Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Table of Contents
LO1: Scope and objectives of HRM for resourcing Lloyds Bank PLC with talents and skills. 4
Lloyds Bank PLC overview...................................................................................................4
P1: Purpose and function of HRM for planning and for resourcing the workforce...............4
P2: What are the strength and the weakness of recruitment and the section approach of
Lloyds Bank PLC?.................................................................................................................6
LO2: Effectiveness of key elements of HRM in Lloyds Bank PLC..........................................8
P3: Advantages of different Human Resource Management practices within Lloyds Bank
PLC for both the employee and the employer.......................................................................8
P4: Effectiveness of HRM practices for raising the profit and the productivity of Lloyds
Bank PLC...............................................................................................................................9
LO3: Internal and external aspects that influence HRM decision making, including the
employment legislation............................................................................................................10
P5: Employee relationship importance for HRM decision making of Lloyds Bank PLC...10
P6: Employments legislation elements and its influence on HRM decision making of
Lloyds Bank PLC.................................................................................................................10
LO4: Application of HRM practices within a work related context........................................12
P7: Application of HRM practices within a work related context with example for Lloyds
Bank PLC.............................................................................................................................12

This study analyse about the Human Resource Management of Lloyds Bank PLC. Human are
the lifeblood for an organisation. If Lloyds Bank PLC able to use its manpower properly then
it is easy for the organisation to achieve its goal. Human Resource Department of Lloyds
Bank PLC helps to use its manpower properly. This study discuss about the purpose and
function of HRM which is need for the planning and resourcing of workforce, what are the
strength and weakness of different types of recruitment approaches, what are the benefits of
HRM for both employee and employer, how HRM helps Lloyds Bank PLC to raise its profit
and the level of productivity. This study will also analyse about the significance of human
resource management and how it helps to take decision, what are the key employee
legislation and how it affects human resource management. And finally this study discuss
about is the application of human resource management within a context which is work

Part A
LO1: Scope and objectives of HRM for resourcing Lloyds Bank
PLC with talents and skills

Lloyds Bank PLC overview

This organisation is a banking and insurance service provider which is founded in 1765. This
is a public limited company which CEO is Antonio Horta-Osorio (2011-present) and
chairman is Lord Norman Blackwell. It is a UK based organisation which head office situated
in 25 Gresham Street, London, UK. Lloyds Banking Group is the parent organisation of
Lloyds Bank PLC and its subsidiary organisation are Lloyds Bank International Ltd and
Lloyds Bank (Gibraltar) Limited . Its operating income in 2016 is £17.5 billion, its profit is
£16.6 billion and total assets is £436 billion. Lloyds Bank PLC have 121000 employees of which
75000 work in the organisation in a regular basis (Lloydsbankinggroups, 2018). For the
success of Lloyds Bank PLC HRM plays an important role.

Figure: Lloyds Bank PLC

Source: Underconsideration (2013)

P1: Purpose and function of HRM for planning and for resourcing the
Human resource management is the process by which an organisation recruit, manage and
direct the employee (Jones and Martain, 2013). By this process organisation tries to
maximising the performance of the employee.

Figure: Human Resource Management
Source: Sapama (2012)

The purpose of HRM of Lloyds Bank PLC are:

Finding the right people: For achieving success Lloyds Bank PLC needs to find the right
people. Lloyds Bank PLC needs to find the people who can fit for the achievement of
organisational goal. With the right people it is difficult for Lloyds Bank PLC to achieve its
Use employee effectively: Lloyds Bank PLC needs to use its workforce effectively otherwise
the organisation cannot achieve success.
Employee engagement: Lloyds Bank PLC needs to ensure that its employee works at their
Promote organisation culture: Lloyds Bank PLC needs to promote such a culture in the
organisation in which everyone feel comfortable to work. HRM does that for the
Comply with rules and regulation: HRM helps Lloyds Bank PLC to comply with the rules
and regulation of the country.

Function of Human Resource Management
Function of human resource management of Lloyds Bank PLC are:
Recruitment: By this process Lloyds Bank PLC appoint new employee in the employee in
the organisation,
Safety: Employee safety is one of the important things to maintain for every organisation.
Lloyds Bank PLC needs ensure safety in workplace.
Employee relation: Lloyds Bank PLC needs to build a strong relations among employees. It
will help the organisation to reduce conflict among the employees.
Compensation and benefits: Lloyds Bank PLC needs to comply with standard
compensation rate and need to give extra benefits who work extraordinarily (Tench, 2010).
Compliance: Compliance with laws and regulation is very important for very important.
Lloyds Bank PLC needs to compliance with existing laws and regulation of UK.
Training and development: Not every employee who joint in the organisation is not skilled.
For this Lloyds Bank PLC needs to take training and development program for the employee.

P2: What are the strength and the weakness of recruitment and the section
approach of Lloyds Bank PLC?
Recruitment is the process by which an organisation analyse the need of a job, attract people
in that job, screening the employees and select, hire and finally accommodating the employee
in the organisation (Cruickshank, 2013). Selection is the process by which an organisation
choose among employees to whom to recruit (ESQ, 2015).

Figure: Recruitment and Selection

Source: Epmxtrack (2015)

The strength and the weakness of recruitment and the section approach of Lloyds Bank PLC
are: the recruitment and selection approach can be divided into two sources. That’s are
Internal sources: By using this sources Lloyds Bank PLC can finds its required employee
within the organisation. Some of the strength and weakness of internal sources are:
1) Lloyds Bank PLC can finds its employee more cheaply and quickly
2) Employee already know about the organisation and its operation
3) It’s an opportunity of promotion for the existing employee
1) It will limits the sum of applicants who is potential
2) It will stop the way of coming new idea in the organisation
3) For this three will be another vacancy is created
4) It may cause conflict among the existing employee
External source: If Lloyds Bank PLC chose its candidates from the outside of the
organisation then it is called external sources. Strength and weakness of this source are:
1) New idea come in the organisation
2) It will helps Lloyds Bank PLC to finds the best applicants
3) Candidates brings variety of experience
1) This is longer process than internal source
2) It will cost Lloyds Bank PLC more because of advertisement and taking interviews
3) Selector may choose the wrong candidate

LO2: Effectiveness of key elements of HRM in Lloyds Bank PLC

Figure: Key Elements of HRM

Source: KLIDare (2011)

P3: Advantages of different Human Resource Management practices

within Lloyds Bank PLC for both the employee and the employer.

Human resource management practices of Lloyds Bank PLC have benefits for employee as
well as employer. Employees benefits from HRM practices:
Conflict resolution: HRM department of Lloyds Bank PLC helps the organisation to build a
strong relation among employee and also with the management, and for it is easy for the
employee to stay away from conflict.
Training and development: Lloyds Bank PLC pays lots of money for the purpose of
employee training and development. This will help the employee acquire skill and talent.
Employee relation: Employee relation is very important for Lloyds Bank PLC and human
resource management of an organisation helps to construct this relationship (KARAKAS and
SAHİN, 2017).
Information source: HRM is information source for the employees of Lloyds Bank PLC.
Because by this the employee knows about the job, company, benefits and other related

Employer benefits of human resource management of Lloyds Bank PLC;
Organisational culture: Organisational culture of Lloyds Bank PLC is the way by which the
organisation operates. HRM helps the organisation to maintain and develop organisational
culture within the organisation.
Planning for change: In this rapid changing world employee come in the organisation and
go. It is the HRM department of Lloyds Bank PLC which helps the organisation to copy
with that change.
Training and development: By training and development Lloyds Bank PLC can skilled its
worker in order to obtain the organisational goal (Watson, 2016).
Safety: Ensuring the safety of employees who is work in Lloyds Bank PLC is very important.
Because if the employee do not feel safe then the employee cannot work properly. HRM
helps the organisation of how to maintain safety in the workplace.
Recruitment: Lloyds Bank PLC need recruitment to maintain its operation. HRM
department of an organisation helps the organisation by making the recruitment available
whenever its wants.

P4: Effectiveness of HRM practices for raising the profit and the
productivity of Lloyds Bank PLC
Lloyds Bank PLC operates business in order to earn profit. An organisation can earn profit by
increasing its productivity. HRM practices help an organisation to raise the profit and the
productivity. The effectiveness of HRM practices are:
Training and development: Training and developments program of HRM helps the
employee to increase performance, and if the performance of Lloyds Bank PLC employees is
increased then it will also increase the profit and productivity of the organisation.
Motivation: Motivation is the process by which an organisation encourage its employee
(Ross, 2017). If the employee of Lloyds Bank PLC is motivated then the employee will work
more effectively and it will increase profit and the productivity of that organisation. HRM
helps to motivate the employees.
Remuneration and benefits: If the employee of Lloyds Bank PLC is getting the proper
compensation and also gets benefit for good work, it affect the employee to work effectively
for increasing profit and the productivity.
Organisational culture: HRM helps Lloyds Bank PLC to increase its organisational culture.
If the organisational culture of an organisation is good then it definitely help to increase
productivity and also profit.
Employee relation: If the relationship among employees and management of Lloyds Bank
PLC is good then it will help to reduce conflict and that will eventually led to increase profit
and also the productivity. HRM helps to improve employee relationship.

LO3: Internal and external aspects that influence HRM decision
making, including the employment legislation.

P5: Employee relationship importance for HRM decision making of Lloyds

Bank PLC
Building up an employee good relationship with other employee and also with the
management is very important for Lloyds Bank PLC in order achieve goals (Krishnan, 2011).
Some of employee relationship importance are:
Productivity: If the relationship among employee of Lloyds Bank PLC is strong then it will
help to raise productivity, which help the organisation to take a proper HRM decision
Employee loyalty: Strong employee relation creates the employee loyal. If the employee of
Lloyds Bank PLC are loyal it made HRM decision making easy.
Conflict resolution: For conflict resolution, employee elation plays an important role.
Wherever the relation among employee is good there conflict is lower which help Lloyds
Bank PLC to make good HRM decision.
Achieving goals: Strong employee relation made it easy for Lloyds Bank PLC achieve its
goal. And HRM make sure to make the best use of employee relation to achieve
organisational goal.
Communicate effectively: Good employee relation helps Lloyds Bank PLC to communicate
with its employee effectively. Which will eventually help HRM decision making.

P6: Employments legislation elements and its influence on HRM decision

making of Lloyds Bank PLC
Employments legislation is the process by which government impose protection measure for
the employees (Pearce-Crump, 2012). Lloyds Bank PLC needs to copy with all employments
legislation in UK. Employments legislation also affect the decision making process of HRM.

Figure: Employments Legislation

Source: European Local (2016)

Some key employments legislation elements are:

Employments Right Act: In UK employments right act was passed in 1996. In 18 C of this
act explains employments rights. Lloyds Bank PLC needs to copy with this law to take any
human resource management decision.
Work hour and minimum wage: In UK average maximum work hour a week is 48 hour
and minimum wage per hour is £7.83 according to national minimum wage rates 2018. For taking
HRM decision Lloyds Bank PLC needs to consider that (Belman, and Wolfson, 2014).
Equality and Human Rights Commission: Equality and Human Rights Commission was
founded in October 1, 2007. This commission works for the person who are disable. Lloyds
Bank PLC needs to treat disable person equal to the normal person.

Part B
LO4: Application of HRM practices within a work related context

P7: Application of HRM practices within a work related context with

example for Lloyds Bank PLC.

Lloyds Bank PLC

25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN, UK

Job Description
Job Title: Staff relation manger
Location: 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN, UK
Responsible to: Staff relation manager needs to create strong relation among staff to reduce
conflict and maintain a good working condition.
Purpose statements: This post is important post for obtaining organisational goal. This type
of manager must fulfil the organisation desire and cannot take any leave without permission.
Key accountabilities: The manager must able to create a strong relationship among staff and
create a proper working condition for the staff.

Job Specification
Qualification: Candidates need to be graduated from any famous university in HRM.
Experience: Previous experience is not necessary
Abilities, personal attributes, skills, knowledge, behaviours and competences: The
candidates must have excellent reading, writing and speaking skill of English, Spanish and
other languages. The candidates must have the ability of taking pressure, and need to possess
a good behaviour.
Training: The candidates might have been taking training form a HRM institute or any other
Lloyds Bank Plc interview preparation notes, criteria of selection and interview decision of
the 3 candidates.
The three selected candidate table of interview

No. Description Candidates 1 Candidates 2 Candidates 3

1 Education Graduate Post Graduate Post Graduate
2 Experience No Yes No
3 Training Yes Yes No
4 Graduates HRM Graduate HRM Post- HRM Graduate
5 Language proficiency Excellent in Fluent in other Know 3
Spanish and language also languages
6 ICT Knowledge Poor Skilled Know how to
use computer
7 Behaviours Good Good Bad
8 Personality Smart Very smart Good
9 Knowledge of staff Good Very good Bad
10 Cleanliness and fitness Clean Clean and fit clean
11 Communication skill Bad Best Good
12 Ability to take pressure Unable Able Able

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Garry Allen
Address: unit3, George Edgar Buildings, Bath Street, England, BA1 2FJ
Phone: +44 030 2538 7695
Personal Profile
I am a very hard working person, I am good at human resource management service. I want
to use all my expertise in Lloyds Bank Plc.
Educational Qualification

Degree University Year International Manchester Metropolitan 2013-2014
Human Resource University
Managements Human Resource University of Hertfordshire 2014-2015
M.Sc. in Strategic Human London university 2016-2017
Resource management

Work Experiences
Designation: N/A
Extracurricular activities
1) College cricket team captain
2) Leader of college annual picnic
3) University debating club member
4) Taught English in a primary school in Indonesia
Language: Excellent reading, writing and speaking ability in English, Spanish and other
Communication skill: Very good
Computer: Knows almost all program
Education interest: HRM, business case, business plan and other

Lloyds Bank PLC selected candidate 2 for the post of staff relation manager. So the job offer
letter of candidate 2 given below:

Lloyds Bank PLC

25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN, UK
Appointment Letter
Dear candidate 2,
It is a privilege for me to offer the post of staff relation manager to you in Lloyds Bank PLC.
Lloyds Bank PLC thinks that you are a valuable asset for the organisation by evaluating your
Job Description
 Basic salary £110000 annually
 Two double rate bonus
 Extra benefits for outstanding work
 Candidate must at least one year with the organisation
 You must obey organisational legislation
If you accept our offer you need to send your acceptance email within 10th February, 2018.
Cell address: 00 44 2312 463978
HR manager
Human Resource Management Department
Lloyds Bank PLC
The process which is followed by Lloyds Bank PLC to recruit staff relation manager is very
useful to find out resourceful candidate. Lloyds Bank PLC at first give job circular, then the
organisation give information about the job to the candidate. Then taking interviews of
selected candidate and by this Lloyds Bank PLC select the most suitable candidate and finally
offer the candidate of that job. That is why the process used by Lloyds Bank PLC is very

This study discuss about the human resource management of Lloyds Bank PLC. At first it
discuss about the history of Lloyds Bank PLC. Human is the lifeblood of Lloyds Bank PLC
to success. Without using this resource properly no organisation can achieve success. For
using manpower properly Lloyds Bank PLC need to know about its purpose, function,
strength, weakness. What benefit it will provide to the employee and employer, how it help to
raise profit and the productivity. Lloyds Bank PLC should also know about employee relation
importance and employments legislation. And finally the process of recruiting an employee
in the organisation. All of these are discussed in this study.

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