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Having a great leader with an excellent public administration skill is extremely needed in

this time of crisis. They have a very crucial role as they are the ones orchestrating the
orderliness of the country. Implementing and maintaining the health protocols to ensure
the safeness of its countrymen. The leaders should set as an example for its people,
just like obeying what they have implemented to create an impression that they are
dead serious in giving them public service. The government leaders should have a
sense of purity on their intentions in giving public service. A leader should not have a
hidden agenda even if he himself is struggling in this pandemic. They have a duty to
uphold the law and prioritize its people. Being in the same situation with its constituents
where movement is limited and earnings are compromised does justify to break the law.

One major thing that the government should fight especially in this health crisis
where budget is getting scarce is corruption. Our government today spend huge amount
of money while getting something in return. This is because a large number of
businesses are on hold due to the pandemic. Corruption is very rampant especially here
in our country. According to a 2019 study, the Philippines ranks 113 out of 180 countries
on the most corrupted. However, it seems to be higher than that since a large number of
Filipinos are unemployed even before the pandemic strikes the country. This creates a
perception that corruption is really endemic in our government. People can pin-point
those leaders who are real in giving their service to the people from those who just run
for the purpose of earning money by using the nation’s budget.

If we’re going to trace how these bad habits of our government leaders starts, it
seems that these corruptions originated during 19 th Century. The time where our country
is under the colonization of Spaniards. How the Spaniards friars and officials provoke
and abuse the Filipinos under their colonization. These unjustly actions were
condemned by Dr. Jose Rizal, our National Hero and exposed there abuses and
wrongful doings in his two literary works, the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

If Dr. Jose Rizal is the current president of our country, given the present
situation that we are in COVID-19 pandemic, he will most likely respond to take actions
against those corrupt leaders under his administration. In these times, where we are in
a pandemic, without a question, being financially stable is very important. Even our
government today gives subsidies to its people. This is to provide our necessities under
the ongoing Corona Virus outbreak. Through the years of witnessing corrupt leaders
getting busted, we must have already realized the unpleasant outcome of corruption in
our country.

In one of Dr. Jose Rizal’s writings- “La Indolencia De Los Filipinos”, The
Indolence of the Filipino in English, he said that “People and government are correlated
and complementary; an aimless government would be an anomaly among a righteous
people, just as corrupt people cannot exist under just rulers and wise laws. Whatever
social and political environments we are in are products of men’s deliberate choice. As I
try to understand what he means, I think he must have realized how government and its
people should work together in building peace and harmony, as to our case today,
fighting the invisible enemy- the Corona Virus. The second sentence might also mean
that the leaders we choose will depicts the outcome of governance. Dr. Jose Rizal is a
role model to all especially leaders. He has a vision, a vision to change the injustices he
sees and hears. This must be present in all leaders today. No leader must live just for
himself. They have us, their constituents, their responsibility. They run for their position
to serve.

If Dr. Jose Rizal can lead the country, he will focus on having good governance.
This strategic approach might be excellent. This is because if you have good
governance, anything will follow, like literally. Your fellow leaders will be inspired to
serve their country with honesty, dignity, and purity. Corrupted thoughts will lessen; this
leads their attention to their constituents instead on their own. Subsidies, if
implemented, will be distributed fully to their people. Health Programs will be well
funded as leaders will realize what is more important, and that is the safety and health
of its people. People, most importantly will support the government. Each and every one
will see how much they are being taken care of. The Anti-Corruption policies that we
have right now might be strengthen as they are under the leader who is incorruptible. A
great leader who serves with his heart out.

Through his writings, he has contributed a lot in freeing our country from
Spaniards, how much more if he leads our country today with the freedom to do so. We
could have come up a better solution with a high possibility of fulfilling it since all the
leaders care for their people. Some of less fortunate citizens’ life could be better if they
are being taken care of by their leaders.

With this idealism of having good governance that Dr. Jose Rizal has taught us in
controlling the spread of Corona Virus, the policies implemented could be more efficient.
It may not directly help to come up with a vaccine to totally stop the Corona Virus, this is
still much better than having leaders who just think for themselves for the reason that
they too are in danger because of the virus.

Having Dr. Jose Rizal to guide and lead us today in fighting the virus may be
impossible to happen. However, we can still do something to make our governance be
better. Make our leaders to see the bigger picture in being serious with helping its
people. Not only could they save themselves from the virus but as well as his beloved
citizens, by using Dr. Jose Rizal’s lessons and principles, the only ones left for our
leaders to use as guidance overcoming this crisis.

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