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Khalid Hameed Sohrwardy 03002547897 2020

According to the one belief Imamat is a prerogative bestowed by Allah upon a person chosen from the Holy Prophet
(SAWS)’s family (according to Isna Ashariyah, also agreed by all thoughts):
1. Hazrat Ali
2. Hazrat Imam Hussain
3. Hazrat Imam Hussain
4. Hazrat Zain-ul-Abidin
5. Imam Muhammad Baqir
6. Imam Jafar Sadiq
7. Imam Musa Kazim
8. Imam Ail Raza
9. Imam Muhammad Taqi
10. Imam Ali Naqi
11. Imam Hassan Askari
12. Imam Muhammad Mehdi
2. Hazrat Imam Hassan
 Son of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Fatima and the Elder grandson
 Born in Madinah on the 1st Ramadan 3 AH and was named by Holy Prophet
 Also known as Shabbar. The prophet used to carry Hazrat Hassan on his shoulders
 Holy prophet passed away when he was only 8 years old
 Hazrat Fatima also passed away after 6 months
 He learnt Quran by heart and fought battles in Hazrat Ali’s caliphate
 In charge of Bait-Ul-Maal.
 On 21st Ramadan 661 AD he become the Imam with 40/45 votes
 Anba war was lost against Hazrat Ameer Muawiya resulted in desertion
 He was poisoned by one of his wives. Buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi
3. Hazrat Imam Hussain:
 Born on 3rd Shabaan 4 AH. He had resemblance to the Holy Prophet (Bukhari)(Tirmizi)
 Hazrat Hassan handed over the charge of Imamat on his deathbed to Hazrat Imam Husain at
 In 60 AH, after the death of Ameer Muawiya, his son Yazid succeeded him as the Imam of Damascus
 In 60 AH, people of Kufa invited Imam Hussain to protect them from the persecutions of Yazid’s forces
 Friends of Imam warned him about the deceitful nature of Kufa people
 When Imam Husain sent a cousin “Muslim” to Kufa; they paid warm homage to him and Hazrat Imam
 Hazrat Imam Husain wanted to help them and departed for Kufa from Madinah. But Muslim was
killed and Imam was stopped at Karbala
 On 7th Muharam 61 AH Yazid’s forces cut every source of water and food. Battle of truth began
 On 10th Muharam, all devotees of Imam were martyred. Imam Hussain handed the charge of
Imamat to Hazrat Zain-ul-Abideen and started to fight alone.
 Though Imam was martyred but he place and everlasting victory of history at Karbala
4. Imam Zain Ul Abideen
 Only son of Imam Husain who survived. Born in Madinah in 36 AH
 He lived in Madinah after Karbala event.
 His mother was the daughter of the Persian king Yazgard
 Died in Madinah in 83 AH.
 Known as Sajjad. His narrations are known as Sahifah-sajjadiyah
5. Imam Muhammad Baqir
 Son of Imam Zainul Abideen and Fatimah (daughter of Imam Hassan)
 Born in Madinah 57 AH. 4 years old at Karbala
 Very knowledgeable person. Wrote many traditions

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 Scholar and a Muslim jurist. Died in 114 AH

6. Imam Jafar as-Sadiq
 Son of Imam Baqir
 Born in 83 AH
 He had a vast knowledge of shariah taught and made 4000 scholars of Hadith
such as Imam Abu Huraira and Jabar bin hayyan
 He remained Imam for 34 years
 Faced severe restrictions in life by Abbasid Ruler
 Died in 148 AH
 Buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi
7. Imam Musa Kazim
 Son of Imam Jafar
 Born in 128 AH
 Pious, knowledgeable, generous, brave and gentle person
 Remained Imam for 35 years
 Arrested by Abbasid Ruler from Masjid-e-Nabwi
 Died in a prison after 14 years in Baghdad in 183AH
8. Imam Ali Raza
 Born in Madinah in 148 AH
 Completed recitation of the Holy Quran in 3 days
 Great debater
 Knowledgeable, generous, pious
 Confronted rebellion’s politics
 Died in 203 AH
9. Imam Muhammad Taqi
 Son of Imam Ali Raza
 Born in 195 AH
 Remained in Baghdad
 Imamat for 17 years
 Dies in 220 AH
10. Imam Ali Naqi
 Son of Imam Muhammad Taqi
 Born in Madinah 214 AH
 Patient, soft spoken, gentle, pious, generous
 Abbasid Ruler detained him at Iraq but he remained patient
 Imamat for 33 years
 Died in 254 AH in Iraq
11. Imam Hassan Askari
 Son of Imam Ali Naqi
 Born in Madinah in 232 AH
 Gentle, humble, most prostrating
 Abbasid Ruler restricted on his movement
 Had Imamat for approximate 7 years
 Died in 261 AH in Iraq
12. Imam Muhammad Mehdi
 Son if Imam Hassan Askari
 Born in 255 AH in Iraq
 Father died when he was 5 years old
 Titled : Muntazir (expected), Hujja (proof of trust), Qaim (the living standard), Mehdi (guided one)
 329 AH disappeared and will appear to fight with Dajjal.

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History of Karbala
“Karbala” Origin & Meaning: the word “Karbala” was said to compose of two Arabic words: “Karb” meaning grief
and sorrow, and “Balaa” meaning affliction. Such a connection, in fact, has no scientific evidence, since Karbala was
known as such even before the arrival of Imam Hussain (RZ).
Karbala has the unique feature of having its name engraved in the memory of generations and all along the history of
the Muslim world. Believers recall this name with sorrow and distress, for they remember the grand sacrifice of Imam
Hussain, peace be upon him, and his family members and friends.
Up to this day, a huge number of devotees visit this holy place all year around to pay homage to the master of martyrs
Imam Hussain. Two main roads lead the visitor to Karbala. One is from the Iraqi capital Baghdad, through Al-Musails,
and the other is from the holy city of Najaf. Upon reaching Karbala, the holy place would draw the visitor’s attention to
its glorious minarets and domes shining due to the light of its lord.
Two grand holy shrines in Karbala are those of Imam Hussain and his brother Abul-Fazl al-Abbas. Also present inside
the shrine of Imam Hussain are the holy tombs of his two sons Hazrat Ali Akbar and 6-month old Hazrat Ali Asghar and
his trusted friend Hazrat Habib ibn-e-Mazahir. In one of the corners of the inside area of the shrine, is the Ganj-e-
Shuhada where bodies of all the 72 martyrs of Karbala are buried. Next to one of the entrances “Bab-ul-Dhahab”, is
the Qatl-gah, where the actual martyrdom of Imam Hussain took place. All the tombs and shrines are beautifully
decorated with golden windows and beautiful illumination.
Martyrdom and popularity:
Karbala was at first an uninhabited place and did not witness any construction activity, although it was rich in water
and its soil fertile. Following the tenth of Muharram 61 AH (680 AD), after the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, people
from far as well as tribes living nearby started visiting the holy grave. A lot of those who came stayed behind and/or
asked their relatives to bury them there after their demise.
The Prophet Mohammad (saws) has said of his grandson Imam Hussain (RZ): “Hussain is of me and I am of him”.
Believers come from all parts of the world all year round to receive the honor, particularly during the first ten days of
Muharram (Ashura) and the twentieth of Safar (the fortieth). One common Iraqi custom during that season is to go
walking from Najaf to Karbala, reflecting their strong adhesion to and adoption of the morals and principles for which
Imam Hussain (RZ) struggled and attained martyrdom.
Events before the Battle
Muawiya died on Rajab 22, 60 AH (680 CE). In violation of Islamic tradition and his own written agreement with
Hasan ibn Ali, Muawiya appointed his son Yazid as his successor, converting the Caliphate into a dynasty.
Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s representative to Kufa, Muslim ibn Aqeel was welcomed by the people of Kufa, and most of them
swore allegiance to him. After this initial observation, Muslim ibn Aqeel wrote to Hazrat Husain (RZ) Ibn Ali that the
situation in Kufa was favorable. However, after the arrival of the new Governor of Kufa, Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad, the
scenario changed. Muslim ibn Aqeel and his host, Hani ibn Urwa, were executed on Dhu al-Hijjah 9, 60AH (September
10, 680 CE) without any considerable resistance of the people. This shifted the loyalties of the people of Kufa, in favor
of Yazid against Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali, Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali also realized a deep conspiracy that Yazid had
appointed `Amr ibn Sa’d ibn al Aas as the head of an army, ordering him to take charge of the pilgrimage caravans
and to kill al Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali wherever he could find him during Hajj, and hence decided to leave Mecca on
08th Dhu al-Hijjah 60 AH (12 September 680 AD), just a day before Hajj and was contented with Umrah, due to his
concern about potential violation of the sanctity of the Kaaba. He delivered a famous sermon in Kaaba highlighting his
reasons to leave that he didn't want the sanctity of Kaaba to be violated, since his opponents had crossed any norm of
decency and were willing to violate all tenets of Islam.
When Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali was making his mind to leave for Kufa, Abd-Allah ibn Abbas and Abdullah ibn Zubayr
held a meeting with him and advised him not to move to Iraq, or, if he was determined to move, not to take women
and children with him in this dangerous journey. Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali, however, had resolved to go ahead with
his plan. He gave a speech to people the day before his departure and said:
"... The death is a certainty for mankind, just like the trace of necklace on the neck of young girls. And I am
enamored of my ancestors like eagerness of Jacob to Joseph ... Everyone, who is going to devote his blood for
our sake and is prepared to meet Allah, must depart with us..."
On their way to Kufa, the small caravan received the sad news of execution of Muslim ibn Aqeel and the indifference of
the people of Kufa. Instead of turning back, Hazrat Husain (RZ) decided to continue the journey and sent Qais ibn
Musahhar al-Saydavi as messenger to talk to the nobles of Kufa. The messenger was captured in the vicinity of Kufa
but managed to tear the letter to pieces to hide names of its recipients. Just like Muslim ibn Aqeel, Qais ibn Musahhar
was executed.
Battle of Karbala
The Battle of Karbala took place on Muharram 10, in the year 61 of the Islamic calendar (October 10, 680) in Karbala,
in present day Iraq. On one side of the highly uneven battle were a small group of supporters and relatives of
Muhammad's grandson Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali, and on the other was a large military detachment from the forces of

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Yazid I, the Umayyad caliph, whom Hazrat Husain (RZ) had refused to recognize as caliph. Hazrat Husain (RZ) and all
his supporters were killed, including Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s six months old infant son, and the women and children were
taken as prisoners. The dead are regarded as martyrs by Shi’a Muslims, and the battle has a central place in Shi’a
history and tradition, and has frequently been recounted in Shi’a Islamic literature. The Battle of Karbala is
commemorated during an annual 10-day period held every Muharram by the Shi’a as well as many Sunnis, culminating
on its tenth day.
The Events of Battle
Hazrat Husain (RZ) and his followers were two days away from Kufa when they were intercepted by the vanguard of
Yazid's army; about 1000 men led by Hurr ibn Riahy. Hazrat Husain (RZ) asked the army, "With us or against us?"
They replied: "Of course against you, oh Aba Abd Ullah!" Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali said: "If you are different from
what I received from your letters and from your messengers then I will return to where I came from." Their leader,
Hurr, refused Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s request to let him return to Medina. The caravan of the Mohammad's family arrived
at Karbala on Muharram 2, 61AH (October 2, 680 CE). They were forced to pitch a camp on the dry, bare land and
Hurr stationed his army nearby.
Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad appointed Shimr ibn Zil Jawshan who moved towards the battlefield with an 80,000-strong army
and arrived at Karbala on Muharram 2, 61 AH (October 3, 680 CE). Shimr ibn Zil Jawshan followed the orders, and
5000 horsemen blockaded the Euphrates. One of Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s followers met Shimr and tried to negotiate some
sort of access to water, but was denied. The water blockade continued up to the end of the battle on Muharram 10th
(October 10, 680 CE).
Shimr received an order from Ibn Ziyad to start the battle immediately and not to postpone it further. The army
started advancing toward Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s camp on the afternoon of Muharram 9th. At this point Hazrat Husain
(RZ) sent Hazrat Abbas ibn Ali to ask Shimr to wait until the next morning, so that he and his men could spend the
night praying. Shimr agreed to the respite.
On the night before the battle, Hazrat Husain (RZ) gathered his men and told them that they were all free to leave the
camp in the middle of the night, under cover of darkness, rather than face certain death if they stayed with him. None
of Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s men defected and they all remained with him. Hazrat Husain (RZ) and his followers held a vigil
and prayed all night.
Start of the day of the battle
On Muharram 10th, also called Ashura, Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali completed the morning prayers with his companions.
He appointed Zubair Ibn Qayn to command the right flank of his army, Habib ibn Mazahir to command the left flank
and his half-brother Abbas ibn Ali as the standard bearer. There is controversy regarding the date for the day of
Ashura in the Gregorian calendar. October 10 is a calculated date through calculators. These calculators however, are
not always correct. According to the book Maqtal al Hazrat Husain (RZ), Muharram 9th is October 12, 680; if that book
is correct Muharram 10th was October 13, 680 A.D.
Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali's companions numbered 32 horsemen and 40 infantrymen. Hazrat Husain (RZ) rode on his
horse Zuljenah. Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali called the people around him to join him for the sake of Allah and to
defend Muhammad's family. His speech affected Hurr ibn Yazid Al-Riahy, the commander of the Tamim and Hamadan
tribes who had stopped Hazrat Husain (RZ) from his journey. He abandoned Shimr and joined Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s
small band of followers. On the other side, Yazid had sent Shimr (his chief commander) to command the battle.
Shimr advanced and fired an arrow at Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali's army, saying: "Give evidence before the governor
that I was the first thrower." Shimr’s army started showering Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s army with arrows. Hardly any men
from Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali's army escaped from being shot by an arrow. Both sides began fighting. Successive
assaults resulted in the death of a group of Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali's companions.
In order to prevent random and indiscriminate showering of arrows on Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali's camp which had
women and children in it, Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s followers went out to single combats. Men like Burayr ibn Khudhayr,
Muslim ibn Awsaja and Habib ibn Mazahir were slain in the fighting. They were attempting to save Hazrat Husain
(RZ)'s life by shielding him. Every casualty had a considerable effect on their military strength since they were vastly
outnumbered by Yazid I's army. Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s companions were coming, one by one, to say goodbye to him,
even in the midst of battle. Almost all of Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s companions were killed by the onslaught of arrows or
After almost all of Hazrat Husain (RZ)'s companions were killed, his relatives asked his permission to fight. The men of
Banu Hashim, the clan of Muhammad and Ali, went out one by one. Ali al Akbar ibn Hazrat Husain (RZ), the middle son
of Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali, was the first one of Hashemite who received permission from his father.
Casualties from Banu Hashim were sons of Ali ibn Abi Talib, sons of Hasan ibn Ali, a son of Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali,
a son of Abdullah ibn Jafar ibn Abi-Talib and Zainab bint Ali, sons of Aqeel ibn Abi Talib, as well as a son of Muslim ibn
Aqeel. There were seventy-two Hashemite died in all (including Hazrat Husain (RZ) ibn Ali).

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