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Subject Name: FACTS (2720716)
1 State different conventional voltage control mechanism. Describe one of the
mechanisms in detail. (SUMMER-2016)
2 Explain Mid-Point shunt compensation. Derive equation of active power and reactive
power with the help of phasor diagram.(WINTER-2016)
3 Which are the conventional control mechanisms for active and reactive power control?
Explain them in brief.(SUMMER-2016)
4 What is reactive power compensation? Explain in brief Line and Load
5 Mention the full names of series and shunt FACTS devices. Discuss the advantages of
FACTS devices.(SUMMER-2016)
6 Mention the methods of passive reactive power compensation. Compare them with
compensation using FACTS devices.(WINTER-2016)
7 Explain the working of TCR with neat diagram. Also explain its V-I characteristics &
draw the current & voltage waveform for different firing angles.(WINTER-2016)
8 Explain the application of a suitable FACTS device to improve stead state power
transfer capability of transmission line.(SUMMER-2016)
9 Discuss in brief, about the various applications of SVCs(WINTER-2016)
10 Mention the modes of operation of a TCSC. Describe the Vernier Capacitive mode of
operation in detail with steady state waveforms of voltages and currents.(WINTER-
11 Write a short note on TSC-TCR(SUMMER-2016)
12 Draw the functional control scheme of a TSC-TCR and thus explain how it operates.
13 Explain the working of FC-TCR along with its V-I characteristics.(WINTER-2016)
14 Explain how power transfer capacity is improved using SVC.(WINTER-2015)

15 Discuss how the transient stability is Enhanced using SVC.(SUMMER-2016)

16 Mention the advantages of having slope in the dynamic characteristics of an SVC.
17 Mention the advantages of having slope in the dynamic characteristics of an SVC.
19 Explain the application of a suitable FACTS device to improve steadystate power
transfer capability of transmission line.(SUMMER-2016)

20 Discuss the application of SSSC as an active power controller. Dra and discuss the
necessary control circuit.(WINTER-2015)
21 Explain the construction and working of a Unified Power Flow Controller
22 Explain the schematic diagram and working principle of a STATCOM.(SUMMER-
23 Explain the working of STATCOM with its V-I characteristics(WINTER-2015)

Subject Name: FACTS (2720716)

24 Explain the working of SSSC. Discuss its basic control scheme and also show different
modes of operation.(WINTER-2015)

25 Discuss in brief various types of learning methods in neural network.(SUMMER-2016)

26 Explain in detail, why UPFC is the most versatile FACTs controller.(WINTER-2015)

27 Explain the application of a suitable FACTS device to improve steady state power
transfer capability of transmission line.(WINTER-2015)

28 Discuss in brief, about the functioning of SVC as a voltage regulator.(WINTER-2015)

29 Discuss in brief, about the various applications of SVCs(WINTER-2015)


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