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INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 1 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE (Text Book for Acupuncture Course of Tamilnadu Open University ) Compiled in Tamil by Healer. A. Umar Farook M.Acu., D.Ed(Acu) Translation by Healer. C. Natarajan M.Acu., Advisory Board Healer. Bose K. Mohamed Meera M.Acu., D.Ed(Acu) Healer. P.V. Devarajan M.Acu., D.Ed(Acu) Healer. P.M. Umar Farook M.Acu., D.Ed(Acu) qiza 2 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE First Edition: Feb 2010 Revised Edition: October 2011 Rs. 150 (Without Charts) Rs. 300 (With 36” x 12” Charts) Acupuncture is a unique method of treatment. No one can patent it. Anybody can use any part of this book to the need of humanity with prior intimation to us. Printed by: Sneha Printers, Deepam Complex, Sattur. Publishers : PUTHUYIR PUBLISHERS No : 14, New Bus Stand, CUMBUM. Theni Dt. 625 516 E-mail : drumarfarook @ INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 3 DEDICATION Gratefully dedicated to Dr. FAZLUR RAHMAN pss Dv MD PID (Acu) ( Father of Indian Acupuncture ) Editor : Health Time To him hiding wisdom as Trade Secret is against the Divine Law. He has been teaching all the wisdom realised by him towards the welfare of the Humanity. 4 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 5 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE I HISTORY & PHILOSOPHIES OF ACUPUNCTURE I BASIC ANATOMY & ACUPUNCTURE PHYSIOLOGY APPLIED ACUPUNCTURE IV APPENDIX 6 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 7 a Preface to the First Edition NEED OF THIS BOOK There are already so many books available on Acupuncture. A good number of books are there on identification of meridians and acu points. Then a question, what is the need of this book may arise to everyone of you. To get the answer, you have to understand the status of Acupuncture Healers of the day. We can realise the following factors from the History and Philosophies of Acupuncture. 1. Acupuncture is a unique system of treatment based only on the life energy and not on any medicines or drugs. 2. There are no any diseases which cannot be cured by Acupuncture. 3. Dr. Wo Wei Ping, the Father of Acupuncture has declared and proved that ‘Ten thousand diseases that may come can be cured with the help of a single needle’. .. AS you go on reading these, some questions may arise, certainly will arise... Dl 8 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE a % How is it the Chinese Acupuncture practised and taught by a majority of acupuncturists is entirely different to these? * Is it not wrong to suggest medicines, drugs, herbals, supporting foods and tests while practising Acupuncture? o If the treatments followed today are wrong.... how to undertake the proper treatment? . the present book contains the correct answers to such of these questions. How was Acupuncture in India? s It was a method of treatment only to relieve from pains. v More than ten n eedles were used Drugs and medicines were used along with Chinese Acupuncture. . as such, Acupuncture has been practised in an absurd manner. Tamilnadu was aware that the coming of Dr Brothers has offered a new life to Acupuncture. Acupuncture philosophies originated in China were brought to practice in Tamilnadu. The entire medical field has | INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 9 | wonderstruck to see thousands were cured with the help of single needle. This ‘Acupuncture Revolution’ has given a death blow to the Allopathy medicine in Tamilnadu. Even after this, a majority of Acupuncturists have not given up their medical business. Only a very few follow the Indian Acupuncture. Only the knowledge of acu points is not sufficient to give the treatment. It is a must to know the natural function and the results of the malfunctioning of our body. What are all required for proper Acupuncture treatment alone are contained in this book. It will help you to understand Acupuncture on the footsteps of Dr. Brothers with the wisdom taught by them. With the basic desire to follow what is taught, study the lessons and follow with all sincerity. *K 10 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE ee The Necessary Foreword by Dr. FAZLUR RAHMAN MBBS DV MD PhD (Acu) To equip yourself before learning Acupuncture You are going to learn the powerful, true Acupuncture which has been practised from ancient times. Dear students, you might have the absurd notion that the Doctors must be great scholars and great genius, keeping themselves away for the common public. Now, the time has come to come out of this absurd notion. From today, everyone of you, the medical students, is going to learn the acupuncture. You should have the ambition of becoming the teachers exceeding the Modern medicine. With the first lesson you learn in Acupuncture itself you can upset the specialists of English medicine who studied for eight to ten years. It is the time to make bygone the days of studying MBBS for six years spending lakhs and lakhs of Rupees. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 11 a It is the precious thing to relieve the diseased. If this is made a business, it is highly against the Divine Law. Time has come to relieve the patients from the dreadful clutches of English medicine which is in the peak of this deceit. If you are going to study Acupuncture - the treasure, with the idea of making it a business you can be sure, you are going to be a failure. You cannot treat even a single patient. You may have to turn back to your previous status. But, you have the right to earn your wages in fair manner. It is good for you. Dear students, if you really wish to benefit out of it, you have to bear in mind that there is always a wisdom better than what is taught here. You shall always believe that someone else is having better knowledge than you. As and when you earn name and fame as a renowned practitioner you should never fail to share your knowledge with your fellowmen, because of your pride or ego. If you do so, you only are going to be the loser. Be God Fearing. Let Divine Path be yours. May God Bless You. Courtesy : Health Time, Sep 1998 12 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE ACUPUNCTURE History and philosophies INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 13 Birth of medicine systems Acupuncture is an ancient art of healing. The time when man started learning from Nature would have been the origin of Acupuncture. In the pursuit of individuals to help the diseased, different kinds of therapies have originated in the different parts of the Universe. Depending upon the circumstances and customs of various countries, different kinds of therapies have evolved. Purely depending on the lifestyles at different places, various types of therapies have originated in the beginning such as Siddha in Tamilnadu, Ayurveda in North India and Kerala, Unani in Persia, Acupuncture in China and Naturopathy in general. The inventions of great people who have understood nature have been continuing till modern days. In 18th century, Homeopathy originated in Germany and Magneto theraphy in Russia. After this, different therapies such as Bio chemistry, Floral medicine, Electro homeopathy associated with nature have evolved. In the initial stage, the therapies were based on lifestyles and later, the therapies were used in the days of diseases. All these therapies aimed to relieve man from diseases on the basis of realising nature. All the therapies existing till the invention of chemical medicines were basically treating the diseases depending on natural understanding. 14 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Every country claims that the Best Medicine System has originated only in its land. Actually various systems have originated individually in different countries. It is natural, that there shall be common features in various systems based on nature. As such, Siddha, Ayurveda and Unani Systems use the same kind of herbals. The systems which do not use medicines such as Varma, Acupuncture and Massage seem to be common. Every system has its own basic philosophies and method of treatment. The systems which follow their own philasophies in all their activities only are alive till today. History of Chinese_Acupuncture Chinese literature and life of people prove that China is the origin of Acupuncture. Features of Acupuncture are seen in the Taoist philosophies which are about 8000 years old. Many people of those days were aware of the relationship between man and nature. They were aware of the invisible flow of life energy and its importance. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 15 Fku-Hsi who lived on the bank of Yellow River, about 8000 years ago, studied nature and taught it others with symbols designed by him. These symbols representing nature were called Yin-Yang by the Chinese. Fku-Hsi tried to explain the Yin-Yang philosophy which is the backbone of Chinese lifestyle. He described the Yin-Yang philosophy in his book I-Ching. This book is referred to as the basis of Chinese philosophy and book of Acupuncture philosophy in the history of China. The Chinese consider 2697-2596 BC as the Golden Age of Acupuncture. Only during this period, Huang di who is known as Yellow Emperor shown interest in medicine systems. He had detailed discussions with his chief of physicians, Qi-Bo. Their discussions on medicine were preserved in the form of Question-Answers. Later, 16 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE during 206-204 BC they were published as a book in the name of Nei-Jing : The Yellow Emperor Classic of Internal Medicine. This book is considered to be the basic book of Acupuncture till today. Nei-Jing has got two major sections viz. 1. The Su-Wen and 2. Ling Shu. 1. The Su-Wen This section has 9 volumes and 81 chapters. This section explains Human Anatomy, Physiology, causes of diseases, symptoms of diseases, diagnostic methods, prevention of diseases, Yin-Yang and Five element philosophies, treatment methods, relationship between man and nature in the form of Question-Answers. 2. Ling Shu This section contains 81 chapters. This explains in detail, the Acupuncture energy meridians, Zang Fu - Cool and Warm organs, needles, characters of Acupuncture points, the method of point stimulation, vital energies and location of points. The people of Shong dynasty of INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 17 1000 BC, started using bones, stones and wooden pieces to stimulate acupuncture points. During 421-221 BC, the metal age of China, metal needles were designed. As per the evidences available silver and golden needles were used in 113 BC. As per the sources available, during this period Acupuncture was widely practised and there lived numerous acupuncturists. During this period only the notable book an Acupuncture ‘Non-Jing’ was published. This book consists of important sections such as Five-element philosophy, diagnostic methods, extra meridians. Huang Fu Mi, a famous acupuncturist of 260- 205 AD, compiled the ancient medicine literature and published the book ‘Systematic Classics of Acupuncture and Moxibustion’. This book explains in detail about the cool-warm organs, blood and vital energy, energy meridians, Acupuncture points and their functions in 12 sections. This is considered as an important book in the history of Chinese medicine. During the period 265-581 AD Acupuncture was followed as a popular method of treatment by the people of Zen, in North China and South China. Xu-Xi families were popular acupuncturists of this period. During this 18 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE period a good number of books and charts were published. Sui Dynasty of 581-618 AD and Tang Dynasty of 618-907 paved way to spread acupuncture in vast regions. Zhen Quan, the famous acupuncturist during 627-649 AD published Acupuncture books and charts with the support of Tang government. Sun Simio, another famous acupuncturist of the same period published the book ‘Thousand Gold for Emergencies”. During this period only Acupuncture rooted firmly and spread in the history of medicine. Various Acupuncture training centres and colleges emerged at this time. Then, the periods of two dynasties Song and Ming are considered to be important: “% Wang Weiyi of Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD), published a book in the name of ‘The Illustrated Manual of Acupuncture Points & Moxa’. % The Ming Dynasty (1568-1644 AD) extensively used acupuncture. During this time the popular acupuncture practitioner Wang Gendung published a detailed book on acupuncture ‘Codes and Medical Practices’ with 120 sections. “ In 1601 AD Yang Jizhou published the book ‘Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion’ which is very much useful for treatment. This book is a INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 19 compilation of the points from the books Nei-Jing and Non Jing. During these days Acupuncture was the main system of treatment among the Chinese medicine systems. Practising method known as Taichi, Herbal medicine and Nature based other medicines were also followed by the Chinese. Opium wars of Qing Dynasty during 1644-1840 AD were notable in the history of Acupuncture. During this period only, the practice of combining the Herbal medicine, which was a separate entity, had come into practice. This period is considered to have twin systems - acupuncture and herbal medicine in China. After political changes in China, in 1948 AD the sorrows of Chinese came to an end. The Chinese Communist government formed the Peoples Republic of China. At this time, economic down trend and the effects of unstable governments pushed China to a lower position. This reflected in the medical field also, and Acupuncture and Herbal medicine had to face a decline. 20 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE The English medicine which was spreading at that time was not sufficient. Hence, the need for the traditional medicines erupt again. During this time only the ‘Barefoot Doctors’ used acupuncture and a drastic change happened. In 1950 AD Mao Ze Dung, the Chinese leader realised the use of Acupuncture and its important part in the Economy of China, ordered to teach acupuncture to millions of people and use acupuncture in government hospitals. Once again Acupuncture spread in the entire China in full swing. But the mistake of combining acupuncture along with English medicine was started. The new practice of combining all the three systems, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and English Medicine came into existence. This practice only was termed as “Barefoot Doctors Training’. * INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 21 The Rise and Fall of Acupuncture After the declaration of Acupuncture as an official medical system, it was accepted widely throughout the world. Even before that, Soulie de Morant, had taken the ‘Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion’ complied by Yang Jizho (1601 AD) as a text book of Acupuncture for Europeans. % ee After 1950, the researches on Chinese Acupuncture were based on Modern Medicine. Philosophy-based treatment was given up, and temporary relief measures came into practice. Acupuncture was taken up for research by World Health Organization (WHO). In September 1962, World Health Organisation conducted a conference at Kazakhastan in Russia. It recognised 104 alternate medicines including Acupuncture. In 1965, Meridian and Points Committee of Japan and All China Acupuncture Moxa Society of China tried to fix common numbers to Acupuncture points. 22 % ny ee R oS INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Later, Acupuncture started to spread in various countries like America, Canada, England, France and Australia. American President Nixon visited China in 1972. James Resten, the Chief Reporter of Newyork Times accompanied him. He was seriously suffering from acute appendicitis even after an operation. Noting this, an acupuncturist cured him within a few minutes. After returning to America, he published an article on Acupuncture in Newyork Times. In 1975, a team of doctors visited China to get training in Acupuncture. In the same year, an Acupuncture Research Centre was established in America under the name Mayo. In 1978, World Health Organisation arranged for a conference on alternate medicines in association with UNICEF and some voluntary service organisations. Representatives of 134 Governments and 67 international organisations participated in the conference. The conference suggested world countries to take up traditional medicines towards the welfare of their people. % oo INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 23 Since the names of Acupuncture points and energy meridians were in Chinese language, WHO conducted a session to generalise the terms in Dec 1980 at Manila. Countries such as China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam participated in the session. On the same subject research sessions were conducted at Tokyo in 1984, at Hongkong in 1985 and at Ceyol in 1987. Finalized Acupuncture Symbols were published at Geneva Conference in 1989. The Chinese Acupuncture which was already mixed with Herbal medicines and English medicine, accepted various new methods as it spread in different countries. To gain commercial success a good number of new instruments and methods were invented and included into the Chinese Acupuncture. In this status only, the Chinese Acupuncture entirely deviated from its philosophy entered India through Srilanka. we a“ 24 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Birth of Indian Acupuncture In 1980's, practitioners of Chinese Acupuncture were there at a few places of India. In those days, the Chinese Acupuncture was in use as a pain reliever and supporting medical system to other systems in practice. Certainly there were no acupuncture practitioners who followed the basic philosophies of Chinese Acupuncture. Traditional diagnostic methods and ancient simple treatments of Acupuncture were given up. Complicated and confused methods of treating with 10 to 20 needles and various instruments were existing at different places of India. This is the system of Chinese Acupuncture known to major countries of the world. Only a very few in China practise Classical Acupuncture. At this juncture, two allopathic doctors Dr. Fazlur Rahman and Dr. Siddique Jamal, known as Dr Brothers, entered the world of Acupuncture. Dr Fazlur Rahman completed his degree in Allopathy medicine in 1979 and started practice. He had given up the Allopathy practice in 1984 and took up acupuncture treatment. Till then, the acupuncture was a method of treatment for pain relief. Dr Fazlur Rahman, the Father INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 25 of Indian Acupuncture, introduced Acupuncture as a complete theraphy which can cure all diseases with a single needle or a touch. There are large number of differences between the existing Chinese Acupuncture system and the Acupuncture system introduced by Dr. Fazlur Rahman, in philosophy and practice. Different methods were practised in Chinese Acupuncture. 10 to 30 needles were inserted deeply at various places of the body, low level electric power was passed through them with stimulators and various herbal medicines were prescribed. Specific features of Indian Acupuncture are the reading of pulse on the basis of philosophy, identification of points to give treatment at a single point, not prescribing any medicines and observance of Indian traditional philosophy in the case of removal of wastes and toxins. Dr. Fazlur Rahman proved with his patients, more than 1.5 lakhs in number, that the single point treatment of Indian Acupuncture is sufficient to cure all kinds of diseases. Dr Brothers re-established the unique nature of Chinese Acupuncture which failed in its original land. Students got trained by them are practising Indian Acupuncture all over Tamilnadu. 26 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Two decisions of the Govt. of Tamilnadu and the Govt. of India are important in the History of Indian Acupuncture. 1. Acupuncture was recognised as a therapy under the GO (2003) of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. 2. By the Governor’s address in 2003, the Govt. of Tamilnadu made a provision to encourage Acupuncture by voluntary organisations. Apart from these, many discussions were held in the Indian Parliament on the single needle system and healing by the touch of Acupuncture points. The UNICEF, an agency of UNO declared Acupuncture as one of the historical traditions in 2010. It is our responsibility to take forward the History of Acupuncture in India. Every one of us who masters acupuncture shall practise it in its traditional way. We have to create awareness among the people about the complete curing capability of the acupuncture by our consistent practice. Start learning acupuncture, the unique life science, with the hope of relieving people from the drugs and the society from the diseases. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 27 Acupuncture - The Art of Healing Let us analyse the term ‘Acupuncture’, representing a unique method of medicine, to understand its complete meaning. The term ‘Acupuncture’ was derived from Latin. The term came to be understood and used worldwide through the Chinese language. Books of Chinese Acupuncture analyse the term as follows: ACCUS + PUNCTURA = ACUPUNCTURE ACCUS, the Latin word means ‘needle or a sharp object. PUNCTURE means insert or pierce. Hence, the term Acupuncture means inserting a needle or piercing a sharp object. To verify the correctness of this meaning, we have to refer the following historical events. 1. As per the historical evidences, the beginning of Acupuncture dates back 5000 years ago. But the evidences of using sharp objects (Bones, Wooden pieces, Stones) are dated by 1000 BC only, that means, after 1500 years from the birth of acupuncture. That is, there are no evidences that sharp objects were used for 28 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE treatment in the initial days of Acupuncture. On the basis of later evidences the historians drew the conclusion by assumption. 2. According to the History of China, metals came into use only in 400’s BC. Needles were used in China only during 421-221 BC. Silver and Gold needles were used only by 113 BC. These two historical evidences ascertain that needles or sharp objects were not used in the initial days of Acupuncture. If so, is it not incomplete, the derivation of the term Acupuncture? Let us, try to understand the meaning of the term as follows: The Latin word ACUPUNCTURE may be split as : ACUITUS + PUNCTURA. The Latin word ACUITUS is known as Acuity in English. So, ACUITUS means sharpness of thought. ‘PUNCURA’ can be taken to mean ‘insert’ or ‘stimulate’. As such, ACUITUS + PUNCTURA - Acupuncture means, stimulating with sharp thought (idea of curing) Hence, ‘Acupuncture Treatment’ doesn’t mean penetrating with needle but to help the patient, with a right thought of curing. * INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 29 Different Classifications of Acupuncture To understand the acupuncture therapy practised throughout the world, we may classify it into two : 1. Chinese Acupuncture (Modern Acupuncture) 2. Indian Acupuncture (Classical Acupuncture) Chinese Acupuncture Only this type of acupuncture is practised by majority of acupuncturists throughout the world. On the basis of scientific inventions, with the help of various equipments, a good number of changes have been introduced in the method of treatment in the Modern Acupuncture. The system follows the modern principles of believing what are visible-physiology and pathology - on the basis of English Medicine. A lot of confusions are there, in modernising the ancient medicine acupuncture using equipments. Confusions in Chinese Acupuncture According to Acupuncture, if there be any disease, we have to find out its root cause to cure the same. Without bothering about the root cause, the modern acupuncture administers treatment at the places of symptoms of the diseases. 30 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Indian Acupuncture uses only one needle for treatment. According to Indian Acupuncture single needle or a gentle touch is sufficient to activate the energy point. Chinese Acupuncture uses different kinds of equipments for stimulation. 1. Tens Meter : Electric power is passed at a very low level through needles. 2. Laser Stimulator : Light laser rays are focussed at the acu points. 3. Point Detector : An electronic equipment to detect the acu points. 4. Needling Gun : The instrument used to insert needles at the acu points. 5. Computer Meridian Diagnoser : Apparatus used to identify the defective meridian of the body. 6. Blood Circulation Massager : This apparatus stimulates the acupressure points INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 31 available on the sole. Nowadays this is advertised as an equipment for acupuncture treatment. Addition to above equipments, Chinese accupuncturists make use of supplementary foods and herbal medicines also. KINDS OF NEEDLES : Acupuncture points are located only on the surface of skin. All the acupuncture literature say that by way of touching the points by a finger tip or a sharp object we can balance the energy meridians. This does give the expected results also. As per the reliable sources of the history of acupuncture, metal needles came into use only by 200 BC. Before that, for thousands of years, sharpened pieces of wood, bones, and stones only were used. By using these such materials, the stimulation might have been given only at the surface of the skin. These materials might not have penetrated into the skin. Hence, the needles penetrating into the skin upto 1 or 2 inches should have come into practice only after the invention of metals. As such, we can understand that, stimulating the upper surface of the skin is the correct way of treatment. Confusing methods such as using different kinds of needles and horizontal-vertical 32 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE needling do not belong to the Acupuncture. Further, they are of no use in the treatment. All the traditional medicines say that, “the disease is not at the places of symptoms, the root cause of the symptoms is the disease.” The treatment given at the places of symptoms can give only temporary relief, it will not cure the disease completely. Method of eradicating the root cause is the complete system of treatment. Indian Acupuncture It is wrong to understand Indian Acupuncture as the acupuncture practised by Indians. Acupuncture system, understanding the body on the basis of Indian philosophies is the Indian Acupuncture. Though the Indian Acupuncture is followed in a few other countries, it is completely followed on the basis of philosophies only in India and that too in Tamilnadu. For the last 25 years, after the coming up of Dr. Fazlur Rahman, the Father of Indian Acupuncture, it is being received well throughout the world. Let us study the unique philosophies and the methods of treatment of the Indian Acupuncture in the pages to follow. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 33 Indian Acupuncture - an introduction Presence of life is invisible. Activity of life is invisible. We can only feel or sense its presence by the external signs and we cannot see it. The root cause of a disease also is invisible. So also is the energy which cures it. As such, to have faith on the invisible things that can be felt, is the basis of Indian Acupuncture. Giving treatment to the root cause of a disease rather than giving treatment to the symptoms of the disease is the method of treatment in the Indian Acupuncture. Rectifying the root cause is the only way to eradicate the disease. It is enough that we stimulate the natural life energy of the body to remove the disease. The body’s defence force - the immunity power will look after the eradication of the disease. The method of treatment to give this stimulation requires only a single needle or a touch. Basic Infrastructure The Indian Acupuncture consists of two sections : 1. Diagnostic methods of finding out the symptoms, nature and root cause of the disease. 2. Treatment method to eradicate the disease completely. 34 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Methods of Diagnosis Diagnosis in Indian Acupuncture may be divided into three kinds: 1. Investigation 2. Observation (Examination) 3. Touching (Pulse) Details of these can be seen later. Methods of Treatment After finding out the nature and root cause of the disease with the help of diagnostic methods, stimulating the required acu point is the method of treatment in the Indian Acupuncture. Two methods are followed to stimulate the acu points. 1. Needle stimulation. 2. Touch stimulation. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 35 Philosophies of Indian Acupuncture Diagnosis and Treatment methods of Indian Acupuncture are based only on basic philosophies. There are three basic philosophies in the Indian Acupuncture. Various bye-laws and principles are formed on these basic philosophies. 1. Philosophy of Karu-Uru 2. Philosophy of Five-Elements 3. Philosophy of Morbid Elimination PHILOSOPHY OF KARU-URU Either the Yin-Yang philosophy of Chinese Acupuncture or the Pathi-Pasu-Pasam philosophy of Siddha medicine is set aside nowadays because both of them are not completely explained or understood. Though there are many books describing the outline of these philosophies, they are not in practice today. The basic symbol of Yin-Yang philosophy, the small line besides the longer line, which explains the fact of Tao tradition is no more today. Our search for the fact of this basic symbol is complete by understanding the Karu-Uru philosophy. We are satisfied to present the Karu-Uru 36 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE philosophy of Indian Acupuncture, as the gift of this century to the mankind. If we are able to understand the Karu-Uru, we will be able to understand everything in this world. Let us set aside the approaches already known and approach the terms Karu and Uru. ee & Both Karu and Uru are one and the same. For the sake of understanding let us consider them as two different entities. ° Karu and Uru are not different from each other. Karu is invisible. Objective visible part of Karu is Uru. oe & Seeing the external visible part Uru alone will not help us to understand Karu. Because, Uru does contain the complete nature of Karu. Karu is invisible. te There is no Uru without Karu. As the Karu without . % Uru is not having any shape, it will not be exposed. . te Of these two, Karu is the basis of Uru. Uru cannot exist without Karu. Inside of every Uru, 4 Karu exists invisibly. ” Uru helps to sense the presence of Karu. If we INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 37 depend only on external Uru alone, the invisible Karu will not expose itself. These are some explanations based on philosopies. It will be easier to understand these with some examples. We can easily understand Karu and Uru with the help of Thirumandiram of Thirumoolar with some slight substitution of words for convenience: “s@ald © Gayld QreiorG erosruumit Sihlaeomit SHGaI & Haraug) wing Sihl\éleonit SHCA OHauraugy WINGO SHS Moor SEGA 2 Gami SwitHAGssren!” 38 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Let us see another Siddha song of Siva Gnana Siddhiyar with the some word substitutions : “sqmeie © qarsGgneii) Quien ursworel 2 Halaficd © GALTeW 2 AFHGi ©. eeawsdveomd” These songs explain that Karu and Uru are not individually separate, they are one into one. Karu is the inner core of Uru, and Uru is the external shape to explain Karu. We will start citing examples from the known human body itself. Body is external - visible. This is Uru. We know that Uru is not a separate entity. If so, where is the Karu of the body? Body cannot function of its own. Then, what would be its basis? Is it the internal organs or flesh or bones? No... All these are visible and have shapes. So inside the body, life alone is invisible. Let us associate the features of Karu with the nature of life. ° Karu is invisible - yes - life is also invisible. Se ° Karu and Uru cannot be separated. Likewise, the INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 39 life and body cannot be separated. e Karu is the basis of Uru; Life is the basis for the body. . % ” We will not be able to understand Karu just with the external shape of Uru. We cannot sense Life just by seeing the body, but the functioning of the body indicates the existence of life. ” There is no Uru without Karu. There is no body without life. Life cannot be seen and felt without the body. We can understand each and every thing in the universe as the features of karu-uru match with life and body. To understand the fact distinguishly, we sense Karu through uru. After sensing Karu, the entire universe will appear to be fused with Karu. Of the two, body and life, one is visible and the other is invisible. If Uru is identified, Karu will expose itself. Karu is invisible and has the nature of coolness, generating and developing. Uru is visible and has the nature of warmnese, degenerating and shrinking. 40 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE A day consists of invisible darkness (Karu) and visible day (Uru). Among the humans, man is Karu and cool. Woman is Uru and warm. Let us see some more examples to understand the concept of Karu-Uru. URU Body Womanhood External Warm Day White Object Lamp Visible Limited Superficial Seeing Explanation KARU Life Manhood Internal Cool Night Black Energy Light Invisible Limitless Deep Sensing Philosophy INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 41 Sense 7 Feeling Bad - Good Active - Passive Destruction - Generation A very good example to understand Karu-Uru is ‘a magnet.’ A piece of magnet consists of both North Pole and South Pole. We cannot separate the two poles. Karu is always with a Uru. Karu takes form of Uru to expose itself. Warm woman has the cool uterus. The cool man has the warm testes. The uterus is cool and generative. To maintain this coolness, the woman’s body is warm. Body of man is cool to maintain the warm testes. Karu and Uru are inseparable as less warm, more cool, less cool and more warm and so on.... With the knowledge of Karu-Uru philosophy, we can understand the body and the universe. 42 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Philosophy Of Five-Elements The fact in the form or ‘Karu’ modifies itself to expose as five elements. Five element qualities called ‘Pancha Bhoodas’ join together to form the Universe. “LTT FSSIWOT LGhFLOT YB SIonmMHe CsHreiryo Wc" - POTED OU WITT The five-element philosophy, one of the ancient Indian Philosophies has got fully explained in Acupuncture. More than any other medicine systems of the world, the Acupuncture vividly explains how these individual elements function, and on what basis one associates or repulse with each other. Tholkappiam, the good old Tamil Grammar introduces the five elements as follows : ‘How § hit sof MedGunG sso BUF WWESD 2G S,Haileir” - Quag@erGsngtb (635) This world is formed of the five elements fire, earth, air, water, and wood. All the ancient medicine systems of the world have the five-element philosophy as the common basis. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 43 If the Universe is made of these five elements, how is it associated with the medicine? “SHOTLFH\QVITETSS evorLto MecorTL HFA vetoes SievorLio ACTL PW Never apo Hest OM HHSTOT umisGi0 Curry.” How this Universe is made of the five elements, so also the body is made of the five elements. That is why our ancestors who tried to find out the secrets of the Universe started to understand the body. People of various ancient countries tried to realize spiritualism through medicines. That is why there is an inevitable mix of medicine in spiritualism and spiritualism in medicine in the books of ancient times. Chinese Taoist books and Indian literature appear to be similar in nature. Body and life are formed of the five elements. Functioning of these five energies is the functioning of body and life. All the functions, functioning of human body and transformation of vital energies are taking place only on the basis of Pancha Bhooda energies. The harmony and perfect coordination in the functioning of the body and the Universe are because of 44 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE the nature and proper functioning of the five elements. Unhormonious functioning of the five elements leads to various problems and difficulties in the internal organs of the body. If we are able to identify the excess or deficit unhormonious nature five elements, we will be able to find out the way for a healthy life. Diagnosis and treatment methods of all the ancient medicine systems are based on the five-element philosophy. Various traditional medicine-systems which deviated from this fundamental philosophy have lost their importance. Based in five-element philosophy, the flow of vital energy and the functioning of internal organs can be studied under three cycles. 1) Generative cycle. 2) Control cycle. 3) Counter cycle. 1. Generative Cycle : Generative cycle is the cycle which is helpful for the generation. One element of five elements is helpful in the generation of another element and itself being generated from different element. Each of the five INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 45 elements contains the dual nature - ‘generating’ and ‘being generated.’ FIRE an woop oe EARTH WATER (2. Qe METAL From Fire Energy Earth is generated From Earth Energy Air is generated From Air Energy Water is generated From Water Energy Wood is generated wR YPN From Wood Energy again Fire is generated 2. Control Cycle: For an element to be in proper energy level, other elements also should be in their respective proper levels without exceeding their limits. To keep every element within its limits another element is used. This control 46 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE cycle is the activity of the mother element to safeguard its son element. For example, Fire element generates Earth element by offering its energy, Earth offers its energy and generates Air. This is natural cycle. In this, Earth gets its energy from Fire. While the Earth gives energy to Air, if Air sucks off more energy, its mother element ‘Earth’ becomes weak. To control this abnormality .... Fire element, at the time of giving its energy to Earth itself, controls the Air which gets energy from Earth. Controlling from sucking off more energy from Earth, Fire supports the normality of the cycle. FIRE GENERATION PROTECT Qe EARTH oO METAL INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 47 In this manner, each element . 2 ee & 2 is a son being generated from other element is a mother giving energy to other element * controls another element to protect its son element FIRE @ woop C) ed EARTH 5. WATER C) @ METAL 1. Fire controls Air 2. Air controls Wood 3. 4 . Earth controls Water Wood controls Earth Water controls Fire Counter Cycles : When the element-flow counteracts, it becomes destructive. One element destroys the other. It is called Destructive Cycle and it occurs in two ways : 48 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 1. Counter Generative Cycle 2. Counter Control Cycle Counter Generative Cycle : As per the five-element philosophy, counter cycle occurring in the generative cycle is called the Counter Generative Cycle. GENERATIVE CYCLE FIRE COUNTER GENERATIVE CYCLE Fire generates Earth Earth destroys Fire Earth generates Air Air destroys Earth Air generates Water Water destroys Air Water generates Wood Wood destroys Water Wood generates Fire Fire destroys Wood INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 49 Counter Control Cycle : In the control cycle, if counteraction occurs at the time of control, one element destroys the other. This is called the Counter Control Cycle. One element to protect its son element, controls another element. The element which was controlled destroys the controlling element. In this stage, both the elements, controlled and controlling, get destroyed. For example, Fire controls Air. As a counteraction, Air tries to control Fire. In this stage, both the elements Air and Fire get destroyed. This is called Counter Control Cycle. FIRE won OD oe oo WATER METAL eo @ EARTH 50 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Control Cycle Counter Control Cycle Fire controls Air Air tries to control Fire Air controls Wood Wood tries to control Air Wood controls Earth Earth tries to control Wood Earth controls Water | Water tries to control Earth Water controls Fire Fire tries to control Water These are the three major cycles of five elements. Though these Pancha Bhoodas are five different individual elements, every element contains a combination of all the five elements. For example... In the Air element, the major part is Air and the qualities of the other elements like Fire, Earth, Water and Wood are invisible within this. . * In the Air Element - when the fire exceeds its limits, the air blows hot. 4 ° In the Air Element - when the water exceeds its limits, air blows cool. * When the fire in the earth element exceeds its limits, the earth becomes barren. % When the water in the earth element exceeds its limits, the earth becomes marshy land. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 51 In this way, if any element exceeds its limits, the natural tendencies of the Pancha Bhoodas get affected. As the combination of the five elements Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Wood is responsible for the function of the Universe, it reflects in the internal organs of the body. Now, let us know the organs through which the five elements expose themselves. Related Internal Organs Fire Heart, Small Intestine Pericardium, Triple Warmer Earth Spleen, Stomach Air / Metal Lungs, Large Intestine Water Kidneys, Urinary Bladder Wood Liver, Gall Bladder Why are the internal organs considered to be associated with the energies of five elements? What is relation of the organ with the element? Analyse the above table on the basis of these questions. They represent the energy flow, which is a basis, not only for the Acupuncture therapy but also for the functioning of human body and Life. Ss ° What are the functions of a tree on the earth? It 52 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE intakes the impure poisonous air and releases pure air suitable for breathing. Detoxification of air is the prime function of trees. Liver and Gall Bladder in our body do the same job. They detoxify the toxins in the blood and remove them. * What is the nature of the earth? It brings out the inherent energy. All the things put on the earth are amalgamated by it. A seed sown in the earth is amalgamated and comes out as a plant. Spleen and stomach do the same job. They digest the food and separate the energy. “* The job of the fire is spreading the heat and disintegrating the materials put in it. The heat existing in our body is spread by the heart throughout the body. The small intestine disintegrates the food and absorbs the energy. If you are able to analyse and associate the similarity of every element with the organs of the body, you can very well understand the complete physiological activities of our body. We have seen the organs, reflecting the energies of Pancha Bhoodhas. Every element exposes itself in two organs each. We can understand how these two organs are coupled through Karu-Uru philosophy. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 53 Karu is cool and Uru is warm in nature. The two internal organs of every element work together to do one function with these opposite but attractive cool and warm forces. For example, heart and small intestine are the organs of Fire element. Of these heart is cool and small intestine is warm. The cool heart functions and gives out warmness. The warm small intestine absorbs the coolness of the food. In the same way the paired organs of each element function together in two manners. On the basis of this functioning, let us tabulate the internal organs again: Heart Small Intestine Pericardium | Triple Warmer Large Instestine Urinary Bladder Liver Gall Bladder 54 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE PHILOSOPHY OF MORBID ELIMINATION Morbid Elimination Philosophy is a unique feature of the Indian Acupuncture. (Morbid means any wastes in the form of heat, gas, liquid, solid). Of the Indian tradition, Naturopathy and Siddha are based on the Morbid Elimination Philosophy. Karu-Uru philosophy helps to analyse every thing on the Universe and the five-element philosophy to understand the function of universe and body. In the same way, Morbid Elimination Philosophy is highly useful to understand the functioning of internal organs. Truth (Karu-Uru) L Object (Five elements) L Function (Morbid removal) All these three philosophies have been offered by Indian and Chinese traditions. Other than traditional medicines, medical systems of later period also have the Morbid Elimination Philosophy. Because of not understanding of the morbid Elimination, some systems have lost their way. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 55 The universal truth, the Karu-Uru philosophy, five- element philosophy of Indo-Chinese origin and the Morbid Elimination Philosophy of India all join hands to lead the Indian Acupuncture. With the imbalance of Pancha Bhoodhas, changes take place in the functioning of the body, so the internal organs are affected. Five-element energies do not imbalance of their own. Generation alone is their natural feature. Because of malfunctioning of the internal organs, five-element energies undergo imbalance. The excess or low functioning is the malfunctioning of the internal organs. How do they happen? Because of nature-violating habits by the human being morbid is stagnated in the internal organs. Because of this stagnation, the internal organs get weakened. Because of the weakness of the organs, the malfunctioning of body and imbalance of five elements happen. The Morbid Elimination Philosophy explains where from the wastes, which cause imbalance in five-element energies, comes and how is discharged from the body. To know where are these morbids formed, we have to understand the basic functioning of the body. 56 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Cell, tissue, organ, body.... all these function in an orderly manner. In each and every function, there are two actions. These two combine as a single function. 1. Assimilation. 2. Elimination Our ‘life’ collects the universal energy which is vital for the living through the skin, air energy through breathing, and food energy from the food consumed and nourishes the body. This is called assimilation. While absorbing the energies from these things during metabolic changes, morbids are produced. Only, when an object is digested and amalgamated, the energy and morbids are produced. Thus the body assimilates energy and eliminates morbids. The morbids thus produced daily are discharged by the body itself. Sweat morbid through skin, air morbid through nose, water morbid through urinary tract, faecal morbid through anus, and phlegm through any means are eliminated from the body. These kinds of visible morbids and invisible mobids like much heat and much cold are discharged regularly by the body. The regular elimination of morbid is very much important for a healthy life. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 57 Morbids, which are casually removed, stagnate at various organs of our body due to our violation of natural habits. The morbids thus stagnated are capable of converting their nature from one form to other and get discharged. Air morbid changes to water, water morbid to heat and heat morbid to phlegm and so on as necessary. Our body, to protect itself, will not allow stagnation of morbids or any foreign material inside. By our nature violation, the internal organs may weaken and morbids stagnated or stagnated morbids may weaken the internal organs. Hence, violation of natural law is the cause for diseases of the body. 58 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Causes of Diseases Our invisible Life leads the body consistently towards its welfare. Hence, the involuntary functions of the internal organs are harmonious and in perfect order. There is no any breakage or confusion in these involuntary functions. Though the ‘Life’ acquires the required energies of its own, it allots some responsibilities to us - to our body. Where from the life gets the following required things? 1. Air 2. Universal Energy 3. Food 4. Water Of these, the first two are made available to the Life, without our efforts by involuntary breathing of skin and lungs. Their wastes are also discharged of their own. Life, gets the two material requirements through us viz. food and water. The wastes pertaining to these also are discharged with our help. We are not performing even this minimum work properly. We no need to do these jobs fully. Urges like thirsty, hungry, sleep are created by the INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 59 Life in the body. In the same way discharging of the wastes like faeces, urine, sweat are also taken care. Sweat is discharged without any of our efforts. Our help is required to discharge faeces and urine. As such, to take food and water when required, to co-operate in the discharge of faeces and urine, to give rest when the body requires and to accept and respond to the natural feelings of the Life are only required of us. Can we compare these petty jobs with the function of the body.......? If we perform the work allotted to us properly, the body will never become a burden. Let us know the reasons and causes we are posturing to the inconveniences and problems we face today. It is enough if we realize the mistakes and avoid them. The other things are already perfect. Let us distinctly understand the causes of the diseases in detail. Ro a 60 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Causes of Diseases postured by English Medicine How does the body, which is functioning normally, get diseases all of a sudden? The ancient medical systems, prevailing at the different parts of the world, had analysed and answered this question thousands of years ago. Before understanding that, let us analyse whether the causes postured by modern medicine are correct or not. What does the Modern Medicine (Allopathy) say about the reasons for diseases? 1.Diseases are caused by the germs and are spread through air, water, food... whatever is available on the earth. 2. Sudden failure of the organs. 3. DNA-related diseases - hereditary. 4. Hormone deficiencies. 5. Deficiency of vitamins & proteins. Various reasons as mentioned are given by the Modern Medicine. Still researches are carried out to find out new reasons. Let us analyse whether there is any truth behind these reasons. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 61 1. Infection Theory Modern Medicine says that... ° 2 4 oe & Ry There are thousands of germs. Every one of them causes a distinct disease. These are spread through air, water, food and by all means. These germs spread diseases through rats, mosquitoes, flies, cattle, birds, pigs... even man. First of all, there is no any answer for the question, where from these germs come all of a sudden. In the same way they disappear. Where have they gone? Still the researches are on. Few years back, diseases like Cholera and Plague occurred. Where have the viruses said to be responsible for these diseases gone? How did the first Cholera virus come into existence? There are two kinds of germs (bacteria) - helpful and harmful. Only the harmful bacteria cause diseases. If it is so, Are the antibiotics used for the diseases taught to distinguish helpful and harmful bacteria? Are they taught to kill only the harmful bacteria? Before 1980 it was said that Leukoderma was caused by a virus, and a medicine was suggested to cure the disease. It could not cure the disease. 62 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE The continued researches said, it was found that the cause for the disease is a vitamin deficiency only. Even after 30 years, Leukoderma could not be cured by the Modern Medicine and the research still continues... te Bs During the days of Louis Pasteur (1864) who proposed the infection theory, itself it was disproved by Dr. Antoine Bechamp. Various researches have proved again and again that the infection theory is absurd in the following years. The world of modern medicine has been developed only based on this false foundation. The false propagation is being spread throughout the world. If it were true that the diseases are spread by air, water, and other media, the world would have been perished long back. 2. Sudden failure of organs Organs functioning normally will not stop their function all of a sudden. Any organ would deteriorate its function due to reasons for quite some time. This could be understood by pains and inconveniences first, and after a long time only, the failure of the organ may happen. That too will happen because of the chemical effect of drugs and medicines and not by nature. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 63 We have often heard only of cardiac failure and kidney failure. Have we ever heard of lung failure and any one died of inability to breathe? All the above failures might have happened only because of the side effects of modern medicines. Though the sudden failure of organs is the reason for the diseases, the reason for the failure of organs is yet to be known. Researches of the Modern Medicine are being conducted in this line also. 3. DNA-related Diseases - Hereditary. If the symptoms of any disease are not suppressed even temporarily, that would be declared as a heriditary disease by the practitioners of Modern Medicine. By observance, we may see that the son may be affected rarely by the disease, which has affected the father on various reasons. All are not affected like this. If it is true that diseases spread heriditary through DNA and genes, then all the people should have been affected by the diseases. Further, according to them these diseases cannot be cured at all. The diseases declared as heriditary diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure can be completely cured by traditional medicine systems - particularly Acupuncture. How is it possible? Is there any change happens in the genes? Already a good number of questions are under research, and the question on genes is a new problem. Researches continue. 64 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 4. Deficiency of Hormones, Vitamins, and Protein, etc., When the internal organs function normally, the body also functions in a normal way. Required hormones will be secreted by the respective glands. The functioning of the glands would be depending on the requirement of the body. Individual body will have different requirements and so is the secretion of the glands. We cannot compare one secretion with another secretion. The hormones secreted inside the body under extremely different circumstances cannot be measured outside with any machinery. Though, the Modern Medicine accepts this, it still propagates the hormone deficiency as a cause for diseases. At the same time, the English Medicine says that the ‘Hormone is still a ocean of puzzle’. Same as hormones, vitamins and protein are also produced in our body as and when required from the food we take. At the end of the digestive process at the small intestine, vitamins are produced according to the requirement. For example, if vitamin A is required, whatever be the food we take in, our body will produce the required vitamin. Whatever rich food we take in, it will be rejected if it is not needed. Functioning of the INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 65 internal organs only decides the requirement of the body and balances. Vitamins, Protein and Amino Acids are all produced by our body itself depending on the requirement. None of these can be given to the body from outside. Research of Modern Medicine is still continuing and yet to be continued. There will be no any final decision on any research. It is still a developing system. On the other hand, Acupuncture is a developed system. At the time of origin itself it was completely developed. Is there any room to find out a new acupuncture point or new channel in Acupuncture? It is wrong to compare an under-developed system with a complete system. If we understand Acupuncture without any influence of Modern Medicine, we would be able to fully realize its benefit. All the causes said to be the reasons for the diseases by Modern Medicine are confusing. Let us see what are the reasons putforth by traditional medicines and Acupuncture. 66 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Causes of Diseases laid by Acupuncture We have analysed various causes of diseases in detail and realised the truth. Now, let us study the natural causes. Causes of diseases laid by Acupuncture are accepted by all the traditional medical systems. Ayurveda and Siddha Medical systems existing in India and Naturopathy which is spread as a lifestyle throughout the world also are based on these principles. As per the philosophy of Acupuncture how does a disease occur? RY o Unhormonious function of life energy causes disease. Why this unhormonious function of life energy happens? % Imbalance in the function of five elements may be responsible for unhormonious function of vital energy. Why does the imbalance in the function of five elements happen? % Improper functioning of the internal organs may be responsible for the imbalance the function of five elements. Why does this improper functioning of inner organs happen? % INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 67 Accumulation of wastes in the internal organs affects their function. This is the basic reason for all the diseases. Stagnation of wastes is the reason for the improper functioning of internal organs and weakness of the vital energy. We have already studied about the accumulation of wastes while studying philosophy. Now, let us analyse our knowledge about the diseases. n % te Rs fe Bs & What we understand as disease is the discomforts or inconveniences of the body. The discomforts occur during the discharge of morbids. There are no discomforts during the accumulation of morbids. When the vital energy acts on the morbids and tries to discharge them out, we experience discomforts like pain, swelling, or other. If that is the case, actually what is the disease? Discomforts or the elimination? Morbids or their accumulation? Is it the improper functioning of internal organs? 68 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE ... All these are reactions only. So far, only we have been naming the discomforts as diseases. There was never any disease in the human body. There won’t be in future as well. Because of our habits against nature, morbids get Stagnated in the internal organs. The organs become weak. When the vital energy attempts to eliminate these wastes, while the wastes are let out, some discomforts occur. This is the normal functioning of the body. There is nothing as disease in this process. Atmospheric changes are helpful in the accumulation and elimination of wastes of the body. Various atmospheric changes such as excess heat in air, excess moisture in air, excess coolness is water, excess heat in water, too much or moderate or low heat.... are taking place continuously. Because of improbable combinations of five elements, improper climatic changes take place in the Universe and in the body as well. In addition to this, our habits against nature are responsible for the stagnation of wastes. Reacting to this, our vital energy balances the five elements, and thereby the elimination of wastes begins. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 69 Of these functions which one can be called as the cause of disease? Can we say atmospheric changes? If there are no habits of stagnating wastes, atmospheric changes will not do anything. We cannot say, the stagnation of wastes, since, they do not stagnate of their own. Hence, violation against nature and our unnatural habits are responsible for stagnation of wastes, that is the reason for all the problems. What is the violation against nature? Our activities against the natural requirements of our body are the violation against nature. “+ Not taking water when there is thirst. “* Drinking water when there is no thirst. * Not taking food while there is hunger. “+ Eating food while there is no hunger. “+ Waking while we feel sleepy. ** Working while the body requires rest Excess sleep “+ Acting against our natural thoughts. 70 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE We can go on adding to this. If we realize by our reasoning what is nature, we can know what is unnatural. Living by our own nature and not going against the nature is the natural way of living. se oS INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 71 Suppression & Stagnation We have understood that going against the laws of nature is the reason for the stagnation of wastes. We can understand this clearly by associating this with certain functions of our body. Through some Siddha poems, Let us understand what will happen if we supperss our natural feelings? Suppression of Nature 1. Suppression of Hunger ‘Sans Foret Geiser CEC Sms Limbesid Coad ener, genio WSGLO GeneniiysorL Meio STAY YSCO aimpg SHRSET CHns60 Osi." This Siddha poem lists out the problems if we suppress the natural hunger. Instability of the body, confusions, stomachache, shrinkage of intestines, wheezing, tiredness in face, joint pains, etc., will occur when we suppress the hunger. 72 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 2. Suppression of Thirst If we suppress the thirst same problems of suppressing hunger will occur. 3. Suppression of Sleep ‘Hsheoy SLmél Cure AHepHAGW eGwwd Caenmi HSFYD Fenvs Soci Hleitm ser Covorngendlé AG55HD GFaMG Oovornés Ageia) Cugsid iim” Suppressing of sleep will cause heaviness in the head, eye pain, giddiness, dumbness, unclear speech, etc. 4. Suppressing Sperm “sbAO0 FMOTULSAT STWLoT Hisscrmg LUST) SST FH um@pm apluimmeio Wsswmit Sprujscormgw NESHGW WpCwaisnetr SSeCHmit Cungionelest SASH GW sums sxBy” If sperm is suppressed, fever with joint pains, chest pain, diabetes and gastric problems will occur. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 73 5. Suppressing Urine “ Maintenance Energy Entire function of the Internal Life Energy is there in the dark uterus as an invisible development. When the foetus is completely developed, the productive function of the Internal Life Energy is over, the delivery takes place. The moment the foetus touches the external world, the three features of external life energy start functioning. The maintenance energy, born from the internal life energy, forms the remaining sections of the external life energy - digestion and functioning. e Extenal Life Energy Maintenance g Digestion sa eT Life Energy (] o Function Foetus with completed external life energy becomes the Baby. Crying which starts the breathing, Hunger which starts digestion and Discharge of wastes happens to the baby. As and when the external life energy gets completed and starts functioning, from that moment the internal life energy goes to the foetus state. It freezes the invisible productive function and it occupies the entire body. 86 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE The external life energy starts complete functioning with three features, come to practise our regular life. Violating the natural laws, if we are not keeping the digestion and functional energies properly, they get affected. The maintenance energy attempts to get back them, to the normal status. The maintenance energy eliminates the excreta accumulated in our body. Without giving any inconvenience to the body it eliminates the wastes limited to its maintenance capacity. If the wastes stagnate beyond the limits, the maintenance energy first utilizes the digestion energy and then a portion of functional energy as immune energy. In this way external life energy maintains body health by sharing the energy. There is a specific life time for every cell and every object. As such, till our life time gets completed, by nature, our external life energy is capable of maintaining our body. By a life style of violating the natural law, we ourselves spoil our body. The external life energy tries its level best to maintain the health. Because of continued violation of laws and stagnation of wastes, if the maintenance energy loses its strength, Life, the internal life energy, leaves away the body. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 87 ‘PLOUM Sipluiet OuIgmt Sipe” - PGapwi Life doesn’t like to live inside a unhealthy body and leaves away. We call it as an unnatural death. Due to our unwanted interference, our external life energy gets exhausted and doesn’t allow the Life live upto its marked time and the internal life is forced out. Unlike this, while the maintenance energy is existing and the external life energy is still functioning, if the internal life energy leaves the body it is called the natural death. Healthy life of non-violating the natural law will not affect either the morbid stagnation or the organs of the body. In this way, with the help of the elements, the life obtains its requirements and produces what are all required. Complete function of the Life is explained by Acupuncture that the function of the Life is the function of the body. We can see that Siddha, the ancient system of Tamilnadu, explains the physiological changes on the requirements of the body. At this juncture, we shall recollect the Karu-Uru philosophy. 88 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Body is visible, Life is invisible. The function of Life appears to be the functioning of the body. The energy that the Life possesses is known as the internal life energy. This energy only decides the life span of the body. The energy obtained through the organs of the body with the help of five elements is the external life energy. This energy is utilized for the functioning of the body. These are the basis of the Life and body. We have already been explained how the life energy is acquired. With the help of traditional medical systems we can know, how this energy is utilized for the physiological changes of the body as per the requirement of various stages in the visible forms of elements. The Life takes birth as Pancha Bhoodas. The combinations of these give birth to the organs - visible - Uru - This combination is known as Panchee Karanam in the traditional Siddha system. The external life energy acquired by our body can be divided into seven elements on the basis of their physical presence. Those seven elements (sngiéeer) as presented by the Siddha system are INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 89 Essence (@pawb) Blood (eer) Muscle (g=evor) Fat (@enepiiy) Bone (eresny) Nerves (epener) NDAMWP YEN &S sperm (aéeoid ) These elements are formed of the water and food - visible things and air and universal energy - invisible things acquired by the body. 1. The first element of the external life energy is the essence - (paw) - extract. This can also be called as energy. Every thing will have a basic energy. The energy of every external life energy is known as its essence. Our body extracts energy from the food we take. This is the essence of the food. In this way the essence is extracted from each and every thing acquired by the body. 2. Blood is formed of the essence. First the essence is extracted from the things we acquire as the external life energy. Then the essence is converted into blood. 90 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 3. From the extract of blood, flesh is formed. There are different muscles formed such as Heart muscles, involuntary muscles, functional muscles and the like as per the requirement. 4. The extract of muscles forms fat. The fat is stored in all parts of the body such as internal organs, muscles etc. 5. The extract of fat forms bones and bone marrow. 6. The extract of bones forms the element Brain. Brain is not an organ, it is a bundle of nerves of the body. de The extract of nerves produces the sperm. The secretion of male and female genital organs is known as the sperm element. This seventh element is the final stage of one complete cycle. This element is possessing the vital energy capable of producing another life. This is the generating cycle of the seven elements. The energy acquired by the body is converted into the first element Essence. This essence gets converted into other elements step by step as per the requirement. If there be weakness in the third element Muscle, it gets energy from the previous element blood and gets revived. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 91 Like this the requirement of one element is fulfilled by the other element. The weakness of one may weaken the other. Perfection of the visible ‘uru’ can be seen in every cell of the body. In this way, the body utilizes the external life energy for the formation of elements. a 92 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Functions of the Cell To understand the Morbid Removal Philosophy of Indian Acupuncture in full, let us know about the ‘cell,’ which is the basic unit of the body as proposed by the Modern Medicine. Understanding the functions of the cell will serve as the beginning of understanding the physiology of the body. Cell is the least smallest particle of the body. It is the last living particle. Whichever part of our body is incised, the last indivisible particle is called the cell. A collection of cells is called tissue. Cell cannot be seen by naked eyes. It can be seen through microscope only. Two or more cells combine to form tissue. When the number of cells is greater in a combination it is visible to the naked eye. Combination of cells is the tissue. Combination of tissues is a part or an organ. These tissues and cells are named after their location at the various places of the body. For example, tissues in the skin are skin tissues, and the cells in the skin - skin cells. Tissues and cells INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 93 in the hair are termed hair tissues and hair cells respectively. Tissues in heart are heart tissues and the cells - heart cells. Those in kidneys are called kidney tissues and kidney cells. In this way, the cells and tissues are named after all the parts of the body such as nerve cells, bone cells, brain cells, nerve tissues, bone tissues, brain tissues.... Depending upon their location, the functions of the cells also differ. Though the different cells have different functions, all kinds of cells work under the same basis. Understanding of that basis will help us to clearly understand the entire body. Every cell is doing a job of two parts namely the assimilation of the food required and elimination of the wastes formed of it. All the wastes inside the cell will be accumulated and kept near the cell wall and the food required for the cell will be there outside the cell. By the process of osmotic pressure, the food kept outside the cell is assimilated inside and the wastes are eliminated simultaneously. 94 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE This is the basic function of the cell. The same function is carried out in every organ and every part of the body - assimilates the required ones and eliminates the unwanted ones. Let us observe the elimination of wastes closely. The wastes eliminated by the cell are the general waste of the day. What happens when the same waste is accumulated and become toxic waste and the chemical wastes formed when the cell is affected by chemicals? These wastes will not be eliminated in the usual way. If so, that will affect the other cells, and the functioning of the body also will be disturbed. If the chemical and toxic wastes are transmitted to kidneys through blood, the kidneys will be affected. Then, what will happen to these wastes? Now, observe the structure of the cell. Cell is covered by the cell wall. There are cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleolus, ribosomes, lysosomes, golgi apparatus, mitochondria, etc., inside the cell wall. Lysosome will be floating on the cytoplasm. Lyso means destroying. Lysosome is a destructing part. This Lysosome destroys the chemical and toxic wastes. The destruction action of the lysosome is wonderful. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 95 The chemical wastes will be collected together and enclosed by mucusy substance. When the toxic wastes are enclosed by this sticky mucusy substance, their ill effects are kept inside safely. When the floating lysosome approaches this bundle of chemical wastes, it dashes against them and breaks itself. This lysosome is of much concentrated acids. When the lysosome dashes against the toxic wastes, they are all completely destroyed. As and when the destruction is complete, a new lysosome is formed again. This chain of actions takes place inside the smallest particle of the body - the cell. Every cell decides of its own whether a waste has to be eliminated or destroyed. It functions of its own. 96 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE If we approach each organ of the body with the basis of the cell, we will be able to know the entire body completely and easily. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 97 Acupuncture Physiology We are going to study about the internal organs of the body under this section - physiology. What are all stated about the body by the Modern Medicine are based on the external changes. What physiology we are going to study is the traditional science. We have already seen that the functions of our body are decided only by the twelve internal organs. What are those organs? Element Related Internal Organs Fire Heart, Small Intestine Pericardium, Triple Warmer Earth Air / Metal Water Wood Spleen, Stomach Lungs, Large Intestine Kidneys, Urinary Bladder Liver, Gall Bladder If it is so, a question may arise, are not the other organs participate in the function of the body? The proper explanation to this question is offered by the traditional science. Five elements of the body function only through these twelve organs. The functioning of the other organs are controlled by the basic energy of these organs. 98 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE We can understand this by an example: According to Modern Medicine, the brain is the chief secretariat of the body, but the Acupuncture considers brain just as a communication centre functioning under the control of these twelve organs. ‘A person takes liquor. His brain is affected by the toxins and he loses his conscience’ says the view of the Modern Medicine. Actually what happens? Is the liquor taken by the person directly goes to the brain? No. It reaches the stomach, then the toxins are absorbed by the liver. The reflective area of the liver, a section of the brain creates the unconsciousness. So, the impact of the liver reflects in the cerebellum of the brain. Orders of the cerebellum has not affected the liver. In this way, the brain functions only as the reflective centre of the twelve important organs of the body. In the same way, all the lower organs function under these twelve organs. Now, let us move on to the basic structure and the functions of these organs. # INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 99 Basic Structure of the Body Let us know the location of the important twelve organs of our body. Organs of the Fire Element Heart - Location Heart is located in the chest cavity in front of the left lung. It consists of four chambers and hundreds of blood vessels. 100 INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE Small Intestine - Location The small intestine starts from the end of stomach in the abdominal cavity and ends in the beginning of large intestine. It functions as an important organ in the digestive system. INDIAN ACUPUNCTURE 101 Organs of the Earth Element Spleen - Location The spleen is located in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach. This is considered as an important organ for the energy flow of the body.

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