Phcl-102 Philosophical Questions Assignment 1 ID: 10735739: University of Ghana

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ID: 10735739

Philosophy in the view of Kwame Gyekye is fundamentally a rational, reproving and

systematic inquiry into the fundamental ideas underlying human intentions, experience and

conduct. It is a hypothetical response to the basic problems that arise in any given

society at a given era. Philosophy, and its goals introduces us to reasons why we ought

to be fit and also get the capacity to criticize each other objectively and regularly try

finding fault in ones own actions and motives what. Try to persuade the nature, purpose

and methods of philosophical enterprise to get rid of misconceptions about it; to examine

the carrier of this enterprise from the perspective of its role in the affairs of human

generally. The nature of philosophy struggles with problems which cannot be solved by

factual or empirical method. Also, it is essentially concerned with the critical inquiry into

the most basic of our ideas or assumptions. Philosophical speculations are generated by


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