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Nazareth School of National University

Senior High School Department

S.Y 2019-2020

Accountancy, Business, and Management Strand

Bamboo It Yourself (BIY) Corporation

(Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Code of Ethics)

Submitted by:


BINOS, Dan Angelo

ERMENIO, Johana Marie

ESPINAR, Alexandra

MELANO, Hanielette

MERCADO, Methuselah

PEROSO. Tricia

REYES, Mariel


Submitted to:

Sir. Joseph Salavarria

Business Ethics Teacher

November 2019
Bamboo It Yourself (BIY) Corporation aims to be a leading and globally
competitive business producing local bamboo stationary organizer products at an
affordable prize for everyone.


In Bamboo It Yourself (BIY) Corporation, we promote aesthetic bamboo

stationary organizer local products that will make it efficient and satisfying for everyone.

Core Values

 Satisfaction – The entrepreneurs strive to provide exceptional customer service

through flexible quality product, efficient services resulting in value to the
customer and company.
 Discipline – Their passion is to make things simple.
 Diligence – The entrepreneurs are motivated and productive in giving the best to
the customers.
 Community – They are responsible, committed, and involved corporate citizen.
 Adaptability – To adapt and preserve any customer with good communication.
 Responsible – For being true and responsible for their work with willingness to
pursue the goal of the company.
 Creativity – Creating new styles and new product for the customers.
 Integrity – Embodies moral principle, do good and be good.
 Care for the Environment – They are responsible and caring for the good of the
creation with proper use.
 Innovation – They invent new things to make difference in people’s lives.
 Collaboration – They believe in working and sharing new ideas to one another.
Code of Ethics

The entrepreneurs promise to uphold and apply this ethics inside the workplace.

 For Business
 The employees will work with passion to provide an outstanding product
that is made of bamboo to make the business grow.
 The employees will put and exert more effort for them to achieve their
 The employees will run the business with pure honesty and dedication.
 As the success of the business, the entrepreneurs will help orphanages,
charities, and other organizations that can help people.
 For Both Customers and Employees
 The entrepreneurs/ professionals show maturity in the work and has a
good attitude towards others.
 Employees are dressed appropriately.
 Treat people with courtesy, politeness, and kindness.
 Show proper and respectful behavior in front of customers.
 Employees treat each other with trust and works as one.
 Treating employees fairly and equally.
 Responsible to the words and actions regardless of customer or
 Keeping the positive attitude, even with difficult customers. The smile on
face and the tone of the voice can make huge difference.
 When a customer has a problem, fix and resolve it in a nice way.
 For Environment
 Since the product is made of bamboo, the entrepreneurs ensure that they
will give back more than the part they get from the nature by planting
bamboo trees.

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