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Pakistan gained independence in 1947 as a homeland for Indian Muslims following the Pakistan

Movement, which sought statehood for the Muslim-majority regions of British India through partition.
 It is an ethnically and linguistically diverse country, with similarly
diverse geography and wildlife. Initially a dominion, Pakistan adopted a constitution in 1956,
becoming an Islamic republic. An ethnic civil war and Indian military intervention in 1971 resulted in
the secession of East Pakistan as the new country of Bangladesh.[22] In 1973, Pakistan adopted a
new constitution which stipulated that all laws are to conform to the injunctions of Islam as laid down
in the Quran and Sunnah.[23] In 2008, Pakistan transitioned to civilian rule. [24] In 2010, Pakistan
adopted a parliamentary system with periodic elections. [25][26]
A middle power,[27][28][29][30][31][32] Pakistan has the sixth-largest standing armed forces in the world and is
also a nuclear power as well as a declared nuclear-weapons state. It is ranked among the emerging
and growth-leading economies of the world,[33][34] and is backed by one of the world's largest and
fastest-growing middle class populations.[35][36] Pakistan's political history since independence has
been characterized by periods of military rule, political instability and conflicts with India. The country
continues to face challenging problems, including overpopulation, poverty, illiteracy and corruption.[37]
 Pakistan is a member of the UN, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the OIC,
the Commonwealth of Nations, the SAARC, the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition, and is
a major non-NATO ally.


 1Etymology
 2History
o 2.1Early and medieval age
o 2.2Islamic conquest
o 2.3Colonial period
o 2.4Pakistan Movement
o 2.5Independence and modern Pakistan
 3Role of Islam in Pakistan
 4Geography, environment, and climate
o 4.1Flora and fauna
 5Government and politics
o 5.1Foreign relations
 5.1.1Relations with China
 5.1.2Emphasis on relations with Muslim world
o 5.2Administrative divisions
o 5.3Kashmir conflict
o 5.4Law enforcement
o 5.5Human rights
 6Military
o 6.1Military history
 7Economy
o 7.1Agriculture and primary sector
o 7.2Industry
o 7.3Services
o 7.4Tourism
 8Infrastructure
o 8.1Nuclear power and energy
o 8.2Transport
 8.2.1Motorways
 8.2.2Highways
 8.2.3Railways
 8.2.4Airports
 8.2.5Seaports
 8.2.6Metro
 8.2.7Flyovers and Underpasses
o 8.3Science and technology
o 8.4Education
 9Demographics
o 9.1Languages
o 9.2Immigration
o 9.3Ethnic groups
o 9.4Urbanisation
o 9.5Religion
 9.5.1Islam
 9.5.2Hinduism
 9.5.3Christianity and other religions
 10Culture and society
o 10.1Clothing, arts, and fashion
o 10.2Media and entertainment
o 10.3Diaspora
o 10.4Literature and philosophy
o 10.5Architecture
o 10.6Food and drink
 10.6.1Traditional food
 10.6.2Fast food
o 10.7Sports
 11See also
 12Notes
 13References
 14Bibliography
 15External links
o 15.1Government
o 15.2General information

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