Online Disaster Report Management System

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Online Disaster Report Management System

Disaster Organizations has an increasing need for an online report management system
as the desire for reliable, accessibility of information and generate report easily. Most
disasters organization generates report of disasters manually. Report of disaster in Addis
Ababa fire service is being carried out manually since the beginning of the organization.
This method is also dominant in other disasters organization. Therefore, with the
growing of modern computer technology, disasters management organizations need to
embrace the technology in order to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out
their activities.

Online disaster report and management system is a web based application that enables
organization to observe, analyze, and store information of disasters. The system is
basically design to benefit modern technology to standardize, organize and manage the
data and information about fire disasters. Most of the fire service stations in this century
most especially our case study, their current system of storing information is not a
computerize system all their works are done manually. In the current work is very
difficult, because each and every record is writing into a book, deletion, changes etc. so
this research work is carried out in other to realize this, it aims at making it possible to
reach the data quickly during and after a disaster. The frequency and therefore the risk
of the last decades, parallel to and generated by the development of communities with
the advancement of human civilization, fire disaster has been a prime concern.
Therefore, with the growing of modern computer technology, fire service stations most
especially Addis Ababa fire service as (case study) needs to embrace and properly utilize
this technology in order to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in their activities.

Computerized System for Immigration Service

The immigration department of the Federal Government is saddled among other things
with the task of regulating the entry and exit of persons or the movement of people into
and out of Ethiopia. It is also entrusted with the task of issuing international traveling
passport to eligible Ethiopians. This study focused on the review of the manual mode of
operations at some of the sections, namely the control section, the administration and
passport section with a view to computerize their activities.

A computerized information system has been developed to facilitate storage and

retrieval of information. Furthermore the adequate keepings of records of immigrants
entering or leaving Ethiopia and finally prints of the individuals involve are the
provisional offers of the computerized system. All these measures are geared towards
improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the immigration department.

The unity and mutual understanding reigning amongst the countries of the world today
has encouraged the free movement of people all over the world. Such people visits
countries of their choice based on their interest many people travel to other countries for
business transaction, tourism, education, diplomatic and political purpose and other
miscellaneous reasons.

Despite the understanding existing amongst countries, intending visitors to any country
are expected to have sought the mandate of the government of that country through the
embassy or accredited representatives of the country based on his/her own country. The
immigration department therefore, is the official government agency responsible for
taking care of the interest of intending immigrants or immigrants already residing in the
country for monitoring and regulating the entry and exit of immigration into or out of
their country.

The immigration Department in Ethiopia established after the promulgation of the

immigration act are responsible for examining and interrogating any person wishing to
enter or leave Ethiopia through air or land, more so, the person’s baggage are searched
to identify what he/she is travelling with.

The control section in the in the immigration department is saddled with the task of
approving signed documents for travelling. The administration section deals with the
documenting, processing and storage of traveler’s document for future references. The
passport in the immigration department is saddled with the task of passport
photographs. Filling of the acquired forms and forwarding of the forms to the control
section where it will be approved and sign.

The design of an immigration information system involves a situation whereby all the
activities and procedures carried out before an immigrant/emigrant will be credited is
processed with the aid of the computer it requires a computer statement of immigration
program since the computer can do virtually nothing without a workable computer
program. The program contains all the immigration form by a particular

Computerized Standard Appraisal System for Pharmaceutical Products

In Ethiopia, National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control has the
mandate to regulate and control the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution,
advertisement, sale and use of Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, Medical Devices, Chemical,
Packaged Water and other drinks. This project work researched into the procedures and
criteria involved in the appraisal of pharmaceutical products.

Drugs and other pharmaceutical products are specialized commodities to be used in

critical situations. As such, quality of such products must be assured at all times. This is
where a computerized appraisal system for pharmaceutical products comes to play.

This project work helps the Agency achieve their aim with ease. This design is more
accurate and reliable it will try to bring in techniques of modern operations into the
computerization of the pharmaceutical products appraisal. Due to inevitable constraints,
this work is restricted to a particular product in terms of the program design.

The search for excellences begins with a search for what one needs to achieve one’s
personal best, the search ahs led to discovery of many tools to improve human
efficiency. Computer invention leads this class. Since the advent in the mid 40’s the
problem has become how to use computer truly for human endeavour. Initially, it was
used as guides towards improving administrative performances, today the shift is on the
side of the computer making decision and improving operation performance directly.
Since in the decision making, computer approach was enhanced with advancement in
operation research management science, quantitative techniques in solving modern day
problem using computers.

Decisions are basically made daily on raw materials inventory engineering spare parts,
procurement and contend if personal etc. these decisions are supposed to be made from
the interpretation of processed data. This is however, not usually the case.

Some operations like job sequencing on machines, potency test on things at regular
intervals, careful monitoring of inventory level, efficient scheduling of machine
maintenance requires computer aids for good productivity. This is unfortunately lacking.
Considering pharmaceutical products in relation to the National Agency for food and
Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), information storage and retrieval with
adequate, processing and the base of their work flow information on drug and the nature
of such drug attracts importance more than every other operation.


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