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Social Stratification

(Word limit: 800 words)

Q1 what is the social class of most of your friends? Why do you think you tend to associate with
people from this social class?  
Q2 How can bridging the global digital divide lead to a decrease in inequality across the world?
How does your ready access (or lack of access) to a computer and the Internet impact your life
Q3 Define Caste? Enumerate the significant features of caste system in India.

Most of my friends come from different social class. Majority are from upper middle class, and
the rest are from middle and working class backgrounds We share the same interests, values
and ways of thinking. Despite our different income levels, we’re all educated and have
intellectual interests. I feel social class is more than just about wealth or income. Your education
and mannerisms also play a role. The boundaries can be blurred at times. What is important is
that we share the same level of understanding and affinities. My friends from upper middle class
have always been willing to teach what they know and mentor others who show desire to learn.
They also tend to give a lot of money to temples and charity. Another thing they do is
constantly read and learn, at least an hour per day. They also have great people skills and are
able to explain their ideas so that people can understand and like them. They have a lot of self-
discipline, confidence, can admit when they are wrong, are not afraid to make mistakes, and
learn from every mistake they make.

The term global digital divide means global disparities, primarily between developed

and developing countries regarding access to IT resources. The “digital divide” doesn’t
necessarily mean that people don’t have technology; it means that there is simply a difference in
technology. These differences can be high-quality computers, fast Internet, technical
assistance, or telephone services.

find a rapid increase of internet

installations and users growth in the
past few
years, however, the network
connectivity worldwide is not equally
distributed. Although
progressive network development can
be seen in those lagging behind
nations, still their
gaps to those developed regions are
significant and persisted
find a rapid increase of internet
installations and users growth in the
past few
years, however, the network
connectivity worldwide is not equally
distributed. Although
progressive network development can
be seen in those lagging behind
nations, still their
gaps to those developed regions are
significant and persisted
Although we have seen a rapid increase of internet installations and users growth in the past few years,
the network connectivity worldwide is not equally distributed.

 Endogamy : Endogamy is practicing marriage function in the same caste and it has been
followed in India till now up to maximum extent. It is a vital feature of the caste system.
 Occupation and association: Hereditary Status and Hereditary occupation are the basic features
which can be called as an ascribed status of a person. It clearly means that caste is not
something which is achieved by a man on the basis of merit. Indeed, it is clearly a place which
cannot be altered or switched. For example, a person born in Shudra category will do chores like
cleaning toilets till his/her death. Likewise, a Brahmin’s son was bound to follow the priest
culture; he was not allowed to go to his career choices.
 Dominant caste ideology : the most negative influences of the Caste system is also counted in its
feature that is Food and Drinks indifference attitude by upper-class people. For example, if a
Shudra prepared food and a Brahmin arrived at a temple where he is hungry. He will die of
hunger but will not touch the food prepared by the lower class people. They were considered
some garbage of society whose presence can be infectious to other people of society.
 Segmentation:

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