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Unit1 Public Administration Meaning, Nature and Scope and Importance

Unit2 Nature and Typologies of Organisation

Unit3 Development and Growth of Administrative Theories
Unit4 Scientific Management Approach
Unit5 Administrative Management Approach
UUnit6 Max Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy
Unit7 Critique of Bureaucracy
Unit8 Human Relations Approach
Unit9 Views of Herbert A. Simon on DecisoinMaking in an Organisation
Unit10 Organisational Structure, Processes and Functioning
Unit11 SocioPsychological Approach: Views of Chris Argyris
Unit12 SocioPsychological Approach: Views of Abraham Maslow and Frederick Herzberg
Unit13 SocioPsychological Approach: Views of Doughlas Mcgregor and Victor Vroom
Unit14 Open and Cooperative Systems
Unit15 Systems Approach: Views of David Easton and Chester Barnard
Unit16 Concept of Learning Organisation
Unit17 New Organisational Culture
Unit18 New Public Administration
Unit19 Perspective of Public Choice
Unit20 Pertinence of Critical Theory

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