ANS - Life - G7 (Unit 4 - Adventure) Comprehension Ex. 1516 - Answer - Docx Answer Key A. Comprehension Questions

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ANS_Life_G7 (Unit 4_Adventure) Comprehension Ex. 1516 - answer.

Answer Key

A. Comprehension Questions
Answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

1 What is a ‘nine-to-five’ job? (TB, P.46)

It means a routine office job.

2 Which survival story do you think is the most amazing? Why?(TB, P.49)
Students’ own answers e.g. I think Bethany’s story is the most amazing because she didn’t

die of blood loss and managed to swim back to the shore with one arm.

3 If you were Simon Yates, would you cut the rope? (TB, P.51)
Students’ own answers: e.g. Yes, I would…/No, I wouldn’t…

4 Joe Simpson climbed out of the crevasse with his broken leg. Can you guess what he was
thinking to endure and survive the ordeal? (TB, P.51)
Suggested answer: He continued to force himself to press on by chanting, "Move, stop

dozing, move!"

5 What personality traits do survivors ‘‘Simon Yates and Joe Simpson’’ have in common?
They both are strong-willed and determined.

B Referencing
What do the following words refer to?

1. her (P.46 , para 1, Line 2) Edurne Pasaban’s

2. He (P.47 , para 1, Line 1) Reza

3. himself (P.51 , para 2, Line 10) Simon Yates

4. it (P.51 , para 4, Line 4) the fact that Simpson was alive (inside the crevasse)

5. their (P.51 , para 7, Line 1) the two men’s / Simon Yates and Joe Simpson’s

C Vocabulary
Fill in the blanks with words from the passages as indicated in the brackets.

1. A typical job interview question is "What was your biggest challenge (TB, p.46, para 1, line
4) as a student, and how did you handle it?" This question is a way for interviewers to get a
sense of how you tackle problems and adversity.

2. Mother Teresa's achievements (TB, p.46, para 1, line 5) were that she opened a clinic for the
ones who were almost dying and set up a huge school for the poor kids in India.

3. Life is either a daring adventure (TB, p.46, para 1, line 6) or nothing at all. It’s about
stepping out of your comfort zone and awakening your sense of wonder. It’s about dreaming
and imagining, but also having the courage to chase your dreams.

4. Best Tours is a website that combines the best of tours and guides. It provides you with
packaged tours across the city, ranging from days to weeks. You can check out the ratings
and reviews for specific tours by local (TB, p.47, para 1, line 5) guides before booking.

5. If you are ambitious (TB, p.48, Box 1) in your job, you will be looking for ways to move up
the ladder of success. You will put in extra effort to make a mark in your job and to get a

6. If you are determined (TB, p.48, Box 1) to achieve your goal, you will focus your energy
and efforts to stick with it until the job is done. You won’t give up easily.

7. A decisive (TB, p.48, Box 1) man is calm and cool under pressure. He has a sense of
purpose and direction. An indecisive man makes little progress in his life because he is
always standing shilly-shally, unable to decide which way to go.

8. I appreciate my smartphone for the way it has made taking pictures incredibly/unbelievably
(TB, p.51, para 1, line 6) convenient. Whenever I travel, I no longer need to pack a camera,
which means many extra pounds being lugged around by me.

9. 2012 is a 2009 American disaster (TB, p.51, para 2, line 8) film directed and co-written by
Roland Emmerich. As the world faces a catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions, cities
collapse and continents crumble. 2012 brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic
struggle of the survivors.

10. Crevasse (TB, p.51, para 3, line 6) is a deep, narrow opening or crack in an area of thick ice
or rock.

11. Nancy stood outside, trying desperately (TB, p.51, para 4, line 1) to get in. ‘‘Nancy, go
away!’’ I shook my head, urging her to leave, but somehow the insane woman managed to
tear open the door.

D Parts of Speech

Complete the following table by providing the different parts of speech of the words given.


1 challenge challenge challenging ---
1 achievement achieve achievable ---


2 adventure --- adventurous adventurously


4 ambition --- ambitious ambitiously
5 determination determine determined ---
6 decisiveness decide decisive decisively

7 --- --- incredible incredibly

8. desperation --- desperate desperately

Fill in the blanks with words from the table above. Make sure they are in CORRECT
FORM and PART OF SPEECH. All words in the same question must come from the
same family and each word of the same family will be used ONCE only.
Question 1
Q: How do I ensure that my bright child is challenged and gets the opportunity to progress

as he should?

A: You can have your kid tested at school and see whether he is qualified for the gifted

program. The potential of gifted students requires differentiated and challenging

educational programs beyond those provided in the general school program.

Question 2
On an icy Christmas Eve, the Little Match Girl paces the emptying streets, shivering and
trying to sell her matches with a desperate desire. In desperation, the girl lights up the matches
she sells, then she sees what she desperately wants but cannot get in reality: warm stove,
delicious roasted goose, her grandma…

Question 3
Over the past several years, we have seen many incredible and amazing 3D printed
costumes, masks, weapons and accessories come about, thanks to talented 3D modelers and the
use of 3D printers. Now anyone can be Spider-Man with this incredibly realistic 3D Printed
Spidey Mask.

Question 4
Her ambition is to become a celebrity as she believes being anonymous is worse than being
poor. She has decided, perhaps rather ambitiously, to compete for the crown of Miss Hong

Question 5
As the old saying goes, “Determination, not intention, determines your destination.” Good
intentions are excellent to have but they do not cause you to reach your goal unless choices are
made to avoid doubts and sidetracks. Truly successful people are determined and they do not
leave much to chance. They are disciplined and focused. They constantly seek new methods to
achieve more, in bigger and faster ways. When they are faced with numerous obstacles, they
force themselves to work harder and show more determination than others.

Question 6
After studying over 500 millionaires, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, journalist
and author Napoleon Hill found that they all shared a single quality: decisiveness. ‘Every one of
them had the habit of reaching decisions promptly,’ Hill wrote in his 1937 classic, Think and
Grow Rich. Most choices really don't matter that much. “Moving decisively and executing well
on the second or third best of a set of paths forward is almost always more effective.”

Question 7
High achievers are often marked, unsurprisingly, by a strong motive to achieve. In school,

they would be students who seek excellence. Setting realistic, achievable goals offers them a

sense of accomplishment and the feeling of a job well done.

Question 8
I always live life on the safe side – too scared to take risks and I wish I’d been more

adventurous. If I had my 20-year-old body back, I’d wear that bikini I was too embarrassed to

wear. I’d stay up all night and watch the sunrise. I’d take an impromptu trip and go on an

adventure. Most successful people are daring and brave adventurers. People who are not

courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.

Exercise A
2. Did you eat all the bread?
3. John spent a lot.
4. I didn’t feel well yesterday.

5. Joey bought a car.
6. Did we win the prize?
7. Paul speaks Greek.
8. I didn’t pay all the bills.

Exercise B
1. woke up, told
2. was waiting, arrived
3. wanted, chose
4. was studying, phoned
5. found, was looking for
6. was watching, arrived
7. went out, was lying
8. went, did you eat

Exercise C
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. c
6. c
7. a

Exercise D
1. tired
2. disappointed
3. bad
4. hard
5. smooth
6. seriously
7. well

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