Perfectoe: by Ian Wijanarko

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By Ian Wijanarko


The inspiration of how I created this Perfectoe App came up accidentaly. I woke up someday dan started
remembering about the game in my childhood called Tic Tac Toe. At that time, I asked myself: is it
possible to predict the outcome of this game without anykind of forcing ? And that was the beginning of
the making of this Perfectoe App.

This app is created to predict the outcome of 276 possibilities.

The Set up :

• Turn off your Android phone’s screen lock (fingerprint, password, etc).

• Activate the Perfectoe App then lock your Android Phone (turn off the screen).

• Prepare a piece of paper and stationery to play the tic tac toe game.

• Write “PERFECTOE” (or any words) in that piece of paper so we would know the orientation of
the paper and would not be able to change it.

• Play the game.

The original routine :

• Ask the spectator to hold your Android Phone

• Write “PERFECTOE” (or any words) in that piece of paper so we would know the orientation of
the paper and would not be able to change it.

• Make a 3x3 square

• Play the Tic Tac Toe. The result could be a tie or someone wins.

• Ask the spectator to open your Android Phone to see that there is a picture exactly the same
with the result of the game.

The method :
After the game is played, which can be a tie or someone wins, the spectator will swipe up the android
phone to open it, which then appear to be locked. The screen will show dots that must be filled.

The first dot has to be filled with the number odd or even, depending on which sign (O or x) is fewer.
If X is fewer, fill the first dot with any odd number (1,3,5,7,9)

If O is fewer, fill the first dot with any even number (0,2,4,6,8)

The next 4 dots are filled with numbers according to the position of a fewer signs. These positions can be
seen as below :

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Example :

(1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
(7) (8) (9)

The above result will be filled with 42349

As soon as the spectator filled those numbers, the android phone will display a picture exactly the same
with the game result !

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