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The purpose of this study was to identify the level of satisfaction of the
employees towards the productivity in working field. Job satisfaction represents a
combination of positive or negative feelings that workers have towards their work.
Meanwhile, when a worker employed in a business organization, brings with it the
needs, desires and experiences which determinates expectations that he has
dismissed. Job satisfaction represents the extent to which expectations are and match
the real awards. Job satisfaction is closely linked to that individual behavior in the
workplace (Davis et al.,1985). There are employees who leave to their working field and
file a resignation letter just because they aren’t meet their satisfaction. Employees will
complain for those things that they wanted, but the company did not give it to them.
There are also employees who did the task very well but the manager was not capable
to see their doings so that the employees are not satisfied because his/her effort was
not appreciated. Sometimes the problem is the environment, they did not feel
comfortable for the workplace. When employees feel engaged, results have shown that
organizations benefit from higher customer satisfaction levels, improved productivity,
and greater profit. Successful, engaged teams are made up of employees who have a
sense of purpose. Everyone can find purpose in their profession.

There exist many factors which may result on why employees did not satisfy
on their job. Some of them are poor working conditions, overwork, low levels of pay, no
scope of promotion, or career advancement and lack of recognition. But what is worst
are the consequences of job dissatisfaction which affect both the employees and the
organization. It may result in loss of motivation, lack of interest, frustration, poor
productivity and absenteeism

Satisfied workers will not necessarily be the highest producers. There are many
possible moderating variables, the most important of which seems to be rewards. If
people receive reward they feel are equitable, they will be satisfies and this is likely to
result in greater performance effort. Also, recent research evidence indicates that
satisfaction may not necessarily lead to individual performance improvement but does
lead to departmental and organizational level improvements. There is still considerable
debate weather satisfaction leads to performance or performance leads to satisfaction
(Luthans, 1998).
The researcher’s chose this title because nowadays workers or employee is
the main person that every company needed for the sake of their development. Most of
employees are motivated if they are satisfied so researcher’s decided to conduct a
study on how does job satisfaction affect as a key to employees productivity.


This research attempts to find the Job Satisfaction as a key to employees


Specifically, It’s seeks to find the answers to following questions:

 What is the effect of job satisfaction as a key to employees productivity of Triple

A Poultry?

1. What is the feeling when employee accomplished the job?

2. What are company policies and how it can affect to your performance?
3. How can co-workers influence you to do your job well?
4. What is your own method to make your job creative?
5. What is the advantage of being recognized to the job?
6. What is the role of right compensation to employee?


To understand the Job Satisfaction as a key to employees productivity

1. To know the feeling when employee accomplished the job.

2. To know the company policies and how it can affect to your performance.
3. To know the co-workers influence you to do your job well.
4. To know your own method to make your job creative.
5. To understand the advantage of being recognized to the job.
6. To know the role of right compensation to employee.

This study aims to determine the job satisfaction as a key to employees

productivity on Triple A Poultry.

The study started on the month of November 2019 ended in month of March 2020.
It will cover the job satisfaction of employees on Triple A Poultry. The study will be
conducted with the help of respondents taken from the company of Triple A Poultry. It
will cover the answers of employees about the study of job satisfaction to employees. It
will cover the job satisfaction of employees including to their answers in different types
of questions. The budgeting can affect to this study because employees have different
strategies on how to budget their salary depends on their family needs. Some are get
high salary or income so they are satisfied and provide the needs of their family and
some are struggling to sustain the financial needs of their family because of low salary
or income. So the researcher’s decided to exempt budgeting because every employees
have different salary and it is based on their work position and how long they’ve been


This study will be undertaken to find out the factors that affect to the job satisfaction as
a key to employees productivity on Triple A Poultry.

Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follow:

 To Company- They will benefit because the employee are able to work hard for
their development. The company will produce more products that will help them
to secure the needs of their workers and able to provide the insurance for their
own growth.

 To Employee- They will benefit because the company ensure their life in terms
of salary, benefits and security. They will get the rewards and save it for future
happenings and they get knowledge on what they’re going to do to develop and
satisfied as a person.
 To Consumers- They will benefit because the consumers are able to buy some
products in low prices because the company sells their product in affordable
price. And the company can breed different types of eggs with quality.

 Other Business Owner- They will benefit because this research give some
points on how can business develop and also how to satisfy their employees too
to meet their expectation and have great outcome.

 To the future Researchers- They will benefit because this research will help
them to give some information that will answers to the questions connected to job
satisfaction as motivation and it give some ideas on what are the things needed
to satisfy the work of every employee.


Ho-There is no significant effects to Company Policies

Ha1-There is significant effects to Achievement

Ha2- There is significant effects to Co-workers

Ha3 – There is significant effects to Creativity

Ha4 – There is significant effects to Recognition

Ha5 – There s significant effects to Compensation






An achievement is something an employee does, such as reaching a goal or completing

a project, using her skills, effort and persistence. According to psychologists Abraham
Maslow, Fredrick Herzberg and David McClellend, the need for achievement is a
psychological motivator that employees can develop. Wise managers help foster a need
for achievement in their employees because it can mean performance improvement,
increased productivity and employee retention. Employees can develop a need for
achievement when trust and autonomy are present in the work environment. Employees
who know their managers trust them are more likely to meet or exceed performance
goals, have higher levels of job satisfaction and encourage achievement in their
coworkers. Giving employees the autonomy to decide how they will do their work in the
context of the overall work process and department goals helps build the need for
achievement and is tied to developing trust. Employees with a need for achievement
want personal responsibility for finding solutions to problems. Some employees come to
a business with a high need for achievement. These are the people who get the work
done. They regularly produce results; however, because of their high achievement
need, they may not have strong interpersonal skills. They are effective as subject matter
specialists or technical trouble shooters working on complex projects or problems.
When achievement needs are combined with affiliation needs, the need to get along
well with others, the employee may become an effective manager or team leader and
can help coworkers develop their need for achievement (Diane Chinn).


Human resource policies can affect employee motivation and job satisfaction positively
and negatively. If employees are satisfied with their human resource policies and
practices in the organization, they will be committed and motivated enough to achieve
organizational objective and goals (Danish, R. Q, and Usman, A., 2010).

Many studies have shown the aspect of HR practices and perceived employee
performance but missed the aspect of employee job satisfaction ( Khurram, S., and
Sajid Bashir, 2008)

Having friends at work is incredibly important for your mental well-being. It is especially
true for new employees joining a company that just want to fit in. Managers have the
responsibility to help create an environment where those friendships can foster, by
organizing team building events, and encouraging informal chit chat. Not too long ago,
Office vibe created an info graphic about the importance of having friends at work,
where we dove into some of the relevant statistics about why those friendships matter.
When you have a close friend at work, you feel a stronger connection to the company,
and you’re more excited about coming into work every day. You attach yourself to the
company’s purpose and collaborate better to create success for the business


Creativity is a mental process that a certain person can do it at a certain time, a process
that a new effect - including the idea of new and different something - can be produced.
New and different products can be verbal or non-verbal and physical or
mental.Creativity has been considered in all aspects of human’s life as a superior
human need and includes the wide range transformations and also a mutation in human
thought so that provide an ability to combine the past factors in new form (Davenport

Creativity has three dimensions: noncognitive, cognitive and motivative. Noncognitive

aspects of creativity include the creative features in motion, art and special abilities that
can be seen less in the same subjects. Cognitive aspects of creativity concern the
existence a divergent thinking in person mind.creative individual have ability to produce
more creative ideas and he enjoys the higher mental flexibility. He produced innovative
and creative ideas during his ideas production that these ideas occurred to the mind a
few people. Cognitive dimensions of creativity are represented the inner motivations
and invoked a person to follow his desired activity continuesly and without an external
reward. The cognitive theory is based on divergent thinking. However, divergent
thinking has no certain answer for a same question, and there is multiple answers to
same question, while in convergent thought, there is same response to the same
question (Zamani, Goli, Naseri, 2005).

To resolve a problem creatively, the human can use all his brain's ability (Lamzdyn,
2008, translated by Nasr azadani and Arbab Sherani, 2007).

According to (Andrew,2004), commitment of all employees is based on rewards and

Incentives, rewards and recognition are the prime factors that impact on employee
motivation. As the employees engaged in their working activities purposely for own’s
sake then they will feel intrinsic motivation in their behaviours as their activities will
essentially be enjoyable and satisfactory (Vansteenkiste, 2005, p.22).

Employees do not only want attractive pay and benefits, but also expect that their efforts
are valued, appreciated and treated fairly. According to Harrison (2011- retrieved from on 19/09/2011), recognition is the timely, informal or
formal acknowledgement of a person’s or team’s behaviour, effort or business result
that supports the organization’s goals and values, and which usually is beyond normal
expectations. To Brun and Dugas, 2008, recognition represents a reward experienced
primarily at the symbolic level, but may also take on emotional, practical or financial
value. Deeprose (1994) argued that the motivation of employees and their productivity
can be enhanced through providing them effective recognition which ultimately results in
improved performance of organizations. Recognition programs demonstrate respect for
employees. A meaningful, thoughtful employee appreciation program is about valuing
employees' efforts and having respect for who they are and what they do (Hart, 2011).
According to Long and Shields (2010), recognition can be categorised into formal or
informal, cash or noncash, and individual or collective.
The reward and recognition programs serve as the most contingent factor in keeping
employees’ self esteem high and passionate. Oosthuizen (2001) stated that it is among
the function of managers to
motivate the employees successfully and influence their behavior to achieve greater
organizational efficiency. La Motta
(1995) is of the view that performance at job is the result of ability and motivation
The reward and recognition programs serve as the most contingent factor in keeping
employees’ self esteem high and passionate. Oosthuizen (2001) stated that it is among
the function of managers to
motivate the employees successfully and influence their behavior to achieve greater
organizational efficiency. La Motta
(1995) is of the view that performance at job is the result of ability and motivation


Salary is the most basic concern of the employees and the most direct reward to
enhance employee satisfaction. Adequate pay always motivates staffs to perform in a
higher level [8]. Nonetheless, the pay fairness is another concern to the satisfaction
level as every individual has their own estimation of the pay and comparison always
happen among the coworkers, therefore either overpaid or underpaid will affect the
satisfaction level of the employees (Harmania and Nessa, J Tourism Hospit 2016,)

In such studies, pay has generally been found to be a substantially more important
factor when inferred via policy capturing than when assessed via people’s direct reports
(Barber, 1998; Rynes, Schwab, & Heneman, 1983; Schwab, 1982). As such, it is
perhaps not surprising that practitioner journals tend to widely disseminate the idea that
pay is not a very important motivator. The most general theoretical explanation for pay’s
importance is the fact that it is useful for obtaining so many other desirable things
(Lawler, 1971).

In emphasizing the importance of pay as a motivator, we are not saying that pay is the
only important motivator. Indeed, it is clear that many of the other factors mentioned by
researchers such as Maslow and Herzberg (for example, interesting work and
participation in decision making) are also important motivators to many people, as
confirmed in the empirical results. Receiving higher pay than their co-workers is more
important to extroverts and individuals with a history of social achievements (e.g.,
leadership positions; Trank, Rynes & Bretz, 2002).


This chapter presents the research methodologies used in the study. This
includes the research design, sources of data, data gathering procedure and the
statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

Descriptive Research

This descriptive research is quantitative. The descriptive research primarily

focuses on describing the nature of a demographic segment, without focusing on
“why” a certain phenomenon occurs. In other words, it “describes” the subject of
the research, without covering “why” it happens on a study of job satisfaction to
employees on Triple A Poultry. The quantitative research collects information
from existing and potential respondents of the employees on Triple A Poultry,
using sampling methods, surveys and questionnaire. The results of which can be
depicted in the form of numerical.

Sampling Methods

Stratified Random Sampling

The researchers want to determine the job satisfaction as motivation to

employees of Triple A Poultry. We conduct the population of Triple A Poultry having of
overall 26 employees. We decided to take a stratified random sampling and the result is
24 respondents is needed so that we random them to choose 2 person that is not
belong to our survey.

Research Instrument

We use Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) about the job satisfaction of

employees on Triple A Poultry. Our questions will help us to know what is this affect to
every employee and to the company and whatever the result is this will benefit to those
who interested to our topic. The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire is a paper-pencil
type of a questionnaire and can be implemented both individually and in group, but it
does not take sex differences into consideration. This questionnaire has one short form
and two long forms that date from 1967 and 1977. In fact 20 work features in five levels
are measured with this questionnaire. Responding to this questionnaire usually takes
between 15-20 minutes.

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