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Domestic Chores

No matter what country or cul~e yo~ are from, housew ork is always a
necessity. But the divisi~~ ~~~ ~ese tasks vary from culture to culture, and have
change d over time.
Each family has its own rules of cleaning. There are a lot of families where
only mother is doing housew ork .I think this is not correct. I like when the whole
family gathers together and cleans the house. It is a help for each other and so it
takes less time for work. You can discuss interesting topics, turn on the radio and
dance to the song. To my mind it is fun.
Many children in our country have some responsibilities around the house. I'm
sure that in many other countries too. Some childre n are not happy about this
because simply watching TV or playing compu ter games could be much more fun.
From the other hand, it is important for every person to have at least some
responsibilities. As for me, I have my own househol~ chor~s, as well as other
members of my family.
My family is conte mpo~ when it comes to the divis~9_n of labor in their
household. My parents always work so I clean the house during the week.
Once a week, on Sundays my parents give the flat a more serious cleaning. There
is a lot of work to do: dusting the furniture, ironing the clothes, sweepi ng the floor,
clearing out the bathroom and thelafu hen-:1 am ousy with vaciu.nn-clean ing the
,carpets in o~e<k ooms and cleaning the ·mirrors. My younger -sisters just scatter
toys and things. It is difficult to get them to clean up in room.
I don't have to cook any food because my mum and granny do that and they
really enjoy cooking. I just sometimes help them and lay the table. Once or twice a
week my mothe! as~ me to go sh~ppin~ to 1!1e -~earest food supermarket.
I hope that when I have my own family, togethe r we will clean the house and it
will not cause difficulties. I want my future family to look like a family of my
parents. Our family lives in harmony and respect. Unfortunately, many family
conflicts arise during cleaning. It is good that we just unite and spend time with a
good and friendly atmosphere.

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