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A brief biography of Hazrat Shah Qasim Qaderi Sahab

Tomb of Hazrat Shah Qasim Qaderi Sahab Bijapur

In Honor of Hazrat Shah Qaderi Sahab Bijapur
Oh, Shah of Bijapur, you are a time-honored figure.
Do your favour and be nice to the people of Bijapur.
Because you have a large number of the devotees
Help all the poor and needy people at the same time.
Oh Shah of time, Hafeez is your devotee and servant.
So don't let him walk out of your door empty-handed.

Hafeez is your servant and is recording your life details.

So favour him and fulfil all his needs as soon as possible.
For the needs of others at your door, please do not forget
Oh son of Shah Abdul Qadir, return to the glory of Islam.
Hafeez requests the wishes of visitors and Islamic progress.
Oh, Shah of time! Your prompt approval is soon required.
By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

A brief biography of Hazrat Shah Qasim Qaderi Sahab
His name and country of origin: H i s n a m e i s
S h a h Q a s i m Qaderi Sahab and he migrated from the
Arabian country and took his journey toward the
direction of Bijapur in the Deccan a r e a o f I n d i a d u r i n g
the rule of Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah in
Bijapur. Due to Shah’s favour and felicity, 
B i j a p u r   w a s  becoming a center of knowledge in this
matter.He was connected with the right link in the genealogical
record, and so he was among the sons of Shaikh Abdul Qader
Jilani. He w a s o n e o f t h e p i o u s a s w e l l a s t h e

p e r f e c t h o l y p e o p l e o f   Bijapur. He had left his native

place and, after migration, he had t u r n e d h i s j o u r n e y
t o w a r d t h e D e c c a n ( S o u t h I n d i a ) a n d h a d reached
Bijapur during the rule of Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah.

He was a holy person with a quality of trust in Allah, and he had

adopted indigent and darweshi (mysticism) as well as
content.And he was the leader of the people of piety and
solitude. He was among the leaders of the poor and the
isolated, and he lived an unmarried life with no ties to the
outside world. He passed the higher level stage of the mystic
way, and he has passed over the stages of the position and
gained the position of the higher level of the nearness of
Allah. Due to his presence in Bijapur, it
was becoming a place of facility and favour. He used to think 
about the world and whatever was in it as unclean
things, like dogs.For this reason, he used to keep away from
the king, rich people,and courtiers and did not have any care
for or any desire for all of them in this matter.
He lived a pious life by leaving the world and all that is in it. He
used to live in retirement (to the mosque) for continued prayer in
the mosque of Zaid Khan during his whole period of life,
and in the same condition he has left this mortal world. He has
set such a great example of holy life which is rarely
found in the holy persons of Allah.
During the reign of Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah, a
Brahman tahsildar fled his home in fear as royal
policemen searched for him and imprisoned him in
order to recover large sums of money taken by him
from the royal treasury.

Due to fear of the police, the Brahman left his house. He

was running here a n d t h e r e , a n d a t l a s t , h e r e a c h e d
the mosque of Zaid
Khan,w h e r e   h e   f o u n d   H a z r a t   S h a h   Q a s i m   Q a
d e r i Sahab in that m o s q u e . A n d w h e r e h e h a s
s e e n o n e p e r s o n i n a S u f i d r e s s sitting in the
mosque. He has disclosed all his case details and
requested his kind help and support in this matter. The
Shah of 

his time, upon hearing his story, told him to not worry and asked
to sit behind him in the mosque building.
s o m e t i m e ,  policemen searched the Brahman and arrived at  
the mosque of Hazrat Shah Qasim Qaderi, Sahab where they
found the Shaik of the time in the wool dress, as well as a
jungle tiger sitting on his backside. So, for this reason, the
police party, due to horror and fear, left the mosque
building with empty hands from there without any
information about the Brahman officer from there.Upon leaving
the royal police party, the Shah of time told him to go and see
the Sultan, who will help you a lot in this matter,and
you will be clear in the case." So the tahsildar went
to the royal court of the Sultan without any source and linked
directly.T h e S u l t a n , u p o n s e e i n g t h e B r a h m a n ,
d u e t o k i n d n e s s a n d favor, had given him much
respect and cleared the case. He has awarded him the dress
of honour and has forgiven his mistake in this matter.
Another miracle:  U p o n   c l e a r i n g   o f   t h e   c a s e ,  

the Brahman officer constructed a grand

m a u s o l e u m f o r t h e S h a h o f t i m e , which can be seen
at the beginning of this article in the picture.Shah Qasim
Qaderi Sahab’s tomb is located in Bijapur and at the
footside of the Hazrat, where the Brahman's 
g r a v e   i s   s i t u a t e d . Because of his devotion and
faith, the Brahman officer had requested
permission in this matter. But the Shah of the time
told him to not build his tomb, 
o t h e r w i - s e   h e   w o u l d   f a c e  problems. But the
Brahman did not listen to his advice due to his l o v e a n d
devotion, and he acted even after the silence of
Shah. During the construction of the tomb, 
a l l   t h e   f a m i l y members of the Brahman officer died.
When the tomb of Hazrat Shah Qasim was completed, Brahman
died, and he was buried at the foot of the tomb. Due to the burial
of the Brahman officer in t h e t o m b a r e a , a l l h i s
relatives were upset and angry
a b o u t  burying the Hindu person in the tomb area, so for this r-
ason,t h e y   d e m a n d e d   t h e   d e a d   b o d y   b e   c r e -
m a t e d   i n   t h e   H i n d u graveyard. The Brahman officer,
due to devotion and faith, used t o v i s i t i n h i s p r e s e n c e
a n d p a y h i s r e s p e c t a n d h o n o u r t o t h e Shah of the
time.So for this reason, Shah of time was given to him with the
order to dig the grave, and upon the digging, all the
people saw that there were only flowers in the grave
instead of the dead body of the Hindu devotee of Hazrat
Shah Qasim Qaderi Sahab.

 Uponseeing his great miracle, there was a further good

effect on
the people of Bijapur, so a large number of the people have ente
-red into the fold of Islam.
The Devotion of Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah :The
Sultan has m u c h d e v o t i o n t o t h e h o l y p e r s o n s
o f A l l a h . T h e r e w a s t h e devotion of the Sultan to
the Shaikh of his time Hazrat Shah Qasim Qaderi Sahab
very much for this reason Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah went to
meet with Hazrat Shah QasimQaderi Sahab as he thought him
to be a perfect spiritual master of his time.After the Friday
prayer, Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah came to visit him in the
Juma mosque, but he did not talk to him about this
matter, and he went from there. So, for this reason,
the people h a v e t o l d h i m t h a t S u l t a n I b r a h i m
A d i l S h a h i s t h e k i n g o f   Bijapur. He told them that he
"Thinks he's like a snake charmer."D u e t o h i s t r e a t m e n t
a n d n o t b e i n g w o r t h y o f a t t e n t i o n , t h e Sultan, the
people of Bijapur have become his devotees in this
matter.He has proclaimed on the 27th, Zil Hajj, that he will
leave this world after a period of one month. He began
preparations for the declaration of his successor and caliph as
per the tradition. So he has nominated Abul Hasan’s younger
brother Mustaf Qaderi’s son Abdul Qaderi Qaderi, who
was appointed as custodian of t h e s h r i n e a n d
trained him in the knowledge of manifest and
innermost and gave him all-important holy relics. H e l e f t t h i s
mortal world on the 27th Muharram in the
y e a r   1032, Hijiri, the Islamic calendar year. His tomb is
situated in the courtyard of the mosque.

The Urs (death anniversary):  H i s d e a t h a n n i v e r s a r y
w i l l b e held on the 27th Muharram every year. The
Urs ceremony is organized by Sarkar Pasha, who is the
present custodian of the shrine building for the felicity of
the visitors from far and near the place,in which the
people from various walks of life, irrespective
of c a s t e   a n d   c r e e d ,   a s s e m b l e   t o   c e l
e b r a t e   t h e Urs (death anniversary), which takes place
on the 27th of January.Every year in Muharram of the Muslim
calendar, at the famous shrine (Dargah) building of Hazrat Shah
Qasim Qaderi Sahab in Bijapur and U r s , o r a n n u a l d e a t h
a n n i v e r s a r y , i s c e l e b r a t e d o n a r e g u l a r    basis.
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Muslim Saints and Mystics

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