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Site Title: Accounting Information Systems, 9/e Summary of Results

Book's Title: Accounting Information Systems
30% Correct of 10 items:
Book's Author: Romney 3 correct: 30%
Location on Site: Home > Study Guide > Data Modeling and Database 7 incorrect: 70%
Design > Multiple Choice
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Date/Time July 16, 2020 at 6:54 AM (UTC/GMT)

1. REA data modeling focuses on:

Your Answer: Identifying the entities that should be included in the database.
Correct Answer: Three of the above

Incorrect. While this is a correct statement, it is not the only correct statement.

2. Where is information about business events best obtained?

Your Answer: From interviews with management


3. What is cardinality?

Your Answer: An indication of the fields which create a link between two tables
Correct Answer: An indication of how many occurrences of one entity in a relationship can be linked
to a single occurrence of the other entity in the relationship

Incorrect. While cardinalities are built upon the keys that create the relationships, it is not an
indication of the fields. Rather, it addresses the degree and direction of the relationship.

4. Joe and Janet operate an Internet service company to provide Internet access to their customers. As
each customer sets up an account with the company, they receive a login ID and password. All
customers in the database have accounts. Each customer is only allowed one account. However,
customers can pay an additional fee to get additional login IDs and passwords on their account.
However, only one connection will be given to an account at a time. As the business grows, Joe and
Janet have added additional modems. The modems are recorded in the database before they are
placed in service. Each modem can take only one call at a time. A partial diagram of this portion of
their business follows.

What is the maximum cardinality between "give connection" and "account?"

Your Answer: Give connection (1)-(1) account

Correct Answer: Give connection (1)-(n) account

Incorrect. One account will be allowed to be associated with many occurrences of connection.
5. Based on the diagrams in question 4, what are the minimum cardinalities between "modem" and "give

Your Answer: Modem (1)-(0) give connection

Correct Answer: Modem (0)-(1) give connection

Incorrect. An instance of modem can exist before it is used in a connection.

6. Based on the diagrams in question 4, what are the cardinalities between "account" and "customer"?

Your Answer: Account (1,1) and (0,n) customer

Correct Answer: None of the above

Incorrect. Each customer must have an account.

7. Which of the following elements of an REA data model does not necessarily generate a relational

Your Answer: One to many relationships


8. Multi-attribute primary keys are called:

Your Answer: Concatenated keys


9. The typical relationship between Sales Order and Inventory would be:

Your Answer: Sales order (1,m)-(0,1) inventory

Correct Answer: Sales order (1,m)-(0,m) inventory

Incorrect. An inventory item may be associated with zero or many sales orders.

10. Business policies are specified in the:

Your Answer: Events

Correct Answer: Cardinalities


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