5c, the degree of dispersion of the Wobbe

Index of the product gases is less than that of LHV of the product gases,except that

there are three outliers. Specifically, two lower outliers correspond to that air is used

as the gasifying agents and the obtained gases can replace producer gases. This upper

outlier in the Wobbe Index distribution corresponds to the gas which is marked as that

upper outlier in the lower heating value distribution. The gas could be substituted for

town gas based on its Wobbe Index (23.8). It seems that the rest of the gases could

replace CO according to their Wobbe Indices.106

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5.3 Tar and particulate amount

Tar is produced during bio-oil gasification processes. It is a highly viscous, thick

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and brown-black liquid, and is a complex mixture of condensable organics, such as

aromatic hydrocarbons, derivatives of phenol and oxygen-containing compounds,

which usually have a molecular weight larger than benzene.154 Tar is highly
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undesirable because it can result in corrosion, plugging and fouling of pipelines and

downstream equipment and poison catalysts for syngas applications. Typical tar levels

in gases from entrain flow gasifiers or fluidized-bed gasifiers for bio-oil gasification

are between 50 mg/Nm3 and 2600 mg/Nm3.87, 88, 112 Overall, the levels are basically

lower than the typical tar levels in gases from biomass gasifiers, such as downdraft

gasifiers (average tar concentration ≈ 0.5~1 g/Nm3), updraft gasifiers (average tar

concentration ≈ 50 g/Nm3) and fluidized-bed gasifiers (average tar concentration ≈ 10

g/Nm3).10, 155-158 Tar concentration is normally low due to high temperature applied

when bio-oil is gasified in a entrain flow gasifier. In entrain flow gasifiers or

fluidized-bed gasifiers, bio-oil is atomized and split into a large number of micro

droplets, which can rapidly be pyrolyzed or evaporated to form vapor during the

pyrolysis stage. The vapor reacts with gasifying agents and then product gas is

produced. Therefore in the above-mentioned bio-oil gasification processes, the

pyrolysis stage is far shorter than in solid biomass gasification processes. This also

may explain why less tar is produced in the above-mentioned bio-oil gasification

processes. Moreover, water contained in bio-oil can react with tar via steam reforming

reactions so that tar is converted into hydrogen and CO. However, tar-free gas can be

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produced via two-staged (pyrolysis/reforming) gasification or entrained flow

gasification of solid biomass.93, 95, 113, 159, 160 As for steam reforming or gasification of

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bio-oil in fixed reactors, the reports on tar amount in product gas have not yet been

found.107, 161, 162 There could be two reasons. One reason is that only the aqueous

fractions of bio-oil are usually used in this process but tar normally originated from
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those lignin-derived compounds in the viscous organic phase of bio-oil. Another

reason is that bio-oil is fed into the fixed reactors by pressure pumps and wet or cover

the surface of the catalyst in the fixed reactors. Steam reacts with the bio-oil, which is

a continuous fluid phase but not a disperse fine droplet phase, or the vaporized

aqueous fraction of it and hydrogen is produced. Tar could be formed on the surface

of the catalyst. In fact, carbon deposition and deactivation of catalyst often occur

because of coke-formation in this processes.79, 163

In general, the product gas from bio-oil gasification is free of particulate matter.

Bio-oil has a fairly low ash content and is relatively clean. The ash in the original

biomass will be largely concentrated in char, which is separated from bio-oil by

gas-solid separation equipment such as cyclones and filters during fast pyrolysis

processes for bio-oil production. Moreover, obvious carbon deposit or soot was hardly

observed during bio-oil gasification processes in entrained flow gasifiers and fluidized

bed gasifiers because fine bio-oil droplets can be fairly easily gasified.67, 87, 88, 110, 112

Similarly, particulate matters are not entrained by the hydrogen-riched gas during

steam gasification of bio-oil in fixed bed gasifiers.81, 99, 108, 164, 165 Therefore, the

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restrictions on particulates in the application of the product gas derived fromDOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B

gasification will not be considered.

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On the basis of the amount of tar in the product gas derived from bio-oil

gasification, the product gas can directly be applied to direct combustion systems and
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there is no need for cleaning because such systems usually have no limits for the

amount of tar, but the gas should not cool down below the tar dewpoint when it

travels from the gasifier exit to the burner inlet. Moreover, the product gas is also

suitable for use in Stirling engines, which have a high tolerance for tar, for power

generation.166 However, the product gas cannot be directly applied to

internal-combustion engines (the limits of tar: 50-100 mg/Nm3) or gas turbines (the

limiting level of tar: 0.05-5 mg/Nm3). The limits for tar in a fuel cell (the limiting

level of tar: <1.0 mg/Nm3) or syngas applications (the limiting level of tar: 0.1

mg/Nm3) are even more stringent. There are several methods for reducing tar content

in the product gas.167-169 However, gas cleaning would not remarkably increase the

total capital investment (TCI) of plants for production of the product gas, or the TCI

could not be sensitive to the cost of tar cleanup.

5.4 Soot and coke

Soot formation could be a problem within the non-catalytic partial oxidation and

steam reforming processes. In a bio-oil non-catalytic partial oxidation process, soot

formation results from some form of pyrolysis because of incomplete combustion and

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usually occurs at bio-oil rich stoichiometries. Soot particles not only can causeDOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B

environmental contaminations but also is related to health risks because it could be

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carcinogenic. Furthermore, soot formation lead to the decrease of CCE during bio-oil

non-catalytic partial oxidation process, and the result in clogging and fouling of

equipments. Reduction or control of soot formation is a crucial research topic for the
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

field of bio-oil non-catalytic partial oxidation research. However, the research of soot

formation during bio-oil non-catalytic partial oxidation is extremely limited. Zheng et

al. found no obvious soot formation arising from non-catalytic partial oxidation of

bio-oil.87, 88 Rossum et. al shown that about 20% of carbon in bio-oil could finally

form soot during their bio-oil non-catalytic partial oxidation process.112 Chhiti et al.

proposed a model to describe soot formation and oxidation during bio-oil

non-catalytic partial oxidation. These studies confirmed that high temperature and

addition of O2 or steam could reduces the soot yield.67, 68 Bio-oil steam reforming is

usually accompanied by coke formation. Coke have a high carbon content, and can

lead to catalyst deactivation. Therefore, it is undesirable during reforming. Garcia et.

al found that acetic acid in bio-oil was a compound with low coke formation but

furfural in bio-oil had high tendency to produce coke during bio-oil reforming process.

These results further concluded that the reactivity of coke formation of some species

followed this order: glucose > mxylene > acetone> ethyl acetate> ethylene glycol >

acetic acid. It is concluded that the amount of coke deposited on catalyst was

0.02~0.28 g per 100 g carbon fed and the coke, which did not included the coke

deposited on catalyst and resulted from an incomplete vaporization of the feed,

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amounted to 3~59 g per 100 g carbon fed.79 Moreover, other cyclic oxygenated

compounds in bio-oil, such as saccharides and phenols, are also supposed to be

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responsible for coke formation.35 Panigrahi et. al showed that the yield of coke, which

was defined as g coke/100 g bio-oil, was 20%~40% when steam carbon ratio

(mol/mol) was 0.32 and temperature was varied in a range of 650 to 800 ℃.106
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

Increase of reforming temperature and steam carbon ratio can lead to decrease of coke

formation. However, this will result in the increase of operating cost because bio-oil

steam reforming is an endothermic process and a lot of high temperature steam could

be also required at the same time. A special techno-economic analysis of this route

could be important to determine the optimum reforming temperature and water carbon

ratio and maximize the profit rate of this route.

5.5 Effect of Equivalence ratio (ER)

ER, which is an important gasifier design and operation parameter involved in

the non-catalytic partial oxidation processes, is defined as the ratio of actual air or

oxygen-fuel ratio to the stoichiometric air or oxygen-fuel ratio. The quality of gas

obtained from non-catalytic partial oxidation of bio-oil strongly depends on the ER.

The levels of CO, H2 and CH4 in the product gas usually decrease with the rise of ER

because higher ER means a more plentiful supply of oxygen and more CO, H2 and

CH4 are oxidized to yield CO2 and H2O. In fact, a too high ER value will lead to the

excessive formation of products resulting from perfect combustion, such as CO2 and

H2O, at the cost of desirable products, such as H2 and CO2.88, 110, 112, 113 In practical

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gasifiers for non-catalytic partial oxidation of bio-oil, the ER value had better vary

from 0.2 to 0.3. When air is used as gasifying agents, the increase of ER can

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undoubtedly lead to the increase of the N2 concentrations because the flow rate of N2

is enhanced at higher ER. Since N2 is always an undesirable product for any

application of product gas, the optimum ER value should be as low as possible for
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

bio-oil gasification using air as gasifying agents. The H2/CO ratio is an important

indicator for CO hydrogenation reactions such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Zheng found that when ER varied from 0.1 to 0.5, the ratio showed a markedly

downward trend using air as the gasifying agent, gradually decreased using

oxygen-enriched air and basically kept constant using pure oxygen in bio-oil

gasification processes. The reasons for these variation tendencies were also explained

in their report.88 As for the lower heating value of the product gas, increasing ER will

obviously lead to reduce it whatever gasifying agents are used. It is also found that the

lower heating value of the product gas is lowest for using air as the gasifying agent

when ER is equal because of remarkable dilution effect by nitrogen. Moreover, the tar

content decreases as ER increases. Thus, when the limits for tar in gas applications are

significantly stringent, the greatest possible ER value could be preferable. Moreover,

if the same ER value is used, the tar concentration in the product gas for using air as

the gasifying agent is lower than for using pure oxygen as the gasifying agent because

of the effect of dilution with N2. During non-catalytic partial oxidation of bio-oil, the

cold gas efficiency increases with ER, and then decreases with ER being further

raised. A maximum cold gas efficiency of 0.75 was obtained at an ER value of 0.3

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without the addition of steam by Zheng This efficiency is higher than that

obtained in solid biomass gasification processes. This could be because there is no

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obvious carbon deposit in the non-catalytic partial oxidation of bio-oil but unburned

carbon is always observed in fly ash in solid biomass gasification processes. After all,

chemical energy in the unburned carbon can reach about 20% of the total chemical
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

energy of solid biomass.170 Moreover, Rossum found that the CCE of a

fluidized-bed gasifier for bio-oil gasification increases with ER and then decreases.112

On the whole, the effect of ER on bio-oil gasification processes is similar to that on

solid biomass gasification processes.10, 171-173

5.6 Effect of steam to carbon ratio (SC)

SC is defined as the ratio of the total amount of moles of water, including the

water in the feed such as bio-oil, to the moles of carbon in the feed. It is also an

important to process parameter involved in bio-oil gasification, as the ER is.

Superheated steam, which contributes to the production of hydrogen, is used either

alone in bio-oil steam reforming or with air / oxygen in the non-catalytic partial

oxidation of bio-oil. In bio-oil air-steam gasification processes, increasing SC leads to

a lower CO and CH4 concentration, but a higher CO2 concentration. This is mainly

because more CO2 is produced via the water-gas shift reaction at the expense of CO

and CH4 is converted via steam reforming reactions.87, 111, 113, 174 Normally, methane

and CO2 are all inert materials in CO hydrogenation reactions, and thus a low

concentration of methane or CO2 is advantageous. However, a little carbon dioxide

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(around 4 vol.%) can increase methanol yields for methanol synthesis viaDOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B

dioxide hydrogenation using a Cu-Zn-based catalyst. The level of H2 usually shows a

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gradual upward trend and then a gradual downward trend with the rise of SC, while

the N2 concentration shows an exactly the reverse variation trend. Guo reported

that a maximum H2 concentration of 47 vol.% was obtained.111 The tar content

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

normally decreases considerably and increases slightly on increasing SC. Steam

reforming of tar can occur and the tar can be converted into hydrogen and CO.

However, excessive steam may intensify thermal cracking reactions for tar generation.

Generally speaking, higher SC can promote steam reforming reactions and the water

gas reaction, leading to higher yields of smaller gas molecules such as CO, H2 and

CO2. However, excessive steam could intensify thermal cracking reactions or lower

gasification temperature, resulting in the suppression of the above-mentioned

reactions. Therefore, the lower heating value of the product gas, gas yield (Nm3/kg

bio-oil), CCE and cold gas efficiency in bio-oil air-steam gasification processes will

reach their maximum values, respectively. For example, a maximum gas yield of 1.90

Nm3/kg bio-oil was observed at SC of 4.36, ER of 0.4 and 1000℃ by Zheng et al.87

SC is a significant operating parameter for steam reforming of bio-oil. Higher SC

favors greater conversion of bio-oil to hydrogen, prolonging of catalyst lifetime and

decreasing of carbon deposit. Therefore, increasing SC results in the increase of

hydrogen and CO2 concentrations and the decrease of CO and CH4 concentrations.

However, excessively high SC will raise the operating cost in the processes. SC

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should normally be between 4 and 6. If 1.0 kg of bio-oil is consumed, around 0.15 kg of

hydrogen can be produced theoretically. This theoretical value depends on the

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elemental composition of bio-oil. Chhiti reported that about 0.12 kg of hydrogen could

be obtained experimentally at 1400℃ and the corresponding hydrogen yield (the ratio of

moles of hydrogen obtained to moles of hydrogen in stoichiometric potential) was

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

84% when SC is more than 6.67 Generally speaking, the hydrogen yield is between

60% to 80%. Zhu et al. found that the hydrogen yield increased from 65% to 79% and

the CCE from 82% to 95% at 750℃ using C12A7-18%Mg catalysts when SC grown

from 1.5 to 4.74 And SC was higher than 6, the hydrogen yield and he CCE remain

basically unchanged. Li et al. reported that the hydrogen and CO2 concentrations

separately increased from 44 vol% to 62 vol% and from 27 vol% to 37 vol% but the

CO and CH4 concentrations separately decreased from 5 vol% to 2 vol% and from 10

vol% to 2 vol% when SC increased from 1.0 to 7.5.77 Therefore, the highest possible

SC can not only favor production of hydrogen and CO2, but also aid in reduction of

other gas impurities such as CO, CH4 and C2H4.

5.7 Effect of gasification temperature

Generally speaking, commercial-scale entrained flow gasifiers require a fixed

value for ER belonging to adiabatic operation at a certain temperature. Namely, the

gasification temperature is not independent and dependent on the ER. The variation of

the ER at a given gasification temperature is not impossible. However, small-scale

entrained flow gasifiers used in laboratory experiments are typically wrapped with an

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electric heating-jacket in order to adjust the gasification temperature.87, 112, A

lab-scale entrained flow gasifier with an electric heating-jacket can be used to

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investigate the effect of gasification temperature in the non-catalytic partial oxidation

processes for bio-oil gasification. As for steam reforming of bio-oil in fixed bed

gasifiers or fluidized bed gasifiers, these processes are highly endothermic and the
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temperature in steam reformers is usually no less than 800℃. The heat outside the

reaction system is absolutely necessary, and thus the temperature in bio-oil steam

reformers can be easily adjusted by an electric heating-jacket, whose output power

was regulated by a PID temperature controller.

In the processes of non-catalytic partial oxidation of bio-oil, the H2 content

normally increases with the temperature because hydrogen production reactions, such

as the water-gas reaction, steam reforming reactions, bio-oil and tar cracking reactions,

are all strengthened. However, the CO level could show a decreasing trend. This trend

is in agreement with those found in some biomass air-steam gasification processes,120,

132 while it is contrary to those investigated in other biomass air-steam gasification

processes.149, 175 The effect of the gasification temperature on CO concentration is

difficult to understand because exothermic and endothermic reactions are inseparably

intertwined. The CO level could show a decreasing trend. There might be two reasons

for this trend. One is that the water gas shift reaction is accelerated; another is that

there is competition between the productions of CO2 and CO. The decrease of CH4

concentration with the gasification temperature can be easily explained because of

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CH4 steam reforming reactions. However, the increase of CO2 content could be

explained by carbon balance. Tar content shows a downward trend with the rise of

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temperature because tar steam reforming reactions and tar cracking are strengthened

by higher temperature. The lower heating value of product gas increases with

temperature because of the enhancement of thermal cracking of tar and the increase of
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

the yields of H2. It should also be noted that the rise of gasification temperature under

this section results from external heat supply and not the rise of ER or oxygen supply.

In fact, more ER or oxygen supply will result in producing more CO2 and H2O and

reducing the lower heating value of product gas. The CCE will improve while

increasing the gasification temperature since all kinds of oxidation reactions are

strengthened. Similarly, higher gasification temperatures allow higher cold gas

efficiencies because of the external heat supply. For example, Zheng et al. reported

that cold gas efficiency reached 93% under 1000℃ in a bio-oil air-steam gasification

process.87 However, since commercial-scale entrained flow gasifiers are operated

without external heat supply, it is also necessary that an experimental study on

non-catalytic partial oxidation of bio-oil in a lab-scale adiabatic entrained flow

gasifier is performed.

Since bio-oil steam reforming reactions are highly endothermic and external heat

supply is necessary for bio-oil steam reforming processes, it is evident that increasing

gasification temperature usually results in the increase of hydrogen and CO2

concentrations and the decrease of CO and CH4 concentrations. Chhiti found that

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hydrogen and CO2 concentrations separately increased from 38 vol% to 65 vol% and

from 10 vol% to 22 vol% while CO and CH4 concentrations decreased from 35 vol%

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to 15 vol% and 5 vol% to 1 vol% when reforming temperature increased from 1000°C

to 1300°C. However, when the temperature continued to rise, CO2 and CO

concentrations slightly decreased and increased respectively.67 This can be because of

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

Boudouard reaction under high gasification temperature. However, excessively high

gasification temperature raises the operating cost and capital cost in the processes.

Thus, catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil usually occurs between 600°C and 900°C,

but non catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil is operated under the temperature range

1000 - 1400°C.67, 79, 101, 112 Since neither of excessively high SC and gasification

temperature is economically feasible, Xie et al. developed a sorption-enhanced steam

reforming process, in which CaO was in situ used as CO2 sorbent and CO2 was

removed via the reaction (CaO + CO2 → CaCO3), for improving hydrogen production.

the hydrogen concentration was raised as much as 90 vol% with CO2 sorption.108 The

water-gas shift reaction easily reaches equilibrium during bio-oil steam reforming

processes. Bell et al. provided a method for estimating gasification temperature based

on the water-gas shift gas equilibrium constant and gas composition.90 By making a

comparison between the calculated temperature and the measured temperature, the

extents of reactions in bio-oil steam reforming processes or whether the bio-oil steam

reforming processes reach equilibrium can be evaluated or judged.

5.8 Effect of catalysts

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Catalysts used in catalytic steam gasification of bio-oil mainly include transition

metal catalysts, such as Ni, Co and Cu based catalysts, and noble metal based

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catalysts, such as Rh, Pt, Ru and Pd. Although noble metals are normally more

expensive than transition metals, they have better catalytic activity and the power to

resist carbon deposition. Nickel-based catalysts and cobalt-based catalysts have higher
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

activity than copper-based catalysts while the activity of noble metal catalysts

followed the order of: Rh > Pd > Pt > Ru in the steam reforming of ethanol in bio-oil.

Fierro et al. reported that the Ni-Cu/SiO2 had higher activity and selectivity than

Ni/SiO2 in the steam reforming of ethanol in bio-oil.81 Nickel-based catalysts are the

most widely used for in the steam reforming of acetic acid in bio-oil. However, noble

metal catalysts, such as Rh, Pt, Ru and Pd, have much better catalytic activity and

power to resist carbon deposition than Nickel-based catalysts in the steam reforming

of acetic acid in bio-oil. Suzuki et al. found that the activity of some metal catalysts

followed the order of: Ru > Rh > Ni > Ir > Co > Pt > Pd > Fe when the carrier used is

the same, and Ru/Y2O3 shows best catalytic activity, selectivity and stability in the

steam reforming of glycerol in bio-oil.176 Fernando et al. investigated the effect of

fourteen different catalysts on the steam reforming of glycerol in bio-oil and found

that Ni/Al2O3 and Ru/Ce/Al2O3 shown good catalytic activity and selectively.177

Takanabe et al. found that Pt/ZrO2 had a significantly high catalytic activity and

hydrogen yield was nearly the theoretical yield when the catalyst was used in the

steam reforming of acetic acid in bio-oil.178 Polychronopoulou et al. found that natural

calcite showed good catalytic activity and stable in steam reforming of phenol in

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bio-oil. Overall, Ru is apparently an excellent catalyst for steam reforming of


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Catalyst supports used usually include Al2O3, CeO2, ZrO2, MgO, ZnO, TiO2,

SiO2 and cordierite in the steam reforming of bio-oil. The most widely used supports
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

is Al2O3 because it is relatively cheaper, easy to mold and stable. However, Lewis

acid centers on its surface can promote thermal cracking reactions and ketonization to

cause carbon deposition and catalyst deactivation in steam reforming of bio-oil.

Therefore, it could be preferable that basic oxide or neutral oxide is used as catalyst

carriers in steam reforming of bio-oil. Moreover, a certain amount of alkali metal,

alkaline earth metal or rare earth metal is added to Al2O3 can also restrain carbon

deposition. Fernando et al., examined the effect of Ni/MgO, Ni/CeO2 and Ni/TiO2

on the steam reforming of glycerol in bio-oil and reported that Ni/MgO shown the

best catalytic activity. The reason is that MgO is alkaline and can improve the

adsorption of water.179 Polychronopoulou et al. found that the catalytic activity of

Rh/MgO was further improved after CeO2 or ZrO2 was added to MgO because

oxygen vacancies were formed on the catalyst' surface and the adsorption of reactants

was strengthened in steam reforming of phenol in bio-oil.85 Moreover, Ochoa et al.

found that the catalyst deactivation was mainly attributed to the encapsulating and

amorphous coke deposition and the oxygenates in bio-oil were the precursors of the

encapsulating coke.180

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Normal catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil is performed under relatively high

temperature, which leads to high energy consumption. However electrochemical

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catalytic reforming of bio-oil for hydrogen production can be performed under

medium temperature (400°C ~ 500°C) and the hydrogen yield can exceed 90%. Zhu

et al. used normal Ni/Al2O3 as the catalyst for electrochemical catalytic reforming of
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

bio-oil. They found that the electrochemical catalytic reforming temperature

decreased by about 300°C and carbon deposition or coke-formation were remarkably

depressed on the catalyst' surface in comparison with the processes of catalytic steam

reforming of bio-oil.74 The mechanism of electrochemical catalytic reforming of

bio-oil is mainly that an electrified wire provides a large number of thermal electrons,

whose concentration usually ranges from 109 to 1010 /cm3 in the reformers used, onto

the catalyst, and these thermal electrons can promote dissociation and degradation

reactions of all kinds of compounds in bio-oil. Moreover, many free radicals

(e.g., ·OH, ·CH, ·CH2 ,etc.), which show high activity are produced and they can

induce radical chain reactions. All the factors significantly increase the reaction rate

of bio-oil steam reforming and decreases the reforming temperature.78 Although

electrochemical catalytic reforming of bio-oil seems cleaner and more cost-effective,

using rigorous LCA (Life cycle assessment) and TEA (Techno-economic analysis) for

comparison of the two reforming routes are necessary.181-186

6. Economic evaluation of bio-oil gasification

Advanced biofuel production based on non-catalytic partial oxidation of bio-oil

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could have good economic feasibility. One of the reasons is because of the simplicity

of bio-oil production via fast pyrolysis. Technical and economic data on the basis of

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NREL report by Ringer et al. showed that a plant capacity of 28 million gallons of

bio-oil per year could only have a production cost of $0.65 per gallon (2003 basis

year).187 Overall, bio-oil production costs could range from $0.41 to $1.21 per
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

gallon.188-190 The second reason is that bio-oil can be more easily stored and

transported than solid biomass.191, 192 As a liquid, the bio-oil which is produced on a

small scale fast pyrolysis plant can be economically transported by trucks, such as

liquid tank trucks and super B-train tank trailers, and the bio-oil which is produced on

a large scale fast pyrolysis plant (capacity > 1700 m3 bio-oil per day) can be

economically transported by pipeline (transportation distance ≥ 100 km.).20, 193-195

Another more important reason is decoupling bio-oil production (location, time, and

scale) from its utilization. On the basis of the two reasons, a so called BTL2 (biomass

to liquid in two steps, which means a regional bio-oil production and a central bio-oil

gasification and synthesis for Fischer Tropsch liquids and whose schematic diagram is

shown in Fig. 7) plant can have a fairly large size or capacity when its operating cost

per unit of production of Fischer Tropsch liquids reaches the minimum value.15-17, 19, 21,

196-198 In fact, operating costs per unit of production of motor fuels derived from fossil

fuels decreases monotonically with increasing plant size while operating costs per unit

of production of biofuels firstly went down and then went up with the rise of plant

size. Namely, different kinds of biofuel plants normally have a minimum operating

cost and a corresponding optimal size according to the type of processes used and the

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nature of biomass processed. This is because biomass feedstocks are DOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B

distributed geographically and have a low energy density, which leads to a remarkable

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increase of biomass transportation costs with the biofuel plant size, while fossil fuels

can be obtained from a single ‘mine mouth’ or ‘well head’ for petroleum-based motor

fuels industries and have high energy density. Distributed pyrolysis of biomass to
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

bio-oil on a small scale near the biomass source, transport of all the bio-oil to a central

site, and gasification of the bio-oil to syngas and catalytic conversion of the syngas to

Fischer Tropsch liquids in this site are expected to remarkably alleviate biomass

delivery expenses and increase the optimal size of BTL2 biofuel plants. Wright et al.

estimated the minimum operating costs of different kinds of biorefinery processes,

including grain ethanol, biochemical cellulosic ethanol, centralized gasification of

solid biomass to methanol, centralized gasification of solid biomass to hydrogen

(liquid), centralized gasification of solid biomass to mixed alcohols, centralized

gasification of solid biomass to Fischer Tropsch liquids, fast pyrolysis to bio-oil, and

BTL2, and established their corresponding optimal plant sizes, including annual

capacity and biomass input.16, 199 Here, the operating cost, which is also known as

total product cost, includes direct production cost, fixed charge and plant-overhead

cost.200, 201 The estimated and established data are shown in Fig. 8(a), (b) and (c). In

comparison with centralized gasification of solid biomass to Fischer Tropsch liquids,

BTL2 has a lower optimal operating cost but a remarkably higher corresponding

annual capacity and biomass input. This shows that BTL2 could be more profitable

than centralized gasification of solid biomass to Fischer Tropsch liquids. Moreover,

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BTL2 has also a remarkably higher optimal annual capacity and biomass DOI:

comparison with the other biorefineriey processes except for centralized gasification

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of solid biomass to Fischer Tropsch liquids. The optimal annual capacity of a BTL2

plant can reach up to 2500 million gge (gallon of gasoline equivalent, 1

gge=120.74MJ), which hints that a BTL2 plant reaching up to its optimal annual
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

capacity would have a good profit rate or internal rate of return. It is generally known

that fuels, including biofuels, belong to so-called bulk chemicals or commodity

chemicals. These chemicals must be produced on the greatest possible scale in order

for reasonable profit rates. Henrich et al. performed a cost estimate for production of

Fischer Tropsch liquids via BTL2. The Fischer Tropsch liquids can be produced at the

expense of 700 Mt/ an of biomass input in the BTL2 plant with a capacity >1 Mt/a

and the operating cost was estimated to be €0.8 per liter.15 An important prerequisite

for the above-mentioned conclusions is that biomass can nearly be supplied

unlimitedly exactly as fossil fuels. However, it seems that the prerequisite could be

met via distributed fast pyrolysis of biomass to bio-oil and then transport them to a

central site for further conversion.

Since the supply of biomass resource is limited, Li et al. investigated the

economic feasibility of centralized bio-oil production, bio-oil gasification and syngas

conversion to Fischer Tropsch liquids in a plant with a 2000 ton per day facility. On

the basis of an internal rate of return of 10%, a minimum fuel selling price of 5.59

$/gge was calculated in their study. Therefore, they believed that this pathway was

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still at high risk with current technical and economic situation and a largerDOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B

capacity could be very necessary to make this pathway economically. Therefore,

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biomass supply availability is crucial for biofuel industries, including BTL2.18 Li and

Hu found that the locations of distributed fast pyrolysis plants are more centralized

when biomass availability factor, which is defined as the ratio of the available
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

biomass to the collectable biomass, increased.197 A case study reported by them based

on Iowa State of U.S. shown that only 40 counties were required to supply the

biomass when the factor is 0.7 (rather than 71 when the factor was 0.4). If the

availability factor is less than 0.23, BTL2 would be not profitable. When the factor

ranged from 0.23 to 0.36, BTL2 is profitable but it could not satisfy the advanced

biofuel (Fischer Tropsch liquids) production target of the entire Iowa state. They also

found that farmers' participation or farmers' willingness to supply cellulosic biomass

could have a significant impact on biomass supply chain. Specifically, biomass

availability factor represents the average amount of the farmers who would participate

in cellulosic biomass collection. The operating cost breakdown for Fischer Tropsch

liquids production with BTL2 is interesting. Wright et al., Henrich et al., and Hu et al.

separately performed the breakdown (fraction) of the operating cost, which is shown

in Fig. 9. Overall, it can be seen from Fig. 9 that the proportion of the biomass cost in

the operating cost ranges from 18% to 48%. However as shown in Fig. 9, biomass

cost accounts for nearly half of the operating cost in the research of Wright et al. but

only 18% of that in the research of Hu et al. This could be attributed to the fact that

there is more biomass input in the research of Hu et al. (about 11.3 million tons/a)

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than in the research of Wright et al., (about 8.7 million tons/a) so the estimatedDOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B

cost and conversion cost from Hu et al. are much more than the estimated ones from

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Wright et al. Biomass input data from Henrich et al. was about 7 million tons/a and

thus the proportion of the biomass cost in the operating cost is closed to that from

Wright et al. Above all, the proportion of the biomass cost in the operating cost
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mainly depends on biomass input and biomass price. In comparison with Wright_55

("55" stands for that the capacity level of distributed fast pyrolysis facilities is 55 tpd),

biomass transport cost in Wright_5.4 ("5.4" stands for that the capacity level of

distributed fast pyrolysis facilities is 5.4 tpd) accounts for a slightly lower proportion

in the operating cost. This shows that small scale distributed fast pyrolysis facilities

could be more advantageous in BTL2. In comparison with Hu_0.4 ("0.4" stands for

that biomass availability factor is 0.4), biomass transport cost in Hu_0.6 ("0.6" stands

for that biomass availability factor is 0.6) accounts for a slightly lower proportion in

the operating cost. This also shows that higher biomass availability factor is more

advantageous in BTL2. On the basis of Fig. 9, the proportion of the biomass transport

cost in the operating cost ranges from 5% to 19%. Notably, the proportion of the

biomass transport cost in the operating cost only was about 5% according to the data

from Wright et al. while they found that biomass transport cost accounts for 25% of

the operating cost of a plant for centralized gasification of solid biomass to Fischer

Tropsch liquids when the two kinds of plants (BTL2 and centralized gasification of

solid biomass to Fischer Tropsch liquids) have the same capacity (550 million gge).

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As described before, steam gasification of bio-oil or bio-oil reforming focuses on

the hydrogen production. Sarkar et al. developed a techno-economic model to

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

estimate the operating costs of hydrogen production via steam gasification of bio-oil

via fast pyrolysis of whole trees, forest residues, and straw, respectively. The

operating costs are 2.40$ per kg H2 (2.41 $/gge), 3.00$ per kg H2 (3.01 $/gge) and
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

4.55$ per kg H2 (4.59 $/gge), respectively. In their study, bio-oil was produced at a

fast pyrolysis plant with a capacity of 2000 ton biomass per day, and transported to a

bio-oil reforming plant for hydrogen production which was 500 km away.202 The

operating costs are higher than that for hydrogen production via centralized

gasification of solid biomass (1.21 $/gge) reported by Wright et al.199 This is mainly

because that the plant for centralized gasification of solid biomass to hydrogen has a

much higher capacity on the based on biomass input data (5.11 million tons per year)

from the analysis by Wright et al. This shows again that biofuels should be produced

on a scale which is as large as possible. Zhang et al. performed a comparative

techno-economic analysis of bio-oil reforming and non-catalytic partial oxidation of

bio-oil for hydrogen production.174 The biomass input data are all 2000 tons per day

for the two pathways. On the basis of their analysis, hydrogen production capacity is

160 tons per day for bio-oil reforming pathway and 147 tons per day for bio-oil

non-catalytic partial oxidation pathway at the facility. Internal rates of return were

18.6% and 8.4% for facilities employing the bio-oil reforming pathway and bio-oil

non-catalytic partial oxidation pathways, respectively. Sensitivity analysis showed

that hydrogen price and hydrogen yield had the greatest impacts on facility internal

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rates of return. Therefore, for hydrogen production, it was proved thatDOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B

reforming is more advantageous and profitable than non-catalytic partial oxidation.

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

For hydrogen production, it can also be anticipated that higher internal rates of return

could be reached if bio-oil is produced locally and bio-oil reforming is performed

centrally in a central site.

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

7. Conclusion

The research of bio-oil gasification could be significant because high energy

density bio-oil can be easily transported from distributed fast pyrolysis plants to a

central plant for further conversion and gasification. As an end-of-pipe technique,

gasification can convert different bio-oils into a uniform, gas intermediate that is

named as syngas for further conversion to heat, electricity, hydrogen or motor fuels.

All results of techno-economic analyses have shown that bio-oil non-catalytic partial

oxidation for advanced biofuel production or for hydrogen bio-reforming would be

profitable. In the conversion chain of lignocelluloses biomass to gas, there is little

discharge of solid and liquid wastes; therefore, the conversion chain would be fairly

environment-friendly. Life cycle assessments of bio-oil gasification processes are still

necessary to quantitatively and rigorously evaluate their environmental protection

feasibility in the future.

The experimental results from bio-oil non-catalytic partial oxidation or bio-oil

reforming show that these two pathways are suitable for syngas production or

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hydrogen production, respectively. However, only these lab-scale experimentalDOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B


are not sufficient. Pilot scale studies of bio-oil gasification should be performed for

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

full-scale demonstrations, such as continuous operation (not less than 1000h per year)

preferably of multiple plants on the scales of 500 to 1000 kg bio-oil per hour. Here,

mature refining technologies applied to coal-liquid and petroleum conversions, such

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

as bio-oil gasifier design and bio-oil gasification process design, can be utilized as a

reference to bio-oil gasification. Considering that bio-oil is completely different from

petroleum feedstocks and has complex nature, it is necessary to improve the upstream

processes (for example, fast pyrolysis and bio-oil pretreatment), to make the resulting

bio-oil products more suitable to subsequent gasification processes. For bio-oil

reforming processes, new pretreatment of bio-oil and novelty design of bio-oil

reformers should be studied to prevent coke formation and catalyst deactivation.

Suitable catalysts need to be developed via testing different catalytic materials.

Catalyst deactivation and associated fundamental engineering issues should be

systematically investigated. Especially, catalysts deactivation at different stages the

process should be carefully characterized. For bio-oil non-catalytic partial oxidation

processes, it is necessary to modify the existing entrained flow gasifiers and

corresponding gas clean-up and shift system for gasification of hydrocarbon or coal to

make them applicable for bio-oil gasification processes. Except for experiments, all

kinds of mathematical models of bio-oil gasification, including thermodynamic

models, kinetic models, computational fluid dynamics models, artificial neural

network models, should be developed to predict product gas characteristics, parameter

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DOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B
effects and process performances. Moreover, analytical techniques should be

improved for the detection and quantification of syngas impurities with low contents.

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

While the intention of steam reforming of bio-oil is to produce H2 with maximum

quantity of, bio-oil non-catalytic partial oxidation is mainly intended to convert

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

bio-oil into CO and H2. Therefore, for syngas production, non-catalytic partial

oxidation of bio-oil is more attractive than steam reforming; On the other hand, it is

more appropriate for production of biohydrogen by steam reforming of bio-oil. It is

worth noting that bio-oil steam reforming is highly endothermic and heat outside the

reaction system needs to be provided for this route. In this regard, bio-oil can be

partially oxidized in autothermal regime without introducing extra energy supply as

long as enough bio-oil is fed into gasifiers. However, bio-oil steam reforming could

have higher cold gas efficiency or energy conversion efficiency than bio-oil

non-catalytic partial oxidation since a part of chemical energy contained in bio-oil

need to be release as heat. Biomass pyrolysis and in-line steam reforming has several

advantages and shown an excellent effect on minimization of tar production so that a

product gas with a extremely low tar content or a tar-free H2 or synthetic gas can be

produced in the route. This route is a fairly good solid biomass gasification

technology. Hence, a localized strategy can be applied to this technology, but a

delocalized strategy could be suitable for non-catalytic partial oxidation or bio-oil

steam reforming. Our observations suggest that non-catalytic partial oxidation and

steam reforming of bio-oil could have good economic feasibility.

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Conflicts of interest

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There is no conflict to declare.

Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

The authors wish to express their gratitude for the financial supported by the

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2452017198), the Natural

Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (No. 2015JQ3067), the

program of International S&T Cooperation of China (2015 DFG31860), the Natural

Science Foundation of China (31430092).

BTG Biomass Technology Group
BTL Biomass to liquid
BTL2 Biomass to Liquid in Two Steps
BTU British thermal unit
CCE Carbon conversion efficiency
CFD Computational fluid dynamics
CGE Cold gas efficiency
CTL Coal to liquid
EFB Empty Fruit Bunches
EFG Entrain flow gasifier
ER Equivalence ratio
ER Equivalence ratio
FIG Fixed bed gasifier
FLG Fluidized bed gasifier
GEE General Electric Energy
gge Gasoline gallon equivalent
GTL Gas to liquid
Hu_0.4 Biomass availability factor is 0.4
Hu_0.6 Biomass availability factor is 0.6
IRR Internal rate of return

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LCA Life cycle assessment View Article Online

DOI: 10.1039/C8SE00553B
LHV Lower heating value
LLC limited liability company
MBG Moving bed gasifier
MPG Multi-Purpose Gasification process

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

NPV Net present value
OL A surface lattice oxygen of support
P Pressure
PID Proportional-integral-derivative
Qu Quantile
Published on 04 March 2019. Downloaded by Drexel University on 3/23/2019 11:28:05 AM.

S1 A Rh atom
S2 A metal cation
SC Steam to carbon ratio
SC Steam to carbon ratio
SGP Shell gasification process
SNG Synthetic natural gas
T Temperature
TCI Total capital investment
TEA Techno-economic analysis
tpd Tonne per day
Wright_5.4 A 5.4 tpd of capacity level
Wright_55 A 55 tpd of capacity level


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Figure caption

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Fig. 1. The overall conversion chain of biomass to Fischer-Tropsch liquids via bio-oil

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Fig. 2. Typical air-blast atomizers which are suitable for light fuel oils

Fig. 3. (a) A typical bio-oil droplet diameter distribution.64 (b) Temperature effect on

the viscosity of bio-oil (BO), light fuel oil for heating (LFO heating) and heavy

fuel oil 180 cSt (HFO 180).56 (c) Typical air-blast atomizers suitable for light

fuel oils.56

Fig. 4. Entrain flow gasifiers with (a) a quench chamber (b) a syngas cooler.67, 87-89

Fig. 5. (a) Gas concentration distributions; (b) H2/CO and CO/CO2 value distributions;

(c) The lower heating value and the Wobbe Index distributions.18, 67, 87, 88, 99, 101,


Fig. 6. A comparison of H2 and CO content in gas produced from different

feedstocks.88, 91, 93, 109, 130-132

Fig. 7. A schematic diagram of biomass conversion into liquid products following the

two-step approach

Fig. 8. (a) Optimum operating costs, (b) Optimum plant annual capacity, and (c)

Optimum biomass input of different kinds of biofuel processes. 16, 199

Fig. 9. Operating cost breakdown (fraction) for different BTL2 process researches.15,

197, 199
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Fig. 2.
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Fig. 3.

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Fuel oil Fuel oil
HP steam

Gasifying agent Gasifying agent

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Gasifier Gasifier
Gasifying Gasifying
chamber chamber

Quench water
Raw gas

Black water
Quench Raw gas

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.
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Fig. 5.
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Fig. 6.
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Fig. 7.
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Table 1 Basic properties of typical bio-oils

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Pyrolysis reactor C H O Water Ash Density Viscosity LHV
Ref Feedstock pH
Pyrolysis type (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (kg/m3) (40℃) (MJ/kg)
Rotating cone reactor
50 Oak 46 7 47 25 2.9 0.02 1170 13 (cSt) 16
Circulating fluidized bed 17
41 Pine 56.4 6.2 37.1 22 2.5 0.1 1180 45 (cP)
Fast (HHV)
Bubbling fluidized bed 9.72 (cSt) 17.6
42 White spruce 54 6.8 39.2 22.4 2.1 0.0034 1220
Fast (50℃) (HHV)
Ablative reactor
43 Poplar 49.0 6.0 44.1 19.6 / 0.98 / 46.5 (cSt) 18.2
Bubbling fluidized bed 138 (cSt)
44 Maize stalk 44.3 6.3 47.5 22.5 3.2 / 1220 19.6
Fast (20℃)
Bubbling fluidized bed 16.5
45 Rice husk 38.7 5.4 / 28 3.2 0.25 1140 13.2 (cSt)
Fast (HHV)
Bubbling fluidized bed
46 Microalgae 61.52 8.50 20.19 / / / 1160 100 (cP) 29
Fixed bed reactor 7600 (cP)
47 Pinewood 52.1 6.6 / 8.1 3 / / 17.12
Slow (20℃)
Fixed bed reactor 23.3
48 Wheat straw 58 8.55 32.84 / 3.4 / 1022 9.92 (cP)
Slow (HHV)
Fixed bed reactor 100 (cP) 26.1
49 Red gum 63.7 6.9 29.3 7.7 / 0.05 1160
Slow (20℃) (HHV)
Representative values 1250 25-1000 16-19
17, 36 Wood 55-65 5-7 35-40 15-30 2.8-3.8 0.01-0.30 -
Fast or Slow 10500 (cP) (HHV)
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Table 2 Important reactions in bio-oil gasification 1, 12, 66 View Article Online

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Reaction type Reaction

Carbon reactions
R1 (Boudouard) C + CO2 ↔ 2CO + 172kJ/mol

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R2 (Water-gas) C + H2O ↔ CO + H2 + 131kJ/mol
R3 (Hydrogasification) C + 2H2 ↔ CH4 - 74.8kJ/mol
R4 C + 0.5O2 → CO - 111kJ/mol
Oxidation reactions
R5 C + O2 → CO2 - 394kJ/mol
R6 CO + 0.5O2 → CO2 - 284kJ/mol
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R7 CH4 + 2O2 ↔ CO2 + 2H2O - 803kJ/mol

R8 H2 + 0.5O2 → H2O - 242kJ/mol
Shift reaction
R9 CO + H2O(g) ↔ CO2 + H2 - 41.2kJ/mol
Methanation reactions
R10 2CO + 2H2 → CH4 + CO2 - 247kJ/mol
Steam-reforming reactions
R11 CH4 + H2O → CO + 3H2 + 206kJ/mol
R12 CnHmOk + (n - k) H2O → nCO + (n + m/2 - k) H2
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Table 3 Reaction mechanism for steam reforming of representative compounds in bio-oil

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Acetic acid 76-78 Ethanol 79-81 Phenol 83-85
CH3COOH + 2H2O ↔ 2CO2 + 4H2 C2H5OH ↔ CH3CHO + H2 H2O(g) + S2 + OL → HO-S2 + H-OL
CO + H2O ↔ CO2 + H2 CH3CHO ↔ CO + CH4 HO-S2 + S1 → HO-S1 + S2
CH3COOH ↔ 2CO + 2H2 CH4 + H2O ↔ CO + 3H2 H-OL + S1 → HO-S1 + OL
CH3COOH ↔ CH4 + 2CO2 C2H5OH ↔ C2H4 + H2O xHC-S1 + DO-S1 → x-1HC-S1 + HDO(g) + S1
2CH3COOH ↔ (CH3)2CO + H2O + CO2 C2H4 ↔ 2C + 2H2 x-1HC-S1 + DO-S1 → …… → CO-S1 + HD(g) + DO-S1
CO + 3H2 ↔ CH4 + H2O C2H4 + 2H2O ↔ 2CO + 2H2 CO-S1 + DO-S1 → CO2(g) + D-S1 + S1
CO2 + 4H2 ↔ CH4 + 2H2O 2H-S1 ↔ H2(g) +2S1
2CO ↔ C + CO2
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Table 4 Basic properties of selected gas produced via bio-oil gasification

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Gasifying T P ER SC H2 CO CH4 CO2 N2 CO/C Tar LHV
Ref. Gasifiers H2/CO CCE CGE
agents (℃) (atm) (kg/kg) (mol/mol) (vol%) (vol%) (vol%) (vol%) (vol%) O2 (mg/Nm ) (MJ/Nm3)

88 Air EFG 1000 1 0.3 0.40 25.0 22.3 3.4 5.6 41.6 1.12 3.96 1300 8.00 / 74.7%
88 Air-Oxyge EFG 1000 1 0.3 0.40 30.1 28.1 5.2 12.5 20.3 1.07 2.25 820 11.10 / 73.2%
88 n
Oxygen EFG 1000 1 0.3 0.40 37.3 32.5 6.7 18.3 / 1.15 1.78 490 13.80 / 74.9%
87 Air-steam EFG 1000 1 0.4 4.36 30.6 15.3 0.6 20.6 32.2 2.00 0.74 52 8.26 93% 90%
109 Oxygen EFG 850 1 0.25 0.36 23.4 44.6 8 21.2 / 0.52 2.10 / 12.50 / /
109 Oxygen EFG 850 6.8 0.25 0.36 31.3 40.6 9.2 18.2 / 0.77 2.23 / 12.10 / /
110 Oxygen EFG 725 1 0.27 0.023 48.3 42.6 5.3 3.8 / 1.13 11.20 / 12.48 80.0% /
111 Air-Steam FIG 1100 1 0.05 0.88 47.3 34.2 0.8 7.9 9.8 1.40 4.3 / 9.70 95.3% 96%
19 Oxygen EFG 875 27.6 0.25 0.45 21.3 40.0 7.50 25.0 / 0.50 1.6 / 13.90 / /
67 Steam EFG 1200 1 / 7.39 55.3 16.0 4.7 22.4 / 3.45 0.71 / 10.60 / /
108 Steam (c) FIG 800 1 / 34.6 75.3 2.9 0.27 20.3 / 25.6 0.14 / 9.40 48.9% /
99 Steam (c) FLG 850 1 / 7 62.0 7.5 2.5 26.8 / 8.30 0.28 / 9.30 94.7% /
112 Steam FLG 790 1 / 1.9 26.8 44.7 15.6 5.6 / 0.60 8.00 2600 18.75 65% /
112 Steam (c) FLG 805 1 / 1.5 62.6 23.9 0.0 11.9 / 2.61 2.00 200 9.80 85% /
101 Steam FLG 800 1 / 2.0 52.2 32.4 4.8 9.6 / 1.60 3.38 / 12.07 59% /
113 Steam EFG 1300 1 / 5.0 55.44 18.97 3.1 22.49 / 2.92 0.84 / 10.70 92.4% /
114 Steam Autoclav 500 296 / 3.0 9.00 25.71 21.99 38.49 / 0.35 0.67 / 15.29 31.9% /
114 Steam (c) Autoclav 500 296 / 3.0 30.8 4.7 13.5 43.7 / 6.5 0.11 / 13.34 50.5% /

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