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Ji. SILIWANGI Kp. Rawa Panjang No.110 RT 003 PT. AVER ASIA INVOICE RW 004 Sepanjang Jaya, rawa Lumbu Kota Bekasi | Date 18 Maret 2020 Jawa Barat SPK No Invoice No: 139/SIP/I11/2020 NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1 | Pengiriman : Unit 4101 J Dari Workshop Bekasi Ke Cikarang tg. 23-07-2019 Rp. 3.500.000 1D0-22019070044 2 | Pengiriman : Unit $033 U Dari Workshop Bekasi Ke Cikarang tl 31-07-2019 Rp. 3.500.000 0-22019080004 QO | Peniriman uni 3622 By Dari Karawang Barat ke Workshop Bekssiig27-09-2019 Rp. 3.500.000 C1-220199090083 4 | Peogisiman: Unit 7010 U Dati Karawang Barat ke Workshop Bekasi gl 28-09-2019 Rp. 3.500.000 1220190990081 S| Pengisiman : Unit 6065 U Dati Workshop Bekasi ke Cirebon tal. 29-09-2019 Rp 8.500.000 D0-22019090050 6 | Pengiriman : Unit 6087 U Dari Karawang ke Workshop Beka tg 01-10-2019 Rp. 3.500.000 (C1-22019050085 7 | Pengiriman : Unit 36028 3692 5 Rp. 4.000.000 Dari Sudirman ke Workshop Bekas il 01-10-2019 CL-220190 8 | Pengiriman: Unit 125-1062 Rp. 14.000.000 Dari Workshop baru Bekasi ke Cilamaya tg.23-10-2019 5-D0-M22019100006 Terbilang : Empat Pulul Tujuh Juta Lima Ratus Dua Subiotal Rp. 100000 Pulul Ribu Rupiah PPN 10% Rp. 4.400.000 PPHDS (+ _Rp._ 880.000 Pembayaran ditransfer ke : Grand Total_+ Rp. 47-520.000,- Bank Mandiri Approved : a.m : PI.SHANDA JAVA PRIMA 155 000 4433 424 Ie. Indra Eka Putra DirekturUtama SOBRE TINEA! DELIVERY ORDER DO-22019070044 174 SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD #02-01 SINGAPORE 058704 Indonesia 058704 Worksite PT UNILEVER JABABEKA Tel: +6591091687 Indonesia Salesman RANo. Date PO. Teams Najib RAAAO7/19/00090 23/07/2019 1501164836 30 DAYS S]No_ Machine No. Capacity _ Description Start Date RentalType Agreed Rep ‘Transport Value Charges 1 40W 20M = Z-62/40 23/07/2019 Day 2,250,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 S/N : 7620-259 2 OPERATOR.O4 COPERATOR-SAEFUDIN KUMALA, 23/07/2019 Day 0.00 0.00 Contact : AGUNG ZENITHYA +62 8118073638 Delivery Date\Time : 23/07/19 Remarks We hereby accept the terms and condtion of rental PT Aver Asia agreement & acknowledge receipt of the mentioned equipment Customer Signature & Stamp Date Name & Contact, PRAVERASIA Secatty, Received By, Sank Company Same ‘Sen Company Sama Sqn Etonpany same PTIRAWAN PRIMA UTAMA DELIVERY ORDER DO-22019080004 JLPAHLAWAN NO 99 CITEUREUP SENTUL BOGOR Indonesia Indonesia Worksite PT PINDO DELLI I KIIC Tel: 02187952872 Indonesia Salesman RANo. Date PO Terms ‘Awaludin RAAA/O8/19/00006 01/08/2019 29044/116/PD 100-00/V1I/2019__-30 DAYS S/No Machine No. Capacity Description Start Date Rental Type Agreed Rep Transport Value Charges 1 5033u 20M —$-60 01/08/2019 Month 1,500,000,00000 9,000,000.00 S/N: $6006-13296 2 OPERATOR-91 (OPERATOR -JEKI WUAYA 01/08/2019 Month 0.00 0.00 Contact : MR CHANDRA 0813-7593-4293 Delivery Date\Time 01/08/19 Remarks WWe hereby accept the terms and condtion of rental PT Aver Asia agreement & acknowledge receipt of the mentioned equipment Customer Signature & Stamp Date Name & Contact, \ | Bis avef agia ff PT. Aver Asia ie inate Age Me as tc) wmmaveriacom —— Gua.tnan nape sie teh A baa toe oak Fee tS Delivery Order27718 1: Driver Name = \arauronnty Saiacree security, Received By, Sane conpany sa Takoma EQUIPMENT RETURN CL-22019090053 PT DENKI ENGINEERING Worksite JI. Jend Sudirman Km.32 No.18A, Kayuringin Jaya PT HIRUTA KIIC KARAWANG Bekasi Selatan, Jawa Barat Indonesia Tel: +62 21 885 0852 Indonesia Salesman RA No, Date PO Terms Najib RAAA/O7/19/00083 19/09/19 PO/2019/E-073/003 30 DAYS 3/No Machine No. Capacity Description Return Date Rental Type Agreed Rep Transport Value Charges 1 362280 16M «45/251 DC 19/09/19 Month '875,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 S/N: 245250-1372 ntact : DIAN 3.6 ae cient — ais) | teeter ree eas Delivery Order 27726 TWlokeopbusay] — Seeitene toe PRAVERASTA security, Received By, 4 Sera Comean same Tyne conpa Sam Tana Conpany sam PT CITYNEONINDO INDAH MURNI JALAN PERDANA KAV K NO 143, IELAMBAR- JAKARTA BARAT indonesia EQUIPMENT RETURN CL-22019090048 Worksite SENTRA BRI, JL JENDSUDIRMAN NO KAV 44-46, RT.14/RW.1 BENDLHILIR, TANAH ABANG, KOTA JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT DKI JAKARTA 10210 Tel : +628971637936 Indonesia Salesman RA No. Date PO. Terms Najib RAAA/OS/19/00086 __ 29/09/19 27679 cop 3/No Machine No. Capacity Description Return Date Rental Type Agreed Rep Transport Value Charges 13602). —«16M_~—«Z-45/25) RT 29/08/19 Week '875,000,000.00 6 000,000.00 S/N : 2452515D-606 2 OPERATOR. OPERATOR - IRI KUSMANA 29/09/19 Week 0.00 0.00 104 ntact : +62897 1637936 Collection Date\Time : 29/09/19 Remarks : ‘(Me hereby accept the terms and condition of rental PT Aver Asia agreement & acknowledge receipt of the mentioned equipment Customer Signature & Stamp Date Name & Contact CU - 22614) 09 0055 ay avet-atia aU PT. Aver Asia nina oN 8.558 ‘Sees oh testi er atone iit ue tan eer nat bate at ee Gt Delivery Order27727 “holier vous | Sane” “Sappagec” Date O11 = 1 Time security, Roceived By, yi ‘ak Company Samp ‘Tan Company Same Sane Companys DELIVERY ORDER Date : Wednesday,23/October/19 CUSTOMER ADDRESS PT BERLIAN AMAL PERKASA JLTB SIMATUPANG KAV.36 RT 002 RW 002, GD SOVEREIGN PLAZA, LT.16 UNIT D-E Gilandak, Jakarta Selatan 12430 D/O No. : S-DO-M22019100006 Salesman: Iwan Aprianta DELIVER TO JLTB SIMATUPANG KAV.36 RT 002 RW 002, GD SOVEREIGN PLAZA, LT.16 UNIT D-€ Indonesia Indonesia, CONTACT PERSON SOTA KIYOSHI Tel :021 2940 0320/ 0811 8253 981 Delivery Date & Time 23/10/19 item QTY DESCRIPTION OF GOODS REMARKS UNIT SX-125 XC (NEW) Serial No SX125D-1062 County Of Origin : CHINA YOM 22019 Remark Customer's Order No. : [MWe acknowledge having reveived goods as described above in good order and condition Authorized Signature & Company Stamp for PT Aver Asia Indonesia Page 1 of 5 -Pe-m209 100006 1G MR avet aiia a PT. Aver Asia aman tn et Da 18.5852 No ey OO ee Mat sing 059 aa ng a SST te Spelman bss ge ets mmversiicom Ga nar Mapes ee ete pe Sef Delivery Order27730 ™ AiLamaya aoe Date 22> i security, Received ay, ak Sian Company Same ‘Sane Company Samp Stora Same

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