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The Great Flood

Falling Action
Humitau gave a desperate cry and she knows that she can no longer swim or live in the
water after he gave her a mountain food and the charm with sea power removed from
her and she implored Taumariu to save her.

 Happen on the seashore

 On the Edge of the World
 Towering House of taumariu

Tiggians – a group of pagan people inhabiting the interior hills of Abra

Humitau- a sea maiden guard of the Lord of the sea

Taumariu – the lord of the Sea

Aponitolau – god-hero of Tiggians

Nine Beautiful Guardians – the guardians and dauther of taumariu

Lang an – she is the mistress of the wind and rains and the mother of Aponitolau

Rising Action
Aponitolau took his magic hook and he slashed the unsuspecting maiden, the most
beautiful of the them all Humitau. She was helpless and her body was paralyzed by the
grip of Aponitolau and a loud scream was heard in the palace and he placed her body in
the raft and left the gate. Taumariu go out of his abode but he was too late. In his rage
he summons the waves and the tunas and ordered them to take back her body. And it
lashed and pushed back his raft. And Aponitolau cries out to his mother Lang an for
help and strong winds to pull Aponitolau ashore. Taumariu was furious and he called a
meeting with the demigods of the seas.
Despite of his anger the water lord look pity on his favorite daughter and the winds and
waves were calmed and promised her that he would sink mens boats and drown
passenger until Aponitolau crime would be appeased when the water was down.
Aponitolau and his wife went down the lowlands and people of the world came from

When Aponitau went lowlands and rowed on his raft in seas he came into the house of
Taumariu and it was guarded by a nine beautiful daughter of seaweeds and he went in
the palace gate shaking and a maiden is lured him in futher inside the palace walls.

Lesson of the Story

 Learn to forgive
 Control our anger

Conflict of the Story

 When the maiden guards laughed and lured Aponitolau that made him angry and
hurt Humitau.

Lang an new the plan of taumariu and she called the north wind and warn her son about
a great flood and instructed him to go up to the highest peak in the cordillera mountains
for safety. He obey the orders and go up and waited the flood to came, and waves
rushed in and Aponitolau saw his plains, valleys, crops, and animals destroyed.

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