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Notes of SST (2020-21)

NAME: CLASS : IV Div : DATE: 16/04/2020 MARKS:
Lesson:1 Celestial
Subject teachers: Sushama SUBJECT: SST Prepared by: Sushama


Draw and colour it- the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.

A)New words:-

1)revolve- to go in a circle around a central point

2)atmosphere- the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth

3)crater- a large hole in the ground caused by something large hitting it

4)orbits- curved paths followed by objects to move around the Sun, planets, stars

5)elongated- longer in relation to the width

B)Underline the odd one out:-

1)Venus Earth Sun Jupiter

2)Mars satellites planets stars

3)meteors meteoroids Moon meteorites

C)State whether true or false:-

1)The universe includes only the Sun and the Moon.--False

2)Meteors are larger than meteorites.--False

3)Asteroids revolve in gap between orbits of Mars and Jupiter.--True

4)The comet moves around the Sun in an elongated orbit.--True

5)The Moon has its own light.--False

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D)Write short answers:

1)What does the universe consist of?

Ans-The universe consists of the Sun, stars, planets, comets, meteorites and the
Moon. It includes all the heavenly bodies.

2)What makes the solar system?

Ans-The Sun, the eight planets and their satellites (moon) and other heavenly
bodies like comets and asteroids from the solar system.

3)Which planet is called the blue planet?

Ans-The Earth is called the blue planet.

4)Name the natural satellite of the Earth.

Ans-The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth.

5)Write the short notes on the following :

a)satellites:---Satellites are the small bodies that revolve around the planets. The
Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth.

b)asteroids:---Asteroids are small, irregular heavenly bodies of rocks and metals

which revolve around the Sun in the gap between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

c)comets:--- A comet is a small body of ice and dust that moves around the Sun
in an elongated orbit. As a comet approaches the Sun, it heats up and leaves
behind a stream of hot, glowing gases and dust particles.

6)Name the eight planet in order of their distance from the Sun.

Ans-Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the
eight planets in there order of their distance from the Sun.

E)Answer the following questions:-

1)What are stars ?Why do they appears small?

Ans-Stars are huge ball of gases. They appear small their own light and heat.
They look small because they are very far from us.

2)Why is the Sun said to be the main source of life on the Earth?

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Ans-The Sun is the main source of heat and light on the Earth. It is a big ball of
hot gases. It is near to the Earth than any other star, that is why it is the main
source of life on the Earth.

3) Why does Moon appear bigger than the stars?

Ans-All the stars and planets are much bigger than the Moon but it appears to be
much bigger because it is nearer to the Earth as compare to other stars.

4)Differentiate between meteoroids, meteors and meteorites.

Ans-Meteoroids are small rocky and irregular heavenly bodies which revolve
around the Sun. They are believed to be leftover rocks during the formation of the
solar system.

Meteors are burning meteoroids which we see as a bright streak of light that
flashes for a moment across the sky. Most of them burn up completely before
reaching the surface of the Earth.

Meteorites which do not burn completely on entering the Earth’s atmosphere

and land on the Earth are known as meteorites.

Post activity

Write7/8line the information about Pluto or Plutoid.(atleast 7/8lines)

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