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Summers- A Time Lapse

Gone are those days when I was just happy with a chocobar and my teddy bear. Childhood summers
were all about—late mornings (nothing changed here though), delicacies, naani-ghar (grandma’s
place), putting up covers to the new books and bidding goodbye to the old ones, a break we wish
was never ending but went in a blink of an eye. Everyone dreams, coz what is a life without a dream?
Every summer was a dream to transform into a new version of myself, inculcate good habits, inspire
from different people you come across and try to become “them” but as and when I went through
this journey, I realised that unlike becoming someone else; it’s all about becoming a new “you.” It
was the only time I used to retrospect, in those highly inflated MBA terms, do my very own SWOT
analysis, where assumptions were unrealistic and the strategies barely sustained till the next
summer and yet again a new SWOT is ready!

I dreamt of being a dancer, a teacher, a chef, a make-up artist (dreaming even today), a motivational
speaker and what not, all influenced from TV shows I watched, I wanted to do every single thing that
existed in this world. Meanwhile, in every 365 days, I changed, everyone does, as change is the only
constant in life. I learn life lessons every-time I come across something new and the only thing I was
taught and I firmly believe is no one in this world is inferior, there is always that every person on this
earth can teach you, be it Bill gates or a street worker, every job is equal and every person is
uniquely constructed with different experiences. Simply put, their experiences are my notes to add
and may be vice versa, if you believe it too!

So, in these few sentences above itself, I see a change, rather a complete transformation in lives of
people with technology, it unequivocally played a major role in bringing about this change in my life.
Summers are a moment to cherish for the lifetime. It did change for me with every passing year with
the new people I met and the constants who helped me grow. It was a new revision of me as a
person, my thoughts and expectations.

It changed from “Mom, please get me this” to “Mom, I will buy this for you soon.”

It changed from listening to grandma’s stories and understanding Dad’s real-life stories.

It changed from "Hi, how are you?” to “Hey, Wassup/Sup.”

It changed from complete trust to painful smiles.

It changed from we’ll all be the same to everyone changes.

It changed from unrealistic expectations to realistic targets.

It has changed from the simple “Hi, I am Prerna” to “tell me about yourself.”

It has changed from learning how to sell things to learning how to sell yourself in interviews.

It has changed from kitchen- kitchen to parties and now to lock down.

Ergo, now the only hope is to change for the better and keep the eyes of the mind open to never
lose sight of the world, most importantly, never of yourself.

“Cause a little bit of summer is what the whole year is all about.”

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